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10511135 No.10511135 [Reply] [Original]

How do I ask out a woman at the local independent bookstore?

>> No.10511146

Howdy, darlin', wanna stream my consciousness?

>> No.10511152

I advise against this, since every girl I've ever met in an independent bookstore has been a fucking psychopath, but have a bump.

>> No.10511158

Larry McMurtry sounds like a parody name of Cormac McCarthy

>> No.10511166 [DELETED] 
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Inside your pretending
Crimes have been swept aside
Somewhere where they can forget
Divine upper reaches
Still holding on
This ocean will not be grasped

>> No.10511172

Tell her about your allergies, show yourself to be be a cheapskate, and brag about your toy collection.

Ogle her tits and ass whilst drooling. Make sure she catches you doing this.

>> No.10511178

every indie bookstore I've ever been to sells those retarded books with the page edges fucked up
seriously i fucking hate this bullshit so much

>> No.10511182

Why is this?

>> No.10511209

Wtf i know her and this place OP
Why u so creepy

Wa state amiright?

>> No.10511215

brb driving to Pullman

>> No.10511253

>How do I ask out a woman
You ask her out.

>> No.10511280

No otherside of the mountains

>> No.10511294

WAtup WAbros aha!

>> No.10511297


>> No.10511303

Going to this poetry night thing tonight
In bellingham

>> No.10511340
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Walk up to her
Slap her ass
Pull a bookcase down on her
Ask if she has a Facebook
Bludgeon her face with a book
Pull down your pants
Urinate on her
Light the urine on fire because it's actually petroleum
Put her out with water from a vase
Tell her that you just saved her life
Take her home with you

>> No.10511346

You just fucking ask her out. Don't be an autist about it.

>> No.10511347

Mike Leach will save us

>> No.10511369
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>Don't be an autist

I literally can't, though. The thought of rejection terrifies me. How am I supposed to ask out a total stranger without acting like a fucking sperg? Fuck you, you normalfag.

>> No.10511377

>Sup, I know we haven't really been introduced yet but I was thinking we should go out and get something to eat. When's your next break?
That will end well!

>> No.10511393

>rejection terrifies me
Because you haven't been rejected enough. You're literally SUPPOSED TO get rejected by like 9/10 (or more) girls if you're just some regular looking non-Chaddy bum, thus making rejection irrelevant/normalized to you. Desensitization by exposure. There's a saying that goes something like, if you've never been rejected it's because you aren't asking enough girls. Similarly like job hunting, expect to get rejected a lot at first because at the early stage of the game, of any game, you have no real bargaining power, so you're really just waiting for someone to give you a pity pass. Sad but big+true.

>> No.10511398

Talk to her for like five minutes on whatever she seems to be into, then say something like "hey I never do this but..."
that works for me usually, know your audience

>> No.10511406

You don't have a network opening every door for you? You must be one of those motivated types found in history books.

>> No.10511412


>> No.10511416

They literally could work.

>> No.10511423

>t. Patrick Bateman

>> No.10511427

Well, yeah it could. There's no magic words to asking a girl out. If you have confidence and a good personality you can say anything, really. Keeping things simple always works wonders too.

>> No.10511436

Never been motivated in my life desu. Also I have no friends. Not motivated enough to keep pseudo-relationships on life support just because I might need some thing from some one at some point. I ride dolo

>> No.10511472

I'm in the big city south but know many people at a Western, in fact I think I know a girl attending that event

>> No.10511479

What helped for me is just asking them for coffee because I wanted to talk to a cute girl with coffee and nothing beyond that, it isn't all that daunting

>> No.10511486

Damn never been, first night

Cheers anon have a great night

>> No.10511512

Umm, how about you don't? Women aren't there for your beta virgin needs: we're not sex tools. Just leave her be, she likely doesn't want to be bothered by creeps like you :)

>> No.10511527

>Not motivated enough to keep pseudo-relationships on life support just because I might need some thing from some one at some point. I ride dolo

so this...


this is the power...

this is the power of unfiltered autism...

t. (((woman))) with penis

>> No.10511528

It's easy brother walk up to her look her in the eyes and say hey girl hows about you take your top off while i get my rocks off. I'm intense, no nonsense, I smell like frankincense, and if you're not satisfied I'll recompense. Then grab her by the wrist and lead her off.

