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10538358 No.10538358 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

ft. Tapirbro

>> No.10538376

My autobiography, focusing on my actions during the holy race war

>> No.10538388

I fucking hate this image. What the fuck is that thing? I hate it.

>> No.10538389

Former atheist TI genius is called by God to devise a operational system in order to enternain His will and preach the Word. The man is looked down by everybody as he had a great salary and life, starts what he would take only 10 years to finish: the development of ChurchOS.


>> No.10538393

It's an elephant with Down syndrome

>> No.10538479

A jew

>> No.10538516

Werewolf story set in the North West Territories / Yukon. Werewolve's origin = native american spirituality, so its like a schlock detective story with that stuff mingled in. Maybe do some blunt allegorical stuff about the imperialism of Canada or deconstruction of the native-as-primitive idea.

>> No.10538545

Terry in the house!

>> No.10538566

Anon sees an image of a tapir on /lit/, and he exclaims "I fucking hate this image. What the fuck is that thing? I hate it." Thereafter Anon is constantly haunted by tapirs, as they show up at first as images all over in the media and city billboards and later they make more and more actual physical appearances in Anon's everyday life. This leads to the process of Anon's mental health gradually disintegrating to the point of going fully insane and breaking into the zoo with a shotgun to kill the tapirs kept there and committing suicide on the spot. Anon then is reincarnated as a tapir.

>> No.10538583


Dragons arguing

>> No.10538721
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A tapir, a mix between an elephant, a pig, and a horse.

>> No.10538751

Fuck you nigger, it's a tapir and I love tapirs

>> No.10538798


Brilliant, 10/10

>> No.10539032
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Sounds like the greentext of the bully and the pineapples.

>Kid has coma-inducing accident and put into hospital.
>Life sustaining drugs have hallucinogenic effect on the child's mind and he thinks he has gotten better and out of the hospital (don't tell the reader explicitly about the drugs, only that they will affect the mind).
>Continues to think he is in reality as he goes to school, graduates, earns a degree in philosophy, marries, has kids.
>As he gets older, he begins to think that he is hearing bodiless voices.
>Wife and kids get concerned, entertain idea to him of admitting him to insane asylum.
>Gets scared and runs out of the house, runs through the town and notices that things are missing or not where they are supposed to be, voices still talking.
>Surroundings all begin to melt away as he goes into sensory overload.
>The bodiless voices come back as he fades into melted darkness.
>Opens his eyes and sees the hospital lights as voices talk in background.

>> No.10539285

You fear what you don't understand, brainlet.

>> No.10539508

Bugs... easy on the palm leave's.

>> No.10539535

This is more of a short story, probably not in excess of 40 pages, and is being written in the form of a voice recorded journal. I'm going for a conversational record sort of thing.

A professional sail boat racer and alcoholic accidentally kills the violent criminal son of a local politician while on holiday in Micronesia. He manages to evade the locals long enough to get to a small racing sloop and make it out to open water. He knows he can not make the voyage to any safe harbor and resolves to return and attempt to take up with an expatriate. When he returns to the island, he finds that the death has sparked a violent insurrection based on a previous feud between families. Several people have been killed and there is no end to the bloodshed in sight.

>> No.10540629

This is more of a novella idea, but I'll share anyway. So a vampire is snoozing in his castle with a ton of treasure inside. A thief decides to break into his castle to steal a piece of treasure. The vampire would then chase the thief to get his piece of treasure back, but not before finding out just why the thief stole the treasure in the first place. It turns out to be needed by the antagonist to summon some sort of eldritch abomination. The vampire manages to kill the thief and the villain who hired him in the first place, but not before seizing a book which was in the villain's posession, a book which contained the ritual he wanted to practice. After all of that, he takes his treasure piece and the ritual book with him, puts them in his treasure stash and goes back to sleep.

What I want to do is make a story that is a combo of fantasy and cosmic horror.

