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10517971 No.10517971 [Reply] [Original]

Heinlein Edition
>what was the most fucked up book you ever read from Heinlein?
>after reading Heinlein did it reveal any deep seated degenerate tendencies?
>did Heinlein make you look at your mother as a woman?



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>> No.10517997
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Welp. Library at Mount Char was a wild ride. Took a while to get into it but then I was compelled to not stop reading, so I think I read the last ~70% yesterday, finishing the last ~10% this morning. I enjoyed it a lot. It was very different, enough to be intriguing although I felt like there could have been more answers or more fulfilling dialogues with certain people.
Anyway, I'd recommend it.

>> No.10518012

Second for web novels are a meme.

>> No.10518015

Glad you enjoyed it. Now for a whacky turn please read house of blades.

>> No.10518022
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>> No.10518066

Where's the audio plays rec chart I was promised?

>> No.10518083

>137 pages into Shadow of the Torturer
Severian had a hard life...

>> No.10518084

sanderfag a hack

>> No.10518172

I want to write some schlock fantasy about a thief and have it basically just be Elder Scrolls game tier boring. Like no exciting mansion breakins, no intrigue, just an autistic sociopath who's realized that if he acts like he belongs or just crouches in the corner and wears his special enchanted shoes nobody will notice him and he can take their stuff. Like Skyrim, this will be a vehicle for the main character showing up all over the map and getting a ludicrously close look at the lives of "important," yet completely flat, characters. It's going to be totally fucking boring and it's going to get published and make a million dollars. People love boring shit.

>> No.10518242

man it gets worse, don't worry

>> No.10518248

>>what was the most fucked up book you ever read from Heinlein?
Probably just Glory Road, after that I stayed away from his senilia. Oh, I read SIASL but that was just boring.
>>after reading Heinlein did it reveal any deep seated degenerate tendencies?
>>did Heinlein make you look at your mother as a woman?
My mother made me look at SIASL as a novel, the one failure in her sainted life.

Let me tell you guys, Citizen of the Galaxy, Have Spacesuit Will Travel, Tunnel in the Sky -top notch Golden Age shonen. Door into Summer and Puppet Masters are pretty good too.
>you will never build civilization on a new world with your aggressive Zulu waifu

>> No.10518320

But then it gets better. But then it gets weird.

>> No.10518331

And then there's a dinosaur and they all get high and drink Thecla's brains and fall into a painting and they fight dwarfs riding blind giants and pregnant women with demilunes.

>> No.10518362

there's also this bit where he fucks himself from the past

>> No.10518368

I missed that, I did catch where he sleeps with his grandma though.

Or are you saying Little Sev was himself from the past? How?

>> No.10518370

What was so weird about Glory Road?

I always thought that his weirdest was either The unpleasant profession of Johnathan Hoag or I Will Fear No Evil.

>> No.10518373

>What was so weird about Glory Road?
Just the wife-swapping really, then how he's basically just Star's concubine.

Wait! Yeah, I also read Friday. Forgot about that. She's in a group marriage like in the moon libertarians one and she gets raped but conquers her rapists by liking it.

>> No.10518390

>desert has no water
come on dude

>> No.10518400
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Anyone read pic related?
I thought the movie was on to something good but fell a bit short. Is the book much different?

>> No.10518416

what field are you in?
anthropocentric activity -> climate change -> global warming -> desertification

>> No.10518426

I buy big Sev = little Sev with all the time travel shit. What I still don't really understand is Sev seeing Dorcas crying over what I can only imagine to be his own corpse. I think the timeline may have split after his journey with the aliens - if I remember right, he was surrounded by the Increate's thorny time-bushes when he got back. This stuff is probably explained more in UotNS - all I know about that book is that it makes it clearer that Sev did have a sister, giving more credit to big Sev = little Sev.

>> No.10518466

Sorry for asking for a book recommendation based on a video game, but I was wondering if there was anything in the vein of Silent Hill, and not some sort of book adaptation of the game. Thanks

>> No.10518494

shadow over innsmouth.
its a lovecraft short story.
actually has a game made after it that is pretty damn excellent too called call of cthulhu: dark corners of earth.

>> No.10518502

thanks, m8. i've been meaning to get into lovecraft since i've only read some of his introductory works.

>> No.10518739

Webnovels are novels too

>> No.10518874

Is silver ships considered bad? I mean the MC is a total not-self-insert but several chapters in i'm enjoying the comfy atmosphere, premise is interesting enough and reader has a very engrossing voice

>> No.10518906

i've only read Starship Troopers and The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. I just picked up Stranger in a Strange Land, am I entering the danger zone?

>> No.10519013

Now that I think about it, it's pretty likely that Thecla was Severain's sister, huh? One gets eaten by the Alzabo itself, the other gets "distributed" with the help of the Alzabo. Plus the inexplicable bond, his learning of her past, all that. If true, then the only non-incestuous sex he had that I can remember was when he raped someone.

>> No.10519057

The Salem Hypotheses points to physics, engineering or math, since those fields are more likely to endorse crankery like creationism or be somebody who thinks that since they're an expert in one field (say, flying jet fighters) they're an expert on everything else ("as a fighter pilot, I think we should ban all forms of pizza other than Chicago style deep dish Hawaiian")

>> No.10519160

The issue is complicated by populations likely to participate in activities that more directly lead to desertification living in desertifying areas (the Mojave hasn't been growing much, has it?).

Also you're a faggot for using "anthropocentric" when you could have said "human."

>> No.10519164

then sell some nigga, we've already heard of Worm and Large Chests

>> No.10519208

human-centric would have made sense but sounded dumb
"human activity" some retard (you?) would have said "well i guess we should just stop human activity, huh"

>> No.10519214

"Anthropocentric activity" sounds dumb and sounds like you're trying too hard.

>> No.10519216
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>make a goal to record everything I read this year on Goodreads
>first book I read is a light novel

>> No.10519222

>the Mojave hasn't been growing much, has it?

Oh desertification in southern California is certainly a thing, it's mostly been covered over by irrigation though, because fuckwit farmers want to keep growing almonds and rice in the desert. Arizona and New Mexico are worse off since they're largely already desert.

>> No.10519223

which you read bro, sanderson or rothfuss
who ya here for

>> No.10519228

>getting mad on the internet

>> No.10519230


>> No.10519243

Randidly is quite decent if you ignore the retarded name. The MC is the only one who has the dumb name anyway.
I'm enjoying the anti-bigtech theme in the work, and it is polished, as far as webnovels go.

>> No.10519309

Don't worry, he deserves it.

>> No.10519344

>tfw no AI computer who considers me his best friend

>> No.10519650
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So, I just finished Foundation and Earth

>that fucking thriller-movie ending


One thing I didn't understand is, did they erase Earth's records from everywhere just to motivate Golan to get to them? Seemed kind of impractical and contrived for such a big task.

Also, how's the non-Asimov trilogy?

>> No.10519655

I don't think so, keep in mind that Thecla had memories of House Absolute and was a full-grown woman; while Severa was just a little girl.

>> No.10519684

>book of the new sun spoilers
welp, ill see you guys next thread. im almost done with the first two books.

>> No.10519718

Just got the Metro 2033 book, what am I in for? All I know is that the sequels are worse.

>> No.10519746

I always thought Dorcas was crying over her husband (Severian's grandfather), the old guy at the lake looking for her.

>> No.10519768

Anyone read The Alchemy Wars series by Ian Tregillis?

>> No.10519855
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>Krogan Battlemaster: Surrender. Or don't. That would be more fun.
>Shepard: We don't have time to deal with this idiot. CHARGE.
Whats a fantasy or sci-fi staring the equivalent of Shepard?

>> No.10519893

Lord Nelson

>> No.10519980

I like anthropocentric as it reminds greens that while I care about the environment a lot, humans are still top dog

>> No.10519987

it's a great ride, I actually think it's pretty good YA as you follow this 20-something on his wacky ride round the metro, meeting all sort of colourful characters and locations
Refer to the map a lot too, when I went to Moscow a few months ago I just had to pop down to a station to look at the map IRL, it was pretty cool

>> No.10520014
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How did yall do for 2017?

>> No.10520035

43 books, 15700 pages and an average rating of 3,8. Longest book was Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrel and most popular The Handmaids Tale.