>> No.10511540

>Pick her up
>Throw her at the nearest brick wall
>Pick her up again, and walk 3 feet back
>Throw her at the wall again
>Watch as she gets up
>"So what books do you like"

>> No.10511544

That is true. Women are there to suck alpha dick. Let this post remind you.

>> No.10511546

>Don't be an autist
Different anon, but allow me to regale you with true autism.

>be ym, 20's
>out with dormbro, pool while waiting for foods
>i can't play but the sperglord shit i say/do can make us laugh
>we know the guy who runs the place
>chill dude, pretends he's gonna charge us extra for pool tips; manages to get some of the hottest girls in the city in the place at random times
>one of those times
>hotties walk in
>the pitch of my voice jumps up 8-13 octaves
>no chance of sounding remotely like a man
>enter john steinbeck, head back in game
>halfway through first game, i'm kicking ass
>hotties walk past wondering what we're about
>not even mom's spaghetti, granny's whole fucking pantry
>i am the shameful mutt what tore the cookies to shreds looking for treats, too daft to know it's out of its league
>fuck up a shot so bad the cue ball hits the wall several feet away, just after a gril goes by
>dormbro laughs but doesn't notice the cause, he fucks up a bunch too
>hotties seated, henhousing
>gg i win but sound like a little girl
>anxiety = brickshitting
>they're just fenale humans
>vaginas and tits are the only difference
>can't stop the flop
>dormbro wins most of next game, food arrives
>nearby basement dwellers screaming about nat20's & cheating 12's
>wonder if i'm on par or worse
>freak out mentally because i can't tell if i'm worse than neckbeards yelling in public
>making too much pasta for one person
>dormbro can't handle it, excuses himself to washroom laughing
>i'm trying to calm myself
>no more pantries, i am the stoic
>grils peek around booth, they finished food ages ago
>they're asking each other if they got any guys' numbers lately; neither did
>laughing and talking about school
>nfw i'm banned from their school for sperging out, campuswide ban still in effect 2 years after the fact
>internal combustion engine is my composure
>try to eat/ignore hotties
>they're staring
>figure they're trying to make eye contact
>hope to fuck i'm not making a dolt of myself
>hotties succeed at eye contact, don't want to seem like sheepish betafaggot by looking down/away
>smile at pretty grils, full eye contact
>shivers up and down my spine
>eye contact is disgusting
>mouthful of yog-sothoth, chili-salsa, rice and lamb
>i''m goofy-grinnin, ear to ear while it plops on plate
>give the most dissatisfied pouty face possible
>targeting food, forgeting grils exist
>their laughter reminds me they exist
>the food does not know my dissatisfaction
>i am shame
>i am uncontrollable laughter
>be autism

You literally cannot fuck up worse than that, anon. It sucks, and I probably won't ever see their tits or fuck them, or gf them, but there are billions more on this planet.

>TL;DR you can do it OP, you faggot.

>> No.10511562

nah, bro. see:

>> No.10511567
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autism is how you get girls

>> No.10511590 [DELETED] 

Nobody actually gets asked out. That shit only happens in movies.

But, like most other negative things, it's womens' fault. If they didn't make every guy paranoid about getting charged with rape or sexual harrassment with third wave feminism, then more guys would be confident to ask out the qt redhead girl they see in the poetry section looking at a copy of Yeats.

Most girls are indeed wishing that some Chad comes up to them out of the blue and asks them out. That's why they get all dolled up even going to bland places like the bank or the laundromat. But that ship has sailed.

>> No.10511592

>sample size: 1

>> No.10511601
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>> No.10511608

Step aside nerds... I actually did hook up with a chick that I met at a bookstore...

