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/lit/ - Literature

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10498193 No.10498193 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, /lyricists/, post 'em up.

>> No.10498393
File: 349 KB, 1440x1566, IMG_20171212_161458_268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, your rhymed got me interested op, I'll post some of my stuff too.

>> No.10498400
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*rhymes, sorry.

>> No.10498410
File: 243 KB, 1204x1204, IMG_20180105_090202_884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10498440


I'm digging your stuff. Get a nice melancholic feel from it.

>> No.10498463

>I like bitches big booty bitches
I blast these lyrics every time I'm alone on an elevator at work. Sublime

>> No.10498490

Oh Helen, little Helen,
ever sweet, laughing and clever;
will you be smiling forever?
Oh hazelnut haired Helen.

Dancing softly in heaven’s robe:
clad in clouds and in the stars,
—and her eyes are like a voice,
singing softly tender songs.

Light and swift-footed Helen,
like a brook running through Eden,
fresh, clear, cold, running forever...
I think you too will smile forever.

>> No.10498495

Beautiful. Has a simple and classical elegance to it.

>> No.10498498

This reads like a poem that i found in my mom's diary from when she was 14.

>> No.10498503

that's because I'm your mom when she was 14

>> No.10498510

An electric shock runs deep inside me,

as my eyes reflect into yours, returning

to me the fiery desire you hold within.

I see you; in one glance I see all of you.

Coursing chills, icicles forming, a sensation

you mean always to deliver to me,

portraying your beautiful spirit.

A portal of green, snaked with dark

forests, moving me to your heart.

A comfort that exempts me of

all strain. Like bathing in sheets

of silk. Truly soothing. Warming, now.

>> No.10498526

What is it
about this place
that brings me back?

Walking here
stars out and smoke in air
smells like fire and beer

After church
we'd all go over
sing songs and comb over

>> No.10498529

I'm very glad you like it.
You see, english is not my first language, but I love the ring of poetry in this language (And I love English/American poetry by itself), so I sometimes try writing some of my own, although I'm not sure how someone who actually speaks the language would feel about it.
Thank you.

>> No.10498530

Hey mom lol

>> No.10498532

hi son, did you brush your teeth?

>> No.10498535

Wtf. I was just skimming her old diary again and I found a sticker which says "I brush my teeth every morning".

>> No.10498540

why do you read your mom's diary? that's an invasion of privacy, mate

>> No.10498541


wahts her number lol? just checking 2 see if see is cute?

>> No.10498545


is there any cum in there?

>> No.10498549


any pics of her? is she fuckable? post her Facebook if you have it. cheers

>> No.10498551


does she brush her teeth with my cock?

>> No.10498556


you guys need to bust a nut

>> No.10498557


how many partners has she had in her lifetime? is she a roastie or innocent?

>> No.10498563

It's hilarious, and she didn't write anything particularly embarrassing. She also said it was ok.

>> No.10498565


go to her dirty laundry basket and tell me what her panties smell like. i'm willing to pay for them. we can trade emails if you're down. all good if you aren't.

>> No.10498569



>> No.10498570


if dubs you need to post a pic of you cumming on it

>> No.10498572

I didn't notice any. But there is a poem about "making love".
She doesn't even know how to use a pc.
You tell me.
1, maybe 2.

>> No.10498574


for real we're gonna need more info on this shit. is there any dirty shit in there? would love to hear some of it.

>> No.10498582


post the poem PLEASE. I have a real fucked up mommy fetish

>> No.10498586


fuck off, we're finding out who anon's hot poet mommy is you fucking loser.

>> No.10498589

Nothing particularly dirty. But I found this

Love your next
As yourself
But only if good looking
And of the other sex

It flows much better in the original language. Now I understand where my poetic vein comes from.

>> No.10498592


do you still live with her? when was the last time she showered?

>> No.10498598


I need to find a marry this lady.

>> No.10498602


I wonder if she wipes lol

>> No.10498603


back to >>>/r/eddit cuck

>> No.10498606
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>> No.10498610

Don't trust a ho

>> No.10498621


holy fuck OP this is horrible. just stop writing.

>> No.10498629

It's more poetry than song lyrics

>> No.10499325

No it isn't
Is just shit

>> No.10500750

Damn that first stanza hit me right in the feels

>> No.10500825
File: 16 KB, 664x362, IMG_20171230_220421_834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10500839

I sit here, and collect my thoughts, watching as a cop rolls around the block. Wondering if this limbo will ever truly be done, or if to my father I'll always be a failed son.

My dad was a cop, for twenty years. I never thought I'd be one to land myself in jail, and bring him to tears.

But I still keep up this stupid ass shit, dropping acid on Wednesday, 6 fucking hits.

I don't sleep all night, tired as a bitch, meet up with my PO officer, and make up some bullshit.

I tiptoe on a dangerous line, feelin' like I'm Joseph Gordon levitt

I'm a grade a bullshit artist, especially with myself, I play make believe, like I don't need help.

Four fucking tires, and one little knife. That's all I needed, to destroy my fucking life.

I let the bitch fuck me up, and get in my head. Her siren song pushed me over the edge.

So it's my fault, true
Maybe she deserved karma's assault, but the looking glass reflects a hard to swallow hue

>> No.10500901


>> No.10500954

"Cuz I'm just like a clock
when I tick and I TOCK."
- Dr Dre

>> No.10500962
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>> No.10500984

Can't tell if this is meant to represent an emotional response or is a critique of the style in which it is written.

If it makes a difference, nothing in that is made up, all reality based.