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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 58 KB, 1229x1160, confess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10520699 No.10520699 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10520703

i waste an incredible amount of time every day

>> No.10520706

I can't stop watching Blacked

>> No.10520710

i composed my first song

>> No.10520711
File: 63 KB, 1229x1160, Confess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10520719


>> No.10520725

You're not gonna undress me and bless me by putting your faith in my hole, are you?

>> No.10520733

I have a gay friend. He is... special.Besides that, he's pretty normal. He doesn't talk about being gay all the time.

>> No.10520735

a almost didnt check those dubs

>> No.10520741

I masturbate to videos of women whipping other women.
I lie to my parents.

>> No.10520752

That friend could be me or anyone else really.

>> No.10520762

>He doesn't talk about being gay all the time
Terrifying, the idea that I could interact with a homosexual without even knowing he was a sodomite. I wish we could require identification for degenerates.

>> No.10521191

I'm lost, I take it out on my mother and I hate my father. I hate myself and I don't feel love for anyone

>> No.10521195

I flag all Oxford threads

>> No.10521206

I hurt myself today to see if I still feel.

>> No.10521219

Hey, just the guy I needed to talk to. My soil is pretty bad for growing, so can I have your dirt?

>> No.10521223

I read a 4-book series written for 9 year olds. It was the most enjoyment I've had reading in literally years. Hold me.

>> No.10521260

I’m going to force myself to read the iliad not because I want to but because I’ve fallen for the start with the Greeks meme.

>> No.10521265

I liked the Odyssey much more

>> No.10521267

Forgive me, father. I moved to a third world country and took a job teaching English as a foreign language. I had a beautiful 15yo girl in one of my General English evening classes. She was privately educated and bright for her age. We started talking on messenger 24/7. She was the first one to admit that she was falling in love. I moved into an apartment near to hers so it was easy to sneak and we didn't have to keep risking it in empty classrooms. Because absolutely enchanted by this girl. By the time she turned 17, it was like our hearts and souls had been joined for years. She casually strolls into our apartment, and it's like we're married. She still hasn't turned 18 yet tho. Just for fun, she says, "light of my life, fire of my Loins. My Sin. My soul," and quotes Lolita. Forgive me father, but it's not just lust. There is a lot of lust, but I really can feel this girl in my heart

>> No.10521270

you can have all of it, but I'd just let you down, make you hurt, etc.

>> No.10521273

Well that's fine as long as the corn grows, thanks.

>> No.10521277

My name's not Crock, it's Krock with a K

>> No.10521297
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My gf of three years won’t have sex with me because she’s afraid of the pain it causes her now or that’s what she says. Every time I try to her in the mood with making out she just starts blowing me and dodged the question when I ask her about it

>> No.10521306

do you sleep in the same bed? You know you can get numbing condoms these days, right? Just wear it inside out, friend.

>> No.10521323

I masturbated to lesbian POV and a man getting butt licked by a woman.

>> No.10521325

Yes we sleep in the same bed. I’ll try something like that but condoms kinda make my dick rash up

>> No.10521341

I'm addicted to heroin and I can't quit. The withdrawals never seem to end and I'm an anxious ball of craving and depression even weeks later. I've managed to keep it a secret so far, but my boss is getting tired of me having so many sick days.

>> No.10521366
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i fukn shulda helpd moar.

You know. Writing out for 30 minutes in the most brutal thought-provoking fashion I can and yet it just could have as easily been boiled down to this so what is the point? I feel as though I tap into my very soul but can boil anything down into a complete shitpost. Is it that I can't find value? What am I missing? God damn it.

>> No.10521372

Get her checked for endometriosis. My girl has it. It's a major strain. But that's life. Or maybe your dick is too big. Who knows?

>> No.10521499
File: 28 KB, 640x352, Hellsing 4 Preview Interrogations (Low).mp4_snapshot_00.14_[2018.01.11_17.16.32].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jun Fourteenth, Nineteen-Eighty-Eight... what was that all about?


>> No.10521589

I stopped taking my pills

>> No.10521609

I haven't read books in half a year

>> No.10521688

I pretend to be other people on the internet.