First you gotta see if she's into you and if you're into her. If she's reading something you're obviously not into then move on and find a good book instead

If she's in the same section as you (lets say the clearance aisle) and she grabs something just ask her if she found anything good

If she says no and leaves it at that, she's not into you, move on. If she says yes, if she tells you more about what she found and seems excited about it, ask her questions and tell her about what you're looking for

Basically try to read the situation and don't make any weird, bold moves.

If you guys are talking for more than a couple minutes then that means there might be some chemistry there, ask her to go to the inevitable coffee shop next door since the book store is closing soon. that way you can sit down and talk.

Boom... ya welcome. Don't stalk chicks at bookstores and don't be weird... but good luck

>> No.10511612

Don't make posts as retarded as this, but you're right.

>> No.10511614

Lol'd in real life

>> No.10511617


This is community service for me bro. I truly hope that someone lurking these posts can take value from what I have written... Full sincerity.

>> No.10511619

>walk up to girl
"Hi. I'm anon, what's your name?"
"Oh cool girl, I thought you looked interesting and wanted to get to know you"
"oh okay"
"What do you do with your life?"
and continue

>> No.10511623

I did cold approach a lit qt in high school
>we look at each other during class
>say hi to her after class
>was planning to make small talk, but she gives me a huge smile and says hey very loudly
>suddenly become confident and say something to the effect of "I'm not going to call you pretty or anything like that because you probably get called that a lot, but you seem interesting and I'd like to take you out sometime"
>she thanks me and becomes flustered, she gives me her number without me prompting for it
>text her later
>receive response 8 hours later
>it's a formally written paragraph apologizing that she has a boyfriend
>she asks if we can be friends
>not sure how to take it, tell her that it's cool of her to tell me, and that I'm ok with being friends
>we never talk after that, but she smiles and waves at me inside and outside of school often
I don't know how to interpret it, but it was an interesting experience. A friend who was on the swim team with her filled me in that she legitimately had a bf and that they were planning to marry after high school

>> No.10511625

The only problem with it imo is that it's normie tier. Like, when you have very specifically refined interests, which just so happen to be shit that no one you've ever met in real life is into, you have to kind of debase yourself to relate to the laybitch. I'm not expecting to walk into bookshops city wide and find a girl who's into theological treatises or epic thousand-year-old poetry. It can happen, sure, but the odds are stacked so unfathomably against you. It's unlikely to find a girl with patrician taste in regard to almost anything. And the ones that do have it might be ugly.

>> No.10511639


Lol, that's where your hours of aimlessly lurking /lit/ come into play... by now we definitely know enough random shit about authors that we have never, will never read, at least enough to either A) carry on a conversation or B) decide that she's a pleb and move on.

>> No.10511643

appreciate the advice, anon

>> No.10511678

bold moves are the only way to go my friend. what you're advocating is better for a shy guy because the rejection won't sting with such a pussy ass approach. bookstores are good if you have anxiety about approaching girls because people will never be mean in that environment. it's always better to state your intentions of you want pussy. if you validation or to brag to your friends or /lit/ then you can chitty chat bullshit small talk with the girl. and going to the coffee shop next door? waste of fucking time. it's almost like you're writing a manual for how to get a female friend. have a plan when you're hitting on girls: either quick 5 min chat and get her # or take her to a bar/your place and close the deal.

a chick will talk to you for 30 mins but that doesn't mean your dick is getting wet. you're just slightly more entertaining than her smartphone atm. ALWAYS be bold.

>> No.10511681


np bro.

i will say though... that just because a chick reads books doesn't mean she's the chick for you. because even if she is smart as fuck and possibly artsy and possibly has a cute pixie cut doesn't mean she's emotionally stable or has her shit figured out or is wifeable.

i'm telling you now... there are a TON of beautiful women out in the world and you're missing out if you exclude them based on surface shit like hobbies and what books they're into. sometimes the deeper you go into your autistic hobbies the higher the risk of turning off cute, well-adjusted girls who will honestly make your life emotionally, physically, financially (srs), spiritually better.

