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/lit/ - Literature

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10501450 No.10501450 [Reply] [Original]

>less is more
Has long paragraphs which are dull due to >muh spartan prose
>is a whiny baby toward critique
>English teacher worships him
>not Faulkner
>both are bad
>Conrad better than both

>> No.10501569

watch out you almost formed a coherent post there, but not quite

>> No.10501576

name a stronger voice in 20th century fiction

>> No.10501579

rupi kaur writing as her previous incarnation, allen ginsburg

>> No.10501621

I hate the short sentence, simple word Hemingwayesque style of prose. There's nothing special about literature if anyone can mimic it.

>> No.10501624

who is this you hipster faggot, I was not trained with this particular dog whistle, throw me a bone

>> No.10501841

>this writer is shit. see, conrad is better than him
>this composer is shit. see, beethoven is better than him
exaggerated but come on

>> No.10501845

>hipster faggot

read a fucking book

>> No.10501864

If only Faulkner would have used his power for good

>> No.10501926

>and yet here you are, in current year, STILL talking about his style

>> No.10501970

I didnt recognize him, he looks extra nerdy here

>> No.10501976

everytime a thread is started with a picture of an author and I cant tell who it is and there is no name listed in the op, image file or thread, the op is indubitably a hipster faggot trying to say: I know who this is and I assume you do to and if you do not you are not cool enough and as cool as we who know who this is and clap each others cocks and back talking around any subject without actually putting forth any valuable or meaningful content

>> No.10501988

this is hemingway anon, everybody and their moms know him

>> No.10501992

What makes him nerdy in the picture?

>> No.10501998

I thought he was some sci fi writer like gene wolfe

>> No.10502000

he usually looks mean mug and bad ass, and never seen him with glasses, here he looks like a gentle grandpa, like a passive archeologist

>> No.10502007
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I thought he had glasses on in most pics

>> No.10502013
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>> No.10502023

what the FUCK did Faulkner-sama ever do to you?

>> No.10502102

You never have nor ever will even remotely approach a hemingway sentence.

>> No.10502227

Ive only really seen that pic of him with the big turtleneck, maybe I never focused on his glasses in that pic, there was another one maybe on a boat... maybe he had glasses in that, dunno

>> No.10502240

>I hate the short sentence, simple word Hemingwayesque style of prose. There's nothing special about literature if anyone can mimic it.
There is far more to Hemingway's prose than "hurrr short sentences and simple words". Writing succinctly and conveying far more than what is written on the page is a style that few can achieve, let alone superficially mimic.

>> No.10502260

I drank the warm beer. I sat in my study and widdled a pipe. I cleared my throat and beckoned for the whore patiently waiting outside the door. When she entered I had the feeling of happiness, and it felt good. Like when the sun also rises again after it sets. I grabbed my shot gun off the wall and pointed it at her. "Do you love me baby? Do you trust me?" I said in a serious voice. The bitch looked mystified, she was in a frenzied daze. I grabbed my bottle of scotch and threw it at the wall. "I said, do you love me, you rotten whore!?". I saw a worried look appear on her face as she stumbled back against the door. "please...stop...youre crazy I tell you...Johnny...youre mad..". I grabbed another bottle of whiskey and took the cap off and poured some on my head. Then poured it into two cups and started to cry. "Its not loaded...the guns not loaded dear...I just wanted to see if you trusted me". She began to hysterically cry. I pushed the glass towards her but now she was on the floor sobbing unable to catch her breath. I looked at the sinew on the back of her legs as I took a large sip and thought about how I could probably bite right through it if I wanted. "its ok honey, everythings going to be alright, have a drink with papa". Eventually she stopped, and wiped her eyes, and started to grab the drink. Then right when she was about to grasp the glass I whacked her with the butt end of the gun with full force and started to shove the barrel up her whiskey wet cunt as she was knocked the fuck out. "yes". I said. "this is the life of a man, and this is the life of a whore, and this is the life of the world", I stammered sternly under my drunken breath. Faster and faster, I got down on both knees and gripped the handle with two hands now like a doctor might deliver a baby, except I was pushing it back in, harder and faster. "yes...fuck yea" I started to yell now a bit louder, sweat pouring from my face. And then I accidently pulled the trigger, and it turned out it and I were loaded, after all. But fortunately for her, what we were loaded full of, was shit.

