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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 40 KB, 400x600, JoshuaCohen071814_037large-400x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10514117 No.10514117 [Reply] [Original]

>[David Foster Wallace] His irony was not mine—was too goyisher, to put it bluntly…

Literally what did he mean by this

>> No.10514124

>that face
wan puuuunchh

>> No.10514126

No anti-semitism please

>> No.10514127

Shouldn't it be goyish instead of goyisher?

>> No.10514130

It should but that would be too goyisher

>> No.10514132

Hey cool it kiddo, he's the author here not you,
What a goyishly thing to say

>> No.10514143


>> No.10514163


>> No.10514168

No, because Yiddish syntax and spelling borrows from High German.

>> No.10514172
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>DFW isn't jewi--

>> No.10514227
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Cynthia Ozick wrote in 1970 that all celebrated Jewish writers (Roth, Bellow, Malamud) were "all accused of continuing to work in ‘exhausted forms".

Fast forward to today where pomo has taken over and all the big Jewish names are talentless hacks. What went wrong? How did we go from Roth to Cohen?

>> No.10514258

it means he was too milquetoast academic for Cohen.

>> No.10514299


This. You can just tell DFW is a super white guy... I don’t quite know how to explain it. He’s not a big city type. His exhaustive, exacting descriptions would suck the life out of any New Yorker.

>> No.10514315

You can tell he's a white guy from the East Coast because he names a main character Incandenza and has him go to a private school where he practices for a tennis tournament.

>> No.10514326

I don't think so. Look at his eyes. They're almost black as though he's part Italian or something.

>> No.10514334

That's just from staring into the void too long

>> No.10514347

i read "licorice" in this post but it wasn't there.

>> No.10514357

I fuckin spat out my drink you fuck.

>> No.10514387

They're all shitty kike writers, guy. Who the fuck thinks Roth is even halfway decent anyway?

>> No.10514390

>Who the fuck thinks Roth is even halfway decent anyway?
People with taste.

>> No.10514398

this, wrote a shitty alt-history just so he could wax about "muh anti-semitism"

>> No.10514400

The Plot Against America is his worst book you turbopleb

>> No.10514404

Get off this board, Roth was a typical jewish pervert who was promoted because he injected that tribal sickness into western culture.

>> No.10514442

Stop pretending like you're not crossboarder scum, anyone who's read Pynchon's Slow Learner knows that he explicilty names Philip Roth, Saul Bellow, and Herbert Gold as the direct precedents to his fiction.

>> No.10514452

Is this book any good? I have a copy and originally didn't want to sink that much time into bullshit.

>> No.10514462

It seems like it's good but then you finish it and realize it was all style and no substance

>> No.10514477

Oh well if a dude likes a book that changes everything

>> No.10514483

What dumbass 16 year old doesn't like the depraved jew writers being pushed on them by depraved jew publishers? Who do you think Pynchon got his twisted streak from other than the jews who were actively corrupting his culture?

>> No.10514484

He also reads books, which is something you've never done.

>> No.10514487

>anyone who's read Pynchon's Slow Learner knows that he explicilty names Philip Roth, Saul Bellow, and Herbert Gold as the direct precedents to his fiction.
Jesus effin christ. What a strange appeal to authority this is

>> No.10514496

Damn, you got me. Wonder where I got this Phil and Lit duel major from

>> No.10514504

>What dumbass 16 year old

>> No.10514512

that doesn't in any way qualify you automatically to have a worthwhile opinion on anything.

>> No.10514517
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>A qualification doesn't qualify you

What's your credentials champ?

>> No.10514531

Not claiming to have any. Also, you may be be confusing me with the other retard you have been in dialogue with for most of the thread. If you think that simply stating degrees you have earned (or are in the process of earning) gives you authority, you are a simpleton. You assert authority through persuasion and argument. State your case. As a philosophy major it is embarrassing you need to be told this.

>> No.10514532

Funny because he's the most "Goy" looking Jew I've ever seen.

>> No.10514539

So you mean you don't even have a degree and you're accusing others of not reading?