>> No.10511682

pathetic post desu

>> No.10511687
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I basically used this thread as a front, if that makes sense. There’s a girl at my boxing gym that I really want to ask out, but I’m too much of a sperg to do anything about it.

>t. Eugene

>> No.10511688


>> No.10511689

If she works there, don't. I work in a library and men ask me out sometimes. It's annoying being asked on the job, and I always say no on principle.

>> No.10511690


gotta know your audience bro... you really think that 99% of people reading this thread have the personality to do that? or are even looking for girls to randomly hook up with like that?

OP says "how do i ask out a girl at a bookstore" but what he might mean is, "how do i find a chick with substance (he assumes she is wise and kind because she reads books) to talk to and open up emotionally to?"

>> No.10511699

It's hard for me to agree with this as girls get approached by guys all the time outside of a school setting

>> No.10511701
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try jiu jitsu. it's an incredibly intimate setting... if you roll light and help her out with shit and work with her it's like going on a date for 8 minutes. and oh my fuck there is nothing hotter than being put in her triangle from mount.

your mileage may vary though

>> No.10511719
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>and oh my fuck there is nothing hotter than being put in her triangle from mount


>> No.10511747

yeah man I agree with that. wasn't trying to put you down but i was just offering a no bullshit method. when I first started killing my anxiety talking to chicks years ago, I exclusively used bookstores. it's like riding with training wheels on because no matter how anxious you are, girls are always nice. too many guys get bogged down over what to say and how not to sound awkward and how to get this one qt. chicks already know whether or not they will fuck you within seconds. being bold (telling them you find them attractive) gets them in or out and you know exactly where you stand within 5 secs of talking. guys try too hard with the "I hope she likes me!" attitude.

anyway, you're right. it's not the best approach for what guys here might be looking for.

>> No.10511751

>want porn of this woman

>> No.10511762

Wow, being honest and concise can actually lead to a straightforward response?
>mind blown

>> No.10511767

Just do it. If I was into men, I'd have said yes to the guys who've asked me out in bookstores. Unfortunately, l'm a lesbian.

>> No.10511775

girls don't get approached. that myth is one of the worst ones. women get checked out all the time, not approached. most chicks lead very mundane lives and will be happy if you walk up and hit on them if they find you attractive. a guy walking up to girl he doesn't know stone cold sober in broad daylight is extremely rare. but somehow there's this saying being thrown around that women get hit on everywhere. they do, in socially acceptable situations for that, like a bar or club. not in public settings.

>> No.10511779


>> No.10511789

Same rule applies. No harm in trying. At least you've got a higher chance of her being into you than I ever will with an actually attractive non SJW girl.

>> No.10511792


i appreciate that bro, thank you.

to be fair though... if someone were just looking to smash as much as possible, it's definitely a different game where the spirit of your advice rings true. i honestly hope you have a great time -- one of my best friends is constantly blowing up our group chat with new chicks and i am so proud he's doing what he's doing lol, he is having a blast and really experiencing life on just a higher energy in general.

sometimes i miss being single and letting the inner dog out, but i gotta say, being with a girl that i love for almost 4 years now has genuinely changed me as a person and i hope some of the lonelier guys here (i was one of you) can find someone right for them. and for the record, i didn't meet her at a bookstore.

>> No.10511802
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You wouldn't happen to be butters, would you?

>> No.10511804

Tara Tainton. You're welcome.

>> No.10511808

No, just realistic about the lesbian community.

>> No.10512053 [DELETED] 

Honestly I would love to be asked out while at a bookstore but I absolutely suck at talking to people in person. It makes me nervous thinking that I'm possibly making the other person feel that they're off-putting or that I don't want to talk to them.

>> No.10512241

cute girl I wonder what she looks like.

>> No.10512263

damn, 4 years is pretty great. I wish you the best man.

