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10513280 No.10513280 [Reply] [Original]

>"University is an asylum or—what do they call them now?—a rest home, for the infirm, the aged, the discontent, and the otherwise incompetent. [...] And so providence, or society, or fate, or whatever name you want to give it, has created this hovel for us, so that we can go in out of the storm. It’s for us that the University exists, for the dispossessed of the world; not for the students, not for the selfless pursuit of knowledge, not for any of the reasons that you hear. We give out the reasons, and we let a few of the ordinary ones in, those that would do in the world; but that’s just protective coloration."
Do you agree? If not, what can one do? Is there only death outside?

>> No.10513684

That used to be the case. Professors were woolly-headed eccentrics lost in their imaginations, unfit to face the crudities of the world. Today to succeed in academia you need a so-called Type A personality. You need to be a salesperson at heart -- competitive and narcissistic, a shameless self-promoter. The spirit of business has poisoned even our most sacred institutions. You're better off away from universities.

>> No.10513957

stop watching clifford lee sargent

>> No.10514001

am i the only one butthurt that professors dont invite students over to their homes anymore?

>> No.10514058

Maybe true for some or even a lot of professors you might see today, but in my experience there's just as many very intelligent, mild-mannered people who like their field of study a lot and are a bit cutely over-intellectual/abstracted.

>> No.10514128

they don't wanna risk getting WEINSTEIN'D

>> No.10514383

you forgot the victim complex

>> No.10514401

I agreed the first time I read it, while still in college. After I garduated I agreed even more. Fuck universities, fuck university students and fuck university teachers and administrators.

>> No.10514752

No. Universities are fucking cesspits filled with Marxist sociopaths writhing in and choking to death on their own shit. The outside world is filled with much better people in general.

>> No.10514771

Have you ever been to a university? Outside of sociology departments Marxists constitute only a small minority. Most professors are good old-fashioned liberals trying to pass on Enlightenment values.

>> No.10514810

>am i the only one butthurt that professors dont invite students over to their homes anymore?
no, youd be alot more butthurt if your professor did invite you to his home

>> No.10514811

Excited to discuss, I finally JUST read this book!

I kind of agree, in that universities are full of plenty of people who can't function on the outside. They'll graduate, work for a year or two, have a horrible time of it, then go back for advanced degrees.

This. Sad but true; no one wants rape allegations anymore.

I think it's more the shitlord students. Professors are generally old-fashioned, but there is a growing minority of shit-tier professors. It's the students that want trigger warnings on their books n shit

>> No.10514824

Enlightenment values are not exclusive to liberals

>> No.10514836

Depends what country. In the US, many conservatives just want to turn back the clock socially, which means less people getting an education, etc.

Surprising, since in other countries this is not what conservative means.

>> No.10514925

You're lying to yourself or don't know what Enlightenment values are if you think Republicans/Conservatives in America don't believe in Enlightenment values. Truth is, I would guess, is you've just been deceived into hearing the word God as boogeyman and that you've been trained to not like the Republican/Conservative definitions of reason, nature, happiness, progress, or liberty. Making "their" methods to preserve, protect, and enhance our understanding of ourselves and civilization to not meet your definition of Enlightenment values.

>> No.10514947


>> No.10515019

No, I'm a religious man. Christian, Sunday School growing up, going to put my daughter in Sunday School, when she's old enough.

But I've got plenty of conservative Republican relatives and acquaintances (I'm an Independent), and I know plenty, men and women, who still think that women have no place in a university -- unless they go to find a husband. I want more than that for my daughter.

Also, screw people like you who automatically jump when you think someone doesn't like conservatives that they're not religious. Though it is pretty ironic, given that the Age of Enlightenment was the first major secular philosophical movement in Europe. Hell, Voltaire and Rousseau argued that society should be founded upon reason, not upon religious tenants. Granted, some philosophers like Kant tried to reconcile the two extremes, but the Enlightenment was founded upon the belief that society should be secularized.

>> No.10515025

What does your post even mean?
Are u american? cuz those aren't full sentences

>> No.10515047
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Protestantism was a mistake

>> No.10515078

Fuck you both
Fuck you, too.

Heathens, the lot of you. My God will not save you, for you have not accepted him

>> No.10515099

There you go again. Why do you consider religion unreasonable?

>> No.10515149

I don't consider religion unreasonable, but many American Conservatives are unreasonable. Same goes for American Liberals, everybody here is crazy. I'm a religious person, and I believe Jesus will come again. Hopefully in my lifetime.

Enlightenment philosophers, by and large, did consider religion unreasonable.

It's like you didn't even read my post...

>> No.10515160

Wow you really proved me wrong there.

I get what >>10515019
was trying to say. Where does he say religion is unreasonable?
>doesn't say unreasonable in his post
>posting on /lit/

>> No.10515228

It used to be, but now it's not. It's not because of any retarded Peterson acolyte interpretation, it's just because they're so fucking competitive nowadays. Charles Walker still made it in, therefore the world had already begun to rot the asylum.

