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/lit/ - Literature

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10535282 No.10535282 [Reply] [Original]

1 book that everyone must read?

>> No.10535285

lol omg

>> No.10535287


>> No.10535300
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an english language textbook

>> No.10535306
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the greeks

>> No.10535319

Made me chuckle

>> No.10535405

>quit /lit/ for about 3 months
>come back see this thread
>no diary desu poster in sight
W-w-what happened guys?

>> No.10535458

My diary desu

>> No.10535463

Everybody Poops

>> No.10535490

do say i snuck in quite the little chortled as well

>> No.10535492

especially Indians

>> No.10535511

If only the english had successfully civilized them.
There will never be an accurate measurement for how ironic it is that the people who invented toilets, now, 4000 years later, shit in the streets.

>inb4 they didnt really invented toilets. 40 years prior in afghanistan or some stupid semantical point that distracts from the amazing levels of irony

>> No.10535800

the Quran

>> No.10535819

Naruto manga.

>> No.10535845
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Look at the pic

>> No.10535874

48 laws of power

>> No.10535898

Basic economics

>> No.10535936

start with the greeks.

>> No.10535940

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

>> No.10535973

We were civilized even before we were colonized dipshit.
If anything, English exploitation is the reason for some of our problems.read about how Churchill caused the Bengal famine.

>> No.10536163

The Fasting Cure

>> No.10536165


>> No.10536173

For fucks sake stop with this shit. I'm what you would call a racist I guess, but I like the personality of most indians. Just own your racial traits m8, most of your countrymen have a very high disgust threshold, it's natural in a country so overcrowded and nothing to be ashamed about. whites have their own problems, like rampant narcissism.

>> No.10536201

Big surprise poverty leads to bad shit /pol/tard wins again.

>> No.10536626


>> No.10536631

Infinite Jest

>> No.10537118

Thus Spoke Zaratustra

>> No.10537169

Mike kys

>> No.10537182

Mein Kampf

>> No.10537252

was nice listening to this guy desu

>> No.10537719

Bald Jordan Peterson

>> No.10537725

Unironically the Republic

>> No.10537753
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>> No.10537886

my diary desu (sorry for being late)

>> No.10537909

your people have always lived in filth, only the high caste Indo-Aryans ever avoided wading into the oceans of diseased bodily masses, fluids, waste that permeates your sick culture

>> No.10538197


>> No.10538205

But why?

>> No.10538279

>like rampant narcissism.
Was this ironic on purpose?

>> No.10538285

Believe it!

>> No.10538367


>> No.10538517

Ok buddy. Run along now.

>> No.10540028
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Unironically as fudge

>> No.10540034

Came here to post this

>> No.10540048
File: 151 KB, 817x1000, Frans_Hals_-_Portret_van_René_Descartes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone should get the D
that or Plato

>> No.10540663

an economics textbook

>> No.10540714


The Sociopath's Handbook

>> No.10540719

the bible

>> No.10540900

One is a sociopath if one behaves like a person who is not socially retarded?

>> No.10541052

The Complete Works of Shakespeare

bit cheating since it's a pretty big "single book"

but still, if it's allowed, it's a no-brainer

>> No.10541065

stop putting on facades and just be yourself. did you learn nothing from gaddis?

>> No.10541086

No, that's 48 Laws of Power.
HtWFaIP is "how to be a cuck: a handy guide". No sociopath would act the way that this book recommends.

>> No.10541101

Emotional Vampires at Work

>> No.10541104

The Myth of the 20th Century

>> No.10541122

One who believes simple courtesy and empathy to be facades is in fact a sociopath

>> No.10541151
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Also, Vedantasara is quite nice.

>> No.10541275
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lol nothing worse than a "woke" postcolonial

>> No.10541386

The self is malleable, so being yourself is fucking stupid. If you haven't learned to properly listen when people talk, which nearly no one does, being yourself is counter-productive. You can learn to listen, and be yourself, but then it's superfluous to begin with, because you can keep upgrading this 'self' continuously.

>> No.10541460

Give me another (you) so you could have the last word.

>> No.10541471

gaming people for social approval, status and sex is sociopathic yes

>> No.10541699
File: 97 KB, 369x388, lmaoing at ur lyf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not the Mahabharata

>> No.10541789

it has to be, otherwise I give up on /lit/

>> No.10541831

Unironically The Cat in the Hat.

If you can't read that book by now you are illiterate and are destined for a life of suffering unless you're one of those island people who can fish in your sleep or something.

>> No.10541990

Literally everyone does this though, sociopaths are just far nastier/sadistic in their methods of achieving it.

>> No.10541998

Which, I'd like to add, is the reason they often lose it.

>> No.10542010

i want to read this but the extremely clickbait title isn't helping me any.

>> No.10542015

probably the best answer but i'd extend it to all of Plato's works lol

>> No.10542494

>rule 1
>Don't let people know you're the type of person to read this book

>> No.10542500

John the Savage could do it

>> No.10542581

he almost succeeded in wiping you out

>> No.10542673

Maybe the apothem of literature work

>> No.10542691


>> No.10542694

>Everyone should get the D
I'll never understand why someone decided to ruin Descartes' image by doing that.

>> No.10542743

thanks anon