>> No.10521715

I drink green tea and made a funny photo of my cat in an attempt to seem like a soyboy

>> No.10521727

When I first found lit a year ago for a while I thought Ulysses was the author and Joyce was the novel title

>> No.10521797

For 4 years I read almost only science fiction (like 60 books). Some of them were pretty good (roadside picnic, solaris, do androids..., etc) but others meh

>> No.10521830

I drop books halfway through or near the end, cause I get bored.

>> No.10522047

I havnt eaten great food in a while. I want to.

>> No.10522076

I want to fuck my cousin.

>> No.10522082
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I made pic related

>> No.10522094

me too buddy
books to help with that?

>> No.10522161

I hope you catch AIDS

>> No.10522166

Post it faggot

>> No.10522207

i still read fanfiction, and have for years now.

>> No.10522253

i borrowed my brothers Kindle just so I could pirate and read Dennis Lehane's books. I don't know what's the worst part of it, bu I feel shame.

>> No.10522289

I have smole pener

>> No.10522310

I squeezed my ballsack when I was taking a piss as a child because I thought pee was stored in the balls

>> No.10522323

I used to read a lot in middle school/early high school but I haven't actually read a book since then.

Once I year I re-read a couple of shitty fantasy books but that doesn't really count because I've read them enough times it's just me semi-skimming them.

>> No.10522337

Prime specimen right here

>> No.10522340

I once jacked-off my cat out of curiosity. He just sort of lay there looking at me.

>> No.10522351

About 80% of what I read is either science fiction or fantasy. I regret nothing.

>> No.10522358


>> No.10522365

I sold my soul to STEM because I know I don’t have the talent or social skills for a literature-related job.

>> No.10522377

>I once jacked-off my cat out of curiosity

>> No.10522698
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I like the books of Jehovah's Witnesses.

>> No.10522719


>> No.10522750

I wrote something really shitty thinking it was good. Luckily /lit/ eviscerated it, absolving me of my sins. Thank you, but I still beg for forgiveness.

>> No.10522894

I like to wach Better Than Food. It's super comfy to wach Cliff late at night before i fall asleep.

>> No.10522967

I'm afraid that I will never stop watching porn. I'm afraid that theought the years I rewired my brain to such a degree that it has become the greatest source of pleasure for it. Not the only source, but definetly grandest of them all, I fear that disgust I feel towards myself while I watch it has become another tiny afrodisiac. Why should I strive to be something better, try to reach for goals when this artificial, somaesque Huqleys pleasure is just 3 clicks away, I hate what I have become, but my brain loves it. It probably thinks that I am strongest man in my tribe, eatnig red meat constantly, and having two orgasms a day.

>> No.10523272

I don't get why I'd need to go to church.

>> No.10523332

I admire Jewish family culture, they’re dedication to learning, to art, to music, etc. I almost envy them. However, I find them extremely arrogant and narcissistic, which is somewhat annoying.

>> No.10523509

>60 books in 4 years

That's the more confession worthy than the type you were reading

>> No.10523623

I really enjoy the works of Bret Easton Ellis
I gave up on a novel 48,000 words in
I havent written anything in weeks, been putting off writing the pilot to a series because I am lost in the world building
I rely increasingly on stimulants to get any actual work done

>> No.10523628

I only read non-fiction

>> No.10523859

I had dinner with a Jewish friend's family, the conversation was all about new tax loopholes and tax dodging. It truly brought the family together.

>> No.10523968

Please stop. Try a safer painkiller at least, anything to ween yourself off. Heroin is incredibly lethal because it is subject to being cut with a more dangerous opiod.

>> No.10523976

When I express myself, I cannot create. I only have the urge to destroy.

>> No.10524000 [DELETED] 

I (priest) fuck little boys so thats not that bad.

>> No.10524021

I am completely uninterested in fashion, TV, and movies and it causes a great social division between myself and others.

>> No.10524231

hope you're behind seven proxies or you're in for a bad 2018

>> No.10524300

That's the point when you quit cold turkey, no fucking around.

>> No.10524308

I haven’t finished a book in four months, but I’ve started six.

>> No.10524332

Man, this is powerful...

>> No.10524336
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Reminder that it's never too late to become Catholic and save your soul.

>> No.10524370

What do you mean by that?

>> No.10524374

I have yet to find one (1) out of the closet homosexual who was not in some way deranged.