>> No.10514542

i cannot fucking believe he said this. my main criticism of cohen for a while has been that he's a writer who thought dfw's only mistake was not being jewish and now he goes and says it outright. my fucking god.

i hate this man so much. i do think that despite dfw's egregious faults, he had some talent and there are things that a writer can learn from him, but cohen seems to zero in on all his worst tendencies in his own work. he's got that same showman-like 'isn't it crazy that i'm writing like this now?' attitude, ambitions misplaced in trying to write 'important' books instead of good ones, an overly self-conscious use of puns and literary in-jokes to the point that his language lumbers under the weight of a thousand different interpretive models. dfw had some talents: an ear for dialogue as it is actually spoken in real life, a knack for creating disturbing situations, the occasional character who elicited some warmth in the reader.

there is nothing about cohen outside of the obligatory model of 'challenging writer' allotted to him in the outrageously middlebrow literary culture of the US today. for him, his interviews, the glowing reviews on the covers of his books, the carefully-lit portraits of him online comprise the entirety of his work. without these things, the aura of brilliance would collapse and his novels would appear as the overweening morass of mediocrity that they are. i think deep down he has some sense that he can only get away with it since literary culture has devolved to a point that readers have such little experience of good prose that they are wholly incapable of separating good and bad writing. deep down he knows this, which is why he has such a nasty, smug outlook.

cohen is no doubt important. he commands a large share of ink spilled on 'contemporary literature' and he is the most recognizable writer working in whatever passes for experimental or avant-garde nowadays. but this importance has never been more banal. dfw at least recognized this by worrying his whole life that he was a fraud. in many ways he was. but cohen lacks either the honesty or the ability to confront this, and i don't know which is worse.

>> No.10514559

>Phil and Lit duel major


/pol/ won't recover from this

>> No.10514567

Yeah but is the style juicy enough to justify it. How does it lack substance?

>> No.10514568

I'm in grad school studying CS now, what are you doing with your life?

>> No.10514570

>cohen is no doubt important. he commands a large share of ink spilled on 'contemporary literature' and he is the most recognizable writer working in whatever passes for experimental or avant-garde nowadays.

Did you have a stroke and confuse him with Tao Lin or something

Joshua Cohen is an autistic who can copy people's prose style but is incapable of understanding the concepts of plot or theme. The fact that he's famous is an accident even he can't explain

>> No.10514572


>> No.10514574

>duel major

>> No.10514585

cohen is more famous than tao lin, at least in "mainstream literature" (e.g. new yorker, new york literary circles, mfa syllabi, etc.)

tao has self-consciously been 'alternative' the whole time. he got pretty famous with taipai but he's on an irreversible slide into irrelevance that even he is aware of. if he were to publish another novel, it would be met with the snide 'oh he thinks people care' jabs from the trendy feminists that now dominate the 'alt' culture he was once central to. especially after the whole sexual misconduct allegations a year or two ago.

>> No.10514586

wow you are a fucking retard lol. How are you a philosophy major?

>> No.10514592

What you're saying amounts to one is a Chink and the other a Jew

>> No.10514593

confirmed autodidact genius, watch out lads

>> No.10514609

fucking retards on this board...please learn how to read

>> No.10514610

Good post

>> No.10514615

>the man who unironically claimed posturing is equivalent to authority continues to posture

>> No.10514643

studying dueling. we're on pistols at 30 paces atm.

>> No.10514664
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>haha I can recognize a typo

>> No.10514678
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>he didn't major in phil and lit dueling

>> No.10514714

>tfw goyim still think dfw wasnt a hack

>> No.10514721


>> No.10514725

>muh field growth and lack of critical thinking

>> No.10514729

>please give me a (you)

>> No.10514732

This but unironically

>> No.10514740

>subtle, we are the publishers of Josh Cohn and if we put his name next to DFW of him criticizing maybe that will attract attention and intrigue thread

>> No.10514742

Got bills to pay my man. Planning to go for a Masters in philosophy when I get settled

>> No.10514747

pretty much everybody who reads? seriously where have you ever heard anybody claim Roth isn't at least 'decent? other than a board of 17 yr old holocaust deniers of course

>> No.10514757

We're split on the holocaust between the deniar camp and the pro camp

>> No.10514789

and united in the no nothing and proud of it camp

>> No.10514794

Roth is particularly repulsive and it stems from the uniquely neurotic mindset of Jewish people. Call it anti-semitism if you want, but you can see this same neuroticism and projection in people like Sigmund Freud, Woody Allen, Larry David, Seinfeld, etc.

