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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.75 MB, 7252x4348, 2014-2017 top 100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10516461 No.10516461 [Reply] [Original]

You've had enough chances to voice concerns. I'm washing my hands of this forever, have fun arguing over it.

>> No.10516469

time to post it on reddit for karma and 1 million views :DDDDDD
also looking forward to the 3 months of genre-fiction threads made by retards

>> No.10516472
File: 2.68 MB, 1820x4348, 2017 top 100 final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just the image on it's own. Should be less compressed.

>> No.10516494
File: 100 KB, 258x253, 1515385887052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1984 at 19
>Shakespeare at 25
>That Ulysses cover

>> No.10516497
File: 1.35 MB, 1000x1588, meme tiers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the other OC I did.

As I've said before, at least Redditors don't try and join in /clg/. The rest of the board is dead to me after this ordeal. Especially that one autist who samefagged 20+ times each thread.

I'm not posting with this trip again, if I become a masochist over the next 8 months I'll be back, but under a different name.

>> No.10516516

>fuck you got mine

>> No.10516518

Get it together man.

>> No.10516535

>book of the new sun
jesus fucking christ you stupid nostalgia faggots. these are the best books ever written not your favorite book from middleschool you losers, also Lolita top 10 pedofaggots

>> No.10516551

Fake. Where is CoC? I want the Nazi chart, except without the red bg and the swasitkas.

>> No.10516552
File: 11 KB, 411x387, 02F0579D-B7B7-4108-911D-B5722E78E2B2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10516567

Same shit as always only interesting thing is 60stories by barthelme

>> No.10516642

Fake chart made by the Discord.


>> No.10516652
File: 1.34 MB, 1500x3500, 2017top100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real 2017 chart here.

>> No.10516671

>unironically placing 1984 or Shakespeare at higher positions
also please stop spamming that jewess

>> No.10516674


>> No.10516679

better but still shit

>> No.10516697

say it with me



>> No.10516729
File: 2.32 MB, 1820x4348, top1002k17progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

red x's for read!

>> No.10516746

No, it isn’t the best books of all time, it literally is your favorite books. That’s why I don’t understand why little baby bitches like you are complaining to the surveyor about book placement. It is individual taste.

>> No.10516765
File: 15 KB, 334x334, red x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing how exhausting this chart thing was, it doesn't seem likely that another chart will happen again. It may be your guys' last chance to intellectually masturbate with one of these

>> No.10516767

Since i came here i like to read things you dont like or arent popular here desu senpai

>> No.10516775
File: 3.63 MB, 1820x4348, 20180110_000702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10516783

>tfw i voted for the only 5 books ive read in the last 6 years

>> No.10516916

how did you not read any of these in school? 1984? count of monte cristo? animal farm? lord of the flies? catcher in the rye? dorian grey? fahrenheit 451?

>> No.10517016

Why would you purposely leave off coc? Now it's no more legitimate than fake one.

>> No.10517052

Why are the fonts so blurry?

>> No.10517069

What's even the point, if every year is the same?

>> No.10517075

One hundred years from now tastes will have changed, and if we have a chart for every year between now and then, then we will have a good record of the evolution of lit's top 100.

>> No.10517086
File: 2.38 MB, 1820x4348, 1504209583692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed it for you.

>> No.10517091

72/100 here

>> No.10517139

None of those books were assigned to me if you can believe it. I was even in AP English. In Junior year I had a terrible teacher and we only read nonfiction. In Senior year we read a lot of plays, mostly Shakespeare but Oedipus too, Frankenstein, Toni Morrison and so on

>> No.10517167

>no Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

stay pleb /lit/

>> No.10517180

>Complete Works
Fucking garbo.

>> No.10517282
File: 31 KB, 509x625, 1489867834705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That sjw Odyssey book cover

>> No.10517350

Meh, the list is alright. At least there are a couple of fresh books in there, but a shame there's not as much French lit as the meme chart that was spammed here for the past six months. Please correct the spelling errors and upload a less blurry picture.

>> No.10517355

>Deleting books like CoC and JBP.

Can we have a re-do without a fag OP?

>> No.10517360

votes were overwhelmingly in favor of leaving your dumb /pol/ memes off the chart http://www.strawpoll.me/14776329/r

>> No.10517363

And maps of meaning only got one actual vote, though 8 voted for it in the best meme category.

