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/lit/ - Literature

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10513623 No.10513623 [Reply] [Original]

It feels to me like the world that we live in is a complete mess
>All the political systems
>Racial issues
>The gender debate
>The big corporations vs. democracy
I am not smart enough to make sense of it all and I also don't want to make up my mind from Medium texts and the mass media.
What are the essencial books one should read in order to have a grasp of what is going on right now?
All areas of knowledge welcome!

>> No.10513630

It’s all noise. Take up bread baking.

>> No.10513633

Voltaire and Hegel

>> No.10513634


>> No.10513639

the tALMUD

>> No.10513645

It will start to make sense when you tackle the jewish question. There is a tiny tribe of totalitarians with way too much power viciously imposing their interests at the expense of everyone else's and it's fucking shit up in the west bigly. Anyone with any sense knows it now.

>> No.10513646

there's a bit too many books for what you want m8
read the news and see the patterns first, then go deeper

>> No.10513648
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>> No.10513664

I plan to take it step by step, but it would me useful to have a map of sorts...
I looked into the sticky, but starting from the fucking greeks seems a bit too much to understang the pressing questions of today

>> No.10513669


>> No.10513675

Just think about how humans felt with nature when practicly no society existed and language was just a bunch of shouting noises.
It's always gonna be complicated and overwhelming. Though I do wonder myself if humanity will ever be big enough to understand everything, if that is even possible since we need to grow in order to understand more, and growing means there's more for us to potentially understand, endless game of catch up.

>> No.10513679

You're also reading the greeks to build your toolset. Without it you won't be able to even formulate ypur pressing questions of today.

>> No.10513701
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i can give you maps for politics

>> No.10513705
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>> No.10513718

just get life experience dealing with many types of people

different jobs, different levels of society, routine basis so you override your own prejudices

only after all that will you be able to contextulizing your readings and form your own opinions

dont worry about not getting things, the layers make sense on their own

be a good dude.

>> No.10513725

Start shitposting. A lot. It unironically turns you into a genius.

>> No.10513738


>Hitting bottom isn't a weekend retreat, it's not a goddamn seminar. Stop trying to control everything and just let go. Let go

>> No.10513771

Sounds like a solid advice.
I was worried about HAVING to read the counter-arguments for everything I stumbled across, in order to not get manipulated, but just thinking about the real world should help as well...

what do you mean?

>> No.10513900
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these graphs are disingenuous at best, mostly in relation to natsoc and facism.
despite national socialism having socialism in the title, it is by far one of the most pro capitalist systems in all of political theory. the socialistic aspects of natsoc only extend to community programs, while the rest of the economic system is just regular conservative style capitalism, if we were to go by your graphs.
fascism on the other hand is actually MORE socialist than natsoc, dictating exactly who earns what, with more emphasis on public funded utilities at the expense of privatization, granted this never goes as far as communism, statism, or any variant of """"real"""" socialism.

nationalism on the other hand is not a political class, its a political subclass. nationalism is something that is used to describe other systems, it is not a system in and of itself. nationalism describes a want to preserve tradition, but nothing else. it has no bearing on how the country itself is run, nor does it have a stance on the economy outside of whatever is traditional, which can be defined as something as arbitrary as "trading". having nationalism on these graphs would be the same as placing Christianity on this and saying that because they both seek to preserve tradition, they are both equally viable political options and should occupy space on the graph. religion may be used to describe other political leanings, but being part of a religion does not mean you are part of that lean just by association.

>> No.10514017

There's no singular book or reading list that will completely catalogue the debate on contemporary issues. Even if there were, it'd soon be outdated when these issues evolved, or if new issues took their place.

A general appreciation of art & literature is what you're looking for, and much more enriching. Read the classics, because the classics never stop being relevant. Weigh the meaning of a timeless text, and allow it to serve as a springboard for your own philosophical thought.

Look through the following, read a short summary of the themes of each, and see what interests you. I think they should all serve as strong starting points into literature.

>"Don Quixote" - Cervantes
>"Crime and Punishment" - Dostoevsky
>"Anna Karinina" - Tolstoy
>"Moby-Dick" - Melville
>"The Magic Mountain" - Mann
>"In Search of Lost Time" - Proust
>"The Charterhouse of Parma" - Stendhal
>"The Trial" - Kafka
>"David Copperfield" - Dickens
>"As I Lay Dying" - Faulkner

Don't feel like you have to read all (or any) of these, I would've been turned off immensely if I had to read through a pre-approved list to 'get' literature. Read what interests you. The only exception would be Plato's Socratic Dialogues; I think everyone should read those.