>> No.10502267

>comparable to Beethoven, relative to Hemigway

>> No.10502325

And then the minimalist simpletons arrived on the scene...

There's nothing special about it, you're just dupes with meager imaginations who are probably 14.

>> No.10502497

Wasn’t sure if valid opinion until you shat on Faulkner. Couldn’t do it, just too boring.

I’ve always thought Hemingway would be cool, but after looking into him was afraid he’d be shit, your post seems to confirm that.

I’ve also been interested in checking out Conrad since he seems like he’d be cool, this post also seems to co firm that.

>> No.10502566
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>the minimalist simpletons
Ah yes, Gertude Stein and Beckett too

>> No.10502580


>> No.10502649

The fact that your reference point is a category tells me everything I need to know. You don't understand his work, you think it's simple because the sentences are short, and you want le big ideas.
You and dozens of other morons exactly like you.

>> No.10502682
File: 275 KB, 1600x1065, 1_0CKK31tgznUeLuyV7OOG9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw even the educated middle class has turned its back on Hemingway

>> No.10502690

Stop regurgitating what your English teacher told you.

>> No.10502697

One sentence in and you've already failed, kek
Brainlet Mcgee detected

>> No.10502703


>> No.10502716

>Prose is architecture, not interior decoration, and the Baroque is past. People in a novel, not skilfully constructed characters must be projected from the writer's assimilated experience, from his knowledge, from his head, from his heart and from all that there is of him. If he ever has luck as well as seriousness and gets them out entire, they will have more than one dimension and they will last a long time.

>A writer who appreciates the seriousness of writing so little that he is anxious to make people see he is formally educated, cultured or well-bred is merely a popinjay. And this, too, remember: a serious writer is not to be confused with a solemn writer. A serious writer may be a hawk or a buzzard or even a popinjay, but a solemn writer is always a bloody owl.

>> No.10502742

>One sentence in and you've already failed, kek
explain why? I never have read hemingway and I was just completely joking

>> No.10502743

>anybody who doesn't like muh high school shite is just stupid
Americans can't write. kys
>xddddd anybody who uses big words is just trying to look le smart
'awww shucks gee golly jizz' American humblebraggery. just le fax, m'dam im a pragmatist. liberal democracy is the best possible system

>> No.10502750

Can a book written with fancy prose not have well written characters? Maybe ones that do not, think all people are boring so its not worth it to strive to create beyond 1 dimensional character when at the end of it its just a person that goes around and does things, boring. Life away from books is full of people going around and doing things, maybe these types of writers enjoy books to escape the boredom of people and their fleshed out characterness, and do this by playing with language

>> No.10502811

Sorry, I don't consider opinions offered by literal peasants lol

>> No.10502817

Hemingway was American so he rarely if ever read.
Said the Hemingway fan.

>> No.10503591
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>I drank the warm beer.

>> No.10503726

what did you mean by this?

>> No.10503759
File: 29 KB, 340x444, corngod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conrad, Joseph. A favorite between the ages of 8 and 14. Essentially a writer for very young people. Certainly inferior to Hemingway and Wells. Intolerable souvenir-shop style, romanticist clichés. Nothing I would care to have written myself. In mentality and emotion, hopelessly juvenile. Romantic in the large sense. Slightly bogus.

>> No.10503909

>Slightly bogus
thats one of the funniest phrases I have heard in a while

>> No.10505169


Shitty writing since the first line.
You're not even trying, desu.

>> No.10505720

To your last point about Conrad, I doubt either Hemingway or Faulkner would argue the point with you. Conrad was a profound influence on both of them and English was Conrad's second language.