>> No.10524392

How about in the closet? Have you ever heard of "projection" you slapstick?

>> No.10524545

It sounds like a powerful quote. I don't know if I understand what you meant, assuming that's you, but it resounds within me somehow.
Words can create and words can destroy (ideas, relationships, life...) and if you only have the urge to destroy it means you might feel a huge rage inside.
On the other hand, if you could decide wether to create or to destroy, it would mean you're a solid person, one which I myself can't say to be always.

>> No.10524549


>> No.10524564

I feel you bro.
A good cover for you.

>> No.10524606

Some day you will change.

>> No.10525046


>> No.10525065

I have had a fear of reading for the past few years.

>> No.10525105
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>> No.10525501

lol no

>> No.10525666
File: 20 KB, 650x400, pseud-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a broad and superficially intelligent general knowledge base but in actuality my familiarity and competence with most of what I know and have read is very surface-level and shallow.

>> No.10525794

Western culture should be allowed to die, its embarrassing to try to salvage a rotted out, aged body

>> No.10525799

That's everyone on this board.

>> No.10525800

At least he's self-aware.
And man enough to admit it.

>> No.10525864

Same papa

>> No.10525907

Soon you'll be forever expelled from publishing and public forums for suggesting that overweight men who shave half of their pink hair off and wear dresses with lipstick might be unhinged.

That's an improper use of the word "slapstick" and an underdeveloped counterpoint.

>> No.10526368


>> No.10526371

same, what fandoms?

>> No.10526928

Same m8

>> No.10527053

I don't feel guilt anymore

>> No.10527071

Everytime I have a social events that involves women, I shave my testicules the night beforehand.
Just in case

>> No.10527175

I'm a Christian. Lately I've been trying to get closer to God and follow His law but I feel like it has actually led me more distant from Him than before.

>> No.10527346

I'm miserable

>> No.10527369

Welcome to the club loser

>> No.10527386


I don't know wtf is going on well enough to know if I've done anything wrong.

>> No.10528133


>> No.10528202

I use a fidget spinner to help me concentrate

I read The Republic via audiobook

I don't take notes when I read

>> No.10528283

I continue to read trash books to the end because I fear that the wisdom vaunted by others will be contained in those last few pages - though it rarely is.

>> No.10528301

Not all of us have the time to read a full book every day.

>> No.10528332

>I have a broad and superficially intelligent general knowledge base but in actuality my familiarity and competence with most of what I know and have read is very surface-level and shallow.
I find myself in the same condition. This has resulted in many epiphanies recently as the gaps fill.

>> No.10528361


>> No.10528375

I hardly ever read when I'm at home.

>> No.10528382

Every book I find that isn't a classic seems like crap and every classic seems excessively dense, and meant to make you read the same line 8 or 9 times. Catcher in the Rye bretty good though.

>> No.10528385


>> No.10528421

Destruction in the context of creativity means a deconstruction of your life and perceived events to realign them into a new form that will hopefully help you to understand their original meaning.

>> No.10528475
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I find pregnant Anne Frank erotica extremely arousing.

>> No.10528521

I am Jewish, hence, I have underrage fantasies sometimes

>> No.10528774

That's glorified anarchy, ever seen V for vendetta or Fight Club? Everyone has a rebellious stage, you grow out of it.

>> No.10528791

I have yet to find one (1) human who was not in some way deranged.

>> No.10528902

People think I'm extremely intelligent. I grasp History and most humanities rather easily but I'm absolutely stupid when it comes to Math. Its not like, I don't know Math, I feel a physical blockade in my head when I try to do any. I've got confused by the argument of Socrates in Menon (the one with the slave). I'm struggling with Geometry for dummies right now.

I've been publishing for years. Even philosophy and I'm a literal brainlet.

>> No.10528938


Evolution is the theory needed to hold the Anglo-American order together. It is not true.

>> No.10529373

What the fuck am I looking at here, friendo?

>> No.10529700

Are those trash books all classics? Also if you are reading books for wisdom, you are a turbo pleb kek

>> No.10529878

After reading about 500 books in 8 years (mostly classics and shit mentioned in old /lit/), I felt so burned out I had to stop reading.
Fast forward 2 years and now I can only read genre fiction and fantasy.