>> No.10514808

You are anti-Semitic. There's quite an unprecedented number of neurotic White Christians as well.

>> No.10514823

. The difference is that neuroticism is the focal point for Jews.

>> No.10514834

Each religion has its own ethnic troubles and fascinations. Jews are perverted scam suberters and white Christians sometimes shoot up schools

>> No.10514858

All of us are free from the most tragic of camps,
This has been a PSA from the Holocaust Survivors Advocacy Society

>> No.10514864

Lmao he actually said this shit.

>> No.10514911

>Jews are perverted scam suberters and white Christians sometimes shoot up schools
can you put this into numbers

>> No.10514924

The Dylan Roofe : Weinstein ratio

>> No.10515833
File: 366 KB, 2048x1362, based_chabon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

superior Jew coming through

>> No.10515866

I thought Chabon was for lonely divorced women?

>> No.10515892

Superior at being a whiny bitch? Cause that's the only impression I got after reading his Trump essay or whatever it was.

>> No.10515915

Jesus, get off my fucking board, charlatan.

>> No.10515921


oh I am laffing

>> No.10516584

but German also uses "-er" suffix for comparative adjectives.

>> No.10516629
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>> No.10516649

This isn't your safespace kike. I say this as a stemfag, so call me a crossboarder if you like. You already have the rest of the world, go ruin someplace else with your Chthonic worldview and unrivaled ability to turn the sacred into the profane.

>> No.10516690

Roth is about as close to the apex of contemporary /lit/ as you can get. Like shit, the bloomiester himself named Roth high as you can get. And while /lit/ might not like him as much as say McCarthy or Pynchon from that famous line, he still is a damn solid writer. You are the sickness.

>> No.10516695

Literally who

>> No.10516702

>reads Weininger once

>> No.10516726


>bloomiester himself named Roth high as you can get
A jew promotes a fellow jew to great status and you repeat it not having yet cultivated strong opinions of your own. That's the problem.

>> No.10516753

Maybe if the goyim had anything to offer we wouldn't have to refer to bloom, hmm? If you can't see bloom as the /pol/tards savior too than you're beyond hopeless.

>> No.10516815

Bloom is a gatekeeping jew who was promoted to give jews control over our culture, but jews have no business in these positions in the west.

>> No.10516972

If you don't worship him, or more importantly understand why he's worshiped here. Or why as a western culture chauvinist why he is your best bet, you need to get the fuck off my board and back to pol

>> No.10516990

>cares about the sacred

>> No.10517004

Only jews on here worship him but jews have no business in white literature and shouldn't be gatekeepers of a culture they don't belong to.

>> No.10517013
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>white literature
Anon, I...

>> No.10517317



>We know that, up to now, some of you have made an effort to reserve judgment on the question of whether or not President Donald Trump is an anti-Semite, and to give him the benefit of the doubt. Some of you voted for him last November. Some of you have found employment in his service, or have yourself with him in private business deals, or in diplomatic ties.

>You have counted carefully as each appointment to his administration of a white supremacist, anti-Semite, neo-Nazi or crypto-fascist appeared to be counterbalanced by the appointment of a fellow Jew, and reassured yourself that the most troubling of those hires would be cumulatively outweighed by the presence, in his own family and circle of closest advisors, of a Jewish son-in-law and daughter.


