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File: 534 KB, 1071x976, Buckley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10534747 No.10534747 [Reply] [Original]

There are great historical presumptions that from time to time the interests of the state and those of civilization is neglected.... At the private college, the sense of mission is distinguishing. It is, however, strangled by what goes under the presumptuous designation of academic freedom. it is a terrible loss, of the sense of mission. It makes the private university, sad to say, incoherent.

>> No.10534762

what the fuck is this even writing?

>> No.10534776


>> No.10534872

ye, i just finally received it after ordering it from eBay two weeks ago.

its my first book by Buckley. I also live about 20 min from Yale lol. Too stupid and lazy to go there though

>> No.10534880


>Too stupid and lazy to go there though

Stop being insecure.

>> No.10534889

Haven't read any of his books (yet) but I love watching his old firing line show on youtube. Hoover institution's channel has been slowly uploading them periodically for a few years now for free. I remember his son said at his memorial service at St. Patrick's that a stack of everything he wrote would reach the spire of the Cathedral and then some.
He was a hard worker.

>> No.10534981
File: 132 KB, 999x765, firing line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im 26. Im not insecure, im a community college drop out thats thinking about going back to school.

>I love watching his old firing line show on youtube

ME TOO!!! That's how i got into him tbqh. Sorry for the excitement as I dont know anyone else that enjoys his stuff. His debate with James Baldwin was entertaining as well as his interview with Groucho Marx.

>> No.10535030

22 year old high school graduate working on several different novels. technically at NEET but I have my reason
Proud denizen of that small obscure section of conservative youtube that doesn't of endless streams of Memerson and Shapiro soundbites.
Not that I have anything against them, but they preach stuff distilled down for normies. Do you watch Uncommon Knowledge?

>> No.10535046
File: 202 KB, 1080x759, me irl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you watch Uncommon Knowledge

I have only watched the video with Sowell. Any other videos you suggest on that channel?

>> No.10535063
File: 49 KB, 920x537, 345754737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, when are you starting your National Review subscriptions?

>> No.10535079
File: 128 KB, 1080x1080, 13117756_965671280221024_537403460_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we are being honest, Im not sure if I am actually conservative and if I am, I am most definitely a left leaning one.

Not that I have to be conservative to have a subscription to the National Review.

>> No.10535201

he's done lots of videos with them which one did you watch? and yeah I have lots of Hoover institution recs, what do you wanna learn about?
I NRO all the time but am too poorfag to support them directly at this time.
maybe you're a libertarian?

>> No.10535218

Reminder that Buckley was CIA sent to undermine U.S. conservatism from within, making it no more than controlled opposition, by purging the Birchers from the movement and then surrendering to the neocons.

>> No.10535240


Very concise.
Thank you.

>> No.10535241

t. raw water drinker

>> No.10535332

>If we are being honest, Im not sure if I am actually conservative and if I am, I am most definitely a left leaning one.
You'll fit right in with the National Review types lmfao

>> No.10535370

That's kind of gay desu
Nigger you've never read it, fuck off.

>> No.10535461

oh how I would love to see that face beaten and brutalized

>> No.10535497

>Nigger you've never read it, fuck off.
LIEbruls are the REAL racists and here's why open borders is GREAT for the GDP (pbuh)

>> No.10535885

there is literally nothing wrong with being a neocon

let the eagle soar tb h

>> No.10535908

His sailing books are really good, especially the first one Airborne.

>> No.10535937
File: 170 KB, 668x1199, jeb jeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Jew loving degenerated WASP who wants a cozy job at some east coast think tank writing op-eds on the "unconventional conservatism of importing Guatemalans to have children for us and also bombing iran is good for the gdp"

>> No.10536416

t. goes into incoherent rage upon hearing press 1 for english

>> No.10536600

Just don't call yourself a conservative, then, as neocons are literally Trotskyists who decided the U.S. Army is a better cannon fodder for the purpose of world revolution than the Red Army.

>> No.10536699

This semi-ironically

>> No.10536716


>> No.10537701

neocons - why America isn't great anymore. They created the swamp Trump was going to drain.

>> No.10537822

I'm not even a burgerclap. There are large swathes of your country that are literally third world tier. Enjoy living in North Venezuela gringo lmao