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10518973 No.10518973 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you a Sadist?

>> No.10518977


I'm not powerful enough, also I'm too masochistic, also I still believe in virtue and heroism to some extent

>> No.10519005

Because being hurt feels better.

>> No.10519012
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Wallowing in shame just feels so much better.

>> No.10519017

the only pain I enjoy is the eternal burning of sinners like pic related

>> No.10519019

"Mother Nature is a cruel whore"

"The two overriding concerns of truly unintelligent men are money and women"

"Fustigate and bebother her buttocks."

Juliette is perhaps the most sublime book of philosophy ever written.

>> No.10519053

I'm not mean enough to hurt people
I enjoy being hurt by people who are better than me though (everyone I know)

>> No.10519142

How does one become a Sadist? I'm too tame for this World...

>> No.10519180

why would you?

>> No.10519201

fuck you

>> No.10519204
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Study for a Portrait of PL by Francis Bacon

>> No.10519321

Bacon was absurdly masochistic.

>> No.10519325

Oh, but I am. ;)

>> No.10519328

Go fuck yourself, weak, spineless shit.

>> No.10519332

Correct. Peter Lacy wasn't.

>> No.10519355

Because I am a man of God.

>> No.10519358

Because sex is scary.

>> No.10519591
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>> No.10519603

Don't have the power or charisma to do it successfully.

>> No.10519697

Right answer

>> No.10519703

based Catholics shutting this thread DOWN

>> No.10519754


The δημιουργός is an asshole for sure.

>> No.10519780

Could Peter Sotos be considered a modern day De-Sade, or a sex-crime obsessed autist? Who else is a contender for the title?

>> No.10519870

I have no idea if there's any other good choices but it makes me wonder if Sotos will be examined in academic circles long after he's dead and there's a "safe" enough distance from his work.

>> No.10519934

cause the only sadism i feel like doing is really really illegal

>> No.10519952
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Why aren't you a masochist?

>> No.10520241

Who wants to be my /lit/ boy slave?
Note: must be horribly ticklish

>> No.10520248

Holy fuck. The righteous paragons of /lit/ have come to finally put an end to this degeneracy.

Get the fuck out of my board, you terrible person.

>> No.10520301

I don’t care enough about other people to want to inflict harm upon them. I am usually busy doing errands or whatnot, so to take some time out of my day to focus of someone in such a way is too much wasted effort.

>> No.10520546

Because empathy is the sole virtue of humanity.

>> No.10520648

i think being raised in the Balkans is an inherent reason for my sadism. everyone there is cruel. parents are cruel to their children and friends are cruel to each other.

that being said, i dont understand why other people arent sadist and why most people are prudes. i dont understand why people enjoy action movies but not bdsm porn-to me they both satisfy a need to see pain and exertion.

i think theres a difference between wanting to see physical pain and wanting to see serious mental anguish. i personally enjoy humiliation. destroying someone down to their core is the best feeling in the world. i do enjoy seeing sexual pain too, but the happiest moment was pissing on a girls face after making her walk around my apartment like a dog. im not sure how far my sadism would stretch though. ive laughedout loud when ive seen someone i really hate get hurt, but idk if that would translate to me actually enjoying physically torturing someone-like burning their feet or something extreme like that

>> No.10520677

was jesus a sadist?? no!

>> No.10520702


>> No.10521040

They're just autistic ragheads. They don't torture or commit crimes for the sexual thrill.

>> No.10521103
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>Shaming masochists

>> No.10521126

Can anyone recommend good sadist books? Other than De Sade obviously.

>> No.10521251

Interesting perspective. That casual cruelty of where you live.

The difference between vengeful satisfaction and sadism as a sort of unbridled lust - not always sexual, though it often is, but I mean something more deeply rooted and invested than just the abstract wish/pleasure that someone gets hurt. Like, as you say, enjoying burning their feet. A good example is Hitler, who really passionately hated the Jews and felt that they were getting their due, but who consciously avoided any material or the lurid and extreme cruelty they were subjected to. Hitler was not a sadist.