>> No.10541332


The idea of someone trying to steal something and alerting the owner to its unsuspected value/significance is a good idea, but it has to go somewhere.

It reminds me of a minor plot element in the backstory of The Maltese Falcon. (If you haven't read/seen that, then basically the MF is a wonderful jewel-encrusted statue of a falcon lost since the time of the Crusades. It ended up owned by a Russian, but he didn't know what it was because it was coated in black enamel. The main villain first tries to buy it and then steals it... but his attempt to buy it alerts the Russian to its true significance and he swaps it for a lead substitute.

>> No.10541494

What if modern society still had a higly unregulated capitalistic economy so there could be company towns so Gucci owns one so everyone's fly as hell but also poor as shit and there's a communist revolution but everyone's fly as hell and the Stalin stand in is like the ultimate fuckboi.

>> No.10541543

A modern-day white american male is something of a modern day slave owner. He lives in the northeast on an 80 acre spread in the woods, and has 23 black men and women living and working on his property for zero pay minus room and board.

A black-rights group catches wind of this and sets out to make his life hell and offer sanctuary to his workers.

Things turn ugly and violent, especially when the black rights group learns that not only do the indentured servants mot want to leave, they are willing to fight with their lives to protect their boss.

>> No.10541617

A novel on the marginalization of white males in America and the decline of Western civilization. (No, it's not a right-wing manifesto)

>> No.10541629


>> No.10541648

Thanks for the input.

>> No.10541683

Sarcasm is the lowest form of irony. How's that for some input up your anus you soap sucking faggot.

>> No.10541722

Very helpful, thanks.

>> No.10541731

Something about glow in the dark government pocs

>> No.10541741

Now that's actually funny you Schlegelian son of a bitch

>> No.10541821
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>Story takes place during a winter blizzard in a relatively large midwest city stricken by the closing of their local factory, hate crimes, and opioid abuse
>A series of suicides hit a group of friends during a power outage without an end in sight. Drawn to investigate as death picks them one by one, they find themselves confronting a supernatural being that uses nostalgia as weapon
>The monster slips into people's psyche and extracts their nostalgic memories into a physical form: a memory box which the monster then proceeds to destroy
>The memories are subsequently erased, not without leaving behind a great hole. One that cannot be filled and which leaves such a yearning for the missing that suicide is the escape

The subject is different from IT. If you want to compare it to another piece of fiction/movie, I could point towards It Follows--even though I've never watched it but heard of.

My novel revolves around the concept of identity. Identity is a tricky subject in today's changing world; it is the repository of many political issues. Though I set high objectives for my novel idea, I just want to explore how identity is shaped, how it relates to memories, and how it can stunt the individual into inaction and resentment.

The monster is just an excuse, an easy allegory to make the whole more palatable to the reader and funnier to write for me.

>> No.10541871

Your idea is extremely good, and your setting is perfect. The memories being lost and the subsequent death of identity is a great theme that is not addressed. I think its inextricably tied to politics, and changing society, but is still possible to be the focus without browbeating about policy. The extreme loss when people lose their childhood homes and communities as they are replaced by immigrants, jobless druggies and such is very intense and although not articulated needs to be addressed. Good luck!

Where did you come up with this idea for past and identity? do you read MPC?

>> No.10541985


> do you read MPC?
I don't know what that is. Care to explain?

> Where did you come up with this idea for past and identity?
My personal experiences with people, be them friends, family or the people I've come across throughout my volunteering experiences.

I'm planning to write it in English even though it's not my first language (French is).

>> No.10541987

south park member berries.

>> No.10541999
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By the way, thanks for the feedback, anon.

>> No.10542022

it's just an internet forum, where they have discussed issues of identity and history, and the importance of memory and the social groups that form identity. They have extensively discussed the issues you want to write about and I highly suggest reading the posts by Forum admin PLEASUREMAN.


Are you French Canadian? I have tried writing in my 2nd language and I have a lot of experience speaking it, but I think my best prose and phrases have been in my native English. Definitely give it a shot though, considering English is the language of the Midwest.

