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10531035 No.10531035 [Reply] [Original]

SFFriends Edition
>What's your favorite SFF friendship/group dynamic?
>Who are the best SFF battle brothers?
>What non-romantic friendship plot elements do you want to see more of?



NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:

Previous Threads:

>> No.10531040

Comfy OP image anon

>> No.10531043

sanderfag a hack

>> No.10531054
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3rd for anyone who rolls trips in this thread must read all four liber chaotica before ever touching another book again.

>> No.10531060
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Russian cover of "Borne" by Jeff Vandermeer.

>> No.10531065


>> No.10531105
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Recommend me some books based on pic related, bruhs.

>> No.10531122

John Carter of Mars
Space Viking
The Book of the New Sun

>> No.10531138

I didn't say stop.

>> No.10531151

>In some respects Space Viking feels like Robert E. Howard in space, almost.
Aaaaaaaand I'm sold. Even an 'almost' Robert E. Howard in space sounds sexy as fuck and that's kinda what I've been looking for. Would you agree with that comparison though if you've read it?

>> No.10531186
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I started reading a couple of days ago and had to stop myself before I got to far. Maybe 3 weeks for 150 pages was a little to much.

>> No.10531188

What's your opinion on the Powder Mage trilogy?

>> No.10531198

>What's your favorite SFF friendship/group dynamic?
The dynamic between Severian, Baldanders, Dr Talos, Jolenta and Dorcas.
>Who are the best SFF battle brothers?
This is coming from many years ago but I really liked Nathaniel and Bartimaeus in The Bartimaeus Trilogy.
>What non-romantic friendship plot elements do you want to see more of?
Degenerate, non-romantic sex for the sole purpose of pleasure.

>> No.10531206

Eh, it's best to have too much time than not enough. That way if life distracts you there's no worry.

>> No.10531208

I can see it, although Space Viking is really enough its own beast that I think "REH in Space" is going too far. Read it anyway, I don't think you'll be disappointed.

>> No.10531212

A good concept with middling execution and declining quality in the sequels.

>> No.10531224

>That way if life distracts you there's no worry
Yeah true.

>declining quality in the sequels
What series does not actually get worse as it progress? BotNS is literally the only one I can think of.

>> No.10531232
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I just finished Echopraxia's audiobook.

Did I enjoy it?

>> No.10531237

I just finished The Shadow Of The Torturer, The Claw Of The Councilator, and am Maybe 75% or less through The Sword Of The Lictor. Kinda feeling the burnout. Do you guys ever take a short break in-between books? Thanks whoever mentioned this series. I wrote it down and finally got around to it.

>> No.10531239

It wasn't as good as Blindsight, but it passed the time. also

>audio "books"

>> No.10531243

>Do you guys ever take a short break in-between books?
Yes. Especially if I read something demanding, like BotNS. I usually read some pulp, short stories or comics to relax.

>> No.10531245

In what way is it demanding? Could you explain please? Maybe it will help me understand why I can't bring myself to finish it yet.

>> No.10531252

The complex prose and frequent use of archaic words for example. Especially as English is my second language, I often had to reread passages to make sure that I had understood correctly.

>> No.10531268

Childhood is reading Blindsight and enjoying it.
Adulthood is reaching Echopraxia and hating it but admiring it as the superior tome.

>> No.10531296

Why do you desire such things? Are they good?

>> No.10531430

Roll trips and find out.

>> No.10531552

Undying Mercenaries
Ready player one

>> No.10531579
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I am very stressed from work right now /sffg/. When I reach home, my brain is too tired for reading anything too hard. I want no Mervyn Peake or Gene Wolfe.

Can you suggest some light high fantasy reading, /sffg/? Of course, light doesn't mean trashy. I want to read something like The Hobbit, Edge Chronicles, it doesn't have to be light hearted, but not really looking for something too bleak either.

If my post is too confusing, please ask

>> No.10531584

Morningstar by David Gemmell

>> No.10531585


>> No.10531593

>Undying Mercenaries
Read all those already.

>Ready player one
Fuck you.

>> No.10531622
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>> No.10531626
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>> No.10531668

Afterwards, about 4/5ths into the book it gets a little, but not much, more interesting as they start building a fuckhuge space fortress, that can fit the twin towers inside and have space to spare . But he just takes too long explaining things we don't want to know about and it feels like we wouldn't loose anything if he just skipped a few years ahead. Meanwhile, the interesting stuff, like the different kind of aliens, exploration and diplomacy gets forgotten. I hope things start happening soon, instead of preparing to happen soon.

>> No.10531680
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I still need something to read, boys. I don't think I'm going to go with Time Enough for Love. I mainly like Methuselah's Children for the exploration and character interaction, and the Bibliotik blurb mentioned Heinlein arguing through Lazarus his views on sexual freedom. Is it as bad as Clarke? I have atypical views on sex anyway and don't care for it to be shoved in my face regardless.

Throw titles at me. I haven't read any cheesy generic fantasy in a while either but I'm not sure what I would even want.

>> No.10531694

>are they good
It depends on how much of a fan of 40k you are, and how much terrible writing you are willing to overlook for it.

Give me the fucking trips.

>> No.10531814

Chronicles of Amber

>> No.10531841

Time Enough for Love is basically a big mess of barely-connected episodes. Some of them are quite good; many of them are silly. The worst parts of the book are practically fetish fanfics. Heinlein pushes his sexual views WAY harder than Clarke in general, if you didn't like Clarke doing it then you'll hate Time Enough.

If you liked Heinlein, read Starship Troopers, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, and Stranger in a Strange Land, in that order.

I'm a fan of The Golden Age, if you want something more modern.

>> No.10531846

Already, gone through it. Isn't high fantasy anyway

>> No.10531861

I think The Lord of the Rings maintains its quality. So does the Three Body Problem trilogy, for something more recent.

