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/lit/ - Literature

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1052554 No.1052554 [Reply] [Original]


This is a cancerous AIM thread specifically catered for the /lit/erati. Template follows:

>ASL (if necessary; be a boss and skip it)
>Currently reading
>Favorite book(s)
>Book(s) you absolutely hate
>Literary character you wish you were
>Do you write?
>Additional masturbatory self-promotional content ("something interesting about yourself"; "how you're feeling"; "what you think about Chuck Palahniuk")


>> No.1052561

That's one gorgeous bookshelf, OP. I feel like I should get a 4chan AIM just to post in this thread.

>> No.1052577

OP here.

1. 22/F/Nebraska
2. Gravity's Rainbow
3. The King James Version Bible (I am not kidding, but I'm not "Christian" either)
4. Catch-22. It's the gayest shit I've read.
5. lol no one!
6. No, but I schlick over authors.
7. Does not apply!
8. AIM: catesdirtyhands, MSN on request

>> No.1052583

>lol books.
>The Bible
>Thomas The Tank Engine
>I can write.
>Who the fuck is Chuck Palahniuk?

>> No.1052602

Reading: Infinite Jest (re-read), Finding Flow
Favorite: The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
Hate: Anything by Ayn Rand
Wish I was: Ford Prefect
Write: Yes. Working on a novel
Additional: Chuck Palahniuk is a one-trick pony.
AIM: AntiPopeRingo

>> No.1052608
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Do it! Here is more, to entice you!

>> No.1052624


>> No.1052632

hary botter lol its so hard
im riting now lol

>> No.1052640 [DELETED] 

>Currently reading: The Secret History of the Lord of Musashi- Junichiro Tanizaki
>Favorite book(s): Don Quixote, The Old Man and the Sea, The Silent Cry, Suttree, Blood Meridian, The Little Prince, The Wind in the Willows, Huck Finn, Spring Snow, Sanshiro, Siddhartha, Animal Farm, Anything Kafka...
>Book(s) you did not enjoy: The Fountainhead.
>Literary character you wish you were: Toad from the Wind in the Willows
>Do you write? Yes.
>Additional masturbatory self-promotional content ("something interesting about yourself"; "how you're feeling"; "what you think about Chuck Palahniuk"): Never read anything by Palahniuk. I write music too. I'm into old shit and classical. That's about it.
>AIM/MSN/Skype: I have none of these.

>> No.1052645 [DELETED] 

>Currently reading: The Secret History of the Lord of Musashi- Junichiro Tanizaki
>Favorite book(s): Don Quixote, The Old Man and the Sea, The Silent Cry, Suttree, Blood Meridian, The Little Prince, The Wind in the Willows, Huck Finn, Spring Snow, Sanshiro, Siddhartha, Animal Farm, Anything Kafka...
>Book(s) you did not enjoy: The Fountainhead.
>Literary character you wish you were: Toad from the Wind in the Willows
>Do you write? Yes.
>Additional masturbatory self-promotional content ("something interesting about yourself"; "how you're feeling"; "what you think about Chuck Palahniuk"): Never read anything by Palahniuk. I write music too. I'm into old shit and classical. That's about it.
>AIM/MSN/Skype: I have none of these.

>> No.1052647

1. Half-way through In Search of Lost Time.
2. Norwegian Wood.
3. n/a
4. Charles Swann
5. I'm gifted. Literary. Seriously. No. But really.
6. snowsnowsnows@hotmail.com

>> No.1052650

We really need to stop this.

>> No.1052652

>Currently reading:
The Secret History of the Lord of Musashi- Junichiro Tanizaki
>Favorite book(s):
Don Quixote, The Old Man and the Sea, The Silent Cry, Suttree, Blood Meridian, The Little Prince, The Wind in the Willows, Huck Finn, Spring Snow, Sanshiro, Siddhartha, Animal Farm, Anything Kafka...
>Book(s) you did not enjoy:
The Fountainhead.
>Literary character you wish you were:
Toad from the Wind in the Willows
>Do you write?
>Additional masturbatory self-promotional content ("something interesting about yourself"; "how you're feeling"; "what you think about Chuck Palahniuk"):
Never read anything by Palahniuk. I write music too. I'm into old shit and classical. That's about it.
I have none of these.