>> No.10529886

ive adopted a persona that writes vulgar poetry on bathroom stalls at my university. my name is edgar allan poo.

>> No.10529894

Its called imposter syndrome. You're still better off than more than 90% of the world if you read even one classic that wasn't assigned in high school.

>> No.10529964

That's legendary and I thank you for it

I hope it's funny and not cringey

>> No.10529972

Congrats on coming out the other side of mount stupid

>> No.10530181

Only anonymously on a Zambian tapestry-weaving board though.

How can I know whether the appearance of the filling in of some gaps is an indication of new ability and refinement or the grasping at of specious non-sequiturs?

Almost certainly, but increasingly I am trying to confront the insidious part of myself that undeservedly draws self-worth from being a part of that 10%. It's totally disingenous to pretend that being slightly better read than others makes me somehow any more than marginally more competent or intelligent in the ways I might have imagined. Those times that I've been around genuinely intelligent people, I have an acute awareness of a penetrating intelligence and ease of complex thought and recollection that divests the edifice of self-denial I have constructed for myself from any semblance of credibility. I know I am an imposter there. If I want to retain some integrity and be a better version of my presently second-rate self, (and I'm still not sure why I conceive of 'better' in this particular way,) I have to force myself to accept that hitherto my rationalisations for comparative averageness and excuses about my inability to do X or Y have been little more than coping mechanisms that stop me from confronting my mediocrity. For now, if I sit down and honestly evaluate myself to the standards that I hold then I can't be fully satisfied. How can I confront and balance these idealist yet affected feelings? Does maturity involve some resignations? Are there any books for these feelings?

>> No.10530224

I read maybe 5-10 pages nightly

>> No.10530407

Down-talking people I've never met makes me feel better about myself, not even defensively, I actively go out of my way to feign being another person on the internet in the hopes said person, and others who know them only though the same means as I do, will read it and I'll have established myself as superior in any way to someone I will never spoken to face to face, or even directly, in my entire life. I guess I needed to lay this all out in front of me, and spell it out to myself like I was a child in need of aid or guidance. It's like tweeting to the manager of my local grocery store telling him he's gained weight and should write more reviews about his products, and actually thinking my opinion was at all necessary, or of any value, to this complete stranger who never will or ever want to know me, or other people who happen to see it. If I'm being honest I just wanted to know which beans I should buy at the store tomorrow, and I shouldn't be so hard on myself.

>> No.10530413
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>> No.10530425

I don't know what to do with my life and I'm currently wasting my parent's money getting a possible meme degree

>> No.10530441


Here I sit with
Hand 'tween my knee
Scraping shit where
Her mouth should be

>> No.10530461

I can’t finish the Brothers Karamzov. I’m at the part where Zosima talks for about chapters and it’s just too exhausting for me to read. I love it very much it has an impact on me but it’s such weighty material that I don’t think I can continue. The book even sent me into a 2 week long depression when Ivan talks about God in the restaurant

>> No.10530465

Here's one:

Full of shit, I entered
Grinning, I will leave
Left something here, the janitor won't believe

>> No.10530467

come on queer boy do it

>> No.10530507


Last line needs to be fixed but I like it.

>> No.10530517
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Forgive me father for I have sinned.

I've wasted these four years at university, made some dear friends, then drove them away by being ambitionless, depressive, and poor. I go through a cyclic addiction to pornography, I tire of any singular hobby before I can get good at it (most crushingly writing). I'm going to graduate with a degree in biochem, but I could have done so much more. I was given resources to do so much more.

Also I fell in love with a lesbian.

>just uhhh say 50 hail mary's

>> No.10531470

I've been living the past 10 years wishing to die.

>> No.10532118


>> No.10532220

>Leaving something here, the janitor wouldn't believe

>> No.10532226

Must be something keeping you going, that's a long time to be staying alive

>> No.10532389


>> No.10532400

Not him, it’s been only 5 or so years for me. It’s curiousity that keeps me going.

