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/lit/ - Literature

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1051876 No.1051876 [Reply] [Original]

I've never been able to get into reading, I blame it on me growing up during the age of the internet but I know there is a lot of good information/stories out there that I need to know.

What can I do to make myself enjoy reading? The only books I've ever been able to get into were the Maximum Ride series by James Patterson a long time ago.

I want to read, but have trouble making myself do so. Help me.

>> No.1051879

Throw your computer out the window

>> No.1051880

Shitty excuse. Unplug your internet, set one hour of reading or so per day.

>> No.1051881

I was in a similar situation to you OP. The best way is to just cut off your computer, avoid distractions and just sit down and make yourself read. I used feel like reading was a chore or something because it took time away from my other hobbies (herp derp 4chan) but in actuality I enjoy reading because the stories are exciting and they take me off to an alternate reality.

>> No.1051889

Going to also add join some internet site to catalog your books, like goodreads or librarything. When you finish reading you can get back on the computer and add your progress.

>> No.1051903

Can I get some book recommendations?

I like all different types of stories

>> No.1051913
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Read every single book on this list.

>> No.1051914

Anything by Italo Calvino.

>> No.1051917

thank you :)

>> No.1051921

You'd probably like Neil Gaiman.

>> No.1051927

This is not a very good list. Who gave you permission to speak on behalf of /lit/?
Someone give OP the required reading from the /lit/ wiki.

>> No.1051932


Just take your pick from a category that interests you, OP:


>> No.1051936

I realized that I picked the wrong list after I posted it. It's pretty repetitive and not that great. Regardless there are some good reads on the list.

OP check out:

I don't have a decent "general" /lit/ list. There are some on the wiki but I don't consider those all encompassing.

>> No.1051940

thank you everybody :) i'm going to go pick up a book tomorrow. goodnight /lit/

>> No.1051945

Implying /lit/ goes to bed at 2:00?

>> No.1053428

no, implying I go to bed at 2:00

>> No.1054331

Start with children's books.

Harry Potter, Pendragon, Nancy Drew, the Hardy Boys. Pretty much any teen series of books will get you into reading. Then build up to fancy adult books.

>> No.1054692

A good way to get started is READ what YOU"RE INTO. Forget about all the Classic shit, you'll get into that later once you pick up the hobby of reading. Look into whatever interests you, whether it's a biography of a serial killer or Harry fucking Potter.

>> No.1054748
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Just finished reading this last night - super casual content, but fantastic nonetheless. Any one read any of Paul Theroux's other fiction?

They turned this book into a really shitty movie - it was the only Harrison Ford movie to ever lose money

>> No.1054750

Holy shit OP, I'm the same way!!! I loved Maximum Ride but haven't read anything since