There are two different reasons for series decline IMO, both related to the author not having a clear vision. One is authors losing interest or outright going senile; on a long enough timeline this happens to every series.

The other is new authors publishing the first volume before they've actually figured out what they're trying to say, then fumbling because they're noobs. As much hate as Harry Potter gets, this is something Rowling mostly managed to avoid and look where it got her. I blame editors for this, they shouldn't be publishing incomplete series by unproven authors. It's incredible that they do this, actually.

>> No.10531868

Chronicles of Drizzt, I read them as a kid but several anonymous internet posters say they've held up pretty well. Sanderson sounds like he fits the bill too maybe, but I've never read him,.

>> No.10531887

Oathbringer was shit.

>> No.10531936

Webnovels are novels too

>> No.10531988
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Any supernatural comedy horrors like John Dies at the End?
I need my fix.

>> No.10531992


>> No.10532001
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This is the combat maid tank platoon of protection from trips curses. Their presence in a thread automatically cancels out the Chaotic forces compelling anons to read Warhammer books of any setting.

>> No.10532012

Needs a panel about assaulting a Border Patrol agent.

>> No.10532016

>Yo dah, I puffed his ass

>> No.10532036

Anybody know the source for the image? Havent' been able to find anything.

>> No.10532051

Apparently it's this Brazilian mecha RPG setting called Brigada Ligeira Estelar.

>> No.10532057

ah alright ill look into this thnx yo

>> No.10532125
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What the fuck was Portia's problem?

>> No.10532136

>Wanting me to get in an FT-17
These bitches do not have my best interest in mind.

>> No.10532146


>> No.10532397

Glad I'm not getting tr*ips.

>> No.10532472

If you mean today, sure, but in 1917 you could do a lot worse.

>> No.10532552
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Kingkiller Chronicle author Patrick Rothfuss about Doors of Stone:
>If you want the book to come out faster, help me impeach Trump!

>> No.10532608


I hate this cunt so much. I cant watch any video of him more like two seconds

>> No.10532624
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/λιτ/ give me a good long scifi book to read .

>> No.10532666

Can anyone recommend me some books with scheming protagonists, especially scifi because I'm less likely to have read them?

I read the Luna books expecting this and they're good but it's really not what they're about

>> No.10532667

Isn't this the whole idea of the Cain books? Heroes Die is the first one but I haven't read enough to confirm

>> No.10532685

Try the charts. If you have a specific theme you want it's easier to recommend something.

>> No.10532692

i realy like multygenerational books like one hundred years of solitude.I just want to be imersed in a single world for a long time .

>> No.10532818

what are some good books after my lotr phase!

>> No.10532823

Was Oathbringer better than Words of Radiance?

>> No.10532837

Don't read post-Tolkien yet, it'll color your perceptions. Read The Worm Oroborous, The King of Elfland's Daughter, and The Broken Sword.

>> No.10533090

Yes. WoR was just an extension of WoK, Oathbringer expanded the scope and moved on from the Shattered Plains unfortunately making it more generic Sanderson but there you go.

>> No.10533228

Is there a decent way to show a character discovering they can use magic while at the same time believing its a hallucination?

>> No.10533237

>go looking for a fun YA fantasy book from December or January
>99% of it is feminist power fantasy garbage

I just want something like Green Angel Tower. Is that too much to ask?

>> No.10533241

some kind of magical thinking reversal.

>> No.10533251

Solomon Kane.

Hell, any Robert E Howard

>> No.10533252

Sounds like someone under the assumption they're lucid dreaming when, in reality, he ir she really did set his or her boss on fire with pyrokinesis.

>> No.10533375

There's Children of Time, spans a long length of time. Personally, I found it good up to 2/3 of the book, didn't like the ending very much.
The Foundation Trilogy also does this, it's pretty good and it's a classic.

>> No.10533440

was jonas a 2nd gen kpop cyborg?

>> No.10533469

Should I read house of leaves? Is it really as creepy/good as people say?

>> No.10533470
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You enjoyed library at mount char, yet you don't want to anime it up with house of blades.

>> No.10533493

Worth a read if you want babies first pomo

>> No.10533541

Have them pulling overtime for a few weeks and drop to sleep in their office chair.
Have them wake up and their office, hands and clothes are on fire, but they are not burning nor in pain. They think it's a dream and goes back to sleep.
Wakes up in a hospital without a burn, when the entire building was razed.
Police questions, etc, do your magic author click clacking.

Shit could be changed for medieval or country life.

>> No.10533580

>Is there a decent way to show a character discovering they can use magic while at the same time believing its a hallucination?
this is like the whole plot of thomas covenant lol

>> No.10533602

I would recommend Undying Mercenaries since the protag is ALWAYS scheming, but it's pretty much straight up pulp (which is a good thing).

>> No.10533606

This. Pretty crazy how creative fantasy was pre-Tolkien and how uncreative it became post-Tolkien and still remains.

>> No.10533617

Moth and Cobweb series by John C. Wright.

>> No.10533618

I read the first book and then got kinda bored with the second because I found Larson's newer series more interesting.
got to the point where he discovers the other humans when I stopped

Need to get back into it, if only because I can't remember a single thing that happened in the other series so I can't go back to that

>> No.10533655

I really enjoyed the latest book. It goes full, unapologetic pulp; particularly at the end.

>> No.10533753


Thanks for the giggles anon.

>> No.10533803


You already know what you must do.

>> No.10533826

French maids in French tanks are in this thread, anon. You have no power.

>> No.10533869
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Why don't you tip your fedora then kys.

>> No.10534016

Based dinosaurs working this millennial soyboy into a shoot.

>> No.10534100
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>69 pages
Should I?