>> No.10517620


>> No.10517622


>> No.10517646

that pink chest hair vneck. a more faggoty getup could scarcely be imagined. twink city, especially with the lil pout

>> No.10517842

Did this goober get the memo Bannon was fired

>> No.10517859

>that he's a writer who thought dfw's only mistake was not being jewish
what does that even mean? and theres like a 50% chance joshy boy wrote this

>> No.10517873
File: 198 KB, 823x1056, IMG_1623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>western culture
>literally founded by the greeks and the jews

go back to where you belong. Nothingness.

>> No.10517906

Jews are parasitic vagabonds whose influence on the west has been entirely negative. Kys now, vaginastein.

>> No.10517929

Dude pipe down

>> No.10517935
File: 175 KB, 938x844, 1493932452519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we wuz western culture n shit

>> No.10517937

the jews and the greeks CREATED the west you imbecile

>> No.10517947

This is true, without the Jewish conception of the free and independent ego there would have been no Western subject. We would have been trapped in silly Pagan pantamimes for all of history like India

>> No.10517954

Jews have never created anything, and everything they claim to have created was ripped off from other nations and peoples they parasitized. Jews are semites, they are not a part of the west, they are an interloping tribe of middle easterners.

>> No.10517959

Hey! Nearly every culture and people that encounters the Jew has disliked them. Its nearly Universal at this point that Jews are rats.

>> No.10517966

you're one stupid and hateful motherfucker

>> No.10517970

could you elaborate on that, or give some links please

>> No.10517976


Holy shit, this board is done.

>> No.10517978

You're just repeating yourself like a gabbling idiot now. Jews brought to the West a conception of the self as sufficient unto itself, an arbiter of its own destiny with no fates or stupid bickering Gods to interfere with what I decide to get up to and it comes down to me to draw my own lines. Look at the site you're posting on, this is pure Judaism but you're too thickskulled to see it.

>> No.10517988

Read Kant on Religion

>> No.10517989

I could never hate jews as much as they hate my people. And you're in no position to call others stupid, you can't even use proper grammar.

This is a board that celebrates white culture. You are the one who is out of place here.

>> No.10517993

>Jews brought to the West a conception of the self as sufficient unto itself, an arbiter of its own destiny

Are you retarded or something? Do you know the first thing about the people you're talking about?

>> No.10518001

Yeah a people who don't give a shit what you think, who are out for themselves first and your silly ideals can be damned if they get in the way. Its a powerful and impressive way to be compared to the effeminate pagans.

>> No.10518010

Perhaps you should consider the notion that you just aren't very intelligent. You fabricated a premise, can't express yourself clearly, and are defending a tribe that has done enormous harm to the west. This might fly on reddit but it only makes you come off as an idiot here.

>> No.10518017

Not that I like Cohen but James Wood thinks otherwise about his prose

>> No.10518019

Absolutely nothing, nothing, drives the kikes crazier than seeing intelligent and successful goyim beat them at what they consider is their own game--literature. See Norman Mailer and Gore Vidal. Susan Sontag and Camille Paglia. The kike can acquire all the advanced degrees and literary prizes he wants, the kike's uncle can pass his nephew's name along to the all the kike editors of the most prestigious kike literary outlets he desires, the kike running Harvard's admissions department can admit all the Goldbergs and Joshuas in the world, but despite these elite credentials and superficial successes, the kike cannot inflate the quality of his prose with nepotism and dollar bills. He cannot hide his artistic failures on the page, and though he tries, he cannot stifle WASP successes when they are smarter and more talented than he is.

So what does the kike do when confronted by his own mediocrity? He retreats to his kikishness. He makes sullen comments from the safety of his synagogue and attacks the one thing he can--this goy is not and never will be a kike like him.

>> No.10518020


>> No.10518032

I'm not disagreeing with you here. Simply that the fact they are capable of having such an affect on Earth not through brute numbers or strength but from pure cunning and self promotion is incredibly impressive and if the European race is to ever rise past them its going to require coming to terms with that independent spirit not simply whining about it like sorry Niggers

>> No.10518035

You are mistaken, the West is Christian. The Greeks are savages, and the Jews are tribal dogs compared to Christianity, it is the imbecile /lit/ poster, possessed by "starting" gay bodybuilding with the Greeks who has no understanding of Western culture, because he'd rather read the philosophical drivel of a Greek pederast than actually analyze and experience the depth and creativity of the past 2000 years of art that are saturated with the Christian worldview. You're a moron, if you actually believe that the petty, tribal, vindictive soul of the Jews have had any major influence on Western prior to the technological and social revolutions that have marked the passed 200 odd years.