>> No.10521318

Not him but i would still say something like pissing on humiliated girls sadism, just not hardcore. Personally I've always gotten off mental humiliation, with there always being some sympathy involved too but that sympathy just kind of fueling things more. Hard physical pain or any fatal shit seems too off-kilter. I think there's a distinguishing there and it's not so much a matter of progression but a different type of sadism.

>> No.10521369

I lack empathy so sadism is out of the picture

>> No.10521416

>with there always being some sympathy involved too but that sympathy just kind of fueling things more
I think this is a core element. De Sade’s stories rely on this for their power.
I think it’s hard for me to speak accurately on the topic given my lack of learning in the area and the sensationalism around it but I wonder if there is a distinction between “psychopathic” sadism (for lack of a better term) and other kinds. This post >>10521369 correctly diagnoses the importance of empathy in sadistic pleasure (at least some forms of it) and yet many people lacking it do engage in very “sadistic” behaviour and seem to take visceral pleasure in it. Since sadism refers both to inner mental states (which are probably no doubt diverse) and sadistic actions in the real world, a few disparate human impulses might fall under the category. I know a lot of violent “psychopaths” feel a kinship with predatory animals. Predatory animals can be vicious and brutal, but certainly most of them are not sadistic the way we think of it.

>> No.10521423

To my fellow sexual sadists, what was your most morally reprehensible fap? I remember seeing a doc about the Challenger explosion, there was a scene of a grandstand packed full the crew's friends and families, all there to witness the launch. That one teacher's entire elementary school was in attendance. The faces, those screams. Hands free, lads.

>> No.10521453
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What the hell. You people are weird.

>> No.10521464
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>hating people so much you want to hurt them
tiny brain picture
>hating people so much that the idea of physically interacting with them becomes debilitatingly revolting
huge brain picture

>> No.10521482

The net of empathy can't take in much though. Look at the animals you empathise with and see how aesthetic that experience is. Your empathy is never for Humanity, but some small view of things that make you feel. Empathy is never enough to save you from the rage against the violence of existence that comes when your death comes closer. No matter what is behind the door afterwards, the passageway is cruel, nature is cruel.

PSA: Rousseau was an idiot.

>> No.10521507
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>implying sadism has anything to do with hatred
Simply plebeian.

>> No.10521967


>tfw going to bed so I'm not going to post the horrid Sade quote that I normally enjoy posting

>> No.10521974


>> No.10522469

what is the quote fag

>> No.10522603

Whom is this article about?

>> No.10522611

Adorno I think

>> No.10522624


>> No.10523012

Adorno taught in Tokyo??
I had no idea

>> No.10523776
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>> No.10524114

Can someone give me a serious explanation as to why Sade is hailed as a philosopher and not just an edgy pervert? There must be something i'm missing because his writing just seems like nothing but his own sexual fantasies to me.

>> No.10524132

Historical accounts are pretty hot, like the french women who were shaved and paraded nude for being nazi collaborators, or french nobelwomen who were humiliated and executed by revolutionaries (especially them as they were so sheltered and haughty). I've seen more fucked up stuff in hentai but there's an obvious distance there, like loli vs. cp.

>> No.10524135

i don't mimic idea

>> No.10524576

Yeah, typically I don't go in for gore, but accounts of good French Catholics stuffing the orifices of those blasphemous Huguenots with gunpowder and torturously slow burning fuses just gets me all flustered.

>> No.10524756

I am, but a tame version. I like to choke my girlfriend and pull her hair, and sometimes we have rough sex where I toss her around and tell her to suck my cock.

It’s nice.

>> No.10525535

because i have this thing called empathy

>> No.10525544
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Is sadism natural or learned according to Sade?