>> No.10534138
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>r-remember guys! if you're a true science fiction fan you should be helping the catholic church protect priests from feminazi SJWs who hate child rape! spock told me he's a catholic!

>> No.10534158

Never go full soy.

>> No.10534167
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>> No.10534175

You're not helping your case.

>> No.10534177


Surrender monkeys protect you from no one.

>> No.10534186

Fuck off retard.

>> No.10534204

Awful close there, anon. You don't want to get hoist by your own petard (that's french for getting trapped by your own scheme).

>> No.10534259

>the dynamic between severian bladanders dr talos jolenta dorcas
i didnt really like it honestly. i dont understand jolenta at all or the relationship between baldanders and dr talos. its very confusing. dorcas is almost a non character and severian might as well be a lump of wood that somehow gets whatever he wants. im only half way through though so maybe it gets better. i dont see how since they split but who knows.

>> No.10534266

the dark elf trilogy. ra salvatore is great for that.

>> No.10534538

Reminder that Michael Moorcock isn't actually dead yet

>> No.10534553

Him, Aldiss, and Le Guin stole the life energy from Zelazny and Dick in an occult ritual, much like Clarke stole it from Howard.

>> No.10534561



the state of sci-fi/fantasy authors

>> No.10534567

I have this dudes 2 first books.
He seems like an insufferable douche but are his books worth reading?

I'm not sure if I should keep waiting for him to release his 3rd book (which I'm not sure will even happen at this point from what I've read) or if I should just read the first two now.

>> No.10534572

his authors are ridiculous mary sue's and for some reason he takes years to write his contrived shit books

>> No.10534579

>JCW publicly praises Trump
>pumps out 3 YA novels a year and two webnovels
undeniably induces cogitation

>> No.10534583

I meant his protag

>> No.10534585

Yeah I don't mind that too much if the overall quality is still high, I was mostly wondering if his 'fuck drumpf sjw-activist' tendencies affect his books somehow.

>> No.10534596

LOL m8 he hasn't published since 2011

>> No.10534599

I didn't even realize it was that long ago.
I think I'll give his first book a try and see how it is, since I already own it.

>> No.10534615
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>mfw Frederick Pohl has published more recently than Rothfuss
>mfw Frederick Pohl started writing before WWII
>mfw Frederick Pohl is dead but still beats Rothfuss in word count

>> No.10534619

>induces cogitation

if you're Rosemary Kennedy maybe.

>> No.10534720

Although some people don't like the first book, it's definitely better than the sequel. Don't get your hopes up if you enjoy it.

>> No.10534723
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/sffg/ give me your thoughts on this

>lovecraftian vampire novel
>actual vampires aren't smart or sexy, but horrific zombies infested with swarms of parasitic mosquitos
>the villain is a self-proclaimed "necromancer" who has found a way to herd them with technology, and is trying to take control of the eldritch abomination that created them in order to fill out his army

Also, who would make a better abomination? Chupacabra or Camazotz

>> No.10534731

Is fine worth eating into? Bought the first one today for a dollar

>> No.10534739

Is dune worth getting into...

>> No.10534744

first book is a classic
first few are well regarded, better than 1st in some eyes
decline as series goes on
books not done by frank are unreadable

>> No.10534752

probably not
its one of those old books that hasn't aged well.

>> No.10534771

>actual vampires aren't smart or sexy, but horrific
That's standard mythology actually.

>> No.10534786

yes, I know. I was trying to go back to the pre-gothic with them.

Does the whole of it sound too cliche or what?

>> No.10534789

No way to go pre-gothic without being My Vampires Aren't Sexy Look How Unlike Twilight I Am now, sadly.

I figure just go full Pillar Men.

>> No.10534811

what if I don't use the v-word? Like maybe I call them revenants or strigoi, or adze, or somethng?

Again, the vampires aren't the villains, they're mindless mooks

>> No.10534813

that'd be great, as long as they don't make people think they're Zombies But I Didn't Say The Z-word.

>> No.10534929

Honestly, I'm on the fence about whether I should do this idea with vampires and Camazotz or zombies and Wendigo.

I'm eventually going to do both ideas and have them take place in the same universe with the same characters, the only issue is there are some cases where one idea works better than the other

>vampires have exploitable weaknesses that make them easy for inexperienced characters to fight
>gives me more time and background to build up the wendigo's cannibalism-related superpowers as a larger threat

>major plot point involves a character having been eaten whole save his right hand days BEFORE he was last seen alive
>Hero victory will be more satisfying

>> No.10535037
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I Need advice /sffG/.

I really want to write my opening novel with my MC waking up, to convey the deprivation of his situation.

But I am told repeatedly that Waking up is a cliche and it would be disregarded by publishers?

Should I still write it or should I write something else?

>> No.10535048

Cliches aren't bad.
They're bad if your style is bad.
You're not going to impress publishers by caring about publishers.

>> No.10535051

It depends. Can you give us more context? First impressions are important to both publishers and readers. there might be better way to convey what you're trying to express

>> No.10535105
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I didn't really get the responses I was looking for the last time round, so I'll try to be more specific. I'm looking for:
>high fantasy
>a light read
>great worldbuilding and a variety of races/fauna pic kinda related
>without gore or grimdark
Something like Shadows of the Apt, The Hobbit, Edgeworld Chronicles, Earthsea.

I'm sorry, anons. I downloaded the first one, Homeland, and couldn't get through the first few pages. Baby sacrifice on the first page by a mother whose last name is literally "Malice". A little too schlocky for me.

>> No.10535176

I don't disagree with a majority of things said about these books. I enjoyed reading every one.

>> No.10535180

This is so pathetic.

>> No.10535191

The man has achieved so little, yet I see his name everywhere. KKC was bad, and even if you say it's good, what else has he done?