>> No.10520103

I read 14,643 pages across 37 books, Oathbringer was the longest, Fahrenheit 451 the most popular.

The least popular was Toast on Toast: Cautionary Tales and Candid Advice. I'm fairly certain that the book is a must if you enjoyed the show. Not quite sff, but Toast of London does have situations and absurdity not really possible in a realistic setting. The audiobook was narrated by the actor himself.

>> No.10520148

So, while I recognize the importance of LotR, I don't personally love it.

That said, Tolkien's creation myth feels genuinely epic in scope and in a very short time he manages to make his world seem very ancient, casually stepping across epochs.

What are some other fantasy series with really interesting creation myths?

>> No.10520223
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i axed my book challenge this year. planning on reading a bunch of books really discourages reading anything over 500 pages.

>> No.10520289

Library is as all style, no substance as it gets.

>> No.10520344
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>book 3 in Realm of the Elderlings
>no more comfy Buckkeep
FUCK. What are some stories with a manor or keep to explore? Wouldn't mind some horror, either.

>> No.10520424

>her husband (Severian's grandfather)
I thought it was implied that Sev was Sev's grandfather, but I don't remember if the man looking for her was described as looking like Sev or no. I don't remember him being brought up when he met his father for the second time and saw the locket.

Severa and (little) Severain also both died, and yet (big) Severain was still walking around.

Honestly I don't even bother with spoiler tags for BotNS because I don't even know what I'm talking about and didn't feel like the spoilers I read when I was going through it impacted my enjoyment of it at all.

>> No.10520434


I also axed my challenge because I'm sitting on like 10 unfinished "Complete Stories"

>> No.10520446

Its not especially great, but as all Cruchton books its decent enough.
The book also feels short and not fully realized, its not a long novel.

>> No.10520461

Fucking hated the last 2 books, ass pulls everywhere and all plot threads go nowhere.
Also dosnt help it completely abandons the premise of the series.

>> No.10520697

Wolf 359 is so good.

>Alone means progress and development and concentration. Every great leap into the next paradigm happened because someone was alone long enough to make it happen. There is nothing to fear from "alone."

>Which leaves just one possible conclusion. Is not "alone" that's the problem. Alone is definite, quantifiable, controllable. No... what really scares us is the doubt.

>The scary part isn't thinking, "I am alone." The scary part is the corner of your mind that whispers back... "How can you be sure?"

>Remarkable thing, the human brain. Truly astounding. Such a will to survive, such a drive to protect itself from every possible threat. So committed to constant vigilance that it turns its own self into an adventure, a torture chamber, and uncertain and dangerous wilderness... Famous philosopher said that. Big man. Big brain. Had right idea on what we do to ourselves, how we drive ourselves mad with fear and neurosis just on the remote... distant... possibility... that...

>Enough! I am man of logic, man of evidence, man of seeing and hearing and knowing and I know that there is no one else here. Nothing in the dark that isn’t there in the light, yes? Old saying. To reassure children. Helps them go to sleep. No monsters underneath the bed.

>But evolution does not care about sleep. Does not make mistakes. Does not leave things lying around. So somewhere, sometime, someone must think that they're alone, when they're not.

>There must be monsters under someone's bed.

>> No.10520751

>unfinished "complete stories"
like, your own stories?

>> No.10520819

Is Roose Bolton supposed to be the Night's kings son?

>> No.10520846

time enough for love. that was a very strange incestuous book

>> No.10520871

fresh off of listening to oathbringer, I want some comfy with a decent story like stormlight archive.


>> No.10520901
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>evolution does not make mistakes

>> No.10520908

Not really the point. The point is that we have fear because danger is real, and we tend to experience it in situations that logically seem safe because sometimes they really aren't.

>> No.10520912

Good point. Martin Luther is proof that evolution makes mistakes.

>> No.10520915
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>> No.10520935

whats a good book to listen to? ive never listened to an audiobook but i might try it out.

>> No.10520949

Forget audiobooks. Read a book if you want to read a book. If you want audio, listen to an audio drama.

>> No.10520974

>audio drama.
Or you could just listen to a book.

>> No.10520984

or read a drama

>> No.10520995

I've never listened to an audiobook, but I imagine it's nice knowing how all of those stupid made-up fantasy names are pronounced.

>> No.10521237

>read a book if you want to read a book
So, I've got this thing called a real life, you pretentious teenage faggot. How about we compare our IRA's??

Actually, since you're a no life loser. Let's compare my 401k/ROTH to your Dad's.

>> No.10521241

It's funny you mention it. I always wonder how they are spelled.

>> No.10521259

Oh shit, an anon said he makes more money than me.

I could just as easily claim to have fucked your mother. Though I guess the difference there is, having a decent paycheck is something not everybody has done.

>> No.10521278

I'll timestamp my paystub with pii blocked if you post yours.

Only children, unemployeed and fat/ugly (alone) people have time to read regularly.

>> No.10521282

I listened to the Stormlight Archive's and it was pretty good. The entire Dresden series is done by Spike from Buffy. The first two books suck nuts but then the series is real good (like 17 books?)

>> No.10521291

You almost certainly make more than me. I just don't care much. I do work that helps the homeless and that's more important to me.

By the way, I have a semi-active social life but do you seriously have shit going on seven nights a week?

I'm not even trying to stir shit up or argue at this point. I'm just curious because that sounds exhausting.

>> No.10521295

Are you lost, friend? If your time management skills aren't up to the task, then >>>/co/ might be more your speed. I'm sure that bankroll will be useful for all the alternate covers an limited editions.

>> No.10521298

>do you seriously have shit going on seven nights a week?
Yes, I have a family.

>> No.10521301

I think you're lost, the pretentious teenagers are in all the other threads on this board. It seems they all arrived here after failing to summon a girlfriend on /x/

>> No.10521307

Also, you should read about how the mormons in Utah handled the homeless.

>> No.10521309

Ah, makes sense. I have friends and such but haven't settled down. Just got out of a long-term relationship, which sucks, but once some time has passed I'll get back in that race.

I still think audio dramas are better if you're going to listen, just because they're generally written for the purpose of listening, and because often they're in shorter, half-hour episodes and so have built-in stopping points.

I like to listen while I work out, or on the way to/from work.

>> No.10521315

I will try them.

>> No.10521398

You are definetly entering questionable territory, f.e. orgies and rape apology.
I am pretty sure at this point that Heinlein was a complete deviant.

Also SIASL is fucking boring and dragged out.

>> No.10521489


really? I mean, at least he didn't get raped



>> No.10521491

>I mean, at least he didn't get raped

sorry for spoilers btw

>> No.10521505

>"I thought I was the last human on earth", she said.
>"You're the last woman," Halsyon howled. "I'm the last man. Are you a dentist?"
>"No," she said. "I'm the daughter of the unfortunate Professor Field whose well-intentioned but ill-advised experiment in nuclear fission has wiped mankind off the face of the earth with the exception of you and me who, no doubt on account of some mysterious mutant strain in our makeup which it makes us different, are the last of the old civilization and the first of the new."
>"Didn't your father teach you anything about dentistry?" Halsyon howled.
>"No," she said.
>"Then lend me your gun for a minute."
>She unholstered the revolver and handed it to Halsyon, meanwhile keeping her rifle ready. Halsyon cocked the gun.
>"I wish you'd been a dentist," he howled.
>"I'm a beautiful woman with an I.Q. of 141 which is more important for the propagation of a brave new beautiful race of men to inherit the good green earth," she said.
>"Not with my teeth it isn't," Halsyon howled.
>He clapped the revolver to his temple and blew his brains out.

>> No.10521508

If I normally don't like China Meiville, am I going to hate Un Lun Dun?

>> No.10521512

If Tom Hanks could take care of a tooth-ache with a rock and a skate surely this situation could've been avoided.

>> No.10521530

All I want to do is write something with wacky superpowers. Why is plot writing so hard?

>> No.10521537


be sure to use lots of awful jargon/fictional nouns, and ideally spread one book's worth of ideas over a 6-book series

>Now with two, he put 1 into Vit and one into Agi with a clear conscience. Randidly also noticed that when he put the point into Vit, his health went up by 2, while his Health regen per hour went up by 3. Stamina regen increased by 1. Which, he supposed, was pretty small in the grand scheme of things.