No problem, I just think your idea is very good, and it is something that many people haven't written about. The various crises affecting the Midwest and larger society as a whole haven't been discussed much, but if you want a greater understanding of the phenomena read that forum, it will surely help you understand it, and thus help you write about it. Good luck again, hope to see your book on the shelves.

>> No.10542048


> Are you French Canadian?
No, I'm a metropolitan French.

And thanks for the link, I'll surely read into that.

>> No.10542052

How do you end up writing about the Midwest? If you don't mind me asking.

>> No.10542286


At first, I wanted it to be set in Europe. The Midwest, however, has had an appeal of its own that is unfound anywhere in the Western hemisphere.

House of American settlers' first drive to the West, the region represented a hope for further freedom, self-made-manship and, thus, a potential to accomplish one's deep desire to shape one's own destiny--thus the infamous Manifest's name.

The Midwest hasn't met the standard. Somewhat desertic in terms of infrastructure and people, this region with an idolized past is going through a wounding era of deindustrialization and isolation--overall a cultural, social and economic decline.

As such, the Midwest represents--at least to me--an allegory of the Western Man: a model that has failed in many ways, which memories linger in the cultural subconscious, and that increasingly becomes the decrepit stab wound in the side of a large swath of the population. That population that has been driven into irrelevance and abandonment by ivory tower elites who have, always, protected themselves from those common people's pain and loss of foundations.

This is not a unique case, I confess to it. This same cultural pain happens everywhere across Europe--be it Poland, the UK, France, etc.--and the US. I just think the Midwest would be the milieu which would resonate with the most people. Increasingly estranged from and by Americans, the Midwest also rotted away in the European's idolized view of the American Western.

The Midwest is, as far as I can see, the befitting base for this allegory.

>> No.10542343

I wasn't even thinking about it on such a large scale thought that's been my concern with our political situation. Looks like you'll probably do well if you can articulate that feeling with real characters and the intense emotions that this situation causes.

>> No.10542361

My main issue is that I don't have much experience writing and the last time I did was in 2013. I grew up a lot since but I still consider myself truly inexperienced.

>> No.10542375

yeah, that's one goddamn ugly animal, just one more reason why the tropics and everything in them are inferior to cold climates.

>> No.10542422

A vampire who has been sleeping for 500 years wakes up in a brand new world. Times are different. He's trying to track down his ancestors, as only his own blood can set him free. He travels to a new continent far away, and meets a red headed girl on the way. She's looking for the prince of the land, and so she promises to help the vampire find his loved ones if he delivers her a prince of darkness. The vampire tries to shrug her off, but she appears to have key information about the whereabouts of a priest that might hold the key to where his ancestors might reside. Together, they enter the new continent in search for what they desire the most.

I just made this shit up.

>> No.10542456

Yeah, that could be good.

It's actually a bit like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind in some ways.

>> No.10542493



>> No.10542526

Well better get to it then, cause your idea is great, just needs the prose to accompany it

>> No.10542532

Tell me if this seems like shit. I need to know and I'm terrified

>mystery/psychological thriller with elements of black comedy, fantasy and horror
>the initial story is told from the POV of a single character who keeps having lucid hallucinations while working at a paranormal-themed bar
>however, as the first book nears the end its revealed that he's not hallucinating and nearly all the regulars at the bar have some kind of magic including him
>somehow he managed to work at this bar for months without realizing what the people around him were because he thought he was going insane
>after this, there are three more books that are more traditional fantasy/horror
>as it turns out, each of the regulars had made some kind of faustian pact that gave them powers and made pieces in a cosmic chess match
>the problem is the beings playing this chess match are sore losers and any time they're about to loose they throw a tantrum, destroy the world and start a new game
>the owner of the bar has survived this several times and gathered the regulars because she wants to stop the game from progressing for as long as possible
>however, the MC is an anomaly that shouldn't even be on the table, like a fifth ace one of the players hid up his sleeve
>meanwhile, many of the players more powerful pieces are secretly colluding to bring the game to an end once and for all, unconcerned that it will destroy reality
>finally, a few of the regulars have come to the conclusion that they can draw their own hand if the manage to kill the player holding them

>> No.10542538


Currently, I'm looking for content to nail the culture and overall context of the Midwest (transportation, geography, climate, architecture, urban and rural policies, etc.).

