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10535651 No.10535651 [Reply] [Original]

>roommate talks loudly on the phone past 11pm-12am
>can't read because he does it until I'm too tired to read
>ask him to be quiet past a reasonable hour because I have to go to work in the morning
>"chill out bro. It's just a phone call. You're just abnormally quiet and have to learn to live with others :)"
>reading backlog keeps growing

>> No.10535653

Headphones, noise cancelling

>> No.10535656

Get foamy ear plugs and out noice canceling headphones on top

>> No.10535658

I heard Bose are the best brand for noise cancelling. True?

>> No.10535659

Who the fuck has phone conversations past like 10pm? Why are you living with a deadbeat or a 13 year old girl?

>> No.10535662

The QuietComfort 25s were definitely the best a couple years ago, but there's more competition these days.

>> No.10535665

Truuu I have some

>> No.10535678


>> No.10535684


The people who live below my apartment are obsessed with shitty 80's synth pop. Like autistically obsessed. One time, while I was sick with a fever, I swear, they heard the same track for 14 hours straight - I thought I was dying, convulsing with fever delusions and had gone to hell for my sins, but when I spoke to my neighbor about it, he had heard it too. It wasn't delusional.

I can't afford noise-cancelling headphones. The thing I did one day when it became too much was I found a track of white noise and just blasted it at max volume, and I swear, that instant was like the very first time I snorted heroin. Instantly, the shitty synth-pop was drowned out, I felt all my muscles release their tension, and I just felt this profound calm and clarity of mind, this complete and total bliss which I have always for some reason associated with being a fetus in the womb, and have only felt on potent opioids since.

Try it. Or, y'know, tell your roommate that it's fairly fucking obvious that he is the one who needs to learn to live with others.

>> No.10535696

time to introduce your roomie to free jazz

>> No.10535754

Thanks. I'm going to get some asap.

>> No.10537095

This is better

>Tfw you unironically like this and no one else ever wants to listen to it

>> No.10537108

Noise cancelling won't work for voices because the digital signal processor won't work that fast. It works for periodic noise only. You're better off with earplugs.

>> No.10537123

addressing the serious (unironic) questions here

>> No.10537124 [DELETED] 

>neighbors have screaming matches and loud angry sex constantly well past 11 PM
>Wed-Sun subjected to this
>other neighbor is single mom with autist son who also make loud idiot noises, smashig closed cabinets, stomping across condo to use BR and change spots for playing vidya, reading
>their dogs bark randomly at anything and are left in apt for half the day or night sometimes
>i make even a small sound, laughing at texts or watching animu, they react with vitriol, bang on walls, stomp into other rooms
>ive heard them making fun of me for not leaving my apt on the weekends and for being so quiet
>need to talk out loud to write coherent essays and formulate abstract ideas, used to dictate but often just talk then write, monologic in nature so its nothing to be spooked about
>they hate it and have yelled at me for doing it before
>can’t think because no monologuing, can’t read because angry sex, stomping around, vidya, drum playing at 11 PM
>can’t even watch TV or have a laugh because am quiet most of the night and thus they assume any noise i make is super loud when they’re just used to the luxury of no noise and the disparity is jarring
i want to die

>> No.10537170

Fucking kek, reminded me of Scanner Darkly when the guy tries to kill himself and fails.

>> No.10537174

They're magic

>> No.10537284

>This is better
>posts mobile version of same url
ok brother

>> No.10537295

Sorry guess it didn't copy


>> No.10537341

too much about the music too little about what it's saying

>> No.10537998

What if I use both?

>> No.10538014

Start waking him up too early in the morning with a blowjob. He would be so pissed

>> No.10538021

Don't do this

>> No.10538065

Don't not do this

>> No.10538076

You aren't addressing the issue though, just sweeping it under the rug. Quick being such a pussy and tell your roommate to shut the fuck up. If he refuses again, move to step 2.

>> No.10538152

he wants to piss you off, he doesn't like you. if you start wearing earplugs and he notices, he'll think of something else to piss you off. go ahead and see what happens.

>> No.10538156
File: 54 KB, 612x612, 1467913267335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take his crypto and fuck his bitch

unless you're a pussy

>> No.10538171

Where are you from? Which country produces scumbags like this one?

>> No.10538226
File: 10 KB, 298x379, 1504528769867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw listening to Charles Mingus

Let's hang out and talk shit about dead authors, anon.

>> No.10538239

do they work for sudden sounds like raised voices and knocking?? Thought noise cancelling was only good for aircraft drone etc.
My solution is ear plugs & then over-ear head phones on top playing white noise from an app on my phone. If you have two white noise sources or headphone splitters you can do ear buds and over-ear headphones both playing white noise.

>> No.10538538

Kk, but I didn't mean to post the Mingus link again. I was trying to post the ornette coleman one

>> No.10538561

>tfw old neighbour used to blast Suck A Cheetah's Dick whenever he left the apartment
>all students living there

>> No.10538609

Passive aggressive bullshit lmao, don't do this

>> No.10538655

How often does he do it?

I've never understood people who need silence to read or work. It's autistic behavior, you should get tested.