>> No.10517509

Because of the text, the numbers and the tops of the books don't line up. Look at numbers 32, 33, 34, and others. I'm triggered. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.10517511
File: 990 KB, 1096x1876, 1386476901967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10517526

>tripfag cries over something no one asked him to do.
>he thinks it's important or something
>he does it for free
>implying charts are a fucking big deal
Do you guys never thought why IJ was number juan for so long?
Fucking newfags I swear, I want my pynchonposting back.
Why did everyone suddenly took it so seriously now? is it because of reddit fame? when someone posted the chart on imgur?
I don't even remember the board being this fast and having a fucking gay ass /sfg/ and this much /pol/posting.

>> No.10517608

>Deleting books like CoC
We reddit now. Wrongthink must be censored. Now we have two illegitimate 2017 charts.

>> No.10517796

Who the hell read Monte Cristo in its entirety in school?

>> No.10517941

I'm still a top 100 pleb. I just read Stoner and couldn't put it down. Finished it in one day in two sittings. (What the fuck was Edith's problem?) What should I read next?

>> No.10517960

>Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnameable
Fucking based. Can we boost this to the top 10 by the end of this year?

>> No.10517986
File: 2.34 MB, 1820x4348, 1515557416326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What next?

This for me too, so I missed a lot of shit. My Honors English classes in high school were Lord of the Flies, Siddhartha, 1984, and Animal Farm for freshman and sophomore year if I remember. Junior year was plays, Les Miserables and the greeks (we even had a guest speaker come in to orally tell parts of the Odyssey. Pretty cool) Senior year we just wrote a research paper on a work of literature. Mine was on Death of a Salesman. I wanted to do Invisible Man, but we actually had a black student in class, so he got dibs on that.

>> No.10518004

Why is the OP such a whiny faggot

>> No.10518026

Is it literature? No? Okay, then fuck off.

>> No.10518040

>Is it literature?

>> No.10518042



>> No.10518073

daily reminder OP rigged votes, allowed multiple submissions and then told his discord lackeys to ballot stuff, and arbitrarily removed books and votes he didn't like

>> No.10518081

That explains the butthurt. It's always that kind of person who becomes incensed over other people's "ingratitude" aka their pathological desire for control fails to come to fruition and they lose all interest.

>> No.10518082

fucking pynchonfags

>> No.10518275

Not a bad list, overall. I've read half of them, so more work to do.

>> No.10518314

>Things change over time
Wow, who would have thought that an anonymous forum would be different after two years.

>> No.10518337 [DELETED] 

This is a fake chart created by the cretins in the "/lit/" Discord server.

The Discord is populated by a bunch of posers who'd rather name drop entry level bullshit than have a legitimate discussion. The general chat was completely dead after a few exchanges of childish namedropping so I proceeded to make a lighthearted shitpost to stir discussion. For daring to discuss visual novels and anime in the general chat, and doing some basic trolling (god forbid you joke around on a 4chan server) I was banned. A word of advice, don't call it a general chat if you're restricting the type of discussion to literature you idiots. Especially don't do this if you already have a literature channel. You may also want to consider allowing for someone to play devil's advocate instead of banning them, that way more people will actually engage in a discussion. Oh yes, let's not forget the (female) mod dick sucking. That one never gets old does it? Overall I was very disappointed with the level of discourse on what is supposed to be one of the most elite boards on 4chan. It seemed to be populated solely by teenagers, who were in it for the e-cred. There wasn't a single person of value (aside from the lovely Kurikame#05) to be found.

What a bunch of phonies.

>> No.10518371

>female mod
I hope that's part of the shitposting. If not, the /lit/ discord is doomed.

>> No.10518383

No, I'm not joking. Her name is Mal. All of a sudden she asked me about Thucydides heavily implying she was going to ban me if I didn't give her a satisfactory answer, so of course I chose to give her a non serious reply. Then another admin chimed in and said I had five messages to "make it up to her" or they'd ban me. Powertripping.

>> No.10518384

join and find out babygirl

>> No.10518393

No thanks. I'm on fucking erp and pony discord channels and the /lit/ one sounds more embarrassing if >>10518383 is true.

>> No.10518395
File: 74 KB, 598x606, 1509487052299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, SurveyFag. I know it's a ton of work to make OC, and I really appreciate all the effort you put in to this.