>> No.10514082

I was actually thinking about reading books more focused on those subjects, instead of general literature, but I'll look into that

>> No.10514439

Was reading Mcluhan, Adorno and Marx and had this same feeling

>> No.10514632

The Capital was on my "list" already, but I don't know the other authors. Wich book would you recommend?

>> No.10514658 [DELETED] 


Why are there so many leftist cuck faggots on this board? Are you all 17?
Jesus Christ, it's sickening.

>> No.10514677

you have to go back

>> No.10514688
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>reeeeeeeeee my safespace

Imagine being such a thin skinned sissy.

>> No.10514694 [DELETED] 

Culture of Critique is the only book you need that explains why the world has been going to shit for the last hundred or so years.

If you get to about page 50 and aren't saying "Hitler did nothing wrong" by then, then you're a brainlet and should probably stop reading books.

>> No.10514699

>Adorno and Marx
Lmfao, are you jewish?

>> No.10514700

You don't need to try to make sense of it. Who are you? You're just some random person like anyone else. You aren't in a position of actual power. The reason you feel overwhelmed is because of the 24/7 news cycle feeding you information continually. This is an unnatural state for humans that has only been allowed by recent technological advances. We're meant to live locally, minding things in our own spheres, not trying to wrap our heads around the entire nation or even the entire world. It makes us feel important when we think of things this way, that we're influencing the world through our actions, but we really aren't and we don't have control over anything. You're worrying about things that are truly beyond you, and beyond everyone else for that matter.

>> No.10514707 [DELETED] 
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>Yes goy, just relax, take it easy, don't educate yourself, take a load off. I hear the Big Game is on tonight. Why don't you relax and watch it? You deserve a break! Oh, and don't forget to watch the commercials! Heh heh heh....

>> No.10514712

That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that you should focus on your local community and the people around you, which is the normal state of human social interaction.

>> No.10514718

do NOT reply to /pol/

>> No.10514738

How legit is this reccomendation?
I am really not inclined towards racism

>> No.10514749


Go away /pol/, I'm not even going to dignify that with a (You)

>> No.10514753 [DELETED] 

It's legit if you enjoy facts and wanting to have your entire worldview altered and everything you ever learned challenged.
All of the commie soyboys in this thread will tell you to avoid it though.

>> No.10514762 [DELETED] 

Why are you people so afraid to engage in debate with people who challenge your hugbox safe space? Serious genuine question.

I personally enjoy having debates with people who I disagree with. It's just something so basic and natural that it shouldn't be seen as controversial at all.

>> No.10514766

No he doesn't, he's right.

>> No.10514773

>liberalism is in the middle
Lol fuck off shareblue

>> No.10514776 [DELETED] 

Hahahaha how is your wife's son doing, faggot?

>> No.10514778

apparently at first it was good and then the guy decided to go full nazi. same with david irving who was a decent historian until he decided to start denying the holocaust and lost all credibility. /pol/ loves both of them because of the legitimacy of the early work, and believe that the outright rejection and dismissal of their new work is a jewish agenda to destroy them.

>> No.10514796 [DELETED] 
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David Irving did nothing wrong though.
Jews claimed there is like 600 billion bodies buried in this one field in Poland. And Irving merely asked to dig it up to verify it. And Jews chimped out, saying it's against their religion and other nonsense.

And then the Jews paved over the field with a 3 feet thick layer of concrete, burying whatever evidence is or isn't there, and turning it into a "memorial."
Which totally isn't fishy at all.

>> No.10514804

Like a map of meaning?

>> No.10514809
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>> No.10514850

counter-reading both of them is interesting, and Adorno has some good points desu

t. want to see communists burn

>> No.10514852
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>>10513623 (OP)
pic related

>> No.10514865

Like "Oh, for this topic the main books are this and that, and this one is the most accessible..."

I will look into it, but what bothers me when it comes to 4chan racists' is that MY reality doesn't really match what they say, despite all their charts and facts.
And even if they were right about race mixing and all, what can be done about it? Sounds like a waste of time tbqh

>> No.10514919

Ad hominem, not an argument, of course because CofC devastates leftist thought and no valid argument against it can be made.