I literally cannot believe this is a thing. I am aghast


most of these are highly speculative and imo built on pretty thin implications

>> No.10521544

Because you don't have a story to tell, you're just an idea guy.

>> No.10521550

I have written a novel before, albeit with great difficulty.

>> No.10521645

He was just being polite, he actually killed himself rather than live in a nightmare of a world where the only person you have to talk to is a woman.

I mean at least alone you can go insane and talk to yourself

>> No.10521701

Write a short two sentence of what your story is about.
Then keep re-writing it until it's interesting.

If you wouldn't read a book described that way then you have no chance of writing it.

>> No.10521806

Finished reading The Red Knight and I really enjoyed the story. I'l be checking the sequel asap, is there anything in the same style?

>> No.10521829

Just write Wild Cards fan fiction.

>> No.10521831

>Now with two, he put 1 into Vit and one into Agi with a clear conscience. Randidly also noticed that when he put the point into Vit, his health went up by 2, while his Health regen per hour went up by 3. Stamina regen increased by 1. Which, he supposed, was pretty small in the grand scheme of things.
Reminds me of Killobyte, but there he spills the whole stat pitcher into Luck and it saves his bacon for the rest of the story.

>> No.10521853

Severian is severian's grandfather

>> No.10521880

>The Salem Hypothesis is the observation of the apparent correlation between the engineering trade and creationist beliefs
Engineering is not the same as math or physics. Engineers want to make stuff. Physicists want to understand how the universe works. Mathematicians do too, to some degree, but on a more abstract level.
Engineers are a weird population, as far as STEM people go, and that's because of the whole "doctor or engineer" mindset some parents are in, for their children's future. This leads to a bunch of people educated in a field who believe they are the elite of the population but are actually barely above average.
I challenge you to go roam on 9gag for 3 or 4 days and count how many posts there are about engineers or made by/for engineers, and observe there are none about mathematicians or physicists for instance. This just to illustrate how different these populations are.

By the way,
>It [the Salem hypothesis] holds that people who claim science expertise, whilst advocating creationism, tend to be formally trained as engineers
>This hypothesis does not address whether engineers tend to be creationists (the converse)
Which is what you are claiming.


I will also point out that climatology is a branch of physical geography, so I don't know exactly what point you are trying to make by invoking the Salem hypotheses about physicists.

I do agree that too many people claim expertise in domains they don't understand because they had training in a loosely related domain.

>> No.10521892

Unfortunately you were too late.

>> No.10521898

why are books so short /sffg/?
the average novel is like 250 pages.
thats like 3 hours of reading time.
why does it have to be over so quick? ;_;

>> No.10521947

Stormlight Archieve by graphic audio is something to hook you in, you will miss their production when it's a regular audiobook but it's something to get you going. Overall though it really depends on both reader and the work itself, go through recommendation list in the OP, most of the stuff there has an audiobook version.

> Dresden series

Damn synopsis doesn't interest me in the slightest but I love spike.

>> No.10521954

I can't even remember the last time I read a book that short. When I go to the library I sometimes pick books based on their size with no prior knowledge about the contents.
Sometimes this leads to disappointment but never to 3 hours of reading.

>> No.10521956

Yeah, it starts out slow and also pretty typical, but it gets better and diverges from most other novels in the style

>> No.10521958

Those two statements are not mutually exclusive

>> No.10522046

It's not that there's a lack of books longer than 250 pages...

>> No.10522074

Stop only reading kindle unlimited self-published books anon.

>> No.10522191

Really enjoyed The House on the Borderland, read it entirely in one sitting. To anon who mentioned it a few weeks ago, you're bretty gud

>> No.10522321
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No. It's shit.

>> No.10522331

Where is Canada V???
Haven't seen him in ages. His books stopped being updated too.

>> No.10522404

Not contemporary ones surely, If anything sf&f is way too bloated nowadays.

>> No.10522450

I'm not sure if I was that anon or not but if you like Hodgson then Clark Ashton Smith and Arthur Machen is a safe bet. Arthur Conan Doyle also wrote weird tales sort of stuff which can be found in various collected editions.

If you haven't already, HG Wells' Time Machine is worth a read. A more straightforward storyteller, but there is much of the weird tale in it - time traveling, the subterranean Morlock race, and its time traveling passages were cribbed very directly by Hodgson in House On the Borderland.

>> No.10522799

Hodgson was also possibly inspired by Wells' dead world when the sun is about to go out to write the even deader world where the sun has gone out in Night Land. It's fun to think of him as the crazy weird tale response to Wells' matter-of-fact humansim.

>> No.10522826

>implying you can divine her posts

>> No.10522982

but Vince is a guy...

>> No.10523125

I am a big fan of Stanisław Lem and his very 'philosophical' kind of science fiction. What are some English language writers I would enjoy, or are similar at least?

>> No.10523442
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Is it possible for an adaptation to disgrace a book that is already bad?

Can we enter multiple layers of shit?

>> No.10523488
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>> No.10523512

It's not possible for a bad adaptation to disgrace a good book, so no.

>> No.10523525

These are not long, I'm nominating Solaris for next months >>10518022

>> No.10523527
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But thats wrong

>> No.10523551


>> No.10523572

Borges reckoned Wells would still be read after hundreds of years, and things like the Morlocks and Invisible Man will become legend like Homer's cyclops and sirens. After reading several of Wells' novels and novellas I can see where he's coming from - I think Wells will endure long after Arthur Clarke and Heinlein and the rest of the Campbellians.

>> No.10523690


>> No.10523732

The adaption can only be bad in itself, it can in no way influence the original work and if you let it influence your opinion of the original work the fault is with you.

>> No.10523733

I'm afraid Hanks' genius had yet to be born into this world.

>> No.10523780

That is correct.

>> No.10523912
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A few threads ago you guys said that The Three Body problem wasn't misogynistic and that any criticisms to that effect were just baseless, overhyped political correctness.

Well I just finished the trilogy and the second two books very obviously espouse old-school sexist views towards women. It didn't detract from my enjoyment of the books (since I think there's a grain of truth to those ideas) but at least call a spade a spade, guys.

(Obviously it's debatable whether these views are those of the author or those of the culture he is writing from within, but that's ultimately irrelevant insofar as these ideas form the premise for much of the second two books' narrative.)

(Also for what it's worth, the first two books were amazing, full of original ideas packaged in a proficient, well-crafted plot. The last one was just alright--still good compared to most other current SF but not as intense as its predecessors.)

>> No.10523959

What's this from?

>> No.10523979

Not just that, he was published in the sweet spot between limited literacy and the population explosion, a very favorably time to get known by tons of first-generation literates and end up in public mythology forever, like Hans Christian Anderson and Peter Pan.

>> No.10524048

Fuck off

>> No.10524124
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I was one of those that said that it's not sexist. It was almost two years since I read the books and my memory have faded somewhat so feel free to correct me if I say something wrong.

I felt that the female characters throughout the series were nicely characterized and contrasted against each other. Up until the entrance of Luo Jis waifu who was most likely a actor anyway most females were military and/or scientific types whose genders mostly mattered in context to society, ie they they where daughters, mothers or wives in the same way the males where sons, fathers or husbands. Our next stereotypical feminine character (not counting the murderous/moe AI robot with a fetish for tea ceremonies) is the second Swordholder, whose name I sadly don't remember, but she was picked for the role just because of her classical femininity so we can hardly assume that that is a comment on the female sex as a whole. I'm also quite convinced that both the author and that hardass Thomas Wade both believed that her non aggressive stance was the correct one.

I'd like to read your interpretations of things.

I also agree that the first two books are amazing and that the third somewhat lose itself in its crazy scope but at the same time I can't really imagine how it could have been done better.

Shut your face and let us enjoy things.

>> No.10524141

I agree the lost book was a little different in tone, it didn't have the sort of gritty realistic approach the first two books took. Still, a good send off for the series

I think the sexism issue is only in the books if you kind of force it in. Like obviously she female character is weaker than the man and that's an issue people could have, but Cixin argued it in mind that was more a product of her character than gender. Plus remember the entire plot of the books resolves around the scorned bitch from the first novel summoning the aliens to Earth, which is pretty alpha.

I test I have for sexism is to flip a coin and randomly reassign the main cast different genders, and Earth's Past passed the test fine. The more interesting question is my mind is the argued between liberalism and authoritarian, especially given the authors nationality and how the Chinese government let it past the censors.