>> No.10535194

It's fantasy for people who don't know where to find fantasy books.

>> No.10535196

>multi pov
>author writes the one pov I actually like out of the story

>> No.10535230
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this was fucking great.
are there more series like this?
both in the aspect that it unifies technology and magic and interweaves romance in a meaningful way.

>> No.10535239

Anon I'm gonna trust you and check this series out.

>> No.10535246

i liked it anon.
its more of a feelgood story. nothing every truly bad actually happens.
story is told from the pov of the two main characters.

>> No.10535258

also gonna mention i listened to the audiobooks while reading. 5th book doesnt have one though.

>> No.10535278

Spelljammer novels?

>> No.10535356


But Severian literally doesn't get anything he wants, is the thing...

>> No.10535361

>>What's your favorite SFF friendship/group dynamic?
>>Who are the best SFF battle brothers?
I really wish someone could answer this. I'm sure I know examples but all my recent examples are from manga.

>> No.10535378
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Holy shit, I mean, I don't know what I expected from a literal author of cuckold porn but jesus fucking christ

>> No.10535392

>a mother whose last name is literally "Malice"

thanks for the heads up, i've been on the brink of reading salvatore for ten years, but never took the plunge. now i know my instinct was correct

>> No.10535423
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>What's your favorite SFF friendship/group dynamic?
My safe bet would be the different groups in the Discworld. Witches, wizards, guards etc.
>Who are the best SFF battle brothers?
The Silver Horde in Interesting times, probably.

>> No.10535429

The Silver Horde had a nice dynamic but they didn't really rely on each other as much as they all relied on Cohen, and sort of the same for the Watch except for Vimes/Carrot. Colon and Nobbs' relationship was pretty chill though.

>> No.10535431

gonna have a look at it. thanks.

>> No.10535666

>>actual vampires aren't smart or sexy,
That depends on the myth. Vampires are a paranatural archetype. You have the "gross monsters" which are clearly horrific monsters and just jump you and tear you apart or the "lure monsters" that trick people by looking hot. Both interpretations are well established all over the world and valid, so you're going to have to up the fucking ante if you want to make something unique.

Also! Interesting thing I found out- mosquitoes are repelled by garlic, and I think that's probably where the "vampires (bloodsuckers) are repelled by garlic" thing came from. I mean, I haven't found anything to back it up, but what the hell, right?

>> No.10535733

It's not 100% confirmed Denna is a whore though.

>> No.10535736

Oh sure, all those rich men she spends time with aren't johns at all.

>> No.10535741

She's just keep a polite company with them.

>> No.10535750

Name of the Wind was enjoyable for me. Wise Man's Fear had some sketchy parts I only started to appreciate during re-reads when I focused on the background worldbuilding they provide.

>> No.10535755

Try some translated Japanese web novels. Those are a light read.

>> No.10535757

Immediate red flags
>supernatural vs. technology

>> No.10535787

My first thought when I see an established monster changed drastically, such as you just described, is why call them a thing they clearly aren't?

If your vampires are so different to the classic Dracula and Nosferatu archetypes, why call them vampires? You can call them bloodsuckers, or something completely new, instead. I've seen this several times, so it's not pointed at you specifically, but can someone explain the thinking behind it?

>> No.10535801

Brand recognition is the reason the name isn't changed.

>> No.10535809

she just a bitch yfm

>> No.10535823

That's like buying fake Gucci when real Gucci is just as cheap. What's the point in brand recognition when what you're selling is something different?

>> No.10535828

Because the people see the brand and they'll buy it, and then when they realize it sucks you'll already have their money.

>> No.10535869

Here's a question: Is it better to target the vampire demographic, at the expense of people sick of vampires, or to target people looking for something new?

>> No.10535870

Protip: pay careful attention to the background details, especially any of the stories/songs/myths anyone mentions. They're more plot relevant than the main storyline, pretty much everything is. Never forget how many layers deep you are, or who's telling the story.

>> No.10535877

>especially any of the stories/songs/myths anyone mentions

Some of them almost feel like spoilers for book 3.
>Not tally a lot less

>> No.10535886

Can you give any examples for someone umfamilliar with japanese LNs?

>> No.10535888

The truth is Vampires are Jews
All the stereotypes line up perfectly, as do the locations and timing.
>some are attractive, others hideous
>hated by everyone
>pale and avoid sunlight
>hate the cross
>manipulative and scheming
>smell like garlic, and have religious rules forbidding them from harming other jews
>literally accused repeatedly of kidnapping people and drinking their blood
>extremely prevalent on network TV

Armed with this knowledge, writing about Vampires is child's play.

>> No.10535893

Try this.

>> No.10535925

See: >>10534158

>> No.10536233

somehow, you're right

>> No.10536236

Three Body trilogy has some great time-skip stuff

>> No.10536763

any good comedic scifi?

>> No.10536792

stainless steel rat is the obvious one

>> No.10536793

Rex Nihilo

>> No.10536882

hard luck hank, metal boxes, stainless steel rat

>> No.10536940

Jesus. I thought this was some /pol/fag baiting but it's litterally what he says word for word

>> No.10537023

I really enjoyed that book, I was surprised because I read his southern reach stuff and thought it was terrible.

>> No.10537291

I wish I had a good rendering of Cheng Xin so I could make a LOCAL WOMAN RUINS EVERYTHING post

>> No.10537305

No one is taking you fags on. Just drop it and stop shitting up the thread. No one cares. If you care take it to pol.

>> No.10537328

kek, any chinese lass will do. perhaps its a failure on Cixins part that I can't remember a thing what she looked like.

>> No.10537338

I thought three meme problem was a guy.

