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File: 35 KB, 268x268, kangz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10497234 No.10497234 [Reply] [Original]

I'm genuinely curious

>> No.10497239

udun teach mud put on head

>> No.10497248

all of them

>> No.10497256

st augustine

>> No.10497257

Do you mean black sub Saharan africa because pretty sure sandniggers had a few.

>> No.10497262

>most of Africa has an extremely harsh, resource-sparse environment, forcing people to spend more time and energy on producing food than most of the world; literally everything is trying to kill them
>as a result, most people live in incredibly insular communities because resources cannot sustain large, connected communities, and people don't have much contact with those outside their village except for trading or territory disputes
>most African languages have not had writing systems until the past couple hundred years

>> No.10497278

Also going to point out that Aboriginal Australians left Africa sooner than Asian and European migrants and are in fact distantly related to sub-Saharan Africans, but have similar development patterns due to similar environments. It's environment, not genetics.

>> No.10497280
File: 15 KB, 250x229, react.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh bad weather
I think Russia gets a bit chilly too, you dumb unga bunga that just read Guns Germs and Steel

>> No.10497286

You don't think there was any sort of evolutionary effect that differentiates Africans from Europeans when sexual selection was probably based on different characteristics?

>> No.10497296
File: 24 KB, 250x237, fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, it was purely MUH WEATHER. Also MUH HORSES and MUH LIVESTOCK

>> No.10497301

Not South Africa or Swahili coast, they have no excuse

>> No.10497303
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Bravo Jared!

>> No.10497304

>most of Africa has an extremely harsh, resource-sparse environment, forcing people to spend more time and energy on producing food than most of the world;

No. Africa has a huge amount of resources. Farmland as well. Its just poorly maintained. Look at Zimbabwe for a shining example of this. China, the US, and Russia are playing a fun little social game with africa right now trying to make the most friends.

The reason africa is such a shithole? Either imperialism or niggers. You decide.

>> No.10497307

>sexual selection was probably based on different characteristics?
What like "muh dick"?

>> No.10497332
File: 165 KB, 1280x764, 3963D527-C10D-4268-A824-A68A36575E92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm no sweaty, there have been several affluent African civilisations throughout history

You’re ignorant x

>> No.10497338

Nogs probably developed that because it makes for more effective rape lol.

No but seriously, being able to chuck a spear better than your neighbor was way more important to Africans than Europeans of the same time.

>> No.10497344

>evolutionary psychology is fine when it explains the conditions of African inferiority sympathetically, but when it is used by Europeans to explain European superiority its evil

I want you to fucking die.

>> No.10497398

It's the other way round. Because of favourable environmental conditions in Africa (good temperature means humans don't freeze to death) humans don't need to adapt and invent to survive, hence more civilisation in Europe and in other harsh climes.

>> No.10497578

sorcerers from africa stood as the foundations of western society

>> No.10497759
File: 264 KB, 600x398, 0412-DSTATUE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the usual armchair anthropologist /pol/sters OP. There have been black philosophers from sub-saharan Africa. They might not necessarily be as well-known, there might not be as many of them, they might not be as revolutionary in their thought or have their work readily in print but they do exist. I won't say that there are loads or that there has ever been a major philosophical culture below the Sahel belt but if you're interested:

Pre Modern:
>Zara Yacob
>Anton Wilhelm Amo
>Usman dan Fodio
>Nana Asma’u

>Kwasi Wiredu
>Henry Odera Oruka
>Cheikh Anta Diop
>John Mbiti
>Achille Mbembe
>Kwame Anthony Appiah
>Independence leaders like Leopold Senghor, Kwame Nkrumah, Julius Nyere, Steve Biko and Thomas Sankara

There are also Africana diaspora philosophers like Franz Fanon and Aime Cesaire etc., and the usual literary figures like Wole Soyinka and Ngugi wa Thiong’o etc. but your mileage may vary as to how much you consider them African philosophers.