>> No.10524147
File: 118 KB, 632x1000, wandering-earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dank cover too, forgot to say now u gotta read pic related

last book, ffs

>> No.10524151

Why do you care if a book is """sexist"""?

>> No.10524245


>> No.10524264

>>10524124 here, I'm interested in how others have read and interpreted books and how their interpretations differ from mine. I'm also planning to reread TBP some time in the future and no matter if I agree with anons idea that the book is sexist or not keeping that idea in the back of my head and contrasting it with my own will enrich my reading experience.

>> No.10524333

>I test I have for sexism is to flip a coin and randomly reassign the main cast different genders
>Things that are biologically different need to be presented as interchangeable or it will offend my make-believe political presuppositions

>> No.10524427

I don't think that the specific depictions of female characters were themselves very sexist, with the notable exception of Luo Ji's waifu whose entire purpose was literally just to keep him happy by embodying the platonic ideal of a young chinese housewife.

I thought the last two books were misogynistic for this reason: it politicized the classical gender binary of "masculine = strong, proactive, dominant vs. feminine = soft, passive, submissive" by mapping this binary onto that between totalitarianism and liberalism or collectivism vs individualism. In itself this is not misogynistic, however the narrative ultimately valorized the former over the latter insofar as the tendencies associated with the former (i.e. strength, proactiveness etc) were shown to be more effective for human survival. Again, this would not have seemed misogynistic to me except that the gender identities classically associated with these tendencies remained attached to them in the course of their differential valuation. (That said, even if the books championed the feminine features over the masculine ones, feminists would still call this problematic because it doesn't question the classical link between the features and their associated genders.)

For instance, the softness and passivity of deterrence-era society was symbolized by their choice of Cheng Xin as the second swordholder. As you noted she was chosen precisely for her feminine qualities, however I do think that this was a comment on the female sex as a whole precisely because of the representative nature of the swordholder's position. The swordholder acts as a proxy for humanity's interests, and the choice between Cheng and the other candidates in the book was framed in terms of a choice between a softer female and other more aggressive men. So regardless of the final outcome of the choice and Cheng's actions as swordholder, it still reflects the idea that women and this one thing and men are this other thing. Besides, after she fails to broadcast the deterrence signal it is the violent/aggressive (i.e. masculine) actions of the spaceship that does broadcast the signal which saves humanity from being brutally genocided. And Cheng is "saved" again by the actions of Yun Tianming, the guy who let them shoot his brain into space and be captured by the trisolarans because of his love for her. The other major example is of course how all of Luo Ji's actions until the end of the second book were motivated by his love for a woman and how his success essentially reflected his decision to "man up" and seriously face the trisolaran problem. The contrast between the two swordholders similarly recapitulates the binary between these masculine and feminine approaches.

>> No.10524542

Just to add on to my explanation, in the book it explains that the choice of Cheng Xin reflected the current values and ideas of the time, so it amounted to the liberalistic and individualistic deterrence-era society choosing a feminine representation for itself. The author lays this point on pretty heavily when he describes how even the men in that era looked like women.

On the other hand, you also have Zang Behai who is a ruthless, proactive character that the author describes as "fatherly" and "manly." When he is unanimously nominated to lead the 'starship earth' society after the ships escape from the solar system (although he ultimately refuses and a more democratic system is put in place), this could reflect the author's attribution of masculine features to the totalitarian system (since in the books totalitarianism emerges on the first spaceships that are completely cut off from earth).

>Plus remember the entire plot of the books resolves around the scorned bitch from the first novel summoning the aliens to Earth, which is pretty alpha.

Of course you could maaaaaybe argue that that's an allegory for the garden of eden and the fall of mankind, since she is the first to receive the trisolaran's message and invite them in.

>I test I have for sexism is to flip a coin and randomly reassign the main cast different genders, and Earth's Past passed the test fine.

I agree with this but I also don't think the books would make as much thematic sense if characters like Juo Li and Cheng Xin weren't respectively male and female.

>> No.10524663

I'm into milfs/cougars and I don't even want to touch that, with her creepy ass smile. How is she suppose to be a teen?

>> No.10524687 [DELETED] 

First, let me repeat that it was quite a time since I read the books so it's possible that these ideas come more from my mind than from the books.

Anyway, I do not agree with your statement that the book showed the masculine ideals to be more effective for human survival. At first it might seem so but the fact that the ideals of compassion, non aggression and cooperation rule at the end of the universe and that both humanity and trisolaris adopted them and thus made it to the end[/spoiler] imply that that is not the case. I believe that if humanity had picked Thomas Wade as Swordholder and gone down the "masculine" route (and stayed on it) the dark forest would have lead to their extinction . I also believe that both the author and especially Wade believe this, otherwise Cheng Xin would never have been allowed to make that second choice of hers. Also, I would not include passiveness among Cheng Xins traits, to turn the other cheek and sacrifice, especially once you've already been burned, certainly is an active choice. The center of my thoughts is really that Wade let Cheng Xin chose. There was literally nothing stopping him from taking the path of violence and saving the human race but the fact that he did not.

Also, in my eyes Luo Ji essentially made a mental journey corresponding to humanities physical journey. He started out as a man child but then his wife left the story and he became a kind of asexual, mythical character. Gender was reintroduced into the Swordholder position with Thomas Wade vs Cheng Xin, and that only if we accept today's concept of gendered attributes which I feel that the humanity of the deterrence era would not do.

Oh, what a mess of a post this became. I hope my points make it across.

>tfw post christmas backlog contain like 8 thick novels
>it will be months before I can order and read this

>> No.10524705

How is that a good casting choice?
How am I gonna believe that her and an army of her clones fucked Kovacs into sparing her life?
TBQH, how the fuck do I think about it without becoming slightly disgusted?[/spolier]
I had such high hopes, is it gonna be shit?

>> No.10524720
File: 149 KB, 762x400, netflix-altered-carbon-kristin-lehman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make up is a fucking lie. I don't want no 3d pig disgusting. They are all lies.
You don't get what you pay for. You get a mask. I hate fake up.

>> No.10524724

>How is that a good casting choice?

It isn't, it's a `````````progressive'''''''' one.
Hiding attractive and talented people from sight, so that ugly and talentless people don't feel inadequate.

>> No.10524725

That's not even a character shot, that's the actress from 10 years ago

>> No.10524727

First, let me repeat that it was quite a time since I read the books so it's possible that these ideas come more from my mind than from the books.

Anyway, I do not agree with your statement that the book showed the masculine ideals to be more effective for human survival. At first it might seem so but the fact that the ideals of compassion, non aggression and cooperation rule at the end of the universe and that both humanity and trisolaris adopted them and thus made it to the end imply that that is not the case. I believe that if humanity had picked Thomas Wade as Swordholder and gone down the "masculine" route (and stayed on it) the dark forest would have lead to their extinction. I also believe that both the author and especially Wade believe this, otherwise Cheng Xin would never have been allowed to make that second choice of hers. Also, I would not include passiveness among Cheng Xins traits, to turn the other cheek and sacrifice, especially once you've already been burned, certainly is an active choice. The center of my thoughts is really that Wade let Cheng Xin chose. There was literally nothing stopping him from taking the path of violence and "saving" the human race but he did not.

Also, in my eyes Luo Ji essentially made a mental journey corresponding to humanities physical journey. He started out as a man child but then his wife left the story and he became a kind of asexual, mythical character. Gender was reintroduced into the Swordholder position with Thomas Wade vs Cheng Xin, and that only if we accept today's concept of gendered attributes which I feel that the humanity of the deterrence era would not do.

What a mess of a post this became. I hope my points make it across.

>tfw post christmas backlog contain like 8 thick novels
>it will be months before I can order and read this

>> No.10524744
File: 121 KB, 517x1024, Premiere+AMC+Series+Killing+Arrivals+rDJS5GX3kG9x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like a fucking hungry skeleton.

>> No.10524752

Why did you delete >>10524687 ??

>> No.10524753

Alfred Bester's 5,271,009 AKA The Starcomber. It appeared in the March 1954 issue of The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, the editors of which sent him a copy of the cover and asked for a related story. It's actually a handful of short vignettes tied together.