>> No.10518401

makes you miss the days of shinytat

>> No.10518404

It is 100% true you can join and use the search function for Thucydides to see the exchange. My posts were likely deleted but you can still see it on their end.

>> No.10518407


>> No.10518460

Looks like someone in this discord is a janitor, because they randomly deleted my post for no reason.

This is a fake chart created by the cretins in the "/lit/" Discord server.

The Discord is populated by a bunch of posers who'd rather name drop entry level bullshit than have a legitimate discussion. The general chat was completely dead after a few exchanges of childish namedropping so I proceeded to make a lighthearted shitpost to stir discussion. For daring to discuss visual novels and anime in the general chat, and doing some basic trolling (god forbid you joke around on a 4chan server) I was banned. A word of advice, don't call it a general chat if you're restricting the type of discussion to literature you idiots. Especially don't do this if you already have a literature channel. You may also want to consider allowing for someone to play devil's advocate instead of banning them, that way more people will actually engage in a discussion. Oh yes, let's not forget the (female) mod dick sucking. That one never gets old does it? Overall I was very disappointed with the level of discourse on what is supposed to be one of the most elite boards on 4chan. It seemed to be populated solely by teenagers, who were in it for the e-cred. There wasn't a single person of value (aside from the lovely Kurikame#05) to be found.

What a bunch of phonies.

>> No.10518497 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 625x215, Screen+Shot+2018-01-11+at+1.14.24+am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow beastmode

>> No.10518512

>only Portuguese book is Book of DIsquiet
Into the trash it goes

>> No.10518520

>The Discord is populated by a bunch of posers who'd rather name drop entry level bullshit than have a legitimate discussion
I hope you're not implying OP's list had any sort of 'legitimate discussion' to it.

>> No.10518529

No, these lists are stupid and prone to samefag voting anyway. It's Reddit tier. I just wanted an excuse to post this really.


Oh the people in the Discord just banned an innocent guy for being me. After someone posted this >>10518497 what a bunch of idiots.

>> No.10518531

>a bunch of posers who'd rather name drop entry level bullshit than have a legitimate discussion
agree, the evidence is in how the rigged 2017 list is still shit
>don't call it a general chat if you're restricting the type of discussion to literature
>wah wah I was banned from a literature chat room for talking about weeb shit instead of literature

>> No.10518537

Apologies to anyone who got banned for getting confused with the guy who came and just spammed memes and then told us to ban him

>> No.10518542

lmao you retard, I guarantee Nat is smarter than you

>> No.10518548

i posted the image and got suspected by the obligatory mod that was bullied in school but no one banned me guys

>> No.10518550

You got banned for spamming pictures of your dick

>> No.10518553

Great job, OP, now post it on imgur so we can get 500,000 views and flooded with r/books for the next half year.

>> No.10518554


>> No.10518555

wait so was this list actually polled by someone in litcord? I was pretty sure that was just retard false flag shitposting.

>> No.10518557

Are they smart enough to root out my real account? I
Not me. I was just the guy talking about visual novels.

>> No.10518559

The gay ass lit discord banned for daring to do Trump memes

>> No.10518570

>Invite people from 4chan
>ban them when they do 4chan things
So are you just sad that daddy moot never let you be a mod? Or are you a newfag that wishes 4chan would change to suit your tastes?

>> No.10518571


>> No.10518573

i mentioned this in another thread but the last 3 top 100s (2016, 2017 v1, 2017 v2 (this one)) were done by the lit discord. believe me or not but you can dig through the archives, theres a lot of "evidence"

they dont really try to hide it, these threads are just egotripping shitshows anyway

>> No.10518575

Nice work virgin... Lol

>> No.10518578

They are low IQ and can only resort to strawmanning their opposition through obvious shitposts like these instead of offering a rebuttal:


Meanwhile a single man is taking their whole operation down.

>> No.10518582

There's no evidence for this one. Unless it's on litcord but I'm not joining that shithole out of curiosity.

>> No.10518589

You've just revealed yourself falseflagger.

Everyone this is a litcord poster who goes by "Jeremy 12". He's an old style /lit/ shitposter. His style is instantly recognizable.

He's trying to play us like a fiddle, but I, a single man, can play him like the fool he is.