I reread my initial post and it was really harsh btw lol. wasn't directing it at anyone particular...it's just that in these kinds of threads, people are not good to each other. even though some are being vulnerable and sincere. it's under the pretense of "how do I talk to this chick?" but everyone rips everyone and the word "weird" and "creep" is thrown all over the place. in today's climate, the vast majority of men will die ecstatic if "didn't get out of my comfort zone, didn't hit up girls I wanted to, but at least I wasn't a creep" is etched on their tombstone. it's much better to think the opposite before talking to a girl. think of yourself as the biggest creep in your city, picture the girl you're talking to bursting into laughter as soon as you open your mouth and start stuttering. really visualize this. the reality will never be this bad 99.99% of the time. you can get away with saying the most ridiculous offensive shit to girls and the most they'll do is make a weird face and walk away. that's it. they're the most non confrontational species on earth. just do something, say anything is my advice. like anything else, you have to fail and embarrass yourself and learn from that. if you're trying to get this one qt wearing a sundress reading Celine, you've already lost.

>> No.10512352

ask to suck her titties

jk come chat

er not that

>> No.10512467

Die discordfag

>> No.10512527
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Build your confidence with live fire training
Do the Drake and Josh thing where you try to go on as many dates as possible in a week, using the frequent rejections to toughen your skin while the surprise acception restores your faith in yourself.
If this sounds shallow, it is, but it is also incredibly effective and will either leave you feeling sexy and desirable, or it will leave you less afraid of rejection.

>> No.10512609 [SPOILER] 
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>i am the shameful mutt what tore the cookies to shreds looking for treats, too daft to know it's out of its league

This is the good shit

>> No.10512632

Embrace being honest and holding your heart on your sleeve

Imagine failing in the worst way possible and expect it. It wont happen and youll survive the person you will never ever see again

If you are someone who is morally against walking on snow because it disturbs the universe, then sure, you cant just walk up to someone while theyre reading. For everyone else, its fine, just ask what you want to ask

What are you reading
How do you like it
Do you want to get coffee sometime and talk about books? I dont really get to talk about x with anyone

Imagine if someone asked you this. Its fine. If you said no to this person you would never think about them again because they asked something very normal. Worry about games and strategies later. Try to have fun

Its going to be fine

>> No.10512717

anon, i've jerked to tara tainton. i knew tara tainton. tara tainton was a go-to pornstar of mine. anon, she's no tara tainton.

>> No.10512745

Ask on >>>/r9k/ they're the experts.

>> No.10512837

>woman roaming in a bookstore
Nice meme

>> No.10512846

So you choose brainlets over beta virgins?

>> No.10512964

I think most guys have no idea how much attention even the most passable girl gets, from all kind of guys.
I love my sister, she made up for her objective ugliness by being fun, witty, and down-to-earth. But she still get thirsty guys commenting/liking her every moves on instagram, inviting her for a drink, strangers being flirty or even asking her out on social medias. Even from guys that look like they could do better.
Keep also in mind that since they get so much attention, even if you try to "stand out" by being bold, there as been dozens of idiots totally lacking self-awareness that tried that move in the past couple of months. Do your thing, but don't be afraid of being rejected because that WILL happen, because to them you're just yet another guy trying his luck. Be bold, but don't be delusional.

>> No.10512983

i enjoyed this post a lot, anon

>> No.10513023

That makes sense, but we need grills to confirm this

>> No.10513029

is that hemingway

>> No.10513051

you don't, and if you do, you're a pseud

>> No.10513089

Last girl I asked out, I kinda knew her for some years and I know we share some interests but we lost contact after Uni. Decide to try being Chad, make my move on normiebook since I never see her anywhere and I work most of the day.

>Hey, X, are you in town?
>Yea, whats up?
>Would you come to bookstore Y I want to gift you a book?
>Oh, really? Sure I'll come. How did I deserve this bla bla?

She comes, I hand her the book we do some small talk and I try to sound like Chad. I try to form my question so I'm not really sounding like someone who is asking but like someone who is really confident that the answer can't be anything but yes.

>Come, lets go for a coffee?
>Um.. um.. yea, okay.

We talk for an hour or so about lit and philosophy, I take her home, shit was awesome. I wait for a few days trying to not give the impression that I'm a thirsty fag, which I am.