You are intellectually decrepit if you actually think the perverted Jews whose graphomania plagues our literature are the foundation for Western culture. Even more so than attributing that accomplishments to the Greeks, who were also tribal, polytheistic savages compared to any Christian Western culture that has succeeded it.

The people adamantly defending the sundry pornography with their cerebral bowel movements are historically and culturally illiterate, about the Greeks, the West and Judaism. They have no understanding of any historical topic, so it's only natural their imbecile mental facilities would attribute cultural milestones in order of chronology. So go ahead, "start with the Greeks" if you want to continue down the path of artistic illiteracy.

>> No.10518041

>You are mistaken, the West is Christian. The Greeks are savages, and the Jews are tribal dogs compared to Christianity

Now this is just pathetic. Christianity was created by jews for the most part and greeks for the remaining part. You literally worship a man named Joshua you hopeless son of a moronic bitch. I am truly sorry I am of the same species as you are

>> No.10518050

Jews in no way have an "independent spirit," they are purely tribal. Jews are power hungry psychopaths who destroy everything they touch. This is not something European peoples envy or should envy, it's something we must simply understand and accept so that we can remove it. The issue isn't that we aren't as ruthless and deceptive as the jew, it's that we think the jew is just like us, noble and fair. If we were able to collectively accept that the jew is a sick psychopath we could be rid of its presence tomorrow.

>> No.10518051

This. Christianity is the synthesis of the Greek Philosophy and Judaism

>> No.10518054

>Jews were first therefore the Christian worldview is Jewish
Your appeal to chronology reveals your intellectual retardation, and I already addressed it in my original post. The Christian worldview is completely anathema to tribal Judaism is its universality.

Also retarded.

>> No.10518060

Yes, jews are also semites and semites are inherently not creative. These European art forms are rooted in creativity so it comes as little surprise that jews do poorly at it and more often than not use it as a tool of subversion.

>> No.10518069

>Christianity was created by jews for the most part

Again, jews don't "create" things, they steal and subvert. Everything about Christianity was stolen from other cultures jews parasitized.

>> No.10518070

>a 3000 years old people can't develop several philosophical system

imagine being this utterly idiotic

>> No.10518072

>they are purely tribal

They're tribal when it suits them, that's part of their priority of independence. Don't act as if Jews aren't ruthlessly competitive amongst each other
See what makes Jews different is if you look on /pol/ you see retards talking about "Alphas" and "Betas" because they dream of returning to the ape pack. Everyone knows their place and they stick to it and are rewarded accordingly.
Jews find that shit laughable, they decide who they are and what rewards they should get. Someone like Harvey Weinstein born with a face like the wrong end of a sneaker doesn't just give up, he finds a way to fuck every actress he can get his hands on because he is what matters first and if his tribe helps him towards that then he knows where his independent interests lie. Before his own brother like Cain betrayed him.

This is the attitude we have to get past, not emulate but reconcile, if the European people are going to have any hope of survival.

>> No.10518076

you are merely spouting your hateful dogmatic delirium while jews have contributed ideas and oeuvres among the very pillars of our western culture. you are pathetic. consider doing something with your life instead of being a jealous nazi scum

>> No.10518078

wow anon thats incredibly deep

are u a spiritual pearson ?

>> No.10518079
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>We are all born with two X chromosomes, that means we're all truly female.
Absolutely retrograde and totalitarian thinking. Be gone.

>> No.10518085

>Who the fuck thinks Roth is even halfway decent anyway?