>> No.10515300

I said it, I meant it, I'm here to represent it.

>> No.10516786

I can see this. I still had a lot of eccentric, sweaty and extremely knowledgeable English professors. Graduated last year.

>> No.10516794

Americans are too easily politicized. That goes back to Tocqueville though. Too much tension in this country.

>> No.10516958

>uses 4chan


>> No.10516961

Have you?
>tfw signs were suddenly put up overnight that anyone can use bathrooms regardless of gender in my university
what the fuck is it that compels these people I swear...

>> No.10516988

>Today to succeed in academia you need a so-called Type A personality. You need to be a salesperson at heart -- competitive and narcissistic, a shameless self-promoter. The spirit of business has poisoned even our most sacred institutions.

This. You don't need to go to university to learn. With the modern internet you can almost learn everything (unless you are a researcher and you need a laboratory). University is just a place to connect with a social network and increment the posibilites of get a job.

>> No.10518053

I'm also excited to discuss it :)
My question is, if universities today are not as they used to be (as many anons in this thread pointed out), then where should "the people who can't function on the outside" seek refuge? Is bad university a compromise to accept?

What's the new asylum, if there's one at all?

>> No.10518201

almost finished this

>tfw the only happiness stoner truly experienced was the time he spent with katherine driscoll

>> No.10518226

That's completely wrong you fucking underage redditor.

>> No.10518269

Holy shit God no.

>> No.10518378

That's not true, he had plenty of good times in his life, it's just that he had loads of failures as well. He loved his daughter and they had nice quiet time together before Edith fucker her up, he had his lifelong friend Gordon, and he had his studies.

>> No.10519614


>> No.10519636
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>drawing on experience at a university only you attended to argue with other people who're drawing on their experience at universities only they attended to argue with you
Really, /lit/?

>> No.10519654

>What's the new asylum, if there's one at all?
Not that anon, but protest culture (including counter-culture cultures), and/or declarations of mental illness.

>> No.10519723

What do you mean by protest culture? Are there any related jobs?

>> No.10519747

Being a bitter hospitality worker while perpetually telling yourself that is not your REAL job. Instead, your REAL job is being an activist/complainer about the way society is set up.

>> No.10519757

That sounds pretty bad and undesirable

>> No.10519828

Actually I've changed my mind, the real new asylum is being a clickbait "writer".

>> No.10519881

Is there any way to justify being an academic/hipster who exists merely to consume and uphold the Culture industry? It is the most superfluous life I can imagine, available only to the upper and upper middle classes, and appealing to only the weakest among men.

>> No.10519898

see >>10519757

>> No.10519923

The proof is in the large, heaving and disgusting, arrogant and entitled, clueless, sweaty oozing mess of a pudding.

>> No.10519948
File: 232 KB, 1200x1200, martin-luther-9389283-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>uber protestant
>collect Good boy points by proselytizing on my favourite Bhutanese picture forum
>continue to collect GBP over my whole life by hating gays and liberals
> 85 years old now
>About to die, can't wait to go to protestant heaven where hentai is real
>Die in my bed, body sends my finals turds splashing out into my bedpan at the nursing home
>Soul makes it to heaven
>At the gates of heaven. Instead of Saint Peter their is a boa constrictor in a robe.
>Boa tells me the one true religion was actually a small sect of animist snake worshipers mostly localized in the jungles of Mozambique
>Everyone who didn't worship snakes goes to hell where snakes rip your dick off over and over again forever

>> No.10519986

does masturbating several hours per day count as "worshiping snakes"

>> No.10520932

This happens all the time in grad school.

>> No.10521098

>In the US, many conservatives just want to turn back the clock socially, which means less people getting an education, etc
You call that backwards when in reality it's just the pragmatic understanding that 'education' doesn't help a significant chunk of people

>> No.10522108
File: 19 KB, 495x362, 1508508631852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw he realizes on his death bed how deep was his friendship with based Gordon

>> No.10522138

>bitching and moaning that uni is a safe space
I was planning on reading this some day, but if this is the type of garbage within, I'd rather do something better

>> No.10522178

if you fit in ANYWHERE, including academia, you are not dispossessed, you are not a misfit. you are one of the ordinary ones. he says "we give out the reasons, we let a few in." flamboyantly belonging to a we. god i am so alone how dare you do this to me

>> No.10522182

>based Gordon

>> No.10522187

>god i am so alone how dare you do this to me
what do you mean?

>> No.10522213

i mean that i come to this website to make people feel bad about their taste in books, not to be reminded that nobody likes me

>> No.10522217

>Muck Bulligan
Nobody likes you because of this meme-signature I've been seeing for years kek

>> No.10522224

My supervisor does :^)