Zara Yacob, in the Hatata:

>All men are equal in the presence of God; and all are intelligent, since they are his creatures; he did not assign one people for life, another for death, one for mercy, another for judgment. Our reason teaches us that this sort of discrimination cannot exist.
>Who is it that provided me with an ear to hear, who created me as a rational being and how have I come into this world? Where do I come from? Had I lived before the creator of the world, I would have known the beginning of my life and of the consciousness of myself. Who created me?
>Indeed each one says: ‘My faith is right, and those who believe in another faith believe in falsehood, and are the enemies of God.’ … As my own faith appears true to me, so does another one find his own faith true; but truth is one.

>> No.10497768

where are all the inuit philosophers?

>> No.10497797


"Some men be great, some be achievin' de greatness, and some be gettin' de greatness thrust up 'em."
- Idi Amin Dada, "From Our Ugandan Correspondent", by Alan Coren

>> No.10497801

only reasonable comment here

>> No.10497826

that's not evolutionary psychology fucking pseud

>> No.10497944

>all those "literally who"

there is a reason why they are not well known.

>> No.10498061
File: 5 KB, 205x246, ayfrikayn_filoosifur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr of course there are African philosophers! all you have to do is make up 20 reddit-spaced lines of names!
this place gets stupider every day

>> No.10498212
File: 31 KB, 450x349, 20140213-093527-e1473566100720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are obscure to me therefore they must all be pseud soothsayers or animists, or derivative

Well maybe, sure. You'd have to ask yourself what constitutes a philosopher. These people have been variously considered philosophers, either by historians of philosophy, fellow contemporary philosophers who have responded to them or by the institutions that awarded them doctorates and that they taught at. If you think being a philosopher requires a certain soundness of metaphysics or methodology or whatever, requires you to be a revolutionary thinker or famous, or that African and post-colonial themes aren’t philosophy then take the ones you disagree with off the list. Apply those standards to philosophers outside of Africa too, if you want to do a comparative exercise. Still, even if you removed them according to those sorts of criteria there would still be at least several with genuine contemporary philosophical merit there IMO so my answer to were there black African philosophers is still 'not many, but yes'. Again, you might disagree.

If we're being honest and fair there are probably a combination of reasons why they are not well known. Feel free to apply your own academic or political persuasions to those.

>> No.10498226

>>most of Africa has an extremely harsh, resource-sparse environment, forcing people to spend more time and energy on producing food than most of the world; literally everything is trying to kill them
>>as a result, most people live in incredibly insular communities because resources cannot sustain large, connected communities, and people don't have much contact with those outside their village except for trading or territory disputes
Simply wrong. They have the best place in the world for sustaining and developing civilisation as we know it. The real dictator is culture and cultural legacy.

>Aboriginal Australians left Africa sooner than Asian and European migrants and are in fact distantly related to sub-Saharan Africans
Everyone is distantly related to sub-saharan Africans, you dumb nigger. But your point is false, Aboriginal Australians are more distant than Asian/Arabs/Europeans. They're closer to certain groups within South-east Asia and South Asia, than anything else.

>> No.10498231


>> No.10498238

>philosophy requires written language
Fuck off, retard.

>> No.10498259

>masturbating over African "philosophers"

I thought the black bull was a meme but it's true, damn!

>> No.10498265

Take them or leave them or even read up on them, but jokes on a Senegalese beekeeping board aside it's a bit retarded to walk around in real life thinking an entire continent of people is literally incapable of a single philosophical thought.

>> No.10498320

When did "good, readable formatting" become known as "reddit spacing"?

>> No.10498594


>> No.10498615

Lol. Just wait ten years and Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, etc will all be Apefreakan.

>> No.10498625

Well, yes. Being "written" is distinctive aspect of "philo"-sophy invented by Plato. Read the birth of philosophy.

>> No.10498628

When redditors invaded this place. "Reddit spacing" is literally a thing redditors say to try to fit in.

>> No.10498642

>resource-sparse environment

stopped reading there, literally not even close to true.

>> No.10498678

literally this

>> No.10498769

>reddit spacing
>this is reddit spacing now
>this place gets stupider ever day
sure does

>> No.10498804

This. I hate this meme so much

>> No.10498822

Went on the wiki page for Anton Amo, the first footnote is a self-published book titled "THE ROLE OF THE INDIGENOUS AFRICAN PSYCHE IN THE EVOLUTION OF HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS."