Me desu

>> No.10518086

I'm not sure if you're approaching your understanding of the jew from a Christian perspective but I can't agree with some of your analysis. The jew jews by nature which is why it is only effective with a host, but everything about the jew is informed by tribalism. You're getting confused because you're applying a western concept of independence to a parasite that requires a host. It's not about independence, and every semitic system is hinged upon extreme conformity. European people's problem is that we are independent and not collective enough, which is why the jewish tribal strategy is effective among us.

>> No.10518091

Jewish influence has been nothing but harmful, they are bad people. Your repeating of jewish buzzwords also has no effect on me.

>> No.10518103

My dude we're all on the same side here, but you have to understand how intellectually limited your account here is. It's a dead end

>> No.10518105

it's really sad the way you just repeat again and again the same childish sentence "they are a bad people". you sound like a poor brainwashed kid just out of the hitlerjungen. Kid, I know facts have no effects on you. The positive did is you don't really irritate me because i know you're a failure and will remain a failure

>> No.10518119
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Disregard all kike filth trying to subvert real literature

>> No.10518124

Buddy, I've been studying the jews for many years now. White people are individualistic and non-tribal; jews are extremely inbred and the most tribal group on the planet. They have been successful because they exploit white individualism and employ a tribal strategy against us. That's how this works.

>> No.10518127

>white people are non-tribal


>> No.10518128

>I've been studying the jews for many years now

This is the most pathetic thing I've ever read on 4chan

>> No.10518133

>White people are individualistic and non-tribal

You ever been to a Football game?

>> No.10518137

The reality here is simple even if you're too dumb to get it. Jews have contributed nothing positive to the west. They are nomadic semites who wage war from within. That is what perverted jews like Roth are doing: not adding to the west's literary tradition, but corrupting it. It's what they do and what they have been doing for thousands of years.

>> No.10518148

Whites are the least tribal people on the planet which is why we attack each other and side with other tribes for abstract principles. This is a good thing, it's why whites are so creative, but it's bad when you allow an extremely tribal group like jews in the door. This isn't even controversial.

>> No.10518154

>i've been studying the jews for many years now
how's it going with the ladies?

>> No.10518163

>Tribal vengeful God + Greek pederasty = God's son came to earth to die for Man's sins so he may have an everlasting life with him.
This is your mind on Greek "logic"

This is also retarded, and must be bait, because only an idiot <100 IQ would have such a stupid understanding of Christianity.

>Football game

>stupid post
White people aren't a real tribe, thus they will never be tribal. You may have groups of people like Jews, Italians, or any other ethnic group who have heightened in group preference, but whites as a whole are disorganized. Just like all sub-Saharan Africans aren't tribal because they are Black.

>> No.10518171
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>It's this guy again.

>> No.10518173

>he didn't start with the Greeks

>> No.10518176

Never been a problem for me personally, but in general learning about the jewish problem and tapping into your own racial consciousness inspires white men to be more healthy, have a higher sense of purpose, and be thus more confident and better with women.

>> No.10518184


>> No.10518186

It shows

>> No.10518188

the celts

>> No.10518192

This historicist meme invented by G*rmans needs to go

>> No.10518194

Lol you have been unable to refute anything. How is Christianity a "synthesis" of Judaism and Greeks? Show me your work you moron. You have no proof.

>> No.10518197

>understanding of Christianity
The basis of Christianity are stories from other cultures that were pieced together by jews. We know this.

>> No.10518203

*and reformatted by them.

>> No.10518206

But will it help with my cholesterol?

>> No.10518213

>Buddy, I've been studying the jews for many years now.
Hi Kevin

>> No.10518216

Tell me which stories and cultures demanded that believers be baptized so that they may enter into the Kingdom of Heaven with the God made man who died for their inescapable sins. How you idiots can't understand that Christianity is one of the most unique beleifs on earth? This is a dumb atheistic understanding of religion.

>> No.10518218

If you haven't read Plato then I'm in no interest to patch up your education.

>> No.10518224

This is a retarded excuse, you philosophy nerds are all sophists, you never talk about anything substantial and deriding that "discipline" is justified.