>> No.1052664


Currently reading: The Wayward Bus

Favorite book(s): The Grapes of Wrath, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Brave New World, Animal Farm, Les Miserables

Books I hate: The Eragon Series

Character: I'm most like Hamlet

I mostly write poetry

AIM: delta1echo7, Skype: tamesisshadow

>> No.1052671

like your fave books. enjoyed the wayward bus too. my dad always felt like the ex-military salesman to me.

>> No.1052675
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>ASL (if necessary; be a boss and skip it)
20, male, an exotic land far, far away.
>Currently reading
2666 by Roberto Bolano.
>Favorite book(s)
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski, 1984 by George Orwell, Watership Down by Richard Adams.
>Book(s) you absolutely hate
Just like OP: Catch-22. I can't stand that.
>Literary character you wish you were
Johnny Truant? In that I wouldn't mind being skinny and creepy as fuck yet having as much pussy as I'd ever like.
>Do you write?
As a matter of fact, I happen to be a journalist and a professional author of smut.
>Additional masturbatory self-promotional content ("something interesting about yourself"; "how you're feeling"; "what you think about Chuck Palahniuk")
I wear a hat. My hat is more famous than I am.
AIM: ciarandohertywod
MSN: superanomalous@hotmail.com
Skype: brilliantparhelions

>> No.1052680

4chan: A Place For Friends

>> No.1052684

My bestfriends are from 4chan! THEY ARE VERY GOOD PEOPLE.

>you're goodnight

>> No.1052687

how are you liking 2666?

>> No.1052689

if you haven't seen it yet you MUST see the animated film. it's fairly old. it's true to the book and the animation is top notch.

>> No.1052691

I've just finished Book One. It's... slow, draggy, unique(?) but it has a peculiar effect on me. I want to know what's going on.

So far I've caught on that mirrors has some importance in the story. I'm liking the book, but I can only read it once every so often, when I can concentrate.

>> No.1052695

i'm a dummy. i was referring to watership down. anyways the old film really is a classic.

>> No.1052698


The book made me cry (I keep rabbits at home, they are very, very dear to me), the movie did it as well.

Well, the movie made me D: constantly, it's a fucking brutal world out there for rabbits. Trippy song after getting injured... rabbit fights to the death... Glorious film.

>> No.1052708

>Hm, Either A handful of dust or Dubliners.
>Woman in black.
>Sparingly. A few screenplays, poems, short stories. Nothing serious.
> Coffee fuelled, smoke scented wanderlust driven fool.
>msn: wolf359alpha@hotmail.com

>> No.1052709

ha. yes. i was surprised at the blood in the movie although it's only in a few parts. to be a child and see bigwig come up and bite woundwort...that's some brutal shit.

>> No.1052711

Reading A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter Miller, Jr.
Lots of favorites. Currently Primary Colors by Anonymous (actually be a journalist, Joe Klein).
Absolutely hated Brave New World
I want to be the Poet in Part 2 of Canticle for Leibowitz
I write, mostly diary/journal stuff and some stories I'm not gonna show to anyone
Palahniuk's okay, I liked Rant but not his other books.
MSN: sub.fuse@hotmail.ph

>> No.1052713

catch-22 was the gayest shit you've read? try reading more.

what didn't you like about brave new world?

>> No.1052715


Stick with it. It jumps around all over the place, book 2 makes little sense beyond a few literary references but is still important, book 3 is great, book 4 is insane and book 5 brings the whole thing together.

Just don't expect any kind of plot resolution, at all. It's fantastic.

>> No.1052716

Wasn't going to reply but OP's pic is orgasmic.