>> No.10524760
File: 503 KB, 1992x3000, Marine_da_nang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody in war movies is at least 15 years too old at a minimum.

>> No.10524763

Holy shit, that face
How does this get casted as a teenaged character who is supposed to absolutely drip sex appeal?

>“Miriam Bancroft wears state-of-the-art Nakamura. They use her face and body to sell the stuff—"
>Even across the comlink, Miriam Bancroft radiated a sensuality that unbalanced him. “Is this a secure line?”
>Unbidden, a freeze frame of Miriam Bancroft’s sweat-dewed cleavage bounced through my mind.
>I made a half-hearted attempt to masturbate, mind churning damply through images of Miriam Bancroft’s voluptuous curves,

>> No.10524766

Because I fucked up the spoilers.

>> No.10524818
File: 279 KB, 300x438, MagicalScientist-DR1-EN-R-UE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized that Scientist (Stem Types) are the biggest fantasy autists on the planet.
They dream up things, then try to make them a reality. If spending day in and day out trying to bring your wet dream to the world isn't living in a fantasy land, I don't know what is.

>> No.10524830

>this is prime caucasian pussy that other caucasians kill over

>> No.10524838

>They dream up things, then try to make them a reality
That's engineering, more accurately. also there's literally nothing wrong with that.
t. a scientist

>> No.10524842

nah, that's a show Caucasian, they're a different breed

>> No.10524844

Yet there is something wrong with reading fantasy?

>> No.10524848

in Europe we just call them "dogs"

>> No.10524852

Disgusting. Who will be the cop? I hope at least she will look good.

>> No.10524857
File: 10 KB, 214x317, MV5BOTE2MTM5NzUwOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDQ1NjgxNjE@._V1_UY317_CR75,0,214,317_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaaaaand this is her. Just kill me now.

>> No.10525069
File: 99 KB, 500x641, 1333634891909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I don't remember the last time I've read a book for 3 hours straight

Having mild ADD kinda sucks, but at least I can constantly pay attention to my surroundings.

>> No.10525111

the word you're looking for is anthropogenic, moron

>> No.10525244

What? Modern books are bloated as fuck. And they also have to last at least 40 fucking novels. It's ridiculous.

>> No.10525335
File: 9 KB, 886x135, trying to get worm published.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you've got it all wrong, clearly only edited and published works are true art.

>> No.10525384
File: 842 KB, 1280x1283, folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me good non-popular/unknown/underrated books based on this picture.

>> No.10525604

Ok, what are some good audio dramas?

>> No.10525639

>Wolf 359 - Orbiting the star Wolf 359 is the satellite Hephaestus, manned by three humans and the on-board navigational computer, an AI named Hera. They struggle with loneliness, their own character flaws, and the very real possibility that something really strange is going on. Starts out mostly comedy, but by the end of the first season is more of an even mix of funny and serious.

>The Bright Sessions - Recordings of (fictional, obviously) sessions between a psychotherapist named Dr. Bright and a number of individuals with superpowers. Their ups and downs play out over the course of these sessions, and slowly we get a clearer picture of something larger at stake.

>SAYER - You are a new employee on Typhon, Earth's man-made second moon, and you work for a company by the name of Aerolith. This is the extent of your knowledge, about Typhon and about yourself. But don't worry; everything will be explained to you by SAYER, an on-board AI. And by everything, I mean the things you need to know for optimal productivity.

>The Orphans - Six crew-members survived the crash of the starship Venture, and now they struggle to survive on a hostile planet. Something is hunting them (I haven't listened to much of this yet).

>> No.10525664

>>10525639 here.
Have some links:

Wolf 359: http://www.wolf359.fm/season1/

The Bright Sessions: http://www.thebrightsessions.com/season-one

Sayer: http://geeklyinc.com/category/sayer/

The Orphans: https://nerdyshow.com/orphans/

Also, most audio dramas are 100% free and can be subscribed to as podcasts.

>> No.10525698

i want a book about someone from this reality crossing into an alternate reality and seeing brazy shit pls

>> No.10525710

2001: a space odyssey

>> No.10525739

Fire Lance by David Mace.

>> No.10525755

>browsing new releases for jan
>so many YA books
why do they put them all out now?

>> No.10525769

>tfw realising I never actually finished reading the red rising book
Might not bother since the sequel series sounds kinda eh

new Stross and Cherryh though

>> No.10525790

Any good fantasy dramas?

>> No.10525804

Probably because the end of year vacations are over and people are going back to their usual routines. Kids will be going back to school and will need new books to read when they're on the bus or whatever.

>> No.10525832

it's also a marketing thing to push out less flashy books

slap YA on them and push them out whenever and you'll get solid sales from something that you don't think is gonna be a hit

>> No.10525848

>tfw might actually buy new books for first time ever when Alliance Rising and Alliance-Union History come out

>> No.10525862

I dunno about that. YA fiction tends to have a really distinct writing style to it, like light novels.

And lets be honest, most genre fiction will sell decently unless the book is poorly written and unedited dreck that would be better suited to Kindle Unlimited.

>> No.10525888

It's pretty comfy t b h
The sequels have G, R and I
Ironically they're less good

>> No.10525894

The Red Knight is great. You'll like The Fell Sword.

>> No.10525898

>he thinks this is irony

>> No.10525919

That Alan Dean Foster book where the family on a road trip takes a wrong turn to Hell and eventually beats the forces of chaos with the power of rock.

>> No.10526025
File: 234 KB, 714x522, 1409929230488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna repost since the rest of this board seems very hostile to fantasy lit: >>10525863

I'm not sure if I've given enough motivation for my main character's actions.

The character is a career thief and con-artist who is saved by a knight errant from being killed by some noble's guards over his latest scheme. The thief sticks with the knight, at first because he feels like he owes the guy and thinks such a do-gooder is just gonna get himself killed, and then over time because he legit believes in the knight's Don Quixote style chivalric ideals, eventually becoming his squire. They are one day ambushed by bandits, and the knight sacrifices his own life for the thief's. The thief, noting his remarkable "prince and the pauper" like similarity with the knight, decides to take on his friend's identity and fulfill his quest: to win a great treasure and gain the hand of his childhood sweetheart. He does this to preserve the memory of his friend, who he thinks died ignobly fighting common bandits that were only there to collect the thief's bounty. There's a few more bits and bobs to the whole thing, but I've wasted enough time, and someone could request more info.

tl;dr How much motivation is needed to realistically convince a con artist and gentleman thief to pretend to be Don Quixote, even at risk to his own life?

>> No.10526045

> The thief sticks with the knight,
This is your problem. A criminal low-life wouldn't do this so the suspension of disbelief is already broken.
>"prince and the pauper" like similarity with the knight
And this is just plain stupid. Don't do this.
> How much motivation is needed to realistically convince a con artist and gentleman thief to pretend to be Don Quixote, even at risk to his own life?
A big score is what is needed. If he's a con-artist, why not have him forge a letter of recommendation introducing him as such-and-such sir-whatever to a bunch of nobles and having him bumble through knightly deeds in a humorous fashion because his only real experiences with the nobility come from moral plays and such? There'd be absolutely no need for all that convoluted stuff at the beginning if the premise of "thief pretending to be a knight" is what you want to go for.
But this is all just my opinion, don't take it too seriously.

>> No.10526064

My intention was less "ho ho, thief pretends to be knight", and more "thief tries to do a good deed in his own criminal way". Your criticism is otherwise valid. I suppose I just like the Robin Hood archetype, and I feel like no one has done the doppleganger story seriously in a very long time, so it feels fresh to me.

That being said, I do still like hearing others' opinion on the idea.

>> No.10526081

Also, thank you for taking the time.

>> No.10526124

My time is worthless anyway. The issue here seems to be
> "thief tries to do a good deed in his own criminal way"
Why does this person who has made a life out of taking things from others, building up their trust and then betraying that trust for his own benefit (you have to get up close and personal to be a con-artists, this takes more time and effort than simply burgling someone's house) would feel indebted to anyone for saving his life? A thief and a con-artist is not a good person.

>> No.10526241

I have been enjoying Methuselah's Children very much, will be finished by tomorrow. What do I read next?

Also anyone seen Electric Dreams? It's an ~Amazon Original~ anthology show about PKD stories.

>> No.10526355

gimme books where nazis are the good guys.