>> No.10537351

I just plugged in random hot Chinese actresses. Then, for her friend AA or whatever, I used a slightly chubbier Korean type. I gave them both those weird red highlights in my mind.

>> No.10537378
File: 10 KB, 222x244, want ham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>three meme problem
how do you know it's a meme without reading it?

>> No.10537402

children of time any good?

>> No.10537404

I can't be arse to type Remembrance of Earth's Past it's the three meme trilogy

oh fuck I forgot about her. I love all cixin's shit but man he writes forgettable characters

>> No.10537406
File: 43 KB, 316x475, 34532979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a literally who outwrites 99% of all fantasy authors ever
Super surprised by the quality of this book. read a few new fantasy books and they were so shitty compared to this .
Has anyone read his other works?

>> No.10537413

Good Omens.

>> No.10537437
File: 47 KB, 719x720, 397693103704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he writes forgettable characters
all chinese characters look alike, but honestly I think it's because in all three the main character is just a vehicle for the reader. Maybe more descriptive details didn't translate, also. I kinda wish Martinsen had worked on all three

>> No.10537462

Is that listed with harem or magical engineering on goodreads? I saw it somewhere before but didn't touch.

>> No.10537469

Can anyone recommend me something like Wizard of Oz or Alice in Wonderland for adults? By which I don't mean edgy but at an adult reading level. I am not a fan of Tolkein or sword and sorcery and it is hard to find post-60s fantasy that isn't striated with that stuff.

>> No.10537484
File: 30 KB, 480x360, the-infernal-battalion-sweepstakes-15303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Janus did nothing wrong.

>> No.10537486
File: 168 KB, 302x475, 24396857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might be confusing it with the other book called Battlemage, which was a 2016 David Gemmell Award nominee.

>> No.10537490

Agreed Martinsen's influence was lacking from Three Body when I re-read it. All the Dark Forest UN chapters were thrillingly intense I loved em.

>> No.10537498

might be why Luo Ji is the most memorable character

>> No.10537501

>Pick extremely generic fantasy name for book
> other Fantasy books have the same name
why would someone do this?

>> No.10537503

and getting some Necrotizing Fasciitis.

>> No.10537504


>> No.10537523

>that name
>pol writes a book

>> No.10537530

Nah the crazy American director was my favourite.

>> No.10537547

aesops fable's

>> No.10537563
File: 40 KB, 350x347, weirdalfoil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had he been swordholder, the Trisols wouldn't have pulled shit

had he been allowed to overthrow the governments and build many FTL ships, humanity would have had a better shot

leave it to Americans to have all the right ideas

>> No.10537607
File: 1.12 MB, 1600x1526, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a little late to the party on Stormlight shit, but here we go.
Loved The Way of Kings.
Didn't mind most of Words of Radiance, but the last section put me in an abject fucking state of rage.
Everything about it was idiotic and made me want to go caveman on Sanderson with a folding chair.
It's been a year and I'd probably still try to bite off his face if I encountered him on the street.

So the question is - Will the third book make me even angrier than I am now, or will it serve to somewhat cushion my feelings on the bullshit? What we're looking for here is

>less fucking badly written anime crossover fanfiction between Soul Reaper, DBZ and Power Rangers
>less fucking characters that suddenly start acting like angsty 15 year olds
>Szeth not opening his badly written face hole
>More worldbuilding, non-hamfisted character building, and story progression that isn't rush and utterly nonsense

>> No.10537648


Now you both have to read black library

>> No.10537697

Is there a rule of thumb for how many future plot points a first novel in a series should be allowed to set up?

>> No.10537716

Think he was too crazy, bastard would probably have pulled the switch immediately.

>> No.10537759

No? Why would there be.

>> No.10537774

Maybe Overlord?

>> No.10537790

No but there shouldn't be too many. The more you set up in the first book the more you have to wrap up at the end.

Don't become the next GRRM and others who set up so many story lines it takes them 5+ years to figure out how to pull them alk together and give them a conclusion.

>> No.10537800

His first book caused a big splash when it came out. Took the scene by storm, a lot of non-fantasy readers were even picking it up due to the hype. Overnight Rothfuss became a celebrity fantasy author, invited to conventions and included in editing circles and such. He spent years writing the sequel, which while still popular was not as critically well received. The only thing he's published since then was a book of poems related to the series. Meanwhile he continues to go to conventions and participate in the celebrity fantasy author scene like he's a big shot, but I think he's probably wearing out his welcome by now. Unlike Martin he does not have decades of gravitas to fall back on as an excuse for not releasing a book in 10 years.

>> No.10537811

Go be triggered somewhere else, soyboy.

>> No.10537838

>More worldbuilding, non-hamfisted character building, and story progression that isn't rush and utterly nonsense
This perfectly describes Oathbringer, relative to the first two books. It's still very anime, but in a different, better way. The focus on Dalinar was refreshing. I usually hate flashbacks in entertainment, but they flesh out his character--and the world-- nicely.
>Szeth not opening his badly written face hole
Szeth makes brief appearances, and they're much better. I believe the next book focuses on him, and that won't bother you after you read this one.
>less fucking characters that suddenly start acting like angsty 15 year olds
The characters for the most part are still dealing with their various issues, but they come across in a more adult way. Shallan chapters still come across somewhat childish, but Kaladin drops the angst for the most part, though he still battles with the depression it covered up.

Overall, this has been the best book of the three (I'm on page 1111 out of 1242).

>> No.10537884

King of Elfland's Daughter.

>> No.10537900
File: 27 KB, 1588x824, sheet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, I think that's the first time soulseek didn't have a book I was looking for. Has anyone found a copy of this somewhere?