Send her a message today.

>Hey, I'm going to the art gallery today after work you wanna come with me?
>Oh, I can't today I have some visitors at home bla.
>No problem, I'll see you around.

So, am I fucked? I don't wanna pester her more and I think that she might contact me if she is interested in spending time with me. But I think I'm fucked. I sent her an article the other day and we wrote some messages but it was the whole my messages getting longer her messages getting shorter, you're boring me you fag, conversation.

Wanted to be Chad and just have someone to talk to about lit but probably spilled spaghetti.

>> No.10513099

eye contact is actually the worst for me, people seem to look at me but if i dont ignore them and look their way they just pussy out and look down/away

>> No.10513103

same for me
all seem to be cowards

>> No.10513109

I mean the issue is obvious...your sex game was weak as fuck.

>> No.10513129
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I got out of a long relationship a few weeks back so I was okay with her just being someone to talk about lit. Of course I would smash but I thought I'm not gonna try to force anything. Seems like even that is too much to ask.

>> No.10513146

wait what? you took her home said "shit was awesome" and didn't smash? in that case, i guess she's obviously disappointed no moves were made.

>> No.10513152

I think you'll be disappointed- the simple truth is that most people who read are fucking idiots

>> No.10513153

Nah... I meant talking about lit and philosophy was awesome. When I said I took her home it was more of a literal translation from my language. I basically just escorted her to her home and did nothing much else. She thanked me for the book again and shook my hand. Which isn't really that strange since girls here a bit more conservative and especially she is a bit of a introvert.

>> No.10513176
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>shook my hand
Say what? Are you german?

>> No.10513189

he forgot to do the walzer first, prob dropped a whole bratwurst from his lederhose right there

>> No.10513194

Its normal for men and women to shake hands in the west, just as a "nice to meet you"

>> No.10513209

Sorry man, but when i get on a date she gives me a hug atleast. Or maybe you have to be chad to get that idk.

>> No.10513233

How do I ask out a woman at the library?

>> No.10513236

Maybe where you live. Here men and women kiss on the cheek outside of professionnal environnement

>> No.10513244


Just ask her again in a week what she's doing or something. If she says no then be fine with it. I'm sure you're pride will be affected but who cares? It doesn't matter much. Find another guy.

>> No.10513252


Reminds me, I met my mate's gf the other day. She's Mexican and went to give me a kiss on the cheek to say hello. I misread it and just hugged her instead. Made me feel like an idiot but I'm British; we don't do that.

>> No.10513258

Here's the difference -- I've only gone on one date in my entire life, on which I was hugged. In my daily life, I get hugs from confident girls, though my relationships have only been with shy girls who initiate with handshakes.
Yeah I'm in a post-industrial American suburb

>> No.10513270

Hugging is weird to me. The only people you hug are your grandma and your girlfriend. I don't know what the fuck I should be doing when those american girls from Tinder start hugging me, where do the hands go?
We even kiss your good mates on the cheek

>> No.10513299

Bit gay desu

>> No.10513328

Well that's the funny thing I noticed when I spent 3 months in the US a few years back.
I spent most of my time with guys my age (back then 19) and during the short time I was there I noticed
>3 instances of comparing penis in close circle
>2 naked wrestling battle royale
>countless naked showers "with the guys"
>1 guy masturbating in front of friends
All of which seemed perfectly normal to them, and they didn't really understand why I would be uncomfortable with that.
Yet they would seem almost offended when I mentionned the kissing on the cheek between guys thing.

>> No.10513656

>Keep also in mind that since they get so much attention, even if you try to "stand out" by being bold, there as been dozens of idiots totally lacking self-awareness that tried that move in the past couple of months.

if you stand out, you stand out. there's no trying. and if you're referring to approaching a girl in a bookstore or a similar place, nobody does that. not in the past couple of months, hardly ever. it's very very rare. after hooking up with a chick, ask them this and they will readily tell you themselves how rarely it happens.