>> No.10526366

Ancillary Justice.
>evil space empire kills people from conquered worlds and turns them into cyborg puppet soldiers for their AIs
>this is still better than everybody else out there

>> No.10526369

Marching Through Georgia.

>> No.10526382


>> No.10526466

The obvious choice is to read Time Enough for Love since Methuselah's Children is basically an introduction to Lazarus Long. I would generally not recommend the books since I myself found it boring but if you really liked Methuselah's Children you'll probably enjoy it.

>> No.10526747

Need advice /sffG/.

I really want to write my opening novel with my MC waking up, to convey the deprivation of her situation.

But I am told repeatedly that Waking up is a cliche and it would be disregarded by publishers?

Should I still write it or should I write something else?

>> No.10526757

Write something else, 100%.

>> No.10526760

You should write it and change it later.

>> No.10526775

>to convey the deprivation of her situation.
>the deprivation of her situation.
>her situation

>> No.10526784

ah, it is

>> No.10526801

Yes, yes, /r9k/. Women have a completely intrinsic thought process

>> No.10526822

Kingkiller Chronicle author Patrick Rothfuss about Doors of Stone:
>If you want the book to come out faster, help me impeach Trump!

In fact I want Doors of Stone to come out faster. Surely you want too, /lit/ friends. What can be done to impeach Drumpf?

>> No.10526826

I want the book to come out when it's good and ready to come out. Getting it out faster means getting it out sloppier. Sorry Pat, The Donald stays.

>> No.10526830

No, fuck Trump. With him in office Pat can't do his work in peace.

>> No.10526833

He'll just ruin the series anyway. It always happens to good series sooner or later.

>> No.10526836

Why is opening with the MC waking up bad again?

>> No.10526837
File: 1.10 MB, 3192x2124, Hey Pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10526844

>good series

>> No.10526847

It is.

>> No.10526850
File: 27 KB, 200x304, Questionable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf I love Trump now

>> No.10526856

I'm sorry, I meant amazing series.

>> No.10526870

Why are genre fiction authors so unlikeable? Rothfuss is approaching Scalzi levels of sliminess.

>> No.10526894

are there any websites that use filehosters for audiobooks?
usually i use audiobookbay and i dont bother with myanonymouse anymore since abb has pretty much a better collection by now. but sometimes i seeds are bascially dead both on maa and abb.
so i was wondering if there is a place that has its users upload to googledrive or mega and has a similarly large index of files.
ive tried looking at various irc channels but audiobooks seem to be pretty much a non priority.

>> No.10526960

Yeah. It's called beggars can't be choosers.
Either take what you're offered, so stick your hand into your wallet. You entitled piece of shit.

>> No.10526970

has something bad happened to you today anon?
please dont be so angry all the time. its bad for your heart. i wont justify piracy to you though. because really i just dont give a fuck. but i do care about your health anon.

>> No.10526976

t. buttblasted trumptard

>> No.10527031

Cliches exist for a reason, no publisher will put a book down if it's well written.

The only time cliches are bad is when they break immersion.

>> No.10527056

I'm still a virgin at 29, and no qt asian girls wants me to stick my dick in one of their holes.
I read sci-fi and fantasy everyday in lieu of real human companionship and comradery.

>> No.10527063

>just found out I have chlamydia
think I need to switch to your system

>> No.10527070

time to find a backpage slampig and plow her meat vortex

>> No.10527081

Stop having yellow fever, you fucking weeaboo.

>> No.10527094
File: 13 KB, 700x245, seventh-seal-danse-macabre-death-allegory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished the Buried Giant, and I really enjoyed it. I thought it was very similar to BotNS actually. Both have the same immersive dream-like, meandering feeling to them. And the prose itself was similar as well. Or Latro in the Mist, considering the forgetfulness. But that doesn't play as big a role in the Buried Giant, where it was basically just a setting.

In the beginning of the book Beatrice talks about meeting a woman that says she saw a line of people stretching far away. Later, at the end of the book, Beatrice also sees a small line of people, which Axl on the other hand apparently doesn't see. Does any know of the significance of this, and do you think they're related? It made me think of this scene (pic related) in the Seventh Seal. Considering Beatrice was about to die, that might explain why Axl didn't see it. Might the long line seen by the woman Beatrice meet have been a premonition of the incoming war at the end of the book? Also, why do you think Axl and Beatrice weren't allowed a candle?

>> No.10527108

There probably are some but I don't know them off the top of my head.

>> No.10527134

>The only time cliches are bad is when they break immersion.
Tell that to the Classics

>> No.10527168
File: 287 KB, 893x1500, Neuromancer-full-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Neuromancer and thoroughly enjoyed it. Are the other books in the Sprawl trilogy worth checking out?

>> No.10527174

>no gaiman blurb

>> No.10527207

>pandering to the imagined tastes of imagined publishers
>Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Eighteen

>> No.10527243

I've not got round to MLO or Burning Chrome yet but Count Zero is pretty good, especially if you like the universe/setting

>> No.10527262

>imagined tastes of imagined publishers
>not theoretical tastes of hypothetical publishers
Come on man, step up your vocabulary.

>> No.10527300

Come on, bro. Repetition is a legitimate prosaic device

>> No.10527302

Actually, repeating the word imaginary is a decent way of reinforcing how silly anons ideas of getting published is.

>> No.10527304
File: 404 KB, 608x912, fashion_thaylen_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumpan. Gimme some shit to read. I'm surprised at how much I've enjoyed the past few tales.

>> No.10527575
File: 16 KB, 576x324, icarus-small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Watt's was wrong

His argument hinges on how life REDUCES entropy, which it does inside its closed system yes. But life increases entropy in the external system to an even greater degree, so technically the overall entropy is a net gain. Thus, life isn't working against entropy but is actually with entropy. This ruins his entire life as a digital virus shtick.

>> No.10527593

Did you know that Robert Heinlein literally begged L Ron Hubbard to fuck his wife?

>> No.10527714

The buried meme was just a philosophy wank about the human condition, memory and loss.

>> No.10527726

And then what?

>> No.10527834

>reading Royal Assassin
>tfw I want to fuck Lady Patience
How do I find and eccentric but loving gf with a taste of crazy /sffg/?

>> No.10527906

Electric Dreams is pretty mediocre. Not even any big Dick stories. Black Mirror is a better choice any day of the week, even if this season was a bit shit.

>> No.10527908

I'd say either make the first line really hit the mark on describing her situation/environment or bury it a few lines down, but there's no need to avoid it just because it's cliche.

>> No.10527912

find a childless divorcee in a writer's group or at a used bookstore

>> No.10527982

that's bollocks lol

>> No.10527997

Seen 7 episodes so far, first and third I liked the most. I thought they were pretty good.

I don't think that
>Black Mirror is a better choice any day of the week
The episodes don't seem to have that much depth to them. Every episode actively wants to make you feel bad, beating you with how bad and superficial people are thanks to modern technology (the lesbian episode was a nice exception though). And the sci-fi gimmicks that the episodes are built around aren't interesting enough to carry the everything else about the episodes. Visually somewhat bland too.

Electric Dreams seems more varied, in plot, emotion and visual direction.

>> No.10528071

Every girl who is attractive is also a little crazy.

It's a similar thing to how genius men are always crazy as well. Greatness and insanity are somehow correlated.

>> No.10528160

That's oddly specific, thanks.

>> No.10528212

If you actually liked Methuselah's Children, try Time Enough for Love. If that doesn't put you off of Heinlein, he probably didn't write anything you won't like.

>> No.10528255

Oathbringer was shit.

>> No.10528302

You wont have my pain!

>> No.10528310

Call me when Electric Dreams adapts Cadbury, The Beaver Who Lacked. That's the only one I'd be interested to see how they'd attempt that.

>> No.10528323

>hey dah, I killed him

>> No.10528328

>yo man I be your bodyguard now Kay?

>> No.10528341

Wait who killed whom?
Honorlet detected

>> No.10528342
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> I need to split to even more personalities

>> No.10528349

>yo I be an heretic kangqeen now
>ho gives a fuk?

>> No.10528373

>we be fighting against the vacuumbringers for millennia
>we be their allies now cuz reasons

>> No.10528402
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> she da kween now
> split more personalities

>> No.10528426

> what’s an editor?