>> No.10537988
File: 319 KB, 2000x1000, Bright-with-Joel-Edgerton-and-Lucy-Fry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished watching bright. can someone recommend a book/series with qt elfs? please no pleb shit/blatant ya. i've already read lotr and silmarillion

>> No.10537991

>if limewire 2.0 doesn't have it, it isn't elsewhere
Join a tracker if your are doing audiobooks

>> No.10538013


I've never needed a private tracker for anything until now, this shit has even the most obscure music
Which one would you recommend? I'm not looking for an audiobook, that was just the search result

>> No.10538019

sign up for an audible free trial if you havent already. there's like two different levels of free trials that let you get two books for free.

>> No.10538022

Wild Wastes series
Otherlife dreams

>> No.10538027


now you're just trolling me
not looking for an audiobook

>> No.10538030

>I'm not looking for an audiobook, that was just the search result
Then look at the stick and use IRC

>> No.10538033

Sticky* >>9769400

>> No.10538037
File: 35 KB, 1920x1054, zzzzzzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


can't do that starfox

>> No.10538071

>TFW you've read all good fantasy books

>> No.10538083

Hahahaha. Nah, it's pretty obvious.

>> No.10538096
File: 90 KB, 957x621, 1482790313934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>multiple POV
>author doesn't write a single good POV character
>keeps reading because the world and plot are interesting

>> No.10538102

Nevermind that then. The hardcover was like $13 on amazon a couple weeks ago. But it's up to $20 now for me. $20 is still worth it by dollars/hours entertained. I'm a slow reader. That ratio might be different for you.

>> No.10538104

Don't fall for the meme, seriously.

>> No.10538107

Stop reading George Martin

>> No.10538130

>not pleb
Your next move should be watching End of Watch, but if you just want elfs read The Broken Sword.

>> No.10538132

Magician by Raymond Feist, but they aren't very prominent. Good book if you manage to get past the first half and skip all the irrelevant stuff (like pirating).

>> No.10538373

>Guide to #bookz
You have enough information.

>> No.10538434
File: 463 KB, 1070x601, 1489876205649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Multible povs
>keep reading for that one good character who gets on chapter every 200+ pages

>> No.10538448

Raymond Feist lol

>oh you wanted to read a book called Magician
>here's 100 pages in a row on elven refugees

>> No.10538544
File: 72 KB, 573x765, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually don't know why I bothered reading all this shit. It became evident in the first third that this wasn't going to be good. I actually got half way through the second book before dropping it. I'll probably never touch anything by this guy ever again. It just sucks so so much. I guess I just wanted to know what was going to become of the battlestation, but it isn't worth it. Cool concept, I guess, but the rest of it sucks.

There is not a single character in the books that has any charisma. They are all completely one-dimensional. The main character of the first book actually managed to lose personality as the book progressed. I can't remember any other name of that book. The characters of the second book are even worse. The author's pet girl "hmm me so independent stronk wymen, don't leer at me stupid men" is absolutelly annoying and completely irrelevant to any plot. So is every other character, except the MC of the first book, but he rarely appears in this book. The prose is absolutely terrible. He drops acronyms like like punctuations, and 100 pages later he finally tells you what it means, maybe. He divides the dialog of the characters with absolutely irrelevant pieces of information, and when the dialog finally returns you have no idea what the fuck is going on anymore.

Don't bother with this crap.

>> No.10538574

That means it's time to kys.

>> No.10538679

I fucking hate multiple pov books. there's not a single one where every character is enjoyable to follow. it's so much better to just find one character you know you like, and rely on the STORY being interesting and varied

>> No.10538727

W-who are you? Are you John/Stu?

>> No.10538842

You just described Sanderson in a nutshell

>> No.10538844

I really liked Feist back in middle and high school. I read a lot of his books. He's a guy that just milked his one setting dry of ideas.

>> No.10538852

Yes that is what she says to people because it's more polite than saying she gets fucked for a living.

>> No.10538883

He's actually starting a new setting this year with his new book, might just be for the trilogy or it might be more

>> No.10538915

Same but single pov books are a rarity

>> No.10538919

I'll have to give it a read then. It just got old when he tried to reboot his own setting like 3 times.

>> No.10538923

How many good single PoV fantasy books can you name? I'm actually curious because I can't think of many.

>> No.10538925

Sanderson's plots are run of the mill. It's his autistic worldbuilding that sets him apart.

>> No.10538930

Run of the mill is fine as long you as you execute it in a satisfying way. I don't read genre fiction for pure novelty, I read it for the genre cliches I enjoy.

>> No.10538933

>Run of the mill is fine as long you as you execute it in a satisfying way
Sanderson doesn't do this

>> No.10538963

I disagree. I enjoy his stories because they tend to hit the right notes. I often get a feeling of nostalgia while reading Sanderson even if it's something of his I've never read. That's how I know he's hitting the right story beats.

>> No.10538966

Do zombies have any weaknesses other than brain destruction, fire and salt?

>> No.10538974

Being a rotting hunk of meat that can't move above 2 mph?

>> No.10538978

I mean a specific substance that repels, binds or destroys them

oh, and also holy water and anything with healing

but yea, anything besides those?

>> No.10539005

>novel about main character being a world travelling princess has actually become about the economics of third world poverty as it's gone on
Stross rules lol

>> No.10539011


>> No.10539070

Fuck off cunt. I listed a bunch of shit that would be effective against zombies /ghouls weeks ago when you asked this same question. You ignored me, now asking for exactly what I gave you before? Go do the mid air jig with some rope.

>> No.10539107

I stand by my original statement. Zombies are self defeating horrors, if you leave them alone they will eventually rot away into dust.

>> No.10539115

there are audiobook bay (public) and myanonymouse(private).
but honestly audiobook bay is enough. it has pretty much all the audiobooks youd want. at this point the selection is larger than that of myanonymouse. and better seeded. if you cant find a book there its probably not even on myanonymouse. if its something really really old try undernet#audiobooks or irchighway#audiobooks.