Do you have any recommendation regarding that.

I'm at the phase where, as a foreigner trying to nail a culture that is not my own, I need to get learned about it.

>> No.10542674

I'd say its shit, unless you just want to make genre trash, then go ahead, but you aren't going to come up with anything special beyond another fantasy series. Which is also a terrible way to start, considering you haven't even written the first book.

I don't really know anon, I myself grew up in Germany and have moved to Southern Illinois recently so my little writing has been influenced from my position as an outsider, although that's not what I set out to do since I want to achieve authenticity.

I'd recommend Mark Twain since he's local and a classic American author. I'd also check out Faceberg, and some writers at http://www.fluland.com/ . I don't know if you have traveled to America but the transportation is unlike anything in Europe. You have to drive everywhere, which is very inhuman if you are not used to it. Unless you live in a city you won't walk, and even then you will probably need a car and use public transportation. Climate in Illinois is like Germany if you are familiar, although I'd recon its colder than Bavaria which is where I'm from. Geographically its mostly farmland, in Kansas there's miles, as far as you can see of flat lands, in the other states there are hills, and I think there are mountains in the North although I haven't seen them. The architecture is ugly, and much of the beauty is spoiled by highway signs and walmart trash. Occasionally there's a pretty old building or Catholic church that's survived modernity, but for the most part its pretty ugly compared to European architecture. I don't want to sound like I hate it, because my family is here, and that's the most important thing in my life, but that joy and the feelings I get with them are contrasted by the ugliness of my surroundings. The McDonald's, Walmarts, fast food and drugs are really disgusting, however you can escape from it in the nature that still exists. The Mississippi is a nice river for sure, and there are lakes around too.

The people will be hard to nail, there's a wide variety. Those who don't have much culture in the atomized suburbs, rednecks, Catholics, and Walmart variety Protestants. There's quite a bit, lots of nice people in bad circumstances. Its easy to look down on them, but that's obviously not what you want to do.

If you wouldn't mind judging I wrote a bit this morning, I hope its better than my ramble.

>The old Ford Taurus clunkered up I-55 towards the siren city. Rick gazed at his country. Barren cornfields flecked by lonely farms split for his iron Moses. Gaudy billboards declared God's Life and the radio quoted scripture.
>A communication breakdown had crippled His power. Glorified street preachers mangled Beatitudes in slurred verse, while poor sheep were led astray in static deceit as their shepherd slept.

>> No.10542726

fuck, I knew it.

I've had this idea gestating in my head for two years now and the only idea I can pull out of it is generic urban fantasy garbage. I'm just too attached to these characters and concepts to let them go

>> No.10542759

Don't worry anon, I've had tons of trash ideas, remember to read more. You can always develop your aesthetic senses, if you want to good sci-fi try Philip K. Dick, though that genre is pretty shit, he's probably the best writer I've encountered when it comes to that.

>> No.10542789


Thanks for the testimony! I've had the privilege in the past to live in Florida on and off as my mother was an expat there. I've not been West of the Appalachia though I want to come back to the US (been trying for the DV lottery for a long time now while I'm looking to leverage my diplomas to get a visa and a job there).

I quite like what you wrote though the metaphors are a bit heavy (especially the sheep led astray. You set up a rural environment so people could really think of real sheep instead of an allegory for people).

