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10524284 No.10524284 [Reply] [Original]

I need some recomendation about fantasy books that doesn't suck. Some interesting stuff, not some Tolkien-copy. Please don't say Malazan.

>> No.10524312


>> No.10524383

Gene Wolfe.

>> No.10524397

Just read books for adults you fucking sad case

>> No.10524412

It's not your fault

>> No.10524424

I'm working on one starting 1 second after reading your post. Its a HIGH Fantasy called "OP Grows Some Fucking Taste of His Own and Stops Shitting Up This Website". Or is it science fiction?

>> No.10524668

book of the new sun by gene wolfe

>> No.10524674


>> No.10524745

I'm writing a HIGH fantasy book called "Wizards taking fat fuckin rips off a magic bong" lol

>> No.10524831

I'm reading Gardens of the Moon at the moment lol

>> No.10524845
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Jack Vance's Lyonesse Trilogy.

Jack Vance's Dying Earth books and the books about Cugel.

Poul Anderson's "The Broken Sword".

Fritz Leiber's "Swords" series about Fahfrd and the Grey Mouser.

if you don't mind ornate, flowery language, there's E.R. Eddison's "The Worm Ouroboros"

>> No.10524867

here's popcorn fiction
The Traitor Son Cycle
The Vagrant
Iron Age
The Chronicles of Malus Darkblade
The Draconis Memoria
Beyond Series

>> No.10525761


just to clarify, OP, this twit is probably referring to Michael Moorcock's books about Elric of Melnibone, part of the "Eternal Champion" series. they're good fun and quick reads, but it's obvious that some of them were written in a few days.

"Elric at the End of Time" is pretty funny if you know the other End of Time books.

>> No.10525789

my diary desu

>> No.10525881

Just you wait, I‘m still writing them

>> No.10525896

The First Law trilogy, Joe Abercrombie

>> No.10526498

Prince of Thorns
The Lies of Locke Lamora (only the first book, but it's a masterpiece)
The name of the wind

>> No.10526723

The standalone novels are amazing, The Heroes is probably Abercrombie's best work

>> No.10526730

The Whale Road

>> No.10526959

My personal favorite series:
The Black Company series by Glen Cook
The First Law series by Joe Abercrombie
The Witcher book series by Andrejz Sapowski

>> No.10527041


>> No.10527046



Try this out op.

>> No.10528081

Clark Ashton Smith
Tanith Lee

>> No.10528165

He's memed pretty hard, but it's for a reason. His short stories are pretty underrated as well. Also check out M. John Harrison and Michael Swanwick

>> No.10528211

I'm glad he got memed a lot because I wouldn't have read him if he wasn't
And let's be honest "Shadow of the Torturer" sounds like some edgy horse shit if you know nothing about the book, I spent a good while avoiding him because of my prejudice and now I'm really glad I read him, I have learned a lot and will not disregard books for their genre or title alone any longer

>> No.10528268

The Gormenghast trilogy