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/lit/ - Literature

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10507596 No.10507596 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

PS why you gotta hate tapirbro though

>> No.10507619

protagonist wakes up trapped in a maze of meat and organs that he begins to share an emotional attachment to and becomes absorbed into the meaty dreamworld as he undergoes symbiosis with the giant vagina

>> No.10507639

An homage to catcher in the rye. The protagonist is a female, blue haired, transPoC (assigned white at birth) who smashes the patriarchy one scale at a time.
I call it Caketown

>> No.10507644

It's about Opie Faggigan who keeps making the same thread on /lit/ for years before dying of autism.

>> No.10507649

I hate this image. What is that? I hate it.

>> No.10507656


God himself. Praise the tapir.

>> No.10507674

I hate this image. What the fuck is that thing? I hate it.

>> No.10507692

This thread is now for stories about tapirs.

>> No.10507854

The tapir emerged from behind the tree, in a deliberate manner, poking its head just around the corner so that its feet were not visible.

The beady black eyes sparkled with malevolence, and whatever mischievous thoughts it had between the large ears of its misshapen head formed a wicked smile, revealing a crooked, toothy grin. But the most unpleasant eyesore of all was the nose; gaudy in size, lumpy from trunk to tip, sniffling in the air for a whiff of what it sought.

It was then my body froze in shock, for I was paralyzed by an overwhelming horror; I realized I was not looking at a mere tapir, but a greedy Jew, and I knew behind the wall his hands were clasped with the delight of having found a victim with money. I instinctively moved my hand over my wallet, and my legs tensed to run at the Jew's slightest movement.

Please critique my prose

>> No.10507871

reddit spacing/10

>> No.10507905

How do i write a novel? I need to know everything, how to write one from start to finish.

>> No.10507966

>man gets made to watch Doctor Who by his new girlfriend
>It's so bad he kills his girlfriend, then himself.

>> No.10507993
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I enjoyed it!

>> No.10508260
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You got that picture from me, dont just go posting my dog everywhere

also that isn't a tapir he's a big pig

>> No.10508291

A Portrait of the Blogger as a Middle-Aged Pre-Post-Op-Trans-It

>> No.10508294

A man with a gun on the hunt for postmodernity

>> No.10508681
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In progress. Passed 41k words last night. Could be done by Valentine’s Day.

>> No.10508686
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>Last night

>> No.10508716

Post an excerpt

>> No.10508729

I'd fucking read it

>> No.10508735

10/10 would us to wipe my ass

>> No.10508761
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It’s all on my laptop. :(
I’m at work, laptop at home.
Here’s the pic I used as a reference for the story. the mausoleum is for the family of a bourbon tycoon whose business and family died in a fire in 1890. Teenagers use it as a refuge for mass drunkenness/inibriation and nakedness

>> No.10508771

I have several I'm working on right now

>Guy who's sentenced to kill and collect the souls of bad guys from an infinite number of universes because he refused to die in his world's apocalypse.

>Woman who desperately wants to go out with her hot next door neighbor, but he says he'll only go out with her is if she kills his disgusting upstairs neighbor because he keeps him up at night.

>Sequel to my first book.

>Several idiots release a japanese demon on a small town and it goes on a rampage

>> No.10508772
File: 113 KB, 620x930, C6258C61-F1B0-4C3F-BF09-F3F496203C6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, in a callback to Bram Stoker, there is a “Lucy”. She goes by Lucifer and is constantly attempting to seduce the MC

>> No.10508782

Just copy a Stephen King book word for word and then change names, events, sentences and prose. Then you'll be good to go

>> No.10508794

Kek. Stephen king already does that.

>> No.10508800

1- sounds to much like anime
2-this has promise
3-no point of reference
4-this too has promise. Potential dark humor

>> No.10508819

2 bounty hunters in on a taiga planet. Plasma guns, and mushrooms tall as trees.