>20/F/Land of the Kangaroos
>No Thanks - EE Cummings
>Anything and everything by Joseph Conrad and Twilight stuff - yes they're in the same category
>Henry Bukowski. kidding. or not
>I type.
>I would fuck Palahniuk

>> No.1052717

Currently reading: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Favorite book(s): 1984, King Lear, The Ethics of Liberty
Book(s) you absolutely hate: Fantasy
Literary character you wish you were: I don't know
Do you write? No
Additional masturbatory self-promotional content: I'm studying English (University, about to start my third year)
MSN on request

>> No.1052718

I was turned off by the introduction.

>> No.1052719


Someone on 4chan reads Murray Rothbard? I need my psychiatrist.

>> No.1052720

that's too bad. i consider bnw to be essential high school/early college level lit. it's short and easy to read. give it a chance if you ever feel so inclined.

>> No.1052726

Why? Explain.

He's taken rationalism to an absurd extreme, but I'm OK with this.

>> No.1052729

The Plague by Albert Camus
Im terrible at it
i just told you what i think about chuck palahniuk

>> No.1052732

>types derp.

twelve year old detected.

>> No.1052736
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>> No.1052737
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1. 20/M/São Paulo
2. Artemis Fowl
3. Pick a Discworld novel.
4. Twilight, Haruhi.
5. I already am.
6. Like a chipmunk on acid.
7. I'm so unlucky when it comes to publishing that once I asked a question (trolling) to PublishAmerica and they "rejected my book". True story. Once in a while, I manage to talk to famous people on social networks for no particular reason. I think that and "not sleeping" are my special skills.
8. synthetic.ryuno@msn.com

>> No.1052740
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At least I hope so.

>> No.1052742

gah that pic reminds me of stagolee

>> No.1052744

Sorry, no.

>> No.1052746

Seems authentic to me.

>> No.1052765

>18/F/Philadelphia Area
>Lord of the Rings, Demian, Homestuck
>20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, East of Eden, Cannery Row, Friday, The Prophet
>I try not to hate.
>I would be Captain Nemo, but only for a day or two.
>If I don't answer you promptly, it is only because I'm pretty busy today.
>AIM: lithophane robot

Polite sage for cancer.

>> No.1052769

>The Collected Works of Billy the Kid by Ondaatje and then maybe some Nabokov or a UFO book
>Pale Fire, His Illegal Self, If on a winter's night a traveler..., The Plague, The Trial, Candide
>Wuthering Heights
>I think it'd be fun to be Leni.
>Yes, short stories mostly.
>I just made my morning cup o' tea. I'm cool with books, but talking about UFOs, tea and art is cool too.
>Let's just say hey first.

>> No.1052771


>> No.1052774

Oh hey, that was fast.

>> No.1052776

yeah, i get that a lot

>> No.1052796

Currently reading The Fellowship of the Ring
Big fan of The Wizard of Earthsea and a lot of fantasy. Shakespeare is fine too. My favorite is probably If on a winter's night a traveler.
I don't hate any books.
It'd be fairly uncomfortable being in a book, because I'd only ever do the actions portrayed in the book. For that reason I'd like to be Meursault from L'Etranger.
I write as little as possible.

My AIM is hochiminstrels

>> No.1052795

> 19/M/California
> East and West, by Harry Turtledove
> The Dresden Files
> The Stranger, by Camus. I just did not enjoy reading it. At all. Alas, anything by Toni Morrison.
> Sherlock Holmes. If only for shooting the Queen's name into the wall.
> Yes, I'm a paranormal writer.
> Absolutely bored today!
> AIM: netsujdude

>> No.1052806

You made me nostalgia hard.

>> No.1052811

Hell yeah, Sparrowhawk

>> No.1052822

17, Male, Scotland.
Currently reading The Sign Of Four.
Favourite books: The Road, 1984, A Clockwork Orange
Have not yet read a book I absolutely hate.
Sherlock Holmes.
I don't write.
AIM: EruditeHipster

>> No.1053335

BUMP! Some good conversations here. Sup elitists?

