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10498880 No.10498880 [Reply] [Original]

What philosophers or theologians thought BOTH of these opposites are wrong?

>time has a fixed start and end
>time is infinite with no start or end
>space is finite with boundaries
>space is infinite

Like, no matter which is true, I feel like neither one matters. All of these are POINTLESS to discuss as none of them change anything. Are there any philosophers who thought about these sorts of things about God:

>Does the highest, most intelligent God even know why HE exists?
>If he doesn't know why He exists...and he universe is some giant, intergallactic machinery that he knows how to work but doesn't know why it is there....that is terrifying
>if God DOES know why everything exists and understands everything....HOW? How is that possible?
>if time has a start, then that means, God made EXISTENCE out of NOTHING
>if time has always existed....what answers can we say to this? do we have any answers?
>even if this is a projected reality....these same questions apply to the true reality at the core

>> No.10498883

no empiricist cares about ideas, so look for them

>> No.10498889

Everything before existence happened outside time.

Everything before creation, is the same as before existence.

Everything before self, is the same as before your existence.

As everything before God, is before creation.

Literally, everything before your life happened instantly at your experience of creation.
As you create your own experience.

>> No.10498894

Christians believe that God created space and time ex nihilo, so both have a beginning and end according to them. The big bang was first posited by a Catholic. As to why He exists, that would imply some higher motivation. God is the most High, He acts from His own will, not from anything imposed on Him.

>> No.10498900

Augustine talks about time in one of the last books of Confessions. I’m not entirely sure if I interpreted what he was saying correctly, but the way I read it he claimed that time was nodal (ie. only the present exists for people) except for God whose node covers the entirety of time (what we would call past, present, future).

>> No.10498902

Not true, as will is seperate from ego.
So the Ego of God (status of self) is lower than his own Will.
Will dominates Ego, for self judgement. He imposes outside law upon himself.

>> No.10498914

No idea.
The more I think about it, the more it looks like "it just werks: the universe"

>> No.10498924
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Well, you can say that God is everything and created everything (100%) or you can say that God is not everything, but can control all the "stuff of the universe" at will (50% God, 50% universal stuff that is morphed at God's will).

My question is...from where did the stuff come? From where did God come from?

I like this post. To me I just feel like....I dare say....God Himself is a paradox? Everything just feels so paradoxical. Truly, we are too far from God to understand his ways and it is foolish to strive to. We have human brains, and we are like dumb animals compared to Him. But I just have this aching feeling like even GOD doesn't have all the answers. All religions describe God as omnipotent....but what if he's not omnipotent? Have any philosophers or theologians speculated this?

So if God is the highest and he controls all in the universe, then we are like a massive garden and zoo to him which he loves dearly....did he make us so he wouldn't be alone anymore? When I think about this stuff, it makes me feel like we are so far from reality, living in such a bizarre dream world, dream within a dream, snake eating it's own tail Ooroboros, over and over again, time and time again.

And so....just live and enjoy life, praise the creator. That is all we can do.