>> No.10525601
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a postwar japanese nationalist, maruyama. interesting guy

>> No.10525611

because i have an overdeveloped amygdala and am debilitatingly self-involved. also i was never able to develop empathy as a kid hence my joy in sadism

>> No.10525649

It's a pity de Sade's philosophy, if you can call it that, is so closely associated with sex and violence. I would definitely call myself a Sadist, as opposed to sadist, because I believe in the superiority of being in control of my destiny and freedom, to submission to any other power. However I have no interest in common bondage practices, I've always found those who practised bondage to be boors and simpletons who think it a quick and efficient way to rise above the herd.

>> No.10525860

"Cruelty is nature." Philosophy in the bedroom. (1795)

"Murder is a branch of erotic activity, one of its extravagances. The human being reaches the final paroxysm of delight only through an access of rage." Juliette (1797)

"Against Christ and Rousseau, Sade says benevolence and "what fools call humaneness" have "nothing to do with Nature" but are "the fruit of civilization and fear." Sexual Personae -
Rousseau versus Sade - Paglia


Sort of strange to wake up one day to discover the feuding conceptions you've had of the world were a fight between two men, one whom you've read a lot of and another you hadn't read a thing of because you weren't into smut. I think now is the time for taming Sade's image into a palpable form and reintegrating his fundamental ideas into our culture here.

Considering what words are and what actions are, I think we can be assured that becoming a Sadist is for the good of the earth.

>> No.10525889
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I'm a sadboi

>> No.10525895

hot sadists who aren't fucking beta losers, and are actually 100/10 ultra supreme chads

hit me up! 10000/10 1-800 S-TACY

>> No.10525911

Is it possible to reconcile being a Sadist with empathy? I can get off to thoughts of helpless girls in bondage being ravished and humiliated. At the same time I feel rage when I hear about horrific crimes on the news and I could never associate with someone who mistreated animals. Any time I've wronged someone and caused them some inconvenience or emotional distress I've always felt guilty and have never enjoyed it.

>> No.10525916

How closely is Saló to the actual novel? Aside from the shift in setting ofc

>> No.10525918

yeah, its called being a mild sadist. nice digits

>> No.10525921


First you start by spanking your girl. Invariable all girls are into this. Gradually you up the intensity until you're whipping her soundly at length with a belt or other instrument. If you take it slow it'll be the most intense pleasure she's ever had and you'll enjoy giving her that.

>> No.10525946


youre not a sadist. youre just so afraid of hurting people that youre overcome with anxiety. helpless girls in bondage are a fantasy to vent out that anxiety. they personify your anxiety, they express what you feel. that is true empathy.

>> No.10525965
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You'd like me to tell you that, wouldn't you.

>> No.10525979

alpha: I can get off to thoughts of helpless girls in bondage being ravished and humiliated.

beta in sex: Any time I've wronged someone and caused them some inconvenience or emotional distress I've always felt guilty and have never enjoyed it.

imagine a guy ties you up and you say your wrists hurt and try to break free (so he can become alpha-er) and he's like "oh my bad sorry let me untie you" lmaooooo....

>> No.10525991

One can only wonder what exciting new college philosophy you'll move on to next here in about a year

>> No.10526017

>imagine a guy ties you up and you say your wrists hurt and try to break free (so he can become alpha-er) and he's like "oh my bad sorry let me untie you" lmaooooo....
why would he tie me up if he didn't want to harm or bother me

>> No.10526036

you'll never understand because you're homosexual.

>> No.10526040

ye when do gays ever do bondage

>> No.10526552

I only enjoy hurting others (women) when they are into it

>> No.10526570

It only has to be learned if you've been raised in the perverse Christian faith.

One observes how animals behave, how nature behaves. Christianity cannot exist in the animal kingdom. We are obviously animals. We eat, shit breathe.

Of course the Russian giant Sprigani loved to eat the turds of the most beautiful virgin girls served in the most exquisite china bowls for desert after a blood drenched cannibal feast.

>> No.10526575

yes. Plus de Sade wasn't that much into bondage. He was too worldly to just devolve into some pervert festering in his corner.

He wanted grand schemes of shocking treachery.