>> No.10508831

Have the spores be sentient. One of the bounty hunters unknowingly breathes them in and ?????? Happens.

>> No.10508863

World War II ends in 1973.

The year is 2012. The British Empire, USSR, the Reich, and the American Empire are the great world powers.

The main character is a French Gestapo officer(France is a German puppet state) who is faced knowing where his loyalties lie, to the Reich, or to a woman and a free French state

>> No.10508934

Final page:

Jean luc retrieved the Luger hidden in his jacket, firing it and killing Pierre and Jean Michelle. The men died, and with them the knowledge to disarm the German bomb that would level Paris.
“What are you doing?!” Chloe cried, rushing to aid her deceased brother Jean Michelle. “Jean luc, what have you done?! You’ve doomed us all!”
“Not us, Just you, my dear.” He said firing a round into her thigh. Chloe cried out and collapsed over her brother, her hand clamped over the wound. When her pain subsided enough to speak she saw Jean Luc unroll his black turtleneck to reveal the SS pin underneath. Her eyes narrowed and she cursed him.
“Damn you, Jean Luc! Why? How could you betray me and the resistance?”
“Betray you?” Jean luc returned the pistol to the hidden compartment within his jacket. “We’re you not the betrayer to take refuge in Pierre’s arms while I was being tortured by the secret police?”
“I thought you were dead!”
“You thought me dead and shared another mans bed on the same night? No, you’d shared his bed before and I already knew.”
“So for this you would destroy all of Paris?”
“Yes my dear. All of Paris and the filth within it.”
“Then you will die too. The bomb will go off in six minutes. The explosives will destroy this building. And the streets around it. There’s nowhere you can run! You’ve doomed yourself!”
Just then, Captain Kohl of the German police entered the room and surveyed the scene.
“Is it done?” The man asked.
“It is.” Jean luc replied, leading him towards the door.
“You’ll never survive!” Chloe spat. The bomb will claim every street!
“Then perhaps the zeppelin Captain Kohl just arrived on should be the most pertinent method of travel. Lead the way, mein Captain.”
“And what of he girl?” The captain asked.
“With an injured leg she hasn’t the strength to lift the bomb to reach the components underneath. She’ll be the first to be claimed by the blast.”
The two men exited, the sound of their footsteps up the stairs varnished leaving Chloe to watch the timer count down.
She should have listened to her mother and left Jean Luc where she found him on the side of the road all that time ago.
But now, there was no time left.

>> No.10508950

In midst of a winter power outage in the midwest, a streak of suicides strikes a peaceful town. The situation drags a handful of adults in their mid-twenties and thirties to chase after what they think is a murderer. They will face a supernatural being who kills men with nostalgia.

>> No.10509070


1800 page novelization of my video game ideas.

>> No.10509086

I'm writing a fanfiction.
It's a Beelzebub x Naruto Crossover.
I have never seen Naruto.

>> No.10509099


gl anon, finish strong

>> No.10509100

COULD be good

this is why /lit/ will never be anything but self published, with 0 copies sold on amazon

>> No.10509104
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Then you’re ahead of the curve.

>> No.10509127
File: 733 KB, 1280x850, 17654A6C-99E5-443D-993F-B918F031412A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the name of your book?

>> No.10509172

t. fallacious man

>> No.10509303

How do I rip off Tolkien without ripping off Tolkien? It's literally not possible to build a 'medieval' fantasy world without ripping off Tolkien

>> No.10509307

Use a medieval setting that isn't exclusively anglo-centric.

You're welcome.

