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/lit/ - Literature

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10504415 No.10504415 [Reply] [Original]

Is /lit/ looking forward to 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos?

>> No.10504417

What is it?

>> No.10504421
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Yes very much

>> No.10504425

A self-help/psychology book by Jordan B Peterson.

>> No.10504500

should read "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" instead. i do like peperson, but try this first.

>> No.10504510

One: don’t pick up the phone, you know he’s only callin’ ‘cause he’s drunk and alone

>> No.10504526

I heard that book has SJW stuff in it, is that true?

>> No.10504531

No but it comes with a bottle of hair dye.

>> No.10504680

made me kek anon

>> No.10504698

It’s a self help book aimed at making an Internet celebrity money from a sycophantic “fandom”.

>> No.10504741

He started writing this book before he became famous and had his "fandom".

>> No.10505210

I bought a physical and digital copy.

>> No.10505471

yes (((Yuval Noah Harari))) has the same agenda as (((Jared Diamond)))

>> No.10505484
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Does anyone else miss the John Milbank spam? It was kind of like the Peterson spam but at least Milbank is a pretty voluminous and rigorous thinker, with some interesting perspectives. He had to be made into a meme, rather than starting out as a meme like Peterson does.

>> No.10505490

Has anyone seen his latest video? He's an angry conspiracy theorist at this point


>> No.10505553
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>at this point

>> No.10505689
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>one hour, twelve minutes, and fifteen seconds

Who could possibly sit in front of their computer screen watching a video for that long? I might as well go read a book.

>> No.10505693


>> No.10505952

Peterson is worth more than his clean your room philosophy. Beyond that he is a new aged boomer with a fetish for individualism.

>> No.10505993

Peterson is not worth..ect.

>> No.10506527

the topics in the video are all real documented events, though. it is getting old hearing him recap the bill C-16 events over and over, however.

>> No.10506591

>by Jordan B Peterson
yes, right after collecting the works of Filthy Frank and the blu-ray steelcase of Million Dollar Extreme because they all make me think so very, very much

>> No.10508080


Pretty sure that he's recapping Bill C16 to preface people watching the videos what's the context that he's going to talk about.

Preordered the book just to see what's so different about it compared to his lectures. I've listened to most of his audio podcasts recorded from his lectures and seminars and he's pretty repetitive to the point that you have to wonder if it's deja vu. At one point I had to pause the recording I'm listening to because I'm pretty sure he said the exact same 10 lines before in a lecture somewhere and I'm not just experiencing deja vu.

He should start branching out from his 'clean your room' philosophy nailbiter. Other than that, he makes pretty solid arguments for individualism and the need for people's beliefs to be well rounded and educated. He should really get down to understanding the Daoist philosophy and juxtapose Daoism to Christianity and see if it's going to change his stance on Christianity.

>> No.10508088

>spend 90% of the video documenting his claims with references to mainstream media publications to the point that the video is basically unwatchable
>He's an angry conspiracy theorist at this point
alrighty then, memerson may be shit, but still

>> No.10508094
File: 108 KB, 354x580, 8a37c566b70cf6b283b0091c301b1a55--dunhuang-taoism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't taoism weirdos that go live in the mountain to try and become immortal and paper spells to deal with spooky ghosts when they become too annoying?

>> No.10508108

Early ancient practitioners of Daoism had very fucking weird shamanic practices because they viewed the world as if every soul is sacred and the afterlife is somehow connected to the cycle of rebirth and the current given life is just a stage in a soul's cycle. The philosophy of 'The Force' from Star Wars might've been inspired by Daoism too since Daoism emphasized that humans and every other being in the universe are connected somehow. It's also interesting how Daoism and Buddhism have similar beliefs at some sections of their philosophy but they developed separately and parallel to each other and I haven't found any noteworthy text if a practitioner of Buddhism influenced the early practitioners of Daoism.

Although plenty other religions also had their own weird shit shamanic rituals that involved human sacrifices so I'm not really giving the Daoists a harsh one for this.

>> No.10508205


>> No.10508210

Some taoists see buddha as a emanation of Lao Tzu and to many taoists the heart sutra is essential. Taoism springs from shamanism and is kind of a civilized form of it with the oldest know practice to be the pace of Yü. Lao tzu and Zhuangzi was around the same time as the buddha. Taoism also had great effect on early buddhism where taoist thought came to Nalanda - you see people like Nagajuna practice alchemy fx.

>> No.10508213

Forgot to mention that if you are believing in Taoism you are not a Taoist - taoists are the priests and so forth, taoist is an ordination.

>> No.10508230

pretty much

>> No.10508280

so i take it that being a taoist has nothing to do with being an smug coastal kid and thinking anarcho-capitalism is the solution to the evils of the government?

>> No.10508336
File: 43 KB, 850x400, quote-a-petty-thief-is-put-in-jail-a-great-brigand-becomes-a-ruler-of-a-nation-zhuangzi-82-34-65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is this quote though...

>> No.10508431
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chink literature already taught me similar things, always nice to see one of the good guys cutting through half a village with his 2 axes just because he needed to let out some steam

>> No.10509902

all cultures are beautiful

>> No.10509949


RoTK had an interesting bit where a hunter had no food so he killed his wife and fed her to Liu Bei while he was running from an enemy army. The hunter was actually rewarded after Liu Bei told Cao Cao about it. It's no wonder why they place so much value on status.

>> No.10510041


>> No.10510640

>Who could possibly sit in front of their computer screen watching a video for that long?
Most people already listen to audio at 2x spead, but sometimes that's not fast enough.


>> No.10510656
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*rambles incoherently*

>> No.10511490


>> No.10511494

I'm looking forward to seeing how much of it can be boiled down to recontextualized stoicism.

>> No.10511519
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Peterson rambles but he's not incoherent

fuck you