Someone needs to edit this page lol

>> No.10498986

Check out the page at stanford.edu
Also appearently there's some Ethiopian philosopher, there was a story on it

>> No.10499032

>It's environment, not genetics.
it's both Jamal

>> No.10499198


>> No.10499204

>similar environments

>> No.10499210

Nigger are you retarded?
How does vast stretches of Desert with literally 0 resources, paired with vast stretches of Jungle in which the level of technology needed to extract the resources was only obtained in the last 200 years or so, qualify as favorable terrain?
>durr but muh evolutionary reverse psychology hurr

>> No.10499214

>ctrl+f "Camús"
>0 results

>> No.10499217

>You'd have to ask yourself what constitutes a philosopher.
Well gee yeah buddy I guess if I completely decontextualize a widely understood term, ANYBODY can be a philosopher!

>> No.10499219

Pieds-Noirs are French, Algeria in that time was a french colony and more culturally french at least as far as the pieds-noirs are concerned.

>> No.10499283

Not sure if I buy this. Scandinavia has a harsh environment and they're extremely efficient, productive and intelligent. I really don't think that the entire continent of Africa is completely desolate.

>> No.10499302

Ignore the usual armchair anthropologist /pol/sters OP. There have been black philosophers from sub-saharan Africa. They might not necessarily be as well-known, there might not be as many of them, they might not be as revolutionary in their thought or have their work readily in print but they do exist. I won't say that there are loads or that there has ever been a major philosophical culture below the Sahel belt but if you're interested. Pre Modern: Zara Yacob, Anton Wilhelm Amo, Usman dan Fodio, Nana Asma’u. Modern: Kwasi Wiredu, Henry Odera Oruka, Cheikh Anta Diop, John Mbiti, Achille Mbembe, Kwame Anthony Appiah, Independence leaders like Leopold Senghor, Kwame Nkrumah, Julius Nyere, Steve Biko and Thomas Sankara. There are also Africana diaspora philosophers like Franz Fanon and Aime Cesaire etc., and the usual literary figures like Wole Soyinka and Ngugi wa Thiong’o etc. but your mileage may vary as to how much you consider them African philosophers. Zara Yacob, in the Hatata:
"All men are equal in the presence of God; and all are intelligent, since they are his creatures; he did not assign one people for life, another for death, one for mercy, another for judgment. Our reason teaches us that this sort of discrimination cannot exist." "Who is it that provided me with an ear to hear, who created me as a rational being and how have I come into this world? Where do I come from? Had I lived before the creator of the world, I would have known the beginning of my life and of the consciousness of myself. Who created me?" "Indeed each one says: ‘My faith is right, and those who believe in another faith believe in falsehood, and are the enemies of God.’ … As my own faith appears true to me, so does another one find his own faith true; but truth is one."

>> No.10499313

To be fair the Scandinavians didn't start writing philosophy until the 19th century.

>> No.10499318

yes, that's why Russians conquered it so easily

>> No.10499319

as opposed to MUH SKIN COLOR?

>> No.10499323

>Russia is now 'easy to conquer'
Tell that to every single President, Chancellor, King, Emperor, army that has failed to conquer Russia.

>> No.10499328

I mean Russians from the "core" Rus' territories managed to easily expand into the harsh northern and eastern territories inhabited by all those various Asian tribes

>> No.10499331

>didnt start writing philosophy

Socrates didnt write anything either. Having a philosophical tradition isnt predicated on writing. Pre-socratics anyone?

t. scandinavian

>> No.10499338


anyone who says "no" likely just doesn't give a shit. no-one cares if you read african philosophers, it has no value in demonstrating erudition to people on the internet.

>> No.10499345

Pretty sure Scandinavians didn't have much of a philosophic tradition up until the 19th century, written or not. If you have any examples of it, feel free to share them.

>> No.10499756

>Soren Kierkegaard
>N.F.S. Grundtvig
and that's just the original danes
we got people like Georg Brandes and Heinrich Steffens who are less original, but still has stuff worth reading.