>because to them you're just yet another guy trying his luck. Be bold, but don't be delusional.

this is true regardless of what "method" you use to meet girls though. whether you're talking to them irl, Facebook, insta, snapchat or the moon, you are always another guy trying his luck because it's a numbers game and being bold is playing to win. it's better every time to lean on the side of being too aggressive than too passive. the more aggressive and direct you are, the faster you weed out the boring duds and filter in girls who are glad to be with you.

I like the rest of your post anon

>> No.10513719

is there some porn term for this?

>> No.10513773
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>their laughter reminds me they exist

>> No.10513778

Sounds hot, desu.

>> No.10514136

as >>10513244 said ask her again in a week, if she says no again move on

>> No.10514525


I have to return some videotapes

>> No.10514622

How girls like this think courtship should happen, then?
Not that I care, it appears that the only way to win is by not playing, but how?

>> No.10514737

They think courtship should happen through the women picking out the men they want to try from a line-up. Unfortunately for them this runs counter to basic female biology, so their whole shit is fucked up and no one should take them (feminists) seriously.

>> No.10514792

>But, like most other negative things, it's womens' fault. If they didn't make every guy paranoid about getting charged with rape or sexual harrassment with third wave feminism, then more guys would be confident to ask out the qt redhead girl they see in the poetry section looking at a copy of Yeats.
This 100%.

>> No.10514841

Genius post. Thank you.

>> No.10514948

>interacting martially with women
What the goddamn fuck. This is a level of humiliation I refuse to even try comprehend.

>> No.10514951

I’m from the Midwest so this is unheard of and when I visit relatives in New Orleans they do this shit and it makes me feel like a sperg


>> No.10514957

No such thing. You're just mentally ill (if you weren't a larping neckbeard).

>> No.10515251
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>> No.10515298

I usually hate making eye contact with strangers but lately I’ve just been leaving the house without my glasses so I’m pretty much blind then as I approach someone walking down the sidewalk or down a hallway it doesn’t matter because I can’t make out their eyes/face and they end up thinking Im staring into their souls when in reality I couldn’t even see them. I get a lot of head nods and a lot of people nervously looking down. Really brings out people’s true selves in a way, whereas I would always be the person looking down and away when approaching someone. But it doesn’t bother me now simply because I can’t physically see their actual eyes. Interesting stuff.

>> No.10515302

Very quietly

>> No.10515340

I stared down a qt girl at the super market while I was on the phone with my mom. After a while she looked away nervously it was one of the more alpha things I’ve done in a while

>> No.10515995


A few months ago I made a concerted effort to look at girls in the eye when walking past them. I got a lot more smiles than I've ever done before. Shit's hard unless you're feeling confident though.

>> No.10516011

I am only attracted to femininity. I have never found men, masculine things or penises remotely attractive or arousing.

>> No.10517326

great story

>> No.10517908

go look at yourself in the mirror and try making friendly eye contact not just eye contact

>> No.10518727
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>> No.10518730

Take off your shirt and start doing curls with IJ. If there is a mirror do them infront of it. Grunt loudly.

>> No.10518768

Don't be a /pol/ sperg and don't be a beta

Act like a normal, genuinely interesting guy

>> No.10518776

why don't we ever have stuff like that happen here

>> No.10518814

A tragic opus

>> No.10518815

>creeps the hell out of a girl

this is getting /adv/-tier af

>> No.10518822
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>> No.10518879
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We do but it ends like this

>> No.10518889

lucky guy

>> No.10518892

>i did the thing but got no pussy or number
not alpha

>> No.10518897

Pick out a book of erotic poetry, put on a transparent and exaggerated blind old man routine and ask her if she can read it to you.

>> No.10519183
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Friendly reminder that just because the girl reads doesnt mean you know anything about her. Would you want to be a list of things to a person? Why do you guys focus on one trait as if it defines a person? Granted i get that the ideal x gf meme exists

>> No.10519244

Uh talk books? Fucking sperglord

>> No.10519623

Just be yourself.

>> No.10519666

Say, "Hey stink-minge I'd let you put a crack up my spine" - see where it leads