>> No.10528437

>big dick stories

Those are my favorites

>> No.10528439

>we be 3 angles now

>> No.10528492

50 Shades of Shallan

>> No.10528500
File: 159 KB, 740x925, Vedeledev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reckon I will give it a shot. Thanks. This is actually my first Heinlein book.

I'm 4 episodes in and fucking love it so far. The stories are pretty nice too, for the most part. Wasn't a big fan of ep4 though.

First was pretty crazy trying to figure out which direction the twist would go. The lead fem was very attractive for some reason but couldn't act worth shit.

>> No.10528526

I’d rather have Andolin and Kaladin being gay for each other than having Shallan.

>> No.10528608

okay but radiant is a cutie.

>> No.10528627

I just finished Fire Sea of The Death Cicle and man, I remember now why it is my favourite of the saga. Nice atmosphere and wonderful excecution. The only thing it kinda bother me is how Haplo jobs every fucking time and still is understable. Comfy fantasy.

>> No.10528632

*splits personality to be more elective*

>> No.10528657

Abarrach is my least favorite of the worlds but it had the best story, that mournful exodus to nowhere with the necromancer clans; it really put across how badly the Sartan screwed things up.

Shame the series crapped the bed, we finally got to see the Labyrinth and it was ppbbbthpp. Haplo can take on dragons easy at the beginning and now they're unstoppable mind-controlling menaces, the leader is a fat halfbreed, none of the magical duels were interesting in the slightest, the good serpents came out of nowhere.

>> No.10528750

the dragons of the beginning are not the same. The "evil" dragons are like a force of pure evilness created by universe itself, the dragon of Zabnif is the other side of the same coin (an important concept in the saga)

>> No.10528768

I'm talking about the abyss-native blood dragons, not the sea serpents. Would have been nice to see whatever kind of dragon Haplo doesn't job to, though I'm not sure that was ever an option.

And I much preferred the theme of cleaning up after well-intentioned but incredibly shortsighted sorcerers than le ancient evil xd. It ruined Xar's character and made the Sartan hapless victims.

>> No.10528836
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rip in peace Dog

>> No.10528843

Uhm I'm dont remember quite well the last books. Haplo jobbing become almost funny because He is always introduced as capable, edgy, a killing machine and then he is always mopping the floor

>> No.10528854

totally, I wanted so bad for him to just let loose and destroy somebody with his tattoos but nope.

>> No.10528864

She is completely soulless. But let's not discuss Shallan's personas as if they made any sense at all, it is embarrassing just thinking about it. Sanderson really should've known better.

>> No.10528950

nah she wasnt so bad.

>> No.10529071

What are some good more character driven fantasy books that aren’t too slow?

Big fan of Robin Hobb’s books, especially Liveship Traders, and the first Game of Thrones book (expanding the scope didn’t do that series any favours), and Kingkiller Chronicle.

Had to drop too many recent books (traitor son, faithful and the fallen, etc) because they just felt a little flat and disjointed.

>> No.10529119

Library at mount Char

>> No.10529713
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Her going crazy is at least intended. I feel like she won't stay a Lightbringer.

>> No.10529715

What degenerate book are you currently reading, and how is it so far?

>> No.10529885

Cixin Liu writes the literal Chinese equivalent of SJWshit
>muh cultural revolution
>muh anti government sentiment x 1000
And it's the only thing that really gets published from chinese authors these days.

It's interesting the first time you read it but if you've been surrounded by this sort of cancerous shit your entire life it is absolutely terrible. I actually couldn't make it past the first couple of pages whereas I have never actually seen any so-called SJW messages in any of the books that oversensitive retards whinge about.

>> No.10529940
File: 23 KB, 317x475, 48484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very obvious curve exists correlating EQ and self-awareness across many relatively evolutionarily divergent species
>lol but here chimps sorta don't fit the trend so sentience is just a fad
>here are all the conscious mind's cons
>the pros? I won't mention those :^)
Good book, I'll still read Echopraxia but goddamn science fiction always makes me mad

>> No.10529948

Chinese people live in a black mirror episode IRL. Are you suprised that they write books about how shitty that is?

>> No.10529950

Watership Down. It was a rough start but now that they're on their way it's pretty comfy. An actually good Tolkien clone for rabbits. If the author could cool it with the made up nouns that'd be swell but it's not insufferable like in Dune.

>> No.10529988

>I have never actually seen any so-called SJW messages in any of the books that oversensitive retards whinge about.
I don't know which books you mean specifically, but by and large this is because the western SocJus movement is only a cog in a larger wheel of the postmodern and decontextualist cultural movement.

Comparatively, China exploded out of a period of cultural orthodoxy so quickly that I doubt the zeitgeist has had time to delineate itself into separate threads of academic, cultural, economic and etc submovements; in other words they're living in the middle of the Big Bang while we're just getting pelted with occasional blasts of gnarly space dust from a distant source.

>> No.10529992 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 225x337, IMG_8756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A man of fine taste I see. Canadian literature far supasses American """"literature.""""


>most American """books"":why didn't they just imperialize the native populace and give all of the earnings to Israel?

Americans are so fucking retarded

You have to self inject your stupid fantasys in the only way you know how

Now, I'm not knocking you for worshiping Israel, not being as good as my home country of CANADA, or even being a bunch of FAT FUCKS

>inb4 "lol Canada is the same and Canadians are just ameriFUCKS"

Shit, even your sci fi is FUCKING RETARDED.

>pic related is what REAL works of fiction look like

Speaking of which, the author of Blindsight understands how SHIT ameriCUNTS are. Here's an example of amerifats being retarded:
>award winning CANADIAN author peter watts had a scuffle with US border patrol, and was quoted to complained about the 'aggressive tendencies of the United States', and have used them as the sole nation that provided the people to make the Vampire race in his fictional works.

He made a fictional race of literal blood suckers becuase the pharmaceutical companies working the honorable and noble Canada would NEVER approve of such unethical things

God damn I hate you guys so much

Every Canadian here (that's smart) understands it.

It's not just PETER or I. We all fucking HATE YOU

You all deserve hard blows to the face

To have your limbs ripped off

And to be glassed off of the face of the earth

I know that Watts has written about how soldiers in your country suck the Israeli dick (not anti-Semitic, just anti IMPERIALIST) and have war crimes be a normal occurrence in your country

He even makes sure to include INDIAN, CHINESE, and other MINORITIES as key people in his story.

In the URSSCDI, LLC (United Ruinous States of Sucking Corporate Dick and Israel, LLC) minorities are 2nd class citizens who get hunted for sport by the """police"""

I'm sure when Peter Watts gets a movie deal, he'll be able to portray this properly in a way that's going to not only makes BILLIONS of dollars (CAD) but also exposes you FAT FUCKS

>> No.10530010

*clears throat*

>> No.10530023
File: 30 KB, 425x382, 1495015058807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. false flagger
Stop trying to stir up anti-leaf sentiment, Canadians don't have that much hate in their hearts

>> No.10530025

>being this retarded and hypocritical
Why was it that peter Watts was attacked by your fat and inept border patrol?

It was becuase he knew how shitty your country was and they attacked him for it. He's my FAVORITE author becuase on his website where he has written public Sci Fi short stories, not only are almost all of his protagonists CANADIAN, but he asserts in almost all of the works he's done that the US has committed heinous WAR CRIMES

Would our """fictions""" do this? Absolutely not. They're just glorified propaganda, and PETER WATTS isn't afraid to state this

>> No.10530032


>> No.10530037

>t. Fat fuck trying to stir up discourse
Either go to the shit hole down south, or fuck off. We have no need for you here in this much better country of ours.

I implore you to read the works of Peter Watts. He reflects positive Canadian views by expressing how in any hypothetical Sci Fi future, America is the one to commit ATEOCITIES using augmentations or creating the VAMPIRE race.

He's a true Canadian hero

>> No.10530044

>American reading """"""""comprehension"""""""""

No wonder Pakistan scores higher than you fat asses on standardized exams (a fact that PETER WATTS also touched up on in one of his short stories)


>> No.10530052

Well now...
This is certainly a new tactic from you blindsight-kun. Can't say it's really working for me though.