>> No.10499760

this >>10499756

>> No.10499782

>race is just skin coloooor
As opppsed to lower intelligence, creativity, no impulse control

>> No.10499819

All of those philosophers are 19th century or later, which is exactly what the other anon pointed out.

>> No.10499829

shit i read it like 1900
but compare it to eastern Europe though

>> No.10499832

Hegel was black

nice reddit arrows faggot

>> No.10499836


>> No.10499845

>Who are the mongols

>> No.10499853

The closest we have to a written record of a philosophical tradition is håvamål


Ive always considered this work esssentially philosophical, despite not reigning along with the highly methodical and academic philosophy that the greeks laid the foundation for.

>> No.10499870

I don't think the Japanese had any indigenous philosophical tradition either.

>> No.10499878

I'm not saying "race is just skin color", I'm saying race doesn't exist at all.
There are so many people with white skin who aren't very intelligent, creative and/or lack impulse control.

The race meme is just used by unintelligent, uncreative people to make them feel better of themselves. Of course, this is also prevalent among people of all skin colors. White people have /pol/, black people have we wuz kings. literally same thing

>> No.10499892

why am i watching this now - it's just a channel dedicated to awkward small-talk

>> No.10499895

>I'm saying race doesn't exist at all

Libraryloads of scientific documentation would disagree with that.

When someone says "asians are, on average more intelligent, industrious and peaceful than arabs" they're not saying that there aren't low-brow morons among asians. Every white person who makes the claim that whites are less aggressive, more intelligent and more civilized than blacks are perfectly aware that there ARE blacks that are intelligent, civilized and not aggressive, and that there is such a thing as white trash. Everybody knows this. Saying race isnt real because every race has its trash element is retarded.

>> No.10499900

Give one scientific paper that shows that race is real - not population groups, but *race*

>> No.10499906

Allow me to play double's advocate.

Race is real, that's the reason it's called 'race' because it's a race to the finish. It's just how intense our day to day routines are. Very taxing and intelligent and it makes you see how smart people are, and how fast they can race around!

Smell ya later!

>> No.10499912

Nice digits, but no. Find that yourself. First though, ask yourself: what about other species? Would you make the claim that within other species of mammals, there's no racial differentiation?

>> No.10499917

Achille Mbembe
Jacques Depelchin
Apollodorus of Athens
Henry Odera Oruka
Cheikh Anta Diop

How good any of these guys are, I don't know.

>> No.10499932
File: 547 KB, 310x461, Ssempa_Photo_Face_JPEG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

traditionalist African philosopher Martin Ssempa


>> No.10499950

Guns Germs and Steel isn't a serious book.

>> No.10499961

Funniest things:
2 white guys there, the heck they are doing in that place?
A guy taking notes on the poo poo presentation lol

>> No.10499989
File: 76 KB, 850x400, quote-so-before-leading-my-troops-into-battle-we-would-get-drunk-and-drugged-up-sacrifice-general-butt-naked-68-98-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joshua Milton Blahyi, also known as General Butt Naked, a black deleuzian nomadologist who pioneered the exploration of the intensities of eating human flesh and the deterritorialization of the normative constraints and boundaries of modern warfare. He was active during the First Liberian Civil War.

>> No.10500021


>> No.10500226

How do you define race?

>> No.10500236

a man worthy of being immortalized on history

>> No.10500296

Non westernized Africans don't give a shit about philosophy and the Logos because they are all mysterious sorcerers who dance all day to connect with the earth

>> No.10500602

Founded predominantly by Arabs or Turks. They colonized Africa before Europeans came along.

Also you need to differentiate between North Africa such as the Berbers and sub-saharan Africa. Vastly different in terms of climate and people.

>> No.10500613

Albert Camus.

He was born and grew up in Algeria.

>> No.10500623

Don't understand concept of statistical distribution. Demands scientific papers. OK

>> No.10500635

Ethnic origin matters? So that means Sanjiv at Oxford isn't British?

>> No.10500640

Ethnicity is language and culture, so if Sanjiv talks like some uptight Brit - he is British?

>> No.10501050

As of now, from what I understand, science shows that many things are between 20-40% environment.

