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/lit/ - Literature

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10529665 No.10529665[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>This strikers fear and anger into /lit/ards

>> No.10529676

I have been slowly infecting the board in subtle ways. For instance, whenever there's a thread about the foundations of mathematics I make a regular reply but I subtly include Kant's notion of mathematics as a synthetic a priori. I've been trying to think of a way to get some heideggerian notions in there, haven't thought of any

>> No.10529688

if they're as bad at nimbers as they are strikersings lettres, it shuld; they run satellites and stuff that needs accuracy

>> No.10529697

t. got in fear and anger

>> No.10529710

fucking fingers can't do anything right

>> No.10529723

One group of know-nothing image-mongers intimidating another? Doubtful. It's not like someone who pretends to read Hegel really has that much to fear from someone who pretends to study science. The insecurities that drive either board are deep enough that these sorts of "insults" disintegrate in the descent toward the ego.

>> No.10529731

My husband died in a car. Do not touch your eyes. She opened the door and gave her life. The book is important about the death of most intelligent people. Is it a voice for a living person? What did they do, and what did they do? I'm afraid of this problem and talk about the things that are happening. How do you use names? Your eyes
Broadcast: I read it

>> No.10529750
File: 575 KB, 1422x1038, get to know your chemicals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i shitpost on this board in between classes at my engineering university

>> No.10529767
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Why should I fear them?

>> No.10529770
File: 261 KB, 1200x1500, IMG_0743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congratulations. you played yourself.

>> No.10529774
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>not being /sci/lit/

>> No.10529775

not really, no

>> No.10529784

No it doesn't. I'm a physicist and I have to say the people of /lit/ seem a lot more scientifically literate than the people of /sci/.

>> No.10529787

/lit/ and /sci/ are the only two boards i browse anymore

i miss the daily putnam problems

>> No.10529797

But I’m from a STEM career

>> No.10529818

Don't ruin my thread

>> No.10529822

I'm an engineering senior and I'm not sure whether I'm stupid on that board or whether everybody else is a fucking idiot. And then, all the threads where I assume people are actually discussing meaningful things are in fields I don't understand like CS.

>> No.10529828

/sci/ is the worst board on 4chan. Even worse than /tv/.

>> No.10529851

/sci/ is a shitboard, i left because it was too pretentious without any substance. reading the mongolids on there was like pulling teeth

all the jackassery of academia and none of the trappings. its awful enough when actually smart people try and show off their intelligence to one another, its just embarrassing when idiots try to out-namedrop each other by trying to be the most casual in referencing obscure theorems and fake mathematically maturity

im doing a phd in information theory