>> No.10532415

you should stop posting, your thoughts are banal, the style of writing is soulless, your ideas are gay and i think you’re actually a bad person. morally a bad person, someone who should burn in hell. does that make sense? i hope you understand

also just as an aside, it seems a lot of you have the same problems: low iq (<130), low creativity, low conscientiousness, weak identity, weak self-esteem, herd animal mentality, strivers, masochists, gay faggot homos, weaklings. Your interests are devoid of purpose or significance, don’t pretend like this doesn’t reflect on your almost inhuman natures. The fact that you cannot bring it out of yourself to say something interesting is a sign of internal death, premature evacuation from the seat of power that is the Mind. The best advice for these types isn’t ‘kys’ though it is amusing to me to say this internally when I read your posts, its to tell you, you can’t change and you are npc’s/actors/masks and you’ll never know what it would be like to be ensoulled or a living mind. That’s it.

>> No.10532461

Nothing keeps me going, everything keeps me stopping. The issue is that I know I won't be able to experience pleasure/happiness after I die. But I know I won't experience it while I am alive either, because I haven't experienced it for the last 10 years.
Another perspective could be that the thing that keeps me going is that a plane hasn't fallen on my head yet.
>that's a long time to be staying alive
yes, that's the thing that makes me paranoid, that I have to live another 60 years before natural death (six times 10 years).

>> No.10532469

What the hell are you curious about? I'm uncurious about everything, that's why I don't want to live.
I don't find anything fun, I only experience the pain. If there was some pleasure it would be ok, since I would know why to endure through the pain.

>> No.10532486

Same. It's been, uh. 14 years by my current count.

>> No.10532492

Stop taking yourself so seriously. We get it, the hot girl didn't notice you, mommy shouldn't try to wake you up so early in the morning, you should have gotten better grades, and the world is against you.

>> No.10532495

>surface-level and shallow
lol fucking retard

>> No.10532511

I have a lot of the same thoughts. The only way to really overcome them is to fucking choose every day to take the higher path, work to learn more, be more authentic, put more into life so you can get more out. In terms of books, this will sound like a strange suggestion but I recently read American Psycho and was floored by it. I just wrote a decent description of why but I can't really convey it so I deleted it because I won't bother meming myself. But nothing has reminded me what's important and what's not in the modern world like AP. It's not specifically related to the whole intellectual impostor thing, but for what it's worth, yeah, maturity involves resignations. But all art is about that more or less. Focus on the fact that you are going to one day die and you cannot achieve everything you want to, but you can pick and choose and find some solace and gratitude, then all art will be a lot more meaningful. Angst can be a very dignified and empowering thing if you have the guts to be honest with yourself.

>> No.10532527

Sorry man, no one tells you to take yourself more seriously, so I don't want anyone to tell me to take myself less seriously.
Nobody tells you to hate to live, nobody should tell me to want to live.
If one wants to die then there's a serious reason obviously...

I hate people that act like noone in the history of humanity has killed themselves.

>> No.10532534

>Sorry man, no one tells you to take yourself more seriously, so I don't want anyone to tell me to take myself less seriously.
>Nobody tells you to hate to live, nobody should tell me to want to live.
Wow what a pseud thought process, no wonder why you are a failure by most metrics. Does your hysterical moody teenage girl, "no one understands, I'm gonna KILL MYSELF!" sentiment get you the attention you seek from your family? Does it provide an excuse from having to work, contribute, or otherwise compromise and do things you don't like in life (ie: everything but staying in your room and compulsively scanning 4chan and the internet)?

>> No.10533015

I count graphic novels as a book read.

>> No.10533032

I unironically enjoy Neil Gaiman.

>> No.10533057

Wait until she graduates then marry her you fucking fag.

>> No.10533116

No one has ever returned to me a single book I've lended to them.

>> No.10533119

So you know all my secrets? No chance Catholic daddy.


>> No.10533165

i make deals with him. its 95% true by now and the other 5% i forgot. it restored faith in god for me

>> No.10533239

I once stalked my ex-oneitis for months until she returned a book she had borrowed from me and lost. I think she bought a new copy in the end to get rid of me because I scared her a lot after I showed up at her house in the middle of the night a few times, but I don't regret it at all

>> No.10533286
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>after I showed up at her house in the middle of the night a few times

>> No.10533296

Your English is absolutely terrible. Unsurprised you teach English to third worlders.

>> No.10533308


I have a working memory index of 66 and don't remember any of the things I've read pretty much at all over the past couple years as a consequence.