>> No.10518225

Some of it is mythology from cultures before the jews even (but still semitic so your retardation still applies), but for most of the Bible this is not even logically possible. How could the stories of King David, a historical figure, or the sermon on the mount could have been borrowed? you really are incredibly stupid. Oh but let me guess "the jews have done harm... etc". you're an untermensch with foam where your brain should be

>> No.10518251

You worship a semitic religion that was forced on your ancestors by a hostile tribe so to better control you. The sooner you come to grips with that the better off you'll be in the long run.

Most were not semitic, most were Indo-European tribes. The above applies to you. You are making excuses so you won't have to come to face the reality that you worship the god of an alien race that forced your people by the sword to worship one of them. I imagine that is difficult to accept but it's the truth.

>> No.10518252

Have you considered things may be substancial then you realize if only you stop being a bitch and do the heavy lifting. The reason I don't bother arguing with someone who hasn't read someone as foundational as Plato is because you have no idea how unoriginal your thoughts are. You're three thousands years behind in the conversation and have nothing new to contribute to me until you catch up.

>> No.10518253

>In this will to supreme combination, he resembles Thomas Pynchon (with Joyce the blessed progenitor), or David Foster Wallace.

>> No.10518268

>three thousand years behind conversation.
>concentrating on Christian thought that has only existed in the past 2000 years
You are dum dum stupid, dunning kruger basket case. Arrogance is bliss no?

>semitic religion that was forced on your ancestors
My ancestors converted, and I have accepted God through my own volition. I am also virulently anti-Semitic, so I really don't think the control works well. You really ought to read more, your antisemitism lacks nuance and a healthy understanding of the world. Read some sociology books by Jacques Ellul.

>> No.10518277

This guy is literally a nobody

>> No.10518282

How can you pretend that it's my understanding that lacks nuance when you still use their terminology? Your ancestors also converted by the sword, but whatever, square that circle to your desire. I don't take issue with whites who understand the jewish problem but choose to ignore the dissonance caused by their continued fealty to a jewish ideology.

>> No.10518291

Is this bait? I don't like kikes, how am I not on your side?

>> No.10518299

Why has nobody posted the infographic yet?

>> No.10518311

you really are a pathetic bunch

>> No.10518317

I was saying that I accept that you are and so it's not worth arguing about Christianity here. I think in the future you should avoid using their fake words like "antisemitism" and not say that you hate them when you know any hatred you have stems from knowing how they hate you, but as long as you're over the first hump that's all that matters in the short run.

>> No.10519291

white people are the races youngest brother, the earths youngest son

>> No.10519312

It looks weird but it's the nominative.

>> No.10519314

the reason they evolved so far and fast and nobley is because their women as most beautiful so compelled them to value existence more and put in more effort and respect and honor of earth and competition to deserve the beauty of the fairest

>> No.10519331

Does anyone else get high-key faggot vibes from DFW?

>> No.10519337

wouldnt it be the opposite? if there are hot women you just dont need to do much of anything but fuck all day every day? The races with the ugliest women, the men would have motivation to explore the world more? Or is it the ugly men that cannot get the hot women are motivated to try to do crazy things to win the hot womens attention?

>> No.10519844

Jews have done a lot in science, technology and military which are the only things that matter in the world

>> No.10519875

>Or is it the ugly men that cannot get the hot women are motivated to try to do crazy things to win the hot womens attention?


>> No.10520484

> "i'm just a scared little american living in california" - dfw
> frequently expresses frustration at things like the existence of gas guzzling cars and their impact on the environment
> drug scenes abound in IJ, a book that is literally about boston

> you calling him "not a big city type"

how much more too-well-off-for-his-own-good-metropolitan-douche can you get than DFW? he is the literal image of city slicker

>> No.10520498

good post

> outrageously middlebrow
lol at this expression

>> No.10520516


>> No.10520579

**Germans and Greeks created the West.

>> No.10521045 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10521460


>> No.10521461

Totally true. Apparently this is how it is in Russia these days where there's a moderate gender imbalance and so you can be a complete slob and still land an Ivana

>> No.10522241

>can be a complete slob and still land an Ivana
who evolves into Olga in 15 years