>> No.10530058

>even award winning Canadian authors are incessant "tough guy" cunts with an inferiority complex

I thought you were memeing, leaf, but then I read his wiki page. Welp, I'm never reading this hateful little guys books again.
Also, chill tf or dude

>> No.10530069

>all this American ass ravaging

Lol, you dumb fucktards. Literally no book made by an American is as good in the Sci Fi genre.

WATTS quite honestly "gets it"; he not only has a wide variety of (CANADIAN) protags, but they are all DIVERSE too.

Canadian-asians, Canadian-Indians, etc

And best of all, he's able to point out how shitty your country is.

Lol, fuck off. Canada IS better

>> No.10530078

Canadian here. There are actually as many Canadian literary awards as there are Canadian authors because we're desperate for literary talent. Our best known author is Margaret "What if Speculative Fiction had a Vagina" Atwood and she's a hack.

>> No.10530084

Was he gender neutral in his book too?

>> No.10530093

We have less authors becuase we have less people.

And yet even STILL, our authors simply blow them out of the water.

As a fellow Canadian, you should take the time to read his short stories on his site. He talks about how augmented US (Israeli) soldiers can get away with WAR CRIMES, RAPE, and ABUSE due to shit their government is

All of the Canadian characters are fleshed out well and realistically

America is simply a nation in decline

>> No.10530106 [DELETED] 

Do you guys honestly think canada is a worse country than yours? Your country has millions of people that wish that they were like us, and the rest wish to emulate the 3rd Reich. Canada is by far the best country in he world, and the fact that it can create such a rich and wonderful nation next to shitty one like yours is perhaps the greatest proof of that. That being said, fuck you you cunts. Always talking shit about stuff you don't know.

>> No.10530127

All right, you might find this entertaining, but please at least keep it relevant to the thread topic.

>> No.10530137

>Canadian authors aren't allowed to be mentioned
Fucking Burgers, holy shit

>> No.10530164

this is my new favorite meme

>> No.10530240
File: 205 KB, 750x1334, IMG_8757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, Canadians are walking memes. Even your authors are fucking retarded
>pic related: Alleged Cucknadian God-Author Peter Watts

>> No.10530252
File: 462 KB, 1638x2441, OB_SHALLAN_WALLSPREN_ebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody wants to talk about the afterword where he casually disregards religion
>also wrote both books naked
o i was laffin

>> No.10530261

we really need a Watts niggerwalk

>> No.10530273

Maybe they should stop acting retarded and getting deported becuase of that then, leaf cuck

>> No.10530281

>Canada is by far the best country in he world
It won't be for long thanks to Trudeau's wonderful demographic experiments.

>> No.10530282

>implying a great author like PETER WATTS wasn't persecuted by the oppressive and RACIST ameriCUNT gestapo

You actual nigger. You say shit like this because you and you're shitty country's ""authors"" will NEVER be as good as him.

Fuck you guys, desu

>> No.10530286

You're border states are going to turn into mini-mexicos in a few decades.
All the smart ones came to Canada and won't be shitting it up anytime soon

>> No.10530315

You should examine your ideology. The only Canadians who think Canada is worth anything are those who compare it to America. The True North Strong and Free? North of what? Canadian identity is only an identity of exclusion; to be Canadian is to be not American. All the Canadian talking points, healthcare, UN contributions, healthy democracy all look great next to America. Were Canada geographically positioned anywhere other than on the back of the Great Corporate Venture Masqueraing as a Nation it would be a laughing stock.

>> No.10530327

What are you talking about? Rupi Kaur is one of the best authors to come out of your shitty country in decades.

>> No.10530337
File: 478 KB, 1638x2441, OB_NAVANI-SHIPS_ebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't he cry on TV in apology to mudslimes?

>> No.10530362
File: 97 KB, 457x640, c858538c43d9a68aa2851b3e1ff13706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10530363

Troy rising. At first it reads like a preach, then a manual on asteroid mining, then the author starts jerking off to his fetish while making his perfect world. He kills all of africa, muslims, and some asians, then makes blondes go into heat once a month, have insane orgasms and give multiple births to raise the number of blond people on the world. To top it, the main character frames all of this on a positive or otherwise neutral light: "people die, buildings crumble, we'll be better off".

>> No.10530364

Why the hell would anybody want to be American? Why are you undercover Mexicans so concerned with showing everybody how "great it is" to serve Israel?
Your fucking country is elected a guy who none of your general populous agrees with, and has a serious issue with illegal immigration to the point where they will outnumber you in the coming decades while still claiming to be victims and extorting you.
Tell me, what the hell should a Canadian feel aspirant to when it comes to you guys? Your large national debt? The men and women who die fighting pointless wars? The staggeringly high amounts of poverty that rivals 3rd world nations? The gang violence? The suicide rates? The imense amounts of hospital bills? The list goes on and on.
You think you're hot shit, but reality is; you're nothing but a flaming stack of human refuse.

>> No.10530367
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>> No.10530376


>> No.10530383

Only if he wasn't involved in the fertilization of that egg.

>> No.10530388

chicken women stealing our menfolk

>> No.10530390


>> No.10530463
File: 428 KB, 720x1038, 3221177117_305b89ab90_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cultural Exchange Program

>> No.10530469

>Thot Thief from Space

>> No.10530474
File: 263 KB, 540x772, AS_1952_09_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High tech remote pinching device

>> No.10530476

>he didn't examine his ideology

>> No.10530499

>he still doesn't realize that the original point is that Canada is better that America
Lol @ ur """education"""

>> No.10530525

Are you a brown kid in middle school?

>> No.10530535

No, but you're a fat Fuck amerilard who is afflicted by that famous reading """"comprehension"""" lol

>> No.10530541
File: 377 KB, 520x747, int.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10530551

>America is STD ridden slut trying to get at that BIG CANADIAN COCK while Canada tries to remain pure
A timeless tale, really

>> No.10530577

This is great and all but you really should take it to /int/.

>> No.10530624

Every one of those books has the same plot
>woah who wiped records
>woah a secret society

Communist propaganda trash

>> No.10530629

Soviet science fiction is still the best
Western can be good
Chinese is just bad

>> No.10530675

What does Corwainer Smith count as?

>> No.10530742

My science fiction book is the best. However, I'll never let anyone read it, just like those bastards in Kobe won't let me taste their meat.

>> No.10530952


I literally would not move to shitleafistan for ten million US dollars

>> No.10530963

>He kills all of africa, muslims, and some asians, then makes blondes go into heat once a month, have insane orgasms and give multiple births to raise the number of blond people on the world

i need to read this desu

>> No.10531037

new thread


>> No.10531042

>"people die, buildings crumble, we'll be better off".
That's the only way things can be framed.

>> No.10531179
File: 187 KB, 327x316, My sides.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10531460

Perhaps if you have a weak mind...

>> No.10531650

>Didn't he cry on TV in apology to mudslimes?
He cries in so many televised apologies I can't keep track of them. He did give over $10,000,000 to Omar Khadr, a terrorist who killed an American Sgt. The Khadr family consists of notorious Al Qaeda supporters and hate Western values.

Omar's sister was married to Josh Boyle, the Islam-convert Canadian who took his pregnant second wife to Afghanistan for reasons unknown (obviously to join the Taliban). Trudeau gleefully took pics with Josh Boyle around Christmas, when Boyle was under active investigation for sex crimes (among other things), which he began almost immediately after returning to Canada following his "hostage rescue".

Trudeau is a complete fucking joke. His prime goal is to import new Liberal voters and destroy white Canada demography. He wants to be seen as the ultra-progressive celebrity-politician, solely for his ego. His rich kids and their kids will never live with the common ilk, let alone in the Muslim slums, so why does he care?

Trump is a sociopath with zero skill set for running the largest superpower, but I'd take him over Trudeau any fucking day. At least Trump hasn't really done much or it can be reversed if need be. We are stuck with leech Syrians and other Muslims, not to mention the tens of thousands who are "fleeing" America (Haitians, now El Salvadorans and whoever comes next). We're fucked.

>> No.10531675
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I'm sorry for Canada.

Isn't Trump doing a bunch of stupid shit to support big businesses (basically him & friends) as well as hiring that Alabama pedophile which politician isn't these days amirite to be a senator or staff member or whatever, among other things? I agree that America is fucked. We're taking melting pot to its extreme. It's also the worst first-world country in the world to be poor in
There is a lot of evil and darkness in the world almost makes you want to do something about it