>> No.10533318

The only fiction I read is manga. And I unironically believe it's better than contemporary litterature.

>> No.10533373

More ofthen than not, this is because your mom has psychic control over you and redirects your anger toward her at your dad.

I bet she is never to blame.

>> No.10533379

kys pedo

>> No.10533387

move far away
start over
or youll end up a lowlife

>> No.10533395

I hate the band that plays every sunday before mass but tell ppl they're talented.

>> No.10533474

I want to marry Muck Bulligan so she can give me qt literary babies.

>> No.10533532

In grade 9 I had no friends and would go on long walks to be away from people during lunch time. For 2 weeks or so, I would walk about a mile and a half to a coffee shop, eat lunch, jerk off in the bathroom and then walk back to school. The jerk off session was basically out of boredom and hormones, it was unnecessary and just a way to pass time.

>> No.10533539

he’s actuall a ephebophile who groomed a teenage girl but its not a significant difference

>> No.10533547

Technically he isn't a pedo anymore.

>> No.10533559
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>I scared her a lot after I showed up at her house in the middle of the night a few times

>> No.10534053

The thing is she lived kind of far away from me, and so I would only be able to pass by her house if I had the car, but this was back in high school and so my parents weren't really cool about me taking it. I really wanted the book back, but she kept avoiding me at school, so I would wait til my parents were asleep, grab the car, drive to her house, and start calling her until she woke up (sometimes I had to call the house phone, then she'd wake up and see all the messages I left on her cell, and I would hang up the house phone if anyone answered), and then tell her I was waiting outside to get my book. I could never stay that long though because I was always scared my parents would notice I took the car, and just to cover my tracks I would get fast food on the way back, in case they noticed and asked where I was, but overall it still cost me less than replacing the book.

>> No.10534068

I might be getting a kindle this week

>> No.10534130
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Harry Potter kindled my love of reading when I was around 10 or 11.
From there I read the entire Redwall series which planted the seeds that have now grown into my penchant for jacking it to furry porn and posting on /trash/.
So yeah books are pretty great.

>> No.10534367

Honestly as long as they repress it it's fine. I think the ones who perform acts of sodomy are the ones who have to go.

>> No.10534377

>Not being married first
Truly disgusting

>> No.10534383

How long have you been on it and why would you ever start? If you want to quit I've heard you have to move away any bad influences or temptations.

>> No.10534415

Has she been to the doctor? She sounds like a basketcase.

Also, why not try anal? I knew a girl who had pain with vaginal sex and basically only did anal.

Three years and no sex... if she doesn't get checked out for endometriosis or whatever, or doesn't start taking it up the chocolate tailpipe, I'd get the fuck out of that relationship.

>> No.10534429

nothing turns me on more than sissy blowjob trainer/hypno videos even though the idea of being intimate with a man seems repulsive.

>> No.10534434

Have you had any similarly fucked up experiences with women and do you feel any shame or whatever about your response to this woman? Presumably you never evened out and are still a nutter?

>> No.10534495

For some reason, it's only when I'm falling asleep and waking up that I have thoughts of death, sex, murder, anger, etc. When I'm half asleep I find myself doing things I never think of when I'm awake. I only masturbate when I'm half asleep, my sex drive is only present then. Then I feel ashamed and wonder what happened. When I'm awake I can't even begin to imagine any of these things. It's like there are two separate persons, the other I can't for the life of me understand or come into unless I'm half-conscious. I don't like falling asleep anymore because I lose myself to someone existing only when my eyes are shut. I just want to be normal.

>> No.10534509

Regardless of what you think of psychology, you need to read some. I think Jung has some good stuff more-or-less on the subject of the different fragmentary identities that constitute the totality of a single personality.

>> No.10534515

It's just strange to me how drastically I change just because I'm falling asleep. It makes me uncomfortable with myself that I can't explain why my personality is almost inverted at those times. I'll look into Jung

>> No.10534717

I am illiterate

>> No.10534740

Are you gay? Or just a shy ace girl?

>> No.10534950

I actually don't even know how to read.