>> No.1053348

Chatted with >>1052577 and >>1052675
and they're both extremely interesting conversationalists

Coming from /r9k/ I can't tell you how rare that is. Oh well kudos

>> No.1053366

>Currently reading
Bonsai by Alejandro Zambra; The Setting Sun by Osamu Dazai; La silla del aguila by Carlos Fuentes
>Favorite book(s)
La silla del aguila, Pedro Paramo, El llano en llamas, Cristobal nonato, Forbidden Colors, The Sound of Waves, The Sea of Fertility, The Confessions of a Mask, Dead Souls, Closely Watched Trains, Agape Agape, JR, The Master and Margarita, Envy, Mahogany, Como me hice monja, Don Quixote, Epepe, etc., etc.
>Book(s) you absolutely hate
Anything by Chuck Palahniuk, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Isabel Allende, or Tao Lin.
>Do you write?
>Additional masturbatory self-promotional content
I love classical music... a lot.
AIM: herrproblembear

>> No.1053406

Why don't you copy and paste the OP so I don't have to scroll up and down to check what each line means?

I wouldn't want to talk to anyone other than


Well done guys. Everyone else doesn't have a brain.

>> No.1053425

you sound like my kind of bro.

>> No.1053431
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>> No.1053441

I thought this kind of thing was right up your alley...

>> No.1053490

>currently Reading
Ada or Ador: A Family Chronicle
>Favorite book(s)
The Trial, Far From The Madding Crowd,
>Book(s) you absolutely hate
I probably wouldn't read any I hate. & more likely find them boring than hate. I suppose reading something like Atlas Shrugged in it's entirety would cause some anger.
>Literary character you wish you were
>Do you write?
>Additional masturbatory self-promotional content
I like Rock, Jazz & some Classical. I like technology.
I'm not convinced to make one yet.

>> No.1053597

The irony is horrifying.

>> No.1053741

Bump for newfriends?

>aprita 231

>> No.1053748

>Currently reading
paradise lost
>Favorite book(s)
paradise lost
>Book(s) you absolutely hate
anything by johnathan saffron foer
>Literary character you wish you were
The narrator from Story of the Eye
>Do you write?
>Additional masturbatory self-promotional content ("something interesting about yourself"; "how you're feeling"; "what you think about Chuck Palahniuk")
Im into watersports
will transmit if the interest is sufficient

>> No.1053760

>19, Male, Florida
>The Master & Margarita
>Favorite book(s): Invisible Man (the negro one!)
>I don't approve of Vonnegut
>Only for personal benefit, so I can sleep at night. I'm content to leave it at tumblr.
>I'm trying to read more, but distractions prove otherwise.
>I don't feel like I made this interesting enough to request contact information; I should probably work on that. I'll post something if you live in Florida however.

>> No.1053763

The premise of Paradise Lost is decent (although it's preachy/bigot as fuck) but the actual text is BORING

>> No.1053768

nah, only boring people think it is boring, i have to stop myself from crying everytime i read it. God is such a prick.

>> No.1053774
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>> No.1053778

Would you be interested in some urinary sacrilege?

>> No.1053777

Buddha, Karen Armstrong
... The Trial, Narcissus and Goldmund, The Karamazov Brothers, Borges Fictions
Twiglight? More info: I didn't like Lolita
Maybe one of the main characters in Murakami novels?
I'm feeling lonely

>> No.1053785

Personal joke, I simply couldn't pick one and it was a better answer than my first troll, "Tyler Durden".

I've never particularly identified with a character since middle school, when I read the sort of books where that's to be expected. I have favorite characters, sure, but none that I find myself wanting to be.

>> No.1053796

18 F IL
House of Leaves :|
Lolita, anything by Adam Rapp.
Well, Twilight. Also, 1984.
AIM: lawnndoe

>> No.1053813

Ha ha, good. Anyone who actually wants to be Meursault is missing the point. I just finished Camus' Sisyphus collection of essays. I actually enjoyed it more than The Stranger.