>> No.10542790

I don't care about genre pretension, I just care about having a good fantasy story

I literally haven't had another decent idea in the past two years. The closest I've come up with is a parody of rabbithole fantasy about a guy who ends up stranded in another world because of unscheduled service changes to the subway

>> No.10542799

This feels very genuine.

t. Midwesterner

>> No.10542824


Thanks, midwanon. I've been really thinking deeply about the concept of identity lately. A fitting French term would be *mise en abyme*.

A trial of my own characteristics and that of others that bundle into identities that are more prone to conflict than sharing into similarities.

It's a subject I hold dear to my heart as I struggle with my identity and that of others and have for a long time.

>> No.10542849

Thanks, I also thought the sheep thing was heavyhanded. Thanks, good luck anon, it would be good to have you over here.

>about a guy who ends up stranded in another world because of unscheduled service changes to the subway

That's good anon, just because your writing is a part of a genre that is mostly trash (sci-fi, fantasy) doesn't mean your work has to be the same. If you read some Philip K. Dick you can get a feel of good human characters and their struggles, that should be an integral part of any sci-fi story. Don't get lost in technology and futurism, the heart of any story should be the human's and their emotions and struggles. Sci-fi should just be the backdrop, and humor is a great thing too.

>> No.10542850

Is there a way to purge an idea from my conscious and subconscious entirely?

This idea I had about a kid with the power to make things taste different on a chemical level has been gnawing at me for too damn long and I need to put it in its fucking grave already

>> No.10542865
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Coming of age story in a fictional Kentucky town in the 1990’s.
Features a young bourbon heiress who’s awakened after 100 years of sleeping as a vampire

>> No.10542879


what's that mania for awakening vampire lolis?

>> No.10542883

The Midwest is a meeting of France, Germany, and Scandinavia with an American gloss to it. The French influence here is deep but not something that anyone thinks of. St. Louis, Chicago, Detroit all are French settlements and are also the formerly great cities (Chicago is our New York City and is still quite alive). There's a a supposed patina of friendliness to interactions but as a native, I'm not sure I notice it daily.

>> No.10542887
File: 44 KB, 500x583, 9396D0FB-09CC-4B6B-A40F-A0B1F11D2BAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vampire Lolis who know how to make bourbon

>> No.10542901

And wants to attend Transylvania university in Lexington (which actually existed in 1890)

>> No.10542910

Something I forgot. If you visit the Midwest, to truly get a feel for it, go to a small town and go to the bowling alley there in the middle of the week at about 7pm.

>> No.10542926


Thanks for the testimony, again. I will draw from it.

>> No.10542998

Post your “post your novel ideas” threads. It’s not like they’re going anywhere.

>> No.10543010

Second edition: CIA niggers

>> No.10543015


What should I expect?

>> No.10543018

fat people throwing balls at pins

>> No.10543020

Cheap beer and working class people.

>> No.10543157


People hugely overestimate the importance of the "idea" for a book.

Ideas are 100 a penny.

You can make a great book from a stupid idea and a stupid book from a great idea.

>> No.10543164

Markus, a foible boy heir to a cadet branch of the Habsburg dynasty. Surrounded by nobility, large portraits of ancestors reflective of their greatness and surrounded by nothingness, he likes to ponder about what life would be like as a peasant with friends. Much is expected of him, having seen already 14 summers, yet still a small boy, he is not highly praised by his elders.
The book would follow Markus being lost in reverie in a climate suppresive of sexuality and free will.

Another one would be an autobiograohy about growing up bullied most of life, best friend trying to commit suicide by overdosing on heroin and slitting his wrists at 16, yet somehow optimistic about the future. A mother who becomes gradually more unloving and cold after the father passed away. Still in highschool, bullied and diagnosed with liver cancer, he tries to stay happy despite his only friend actively trying to kill himself. moral of the story would be that it never gets better

>> No.10543418
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Because the beauty of the novel idea tapir must not perish from the earth

praise him

>> No.10543534 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10543548
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>> No.10543551
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>holy race war

>> No.10543688
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>> No.10543689 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10543724

Okay, I've thought this through some more. I still need to refine the characters and figure out some other shit but here's what I've got