>> No.10534968

im temperamentally full of hate. im working on it - im getting better at stopping angry thoughts before they arise and realizing that most of that anger comes from my own pain, but at the same time its getting more difficult the more i educate myself and thereby distance myself from the normie/pleb rabble. its amazing that the world runs as well as it does given the general level of ignorance and i try to feel grateful about that

>> No.10535172

I don't regret it: she should have just returned my book, and I stopped once she did. I recognize that I scared her, though, and I get why you think it's fucked up. I've never lent a book since, though.

>> No.10535182

I've signed up for the Boston meetup, plus I dont even read

>> No.10535185

Thanks m8, I needed that tonight.

>tfw autistic oneitis/sort-a-friend of several years who cut me off social media for no reason
>tfw too scared to call her b/c she has phone phobia and would probably kill the last of my chances
>tfw all my professional success since graduate has been motivated by her
>tfw will probably become tenure track proff in a few years just so she'll come back

>> No.10535192

only way a book would help with that is if you rip out the copyright page and use it to snort coke or amphetamine

>> No.10535203

I want to read so much, but I just fucking can't. I have ADHD, and I take meds for it, and everytime I try to read a book, I doze off after like an hour or something. I get so envious of people who can read for hours. I try my fucking best; I give my fucking best, but it's never enough. It's making me really depressed. Sure, meds to do help to some extent - at least they help me sit still for some time, but it's not enough. I just don't want to waste my fucking time. Fuck.

>> No.10535214

It's conditioning. I think the meds make it worse though desu. Reality is pretty evil these days.

I knew a guy whose daughter had to take meds in school. Like she was required to by the school. It was just ADD meds or something... makes you really see how far we've fallen.

>> No.10535221

kek. I wonder if the school realized they were literally (in the true sense of the word) forcing her to take amphetamine? I love it personally, but I started in college, I'm pretty sure it would've fucked me up as a kid.

>> No.10535253


I wouldn't say my meds make it worse, but they, to some extent, make me feel "normal" - I can think clearly, focus better, and helps me sit still(Which is like the major hurdle of whatever this disorder is) But when It comes to reading stuff, I just doze off for some reason - or I just read discursively, without finishing any book at all. I want to do many things at the same time, it's fucking depressing.

>> No.10535671

I hate christianity. I just despise it so much

>> No.10535709

i haven't spoken to a woman in three years and think about her even though she forgot about me within a day

>> No.10535713

friend, you can tell us, how worried should we be about jewish child trafficking

>> No.10535732

I think it's the psychedelic editing

>> No.10535938

Is it Gandhi?

>> No.10535989 [DELETED] 


>> No.10536042

Cause you’re a fag huh

>> No.10536045

What's stopping you from rewriting whatever book you're reading word by word ?

>> No.10536187

>I knew a guy whose daughter had to take meds in school. Like she was required to by the school. It was just ADD meds or something... makes you really see how far we've fallen.
lol "just" ADD meds?

I would not allow my kids to be on unnecessary meds. If the school said they had to, I'd tell them to go fuck themselves and go elsewhere. Then again, there is a reason I'm not sending them to public school...

>> No.10536207

It's disturbing behavior and an asymmetrical response to a small problem. Did you ever approach her face-to-face and say politely, "hey can you please return that book? I need it, thanks". Or did you sort of dwell and obsess over it quietly until it culminated into a psycho passive-aggressive approach involving constant texting/phone messages?

It really is a bizarre approach to getting a book back: driving past their house in the middle of the night, repeatedly leaving messages, etc. Why did you think this was a healthy or even effective approach to getting your book back? Was this easier for you than asking her in person?

We've all done socially-retarded things that we thought weren't so bad or would go unnoticed. Do you have any other stories of your odd interactions with people? I can't believe this was the only time you acted like this. It's fascinating.

>> No.10536219

You should ask her what happened, deal with whatever the response is and move on, or just forget about her. There are plenty of good women out there and obsessing over someone that you basically don't even have a relationship with is a dead end. There is no hope and nothing to salvage so just move on and work on your social skills and networking - this will help you land a position in academia as well as a wife.

>> No.10536356

I'm bisexual, so you're right in a sense. It's philosophically that I'm opposed to it, meaning in my view of it i should be as logical and frugal as possible, but I think despite that I just really hate it.

