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/lit/ - Literature

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10528749 No.10528749[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw he hasn't even read Locke

>> No.10528770

>the same guy who spawned the ideology that led us to be mindless secular consumers who worship the CIA, the EPA, the Federal Reserve, Amazon, Starbucks, and Apple, and whose lives are micro-managed by an expansive administrative state

no thanks

>> No.10528772

>tfw he has no formal education

>> No.10528779
File: 167 KB, 529x705, leavehumanitybehind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you haven't read ANIMOL FORM

>> No.10528781

>(((formal))) """""""""""""""""
>anno domini 2018
baka desu senpai

>> No.10528796
File: 105 KB, 436x364, liberalist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, it's like you haven't even read Thomas Paine

>> No.10528810

that's not the matter tbqh, it's that he's a brainlet that skipped the greeks and romans then tries to understand the liberals that founded themselves on the former

>> No.10528816

who gives a fuck what he's read when he's an outright S O P H I S T

>> No.10528859
File: 252 KB, 1366x768, cringes in japanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a Carl of Swindon thread

>> No.10528867

Why does Sargon have this perfect shitposter face
Is it the smile lines?

>> No.10529061

What is white? Checkmate. Goodnight Alt-Right.

>> No.10529083

Carl Spencer's specific sect of the altright do have an obtuse definition of Whiteness though, and not entirely biological.
Sargon did do pretty poorly in that debate, but Spencer's madman ranting and avoiding of direct questions was inarguably a worse showing.

>> No.10529088

>Carl Spencer
RICHARD Spencer, obviously
Disregard that post, I appear to be having a fucking stroke

>> No.10529097

This. Why the fuck do ameridumbs talk about whites (which includes arabs, spics, and other mongrels) instead of just europeans?
Are they afraid because they know europeans are less than 50% of their country?

>> No.10529118

No, its because you can't statistically separate Europeans from non Europeans, its too ambiguous a term for the purposes of identitarians and race realists both.

>> No.10529134

>you can't statistically separate Europeans from non Europeans

New Zealanders use "european" instead of white

>> No.10529145

Has he read anyone?

He's spent the last 3 years dealing with bottom of the barrel feminists and gamers. He probably has a massively inflated view of himself and would struggle against anyone who has read an actual book.

>> No.10529159

>reading empiricists

Pathetic. If you follow a path other than Pre-Socratics -> Plato -> Aristotle -> Descartes/Spinoza/Leibniz -> meditating on your own and never touching the garbage that is non-Idealist philosophy, you are retarded.

>> No.10529161
File: 149 KB, 421x225, 1515530691564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread making me smug I've read them all so far

>> No.10529164

Is that a boy on the bonnet, looks flat-chested.

>> No.10529168

that's just semantics though, they mean White and are a massively White majority nation, so there's very little intersect between non-whites and those of European descent.
In a larger sample size if you go by European ancestry, you get Moors, Slavs, Greeks, etc so you can't cleanly separate people along race and identity lines.

>> No.10529172

Anon the whole joke is that he allegedly disparages others for not reading as much as he has.

>> No.10529175

I liked it when he told Richard Spencer that he argues with "too much pathos and not enough logos." You can tell he recently read Aristotle's Rhetoric and he wants everyone to know it. He is the pseudist of pseuds.

>> No.10529185

Does /lit/ unironically think Richard Spencer is smarter?

>> No.10529196


He is smarter. You don't have to agree with his arguments to admit that. I think he's a twat but Sargon is way worse.

>> No.10529197

He's been using that terminology for years anon

>> No.10529211


I don't care

>> No.10529216
File: 59 KB, 606x600, Joseph Maistre2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A great and terrible fire needs to come and cleanse the right-wing of its plague of morons and pseuds.

>> No.10529228

who the hell reads trotskyist propaganda

>> No.10529258

Systemic failure always creates these cultures of losers. It will pass, they don't have the discipline to improve themselves so they won't amount to anything.

>> No.10529260

Everyone in my high school class. My teacher told us that there will always be pigs and people in power and they're all corrupt so we should give up our foolish ideologies and just live to be decent people and because of that it's best to live in a society that at least allows that liberty. He was pretty based sometimes.

>> No.10529268

The word pseud isn't strong enough

>> No.10529273