>due to unscheduled service changes, a broke college student who just wanted to take the subway home and fall asleep winds up stranded in another universe with the cute girl from his calculus class
>upon exiting the station, they and the 8 other passengers receive a group text apologizing for the inconvenience that conveniently puts them all in contact with each other
>Along the way they go on ridiculous quests facing off against monsters, gods, parodies of urban life, and in some cases each other aided with supernatural skills or abilities that range from powerful to batshit stupid

>> No.10543893

>I'm out of ideas so just detail yours for me so I can steal them, thnx

>> No.10544002 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10544121

a tapir and a tiger fight over the last drop of water on Earth

>> No.10544175 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10544472

Its an axolotl they're rare sea beasts that appear only during lightning storms and hurricanes on the shores of Argentina and Brazil. You have to bleed a virgin fish over the waters, they're drawn by the blood you see.

>> No.10544799


Best meme of the thread.

>> No.10545318

Pretty much. These people will have no education and very minimal knowledge of the outside world. But a handful of them are aces with a firearm and the men are pretty much all tough as nails.

>> No.10546595

Its about a guy who steals somebody's story idea from an anonymous imageboard, smug that he will get rich off the idea he was better at writing.
He finishes it, it never gets published or bought and he kills himself.

>> No.10546719

A 100 page story of a single rape scene
The victim being a teenage boy, his rapists are a group of men and women

>> No.10546798

/an/ here. I'm mainly here for the tapirs.


>> No.10546810


In this day and age, this is insta-bestseller and progressive. Would buy.

>> No.10547127

>Butt blasted liberals upset that 'capable' actors have been playing retarded characters in movies
>call it black face
>demand retards play retards
>Sean Penn decides to make movie about retards starring real retards
>it's not progressive enough
>he makes movie about black transgender retarded midgets starring black transgender retarded midgets
>wins Oscar
>now identifies as transgender, black, retarded, and a midget
>a single tear rolls down his face
>"finally my people have a voice"

>> No.10547159

De Sade pretty much beat you to it

>> No.10547248

Premise has been done to death in the past sixty odd years. why not go wild with these mind altering affects on a child's mind? rather than him being put in a deep life-like coma, why not have fun with the drugs affecting his dreams?

and it's just him trying to meet up with the expatriate? is he a suspect in the son's killing, and if so, why did that cause the families to start fighting? will the expatriate character be involved in the conflict somehow? Think the whole thing through, because it sounds like it'll end up rather contrived.

I like it. Personally think it would resonate with me because i'm in the Midwest and have been affected by the opioid epidemic.

>trying to track down his ancestors
does he sleep through time reversed?

Sounds funny, i'd read it

if it were formatted like Invisible Cities, i'd read the shit out of it

>> No.10547428

Very slowly working on a novel about an album that the MC becomes obsessed with and goes down a conspiracy hole. Portrayals of the local music scene weirdos and also bits of shitty board culture.

>> No.10547452

anon, some people are simply not meant to write comedy.

>> No.10549465
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tapir bro can never die

>> No.10551015


Bad commedy is just tragedy is disguise, anon.

>> No.10551859

Write a great page turner and then stop halfway through.

>> No.10552792

It steals the idea of a space fairing civilisation with no FTL travel from Rimworld. Instead, people go into Cryo.
A main concept is loneliness, as anyone who wants to travel essentially has to say goodbye to their loved ones forever because by the time they wake up in another system they'll probably be dead, or themselves in cryo for a bunch of years.

>> No.10552802
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Stray dogs try to take over the world, and people are so surprised that it almost happens, but then people realize that they’re just dirty dogs.

>> No.10552847

tfw tapir bro has a bigger cock than you

>> No.10552892

and then he jerked off to hentai

>> No.10553439

There is a ton of shit to unpack if you're going to touch Canadian and 1st nation relations. Tread lightly, ditch it or dive in with thorough understanding of the complex situation.