>> No.10536435


I am an unapologetic agnostic. I think 90% of Christianity is cancer. I think the people who do the "fedora" meme every time they see someone with skepticism is a massive brainlet that is only religious because it's the Right Wing thing to do, which separates them from the reddit boogeyman. Absolutely pathetic. This Nu-4chan mentality of being contrarian to contrarianism is still fucking contrarianist faggotry.

I want to give aids to everybody who unironically reads everything from the western canon and nothing else and thinks it will make them smarter or improve their lives.

I've read all the philosophers who tried to fight Nihilism. And they haven't really changed my mind. I still think the world is mostly chaotic and meaningless, but I have become OK with it.

I think if there is a God or a Higher Meaning or a Higher level of consciousness after death, "Meaning" is a human construct that's totally meaningless in itself. I actually think everything humanity does is ultimately pretty stupid and futile in a funny way because we all think it's so important.

>> No.10536438

Nibba I was studying engineering, I didn't have much time. Also I used to read mostly during the pauses between lessons, while the other people talked to each other. This is another confession

>> No.10536440

having almost-daily sex with best friend's ex-gf whom he still likes

>> No.10536488

He's not really your friend then.

>> No.10536508


>> No.10536596

if someone stops being one's friend at the moment one wrongs them then it wouldn't be possible to have wronged one's friend

>> No.10536617

Of couse I asked her for it back, andshe kept saying she had lost it. But then she started avoiding me in school, so I couldn'tt harrass her there.

Not really, I would have posted them in this confession thread already if I did

>> No.10536711

I'm so lonely I've started going to churches and pretend to be interested in christianity. It's nice when they welcome you, talk to you and offer you coffee and cake.

>> No.10536724

I commend you for at least being able to identify your struggle in others, but I gotta ask: what keeps you going on now that you're aware of your insurmountable faults?

>> No.10536748

The book was not the important part, it was just an excuse for your to harass/stalk her. If you were caught or confronted by others, you would say, "I-I-I-I'm j-just trying to get my book back".

Also, if someone says they lost a book, why would you keep pressing them to the point of obsession?

Are you a NEET or what? It's almost unfathomable that someone with this thought process could have a successful career and relationships.

>> No.10536766

>tenure track prof
Yeah, bullshit. It’s 4chan, no need to lie, dork

>> No.10536776

that's the goal m8, not saying it'll happen. I have high hopes though since I'm in a very niche non competetive area of STEM that I somehow stumbled into

>> No.10536779

Hey I used to jerk it twice a day, every day, and sometimes more. Just trying going without for 3 days.

>> No.10536786

Do you actually know what his Law is? I'm not trying to be pretentious, I had a similar thing happen to me a couple of years ago. I basically went into Leviticus & Deuteronomy and wrote down every law God gave. It was an interesting experience.

>> No.10536791

I basically gave up with normie women though. She's the only person who I could see understanding me as a human being on a deeper level. I don't interact with enough of the right kinds of people to meet another intelligent aspie girl.

>> No.10536798

it always amazes me how easy it is to tell

>> No.10536807

You're a christfag, huh?

>> No.10537063

No, I stopped once she bought me a new one though she pretended she just found the old one, maybe she thought it would piss me off if I knew. You clearly don't belong on /lit/ if you don't take care of your books famalam. I have a pretty normie life desu.

>> No.10537079
File: 25 KB, 236x454, 56465436363636363636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blew a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity today. I've been tirelessly preparing for months and I still failed.

>> No.10537172

Christianity is guaranteed community, I did this in college just to have friends. No regrets

>> No.10537198

Not that guy, but I just had two interviews for tenure-track positions at a couple smaller colleges. Not everyone is a fuck-up on 4chan, although I'm glad I didn't start visiting 4chan until I was a year into my MSc maybe 2008 or so.

>> No.10537210

>You clearly don't belong on /lit/ if you don't take care of your books famalam
I take care of my books and have had to remind people to bring loaned books back. Being a psycho creep =/= "taking care of your books". You were obsessed with this girl and took the missing book as an excuse to stalk her. It wasn't about the book, it was about her.

I doubt it was a first edition or expensive book either.

>> No.10537219

I flirt with every flighty thing that falls my way

>> No.10537363

yes, I already admitted that, or I wouldn't be confessing it in this thread. I'm sorry, man, but this can't be the first time you're reading about extreme autism and creepy behavior on 4chan.