>> No.10509323

That doesn't solve the problem of 'magical creatures'. When you try to build a world like that, you always end up with the stereotypical Tolkien world. Muh noble elves, muh evil orcs and goblins, muh wise wizards, muh brave but corruptible human benis. Intertextuality is a bitch for who wants to be truly creative

>> No.10509331


>> No.10509338

Yes it does, you listed Anglo centric magical creatures

For example, look at folklore of east asian countries

>> No.10509365

>Muh noble elves, muh evil orcs and goblins, muh wise wizards, muh brave but corruptible human benis

if u can't overcome dis maybe don't write fantasy at all

>> No.10509907

Have it be more primal and less developed than Tolkien. If travelers are navigating a huge land in loincloths and wielding crude Spears, then the complexities of Bronze Age living that LOTR took for granted are made to be a perplexing and significant obstacle. Don’t try to beat Tolkien in a time after Tolkien. Beat Tolkien using a time before him

>> No.10509917

That's a great, dare I say giant idea you've got buried there m8

>> No.10509960
File: 105 KB, 920x613, tapir1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no hate friend

>> No.10510005

Kuuchuu Buranko is incredible.

>> No.10510044
File: 86 KB, 468x468, 2F0D7470-8EC2-4E80-AB1E-ADDC61172E54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s why I make the big bucks.

>> No.10510109


Praise be.

>> No.10510249
File: 257 KB, 477x429, 1508816985152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck tabirbro

>> No.10510264

Magic, aliens, robots, mythical creatures, you literally can't write fantasy without them, unless you plan on redefining the genre.

Stick to tropes and make the story engaging, you'll be fine.

>> No.10510269

Shit mb I'm not OP

>> No.10510343
File: 29 KB, 477x477, old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sentient beings on another planet
>no physical form and so they remain undetected by human beings
>essentially a living smog that encompasses the whole planet
>only during the day though
>humans venture to planet in search of resources as Earth has been depleted of anything useful, plagued with overpopulation and pollution, and galactic war.
>humans scout planet
>last hope for humanity with 1% chance of sustainable life existing
>people are dying in the fog
>carrier vessel crashed after underestimating density of the planet's atmosphere, bursting into flames and cause mass hysteria as thousands are scattered across planet's surface

That's basically the setting, I'm think of doing most of my world building by introducing a shit ton of characters who get split up in the crash, and bad guys who find the crashed vessel.

In the end those who survive find water underground, and restart civilization. They find out the smog was literally a single organism encompassing the planet. They translate it's communication with advanced bionanotechnology and realized it's the equivalent of a giant omnipresent infant, killing off humans for sport as it messes around with the pressure, and never before seen gases, in their bodies, and ends up being the perfect defense against the baddies. Only during the day though...

>> No.10510352

My punctuation gives me aids

>> No.10511115

I like it.

>> No.10511147

I like this too.

>> No.10512016

I hate this stupid animal and the picture isnt even funny im and in sure they dont actually look like that in nature

>> No.10512025

I want to do something post apocalyptic but I can’t think of a cool scenario that hasn’t been done

>> No.10512382

Theme informs scene. Decide what elements attract you to apocalyptic stories, or what possible ideas you could express, and then form your plot and setting around them.

>> No.10513281
File: 44 KB, 500x583, E8CE8E87-0631-409A-8A14-24788B06B833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, brah. I’m writing the scene now where the girl and MC meet.

>> No.10513304

Why does fantasy have to be medieval?

>> No.10513310

THats what I said. Go more primal

>> No.10513312

I’d read it.

>> No.10513575
File: 50 KB, 397x423, 62748922-7F84-4BFE-A764-42A0C5BD8BD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are people trying to escape as it happens?
Trying to survive after it happened?
They’ve found a way to survive but something or someone has interfered?
Their way of life is no longer viable?

>> No.10513606

Just write it, and then when its done, rewrite it. Keep doing that till it is acceptable quality, then keep polishing till its good.

>> No.10513622

I think this has some potential. The galactic war could be left out IMO. Where do people have the resources for warfare on such scale get from, anyway, if the rest of the narrative holds true.

If this get's neatly researched and doesn't end up as YA SF, it might be interesting.