>> No.10539160

>at this point the selection is larger than that of myanonymouse. and better seeded. if you cant find a book there its probably not even on myanonymouse.
>look ma, i posted it again
Repeating something over and over doesn't make it true. I mean I wish I wasn't a kissless virgin, but that doesn't change the reality.

>> No.10539241

I read and really liked the Into the Looking Glass books when I was a teenager but I went back to them last year and I don't think I'd rate them very highly now.

>> No.10539408

If I don't normally like china meiville, will I hate Un Lun Dun?

>> No.10539498

Do you mean actual zombies, as in a reanimated human corpse or just mutants?

>> No.10539518

Kingkiller series

>> No.10539546

zombie never refers to mutants. you're thinking of ghouls. Zombies means either reanimated human corpse or a human with no thoughts or free will

I meant the undead kind

>> No.10539581

Most likely, yes.

>> No.10539589

Half-Life 2 did zombies well, actually. They're easy for competent organizations to keep off the streets and aren't really even much threat to healthy people on their own, but they can be very dangerous in places where people can't get away (retirement communities, prisons, hospitals) and occasionally pop up in out-of-the way places that aren't regularly patrolled by security forces.

>> No.10539734

>End of Watch
i don't remember there being cute elves in that movie?

>> No.10539737

please don't read this garbage

>> No.10539752

>can't write because of Trump

alright, what was your excuse in the half decade between your second book and his election you fat sack of neck bearded shit?

>> No.10539759

Because you shouldn't watch Bright for cute elves, because the elves aren't even cute, you should watch Bright for bros being bros.

>> No.10539764
File: 175 KB, 640x360, Frybar640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.10539766

Was she in that movie? I just remember Fresh Prince and a greenskin.

>> No.10539781

Seconding this

>> No.10539806

I just finished Name of the Wind on Saturday and I liked it, what's the problem?

>> No.10539948
File: 222 KB, 1296x730, rothfuss2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I go for GRI if I've read everything on that chart which always gets posted?

The main protagonist is a mary sue.
The prose is pretentious and sort of obnoxious.
The second book is cringeworthy as fuck.
The author is kind of a cunt and book 3 will never be released.
The fans of the series think it's a genius work of poetry and sophisticated because "muh unreliable narrator" (that goes to botnsfags too).
/sffg/ doesn't like it because it's popular.
It's better than anything Sanderson has ever written and will ever write.

>> No.10539957

the author is a nut sjw and has taken 7 years with no end in site to finish book 3

>> No.10539983

>The main protagonist is a mary sue.
there's that word again

>> No.10539997

It's almost as if people repeat the obvious flaws of a book when explaining why it's bad!

>> No.10540007

No, you're misusing the term mary sue. it doesn't just mean "very competent character" or "genius character"

>> No.10540011

>The main protagonist is a mary sue
No. Just because he's super-smart doesn't mean he's a mary sue. You don't know what this phrase means so stop using.

>> No.10540020

we will all keep hearing it for a long time sir

>> No.10540021

>wow this virgin is such a fantastic lover, totally seduces this thousand year old succubus
>wow he's the best at this instrument ever too

I don't even remember the rest

>> No.10540032

Again, mary sue doesn't even RELATE to competence, even if it's all-encompassing.
The most important feature of a mary sue is that it's an outlet and an insert for the author. which kvothe doesn't really show signs of being.

>> No.10540059

Many of the story's problems are hidden by the fact that Rothfuss write quite well. His prose is pleasant and easy to read but feel sophisticated and since the books are such page turners you don't realize that you've read 2000 pages of muh Denna and muh pride. There's to many irrelevant side quests, sex fairy seductions and exotic fighter people lifted straight from WoT (not to mention the incredibly annoying Edema Ruh and never ending use of the word troupe).

There's also no sign that Rothfuss is going to complete the series anytime soon, so hold the recommendation a couple of years even if you like the books.

>that goes to botnsfags too

>> No.10540062

wikipedia says otherwise, in the definition of marry sue

>> No.10540068

>less fucking badly written anime crossover fanfiction between Soul Reaper, DBZ and Power Rangers
I know how you feel with the power rangers stuff, and it does continue quite a bit. Now that the theme has been established though, sanderson does more interesting things with it. There is also less of the "training montage" type stuff in WoR, though I didn't mind those parts myself, in moderation.
>less fucking characters that suddenly start acting like angsty 15 year olds
Shallan gets pretty angsty, but there is enough development that it is bearable. My least favourite part of the book desu. Dalinar gets some time for angst, as do some Bridge Four people, but no more than is to be expected, and in the case of Dalinar it definitely facilitates the plot.
>Szeth not opening his badly written face hole
You'd better start getting used to Szeth. This time around, he actually gets some full chapters and some proper development, which might improve your view of him.
>More worldbuilding, non-hamfisted character building, and story progression that isn't rush and utterly nonsense
I can't really remark on the quality of the plot progression in relation to the previous book - I didn't see much wrong in either of them, really. It never gets in the way, if thats what you mean, and has quite a nice pace to my mind. There isn't anything like the "oh yeah urithiru an shiet" moments in WoR.

It isn't as good as WoK, and Sanderson may be writing himself into a corner of ever rising stakes and overpowered characters. The series has become a thouroughly doorstopper, intrigue-y high fantasy, more generic than it may have promised, but still very enjoyable. OB clears up quite a lot of what happened during WoR that may have annoyed you, and almost certainly will leave you more satisfied.

>> No.10540074

Well if Trump gets impeached soon, no doubt he'll be able to finish :)

>> No.10540075

I don't care what wikipedia said

>> No.10540082

Look at that fat disgusting author, listen to his moralistic preaching, you really think that he isn't self-inserting to his boy wonder character?
I wouldn't be fucking surprised if he ends up fighting the Nazi's in books 3 or 4 if they are ever released.

