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1052043 No.1052043 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Lines from books that made you feel like BAAWING

Usually, I'm not engrossed in a book enough for it to hit me that hard, but it finally happened. When I was reading the fourth book of Stephen King's Dark Tower, and Roland finished telling his story, when Jake walked over, hugged him and said "I'm sorry you lost your friend. I just about lost it.

>> No.1052047

when Nikolai is talking to his dad about the exorbitant amount of money that he owes Dolokhov because of gambling I could have started crying like a baby at the last things he said if I weren't on an airplane

>> No.1052064

At the end of The Passage, when Amy meets Brad at the end, and we realize he has become a viral. God, I lost it.

I'll think of some more.

>> No.1052068

"She cried a little, but only inside, because long ago she had decided she didn't like crying because if you ever started to cry it seemed as if there was so much to cry about you almost couldn't stop, and she didn't like that at all."
A little girl in William Saroyan's short story "Gaston". It's been getting to me since primary school.

>> No.1052077

In Pygmy by Chuck palahniuk when trevor got fucked in the ass

>> No.1052083


I didn't cry during that mainly because I'm so used to CP's nonchalant way of destroying emotions entirely with his books, that it was almost "eh" for me.

>> No.1052085

When I read Rothschild's Violin, god damn, I burst into tears in a public place.

But he had wasted his time, he had done nothing of this. What losses! Ah! What losses! And if he had gone in for all those things at once-- catching fish and playing the fiddle, and running boats and killing geese-- what a fortune he would have made! But nothing of this had happened, even in his dreams; life had passed uselessly without any pleasure, had been wasted for nothing, not even a pinch of snuff; there was nothing left in front, and if one looked back-- there was nothing there but losses, and such terrible ones, it made one cold all over. And why was it a man could not live so as to avoid these losses and misfortunes? One wondered why the had cut down the birch copse and the pine forest. Why was he walkin with no reason on the grazing ground? Why do people always do what isn't needful? Why had Yakov all his life scolded, bellowed, shaken his fists, ill-treated his wife, and, one might ask, what necessity was there for him to frighten and insult the Jew that day? Why did people in general hinder each other from living? What losses were due to it! What terrible losses!

>> No.1052086

Hyperion by Dan Simmons:

In Sol Weintraub's story when his wife has died some days ago and her daughter Rachel is aging backwards forgetting everything that happened the last day after sleeping, the daughter asks where her mother is to which he replies by telling her that her mother is out of town and coming back tomorrow. This is to save her from the sorrow of losing her mother every day for the rest of her life. He does this every day after this.

>> No.1052098

And with that, he had returned to the fevered state of mind which he had dwelt for five years, for the one tether to a stable reality had been severed. He had died for him, and he had let it happen.

"Just a useless piece of shit," he muttered bitterly to himself, as he returned to the fetal position on the dingy floor.

"Should I kill him?" Jones asked, amused, pointing the gun at the shell of a man.

"No," Mortimer said conclusively, a hint of relief in his voice, as he no longer had to commit the deed "Put him in my car. We'll take him back to the asylum."

>> No.1052101
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later alligator ;_;

>> No.1052107

In a while crocodile

>> No.1052109

I'm reading Varieties of Religious Experience right now and about half these quotes from religious people are making me border on ;____; even if I can't always explain it

>> No.1052112

When Yossarian realized why Snowden was so cold.

Where are the Snowdens of yesterear? ;_;

>> No.1052113

Because you're an intellectual and feel, logically and instinctively, that there is no God. You still find it beautiful at how much faith and charity exists in some religious people, so it's touching in that way, but then it only reminds you that you can't share those feelings and that your life is empty in that regard.

>> No.1052128


Where is this from?

>> No.1052136

In gatsby, when noone shows up to his funeral except for Nick and that one guy.
When gandalf "dies" in moria i almost lost it.

>> No.1052142

Also, wait until the final 2 books. gets a lot more emotional as certain characters begin to die.

>> No.1052146


God, yes. When Jake dies, I fucking lost it. One of the only times I hated Stephen King.

>> No.1052157

Very well articulated. One such instance springs to mind. It's not really literature related, but fits the subject matter. It's not a completely accurate account of it either since I saw it such a long time ago. Anyway, some Iraq war veteran sergeant was talking about a mission he was in charge of, and during it they had to bust a hole into a wall with a rocket launcher. After going through the hole they noticed a hysterical woman whose husband and son had been killed by the impact and rubble. The sergeant collapsed and started crying. After noticing this the woman then came to comfort him and said "It's the will of Allah." repeatedly. A deep faith like that is something my sceptic mind can never achieve, but the thought of the extent of it is really heart touching.

>> No.1052186

Tanis Half-Elven's letter to his wife.

The ending of The Amber Spyglass when you find out that Will and Lyra can't be together

>> No.1052207


>> No.1052211

No book has made me shed a tear but the closest I have come is chapter 17 of Phantom by Terry Goodkind in the Sword of Truth series.

Richard is made to experience a vision of himself being executed while Kahlan watches.

"Richard was already dead inside. It was over, life and the world were ended. So much lost. Everything
lost. For nothing but a mindless hatred of every value, of life itself, by those who chose instead to
embrace the emptiness of death.
"I love you now and always, with all my heart," he said in a hoarse voice. "You've made my life a joy."
He saw Kahlan nodding that she'd heard him, and her lips mouthing her love for him.
She was so beautiful.
More than anything, he hated to see her inconsolable grief.
They stared into one another's eyes, frozen in that instant that would be the last instant that the world
Richard gasped in a cry of terror, anguish, and sudden sharp pain as he felt the blade bite flesh, felt it
slice mortally deep into his throat." That's the end of the chapter.

>> No.1052221

fuckin gatsby aint never gonna get dat green light


>> No.1052247 [DELETED] 
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Oh man, don't get me started on Dragonlance. I've cried while reading a few books, but Dragonlance has made me bawl full on for a good 20 minutes before. The relationship of Raist and Caramon, the protective innocence of Tas, even god damned Bupu.

Also, fuck you for reminding me of His Dark Materials.

[Spoiler]Lee and Hester oh god ;_____;[/Spoiler]

Pic related. It was my face during the last 100 pages of The Amber Spyglass.

>> No.1052252 [DELETED] 


Oh man, don't get me started on Dragonlance. I've cried while reading a few books, but Dragonlance has made me bawl full on for a good 20 minutes before. The relationship of Raist and Caramon, the protective innocence of Tas, even god damned Bupu.

Also, fuck you for reminding me of His Dark Materials.

Lee and Hester oh god ;_____;

Pic related. It was my face during most of The Amber Spyglass.

>> No.1052261
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Oh man, don't get me started on Dragonlance. I've cried while reading a few books, but Dragonlance has made me bawl full on for a good 20 minutes before. The relationship of Raist and Caramon, the protective innocence of Tas, even god damned Bupu.

Also, fuck you for reminding me of His Dark Materials.

Lee and Hester oh god ;_____;

Pic related. It was my face during most of The Amber Spyglass.

>> No.1052270

the end of The Sirens of Titan, by Vonnegut, when Salo makes the illusions for Malachi. Holy shit

>> No.1052293

When Shrike watches Hester and Tom's bodies slowly decay before his eyes at the end of the Mortal Engines series.


>> No.1052308

the end of A Prayer For Owen Meany. Dunno if I bawwed, but I sure felt like it. Emotionally wrenching unlike any other novel I've read.