Here's mine:
>Thirty-something-year-old male leaving in rural hamlet, doing road maintenance for a living because he failed to do anything else has been somewhat of a downer for most of his life.
>Depression due to the bad state of the world, his spoiled future and shitty job leads ultimately to such a gloomy worldview that he quits his job and becomes a prepper as he is positive that one thing or another will lead to civilization's downfall
>He win's a shitload of money in the lottery
Realized he doesn't want it, though
>Squats a parcel of land and starts building a shelter / orchard / survival zone
>His detachment and mental problems increase until he becomes a derelict pariah living in the woods

>> No.10513635

I luv him

>> No.10513680

Is writing your novel as a web serial a good idea? I don't know much about the process beyond the obvious; Costs nothing (Beyond a domain name if you go that route) and no need for publishing.

I'm not sure if it's worth it though. I can't name any web serials beyond Worm that has gotten the author anywhere. In worm's case it's literally published through a wordpress site, making a fair amount of money through patreon and plans for a physical release that doubtless will put it on the map for real. It's an enticing idea.

>> No.10514329

The Martian was famously written on the web. It let him gain an installed audience for publishing.

>> No.10514991

'Fanfics' from established writers who've had only casual contact with whatever it is they're writing about sounds like it would make for a fun little series.

>> No.10515015

In the future everything is automated and everyone's a housebound NEET.
Over time shit starts breaking down, but no one possesses the capacity or desire to fix anything.

>> No.10515072

Nukes have been dropped and the media is hiding it. People live on without knowing that people are dying across the world. One man realizes his wife in south korea isnt answering her phone anymore. The more he looks in to it the more suspicious it gets. Hes on the run from the government as he slowly finds out what has happened.

>> No.10515647

Sounds like a slow burner

>> No.10515657
File: 145 KB, 720x1013, pepe rejecting the blue pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alcohol and drug abuse

>> No.10515659


>> No.10515676

Fungal growths begin to envelop the infected hunter. The mushroom had initially hoped to interact with its host but has inadvertently killed him (kinda). The shroom/hunter then seeks to establish friendly relations with the remaining hunter. The shroom/hunter's flesh is malleable, and it takes on a form that is both pleasing and nonthreatening to the remaining hunter.

"I didn't know the mushroom encrusted corpse of my dead partner could be so cute!"

>> No.10516352

Well that's just terrible writing. Could've been a good premise though.

>> No.10516354
File: 889 KB, 3264x2448, 55319CDF-5A9D-4972-9998-4DA2E3D4E006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Works for me. Don’t be a little bitch. WRITE IT. I myself am wasting my evening selling knockoff Harry Potter art at a Harry Potter trivia event. It’s shameless but highly profitable

>> No.10516361
File: 99 KB, 780x585, 6CC239BB-3B35-4E4F-B8F7-0E1EE593C092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t think too much into it. I was just skylarking on the other guys idea.

>> No.10516376

>make some basic potter stencils
>spraypaint them onto large paper
>female wizard weebs buy them up like hotcakes
i admire this hustle

>> No.10516648


>> No.10516675

But holy shit there’s a smoking hot Asian chick here in full slithering garb with the knee high socks and everything.gave her a hermoine piece for free and got her number.
She doesn’t have to wingardium leviosa to get my wand up.

>> No.10516770

Eff (You) for living my dream. I was gonna be an illustrator. Now I'm seriously contemplating taking commissions from furries to make ends meet :(

>> No.10516784

Sounds like 'Solaris' by Stanisław Lem.

>> No.10516965
File: 1.77 MB, 3264x2448, C2C1575F-1F8E-429D-97C2-8FE9370686DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, making stencils is fucking child’s play. It’s easy money. You spend 6 hours on cutting and about 60 bucks on paint and paper and you’ll make hundreds. If you care for your stencils so they don’t wear out, they become printing presses for cash. Experiment and weebs will stampede to hand over cash.

>> No.10517779

Yeah it does.