>> No.10540091

There were no signs of him being close to finished before Trump appeared and sabotaged his writing and even if Trump were impeached it's not like his followers would disappear, there'd be years of blogging and bitching to make sure Trump is finished and buried.

>> No.10540131

>it doesn't just mean "very competent character" or "genius character"
Yes it does, if the character has no flaws, or isn't well rounded. A mary sue is "an obnoxiously perfect character"

>> No.10540132

Must be real nice to be a lazy writer who can blame your writers block on Trump huh

Meanwhile he blogs, does podcasts, rants, goes to 'con's, and fundraises to give free cows to third worlders.

I wonder what % of those cows have been killed and eaten a year later.

>> No.10540133

Why isn't Severian a Mary Sue?

>> No.10540182

Which Kvothe isn't.

>> No.10540185

I've read the book. You're not fooling anyone.

>> No.10540236

He jumps off a roof to impress Elodin like a fucking retard, injuring himself in the process. A Mary Sue would step over the edge and fly like it was the most natural thing in the world.

>> No.10540237

As have I and neither are you.

>> No.10540244

But is he an obvious author self-insert? I haven't read it.

>> No.10540246

Not at all.

>> No.10540258


>> No.10540265
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, chuunibyou_demo_koi_ga_shitai-04-sanae-smile-wink-pose-tongue_out-cute-funny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm super good at everything!
>But sometimes I'm clumsy!
>hehe whoops!

>> No.10540267

confirmed haven't read it

>> No.10540278

So you were just shitposting all along.

>> No.10540280

>not recognizing a basic standin for a convention
confirmed for autism

No, Rothfuss really is a shit writer and Kvothe is a shit character.

>> No.10540319
File: 490 KB, 1638x2441, OB_SHALLAN-SPREN-SHADESMAR_ebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>check /sffg/
>some colossal faggot defending Rothfuss' alphabet shit
Welp what did you fall asleep reading to last night, boys?

>tfw haven't read more than 5 pages a night the past several nights because my eyes get too heavy
thank you marijuana

>> No.10540346

has dieselpunk ever produced a literary work worth anyone's time like cyberpunk has? Honest question, I like the idea of it but I don't think there's anything out there to read that's not the typical YA stuff.

>> No.10540350

I'm on a tough spot here. Is there any sci-fi with good characters AND plot? Recently I only seem to get one or the other. It's either a nice plot but annoying or one dimensional characters, or a couple of nice characters thrown in a boring, nothing ever happens world. I like space opera and don't mind mil-sf, as long as it's not too shitty, which is all I seem to get recently.

>> No.10540386


>> No.10540391

Bright was shit, an hour of agent J bullying an autistic !not orc

>> No.10540401

Maybe you should calm down.

>> No.10540405
File: 2.58 MB, 3000x3000, 1512676895357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where do I go for GRI if I've read everything on that chart which always gets posted
This chart?

>> No.10540412 [DELETED] 
File: 352 KB, 1200x1600, itme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What fantasy book most resembles this picture?

>> No.10540414

Library at mount char
Undying Mercenaries

>> No.10540454

can you just fuck off please

>> No.10540456

what. no

>> No.10540458

The Imajica

>> No.10540460

Your diary

>> No.10540469

My diary isn't fantasy
really? why?

>> No.10540471

genderweird fuckery

>> No.10540477

>Welp what did you fall asleep reading to last night, boys?
>falling asleep reading
I don't read when I'm tired, either I won't manage to concentrate or I'll forget the last pages I read anyway when I fall asleep.

>> No.10540516

imo the biggest problem with fantasy is that a normal character who is aware of the cliches of the genre could become the most powerful person in like 80% of fantasy settings

>> No.10540527

this isn't a general for fetish shit. if you want gender-kinky fiction just ask for it, but don't post any actual photos of the stuff. have a little class.

read another few chapters of BotNS (I'm re-reading, but not really finding anything new yet)

>> No.10540528

you know there are a few books about that sort of topic but they really arent good at all. its mostly just some litrpg shit or isekai drivel that isnt really well written at all.
even within the setting the character that should know better is still acting stupid an clueless.
really makes me mad.

>> No.10540577

Daniel Black.
BOOK 4 WHEN???????

>> No.10540602

next year

>> No.10540609

Any chance of me liking LOTR if I didn't care for The Hobbit?

>> No.10540617

Yeah there's a chance since the hobbit is a kid's story

although it's highly possible that the things you don't like about tolkien are just amplified

>> No.10540642
File: 373 KB, 2518x1024, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sanderson himself commented on this meme in the thread where it got posted

>> No.10540669

Well not specifically what you requested but you should play hellblade.

>> No.10540698

t. Eliezer Yudkowsky

>> No.10540738


>> No.10540834

>can only use two surges

What an unanime way to treat the mc

>Shallan battles a L O V E C R A F T I A N being and wins through the sheer power of her specialness
>Kalladin has skies... even though he is not that great at flying. Oh and he stopped a little bit of the wind for half a second.

>> No.10540980

>Undying Mercenaries
Turns out I was reading this a while back. I don't know why exactly I didn't finish it, maybe I didn't like it enough or, probably, there was another book I was more interested in. I'll finish it and post here what I thought about it.

>> No.10541006

That doesn't sound like fantasy. What book made you think this? I don't understand your point at all.

>> No.10541073

Have you watched Legion?

>> No.10541319
File: 24 KB, 670x549, 1514652414778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self published fantasy (probably also litrpg or brorotica) author named "damien"

>> No.10541331

the fuck is brorotica

>> No.10541363