>> No.10518593

What rebuttal? It's pretty clear that they just don't like 4chan, but want the cool kid points for saying they do if they're banning over what is very common and acceptable behavior on the actual site the minute they get a modicum of power. I don't understand why someone would make a /lit/ discord channel and then not allow the things that happen on /lit/ to happen there. It's like saying "I like the book Lolita, but I'm not a pedophile so I'm going to rewrite it word for word except change her age to 21." What the fuck is the point at that point?

>> No.10518601

/lit/ hasn't always been the shithole that it is now. Mods used to ban retards, yet here you are.

>> No.10518613

No sorry, I'm much greater than Jeremy. I'm just some guy that wandered into the Discord because I wanted a cute anime girlfriend. I was banned shortly afterwards, clearly the mods were threatened.
An assurance at least that they are not the tyrants I am painting them out to be? No assurances though. Tacit agreement.

>> No.10518626

You want an anime girlfriend yet have your composure broken by discord on Discord?

You have much to learn young one, with age you will gain a better view of the world. Good luck, you young shining star.

>> No.10518630

Great thread guys. Really top work. Proud of us.

>> No.10518634

This is the only /lit/. there is no /lit/ outside of /lit/. it's healthy if litcord is trying to carve out its own culture. the reason I dont go on there is actually because of the shitposting. 4chan works well with shitposting, on a chat server it's a trainwreck which destroys any and all discussion.

>> No.10518641

So can we all agree that litcord is a gay normalfaggot enclave but still made a better top 100?

>> No.10518645

OP -is- from litcord
we're basically comparing which litcord chart is better at this point
the absolute state of /lit/ in 2018.

>> No.10518653

>OP -is- from litcord
sauce on this hot claim?

>> No.10518654

read the last 4 threads, he got called out multiple times

>> No.10518656

I've destroyed the pretenders, nothing left exists. Rest at ease. The Discord is dead.

>> No.10518662

OP is actually from asjacord. A discord that split off from litcord. It's composed of /soc/posting teenagers who don't read. The "surveyfag" is also known as Percy, or Gouki.

>> No.10518665

by the one spamming shitposter with no screencaps or anything? not even a handle?

>> No.10518675

his tag is Percy, there were some caps but then they locked down the cord and deleted a lot of posts, and banned a lot of people

or are you just percy trying to divert attention...

>> No.10518678

I was the one who brought up percy in that thread. I don't believe it was him.

>> No.10518681

tl;dr the fault lies not at any particular discord or board, but at this trickster figure known as Percy

>> No.10518686

t. Percy

>> No.10518693

this isn't helping me or anyone come to a conclusion on this. post screencaps.

>> No.10518702
File: 894 KB, 1440x2468, Screenshot_20180110-175734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10518785

Percy is a known fag who sucks up to the mods of litcord for shekels/attention. This is yet another FAKE POLL that DOES NOT represent lit. Why Was my vote for Culture of Critique not counted?

>> No.10518817

This but unironically, most fun thread we’ve had in a while.

>> No.10518819
File: 321 KB, 723x960, 1513874412378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why Was my vote for Culture of Critique not counted?
you know (((why)))

>> No.10518991

Reddit here, there's not enough womyn authors in your list. You only have 3 currently, fix that :)

>> No.10519027

Which only goes to show the absolute state of /lit/ in 2018

>> No.10519587

Wow the authorial word on 2017 /lit/ zeitgeist. Thanks OP, now VANISH.

>> No.10519808

Where the FUCK is Fahrenheit 451 REEEEE

>> No.10519817

Nevermind I have spotted it

>> No.10520025

>Suttree above Pale Fire and In Search of Lost Time
Come on man, I like McCarthy too, but no way

>> No.10520326

seeing The Recognitions rise through the ranks (largely unironically, I like to think) gives me satisfaction

>> No.10520426

Have you just not read Lolita? you post this shit in every thread

>> No.10520617

Nah Lolita is for yucky pedos.

>> No.10520851


>> No.10521163

This tbqh.
That and Temple of the Golden pavilion is finally on there.

>> No.10521255

Me too thanks

>> No.10521442

this is such bullshit

>> No.10521444

>5. The Bible

When will this meme die. The Bible is not good literature.

>> No.10521599

>What next?

>> No.10521834
File: 296 KB, 720x703, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tip harder