Anyways, yeah. That question was hard for me, too, since most of what I read has characters that end up worse off, and don't have that many admirable characteristics. I think the last character I really identified with was Pippi Longstocking, because she was ridiculed for being a ginger or something. I have no idea. I admire certain characters, like Adam Krug from Bend Sinister, but I wouldn't want to be him. As principled as he is, he's eventually broken.

>> No.1053821


>> No.1053827

As a redhead myself, I can sympathize, I suppose. I sort of skirt the line between ginger and what I consider myself though, and I'll cut anyone who argues otherwise.

You don't find any appeal in existentialism however?

>> No.1053856

29/M/ Sunny Southern California (muggy as fuck!)

>Currently reading
Book 2 of Age of Misrule (it is quite meh)

>Favorite book(s)
Oooh, I hate this question but I'm going with American Gods today, could be different tomorrow.

>Book(s) you absolutely hate
The Children of Hurin. Ragequit and threw the fucker across the room.

>Literary character you wish you were
Harry Motherfucking Dresden (bring the hate fuckers)

>Do you write?
Yes, poorly and for my own enjoyment

>Additional masturbatory self-promotional content
I own a home and enjoy midpriced, yet highly recommended, red wines.

Nope. But feel free to email me at joeshmoe11@live.com

>> No.1053895

Yeah, I only have certain aspects of the ginger, like freckles and the inability to tan. I don't have the Carrot Top hair, though. It's just kind of normal blonde hair with an orangeish tint to it.

I don't really see any appeal in the way Meursault goes through life. I hated how dispassionate he was as a character, but I like Camus' philosophy on living well despite the acknowledgment of the absurdity of living, working, creation, and so on. I'm definitely picking up his essays on rebellion soon, since that is an especially interesting topic to me.

>> No.1053910
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>> No.1053951

The Wizard Knight
Ender's Game, Lolita, The Godfather, The Count of Monte Cristo
The Scarlett Lette, To Kill a Mockingbird
Andrew Wiggins
A bit
Mechanical Engineering Student with a lot of hobbies

>> No.1053958

Ah, a fellow Scot that's actually younger than me!

What city?

>> No.1053998

>Currently reading
The master and margarita
The melancholy of resistance
>Favorite book(s)
1884, John dies at the end, house of leaves, The stranger, kafka by the shore, franz kafka
>Book(s) you absolutely hate
sci-fi books that aren't creative (just regular ideas and themes set in space)
>Literary character you wish you were
no clue
>Do you write?
not really.
>Additional masturbatory self-promotional content
kind of an artist.

>> No.1054008


>> No.1054077

23 M TX
>Currently reading
Pale Blue Dot, Moby-Dick, The Unbearable Lightness of Being
>Favorite Books
The Sound and The Fury, Blood Meridian, The Stranger, The Last Days of The Incas
>Books I hate
Cat's Cradle, Blindness
>Literary character I wish I was
I don't know.
>Do I write?
Not in the sense you are asking.
>Additional Info
I'm not a hipster.
Nah, I just wanted to fill out this dumb survey.

>> No.1054078
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meant 1984

>> No.1054079


That the prequel to 1984?

>> No.1054098

>ASL (if necessary; be a boss and skip it)
15 / F / NC

>Currently reading
all quiet on the western front

>Favorite book(s)
the brothers karamazov, tender is the night, the road, looking for alaska, nausea

>Book(s) you absolutely hate
oh dear

>Literary character you wish you were

>Do you write?

>Additional masturbatory self-promotional content ("something interesting about yourself"; "how you're feeling"; "what you think about Chuck Palahniuk")
i have yet to read fight club.

fuck off

>> No.1054102

I havent posted in this thread yet, but American Gods?
I love you. :)

>> No.1054116

3.just started reading again so I'd say trainspotting
4. none so far
5.can't think of anyone on the spot
6.screenplays, mostly unfinished
7.I'm a schizo
8. c.boylan@hotmail.co.uk

>> No.1054116,1 [INTERNAL] 