I had an argument about this which I'm completely forgetting right now, making this post redundant - but basically before we consciously optimize for environment and culture, we won't know how far they alone can take us.

>> No.10501068

Yeah I don't think that's considered evolutionary psychology, but explaining one inherently validates the other.

I wasn't aware people thought it was evil to try to describe how Europe thrived

>> No.10501271

>Resource sparse environment
>Every superpower in the world fighting to control the resource rich regions of Africa
>Massive rainforests with enough resources to allow millions of unique species to thrive
Really jogs my noggin. Africans had plenty of resources, they just didn't do anything with them for most of history.

>> No.10501356

race is population groups you idiot

>> No.10501370

muh mono no aware

>> No.10501467

Please see >>10498594

>> No.10501546


Hinduism basically. The early vedas were developed by people living within the artice circle as evinced by numerous passages that describe lunar/solar movements and star patterns only seen by someone in the arctic.

>> No.10501600

Reddit spacing means leaving a space after either the quoted post number or the meme arrow, you newfag mongoloid.

>> No.10501688

That's not the problem with the formatting, retard.
Ignore the usual armchair anthropologist /pol/sters OP. There have been black philosophers from sub-saharan Africa. They might not necessarily be as well-known, there might not be as many of them, they might not be as revolutionary in their thought or have their work readily in print but they do exist. I won't say that there are loads or that there has ever been a major philosophical culture below the Sahel belt but if you're interested:
Pre Modern:
>Zara Yacob
>Anton Wilhelm Amo
>Usman dan Fodio
>Nana Asma’u
>Kwasi Wiredu
>Henry Odera Oruka
>Cheikh Anta Diop
>John Mbiti
>Achille Mbembe
>Kwame Anthony Appiah
>Independence leaders like Leopold Senghor, Kwame Nkrumah, Julius Nyere, Steve Biko and Thomas Sankara
There are also Africana diaspora philosophers like Franz Fanon and Aime Cesaire etc., and the usual literary figures like Wole Soyinka and Ngugi wa Thiong’o etc. but your mileage may vary as to how much you consider them African philosophers.
Zara Yacob, in the Hatata:
>All men are equal in the presence of God; and all are intelligent, since they are his creatures; he did not assign one people for life, another for death, one for mercy, another for judgment. Our reason teaches us that this sort of discrimination cannot exist.
>Who is it that provided me with an ear to hear, who created me as a rational being and how have I come into this world? Where do I come from? Had I lived before the creator of the world, I would have known the beginning of my life and of the consciousness of myself. Who created me?
>Indeed each one says: ‘My faith is right, and those who believe in another faith believe in falsehood, and are the enemies of God.’ … As my own faith appears true to me, so does another one find his own faith true; but truth is one.

>> No.10502473
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>he hasnt heard of mr chi city

>> No.10502872

after Europeans developed the technology to cross deserts and pillage rainforests and strip off the top of mountains, yes Africa became a prime treasure of natural resources for Europeans.

>> No.10502964

The environment defines the genetic idiot

>> No.10502967


>> No.10502979
File: 10 KB, 304x405, dudu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dudu Oson of Angola was inarguably one of the most influential and immanent philosophers of the entire continent. In his only written work written before his untimely death at 23 from botulism, Dudu wrote:

>"Some men eat the poo poo. Why this? If man eat of poo poo he is homosexual, is he not? If a man eat poo poo, he must have a tire put around his neck and be burned alive in the street to protect our children from the witchcraft. I just want to be left alone!"

>> No.10502981

Do you have any African philosophy that doesn't sound like it came from a coffee cup?

>> No.10503053

>Everyone is distantly related to sub-saharan Africans, you dumb nigger. But your point is false, Aboriginal Australians are more distant than Asian/Arabs/Europeans.
That WAS the point you double nigger.

>> No.10503101

Here are a bunch http://www.humanbiologicaldiversity.com

>> No.10503913


>> No.10503917
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>> No.10503919
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>> No.10503923
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>> No.10503929


>> No.10503930
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>> No.10503931
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>> No.10503937
File: 128 KB, 768x576, knowninthewestasalhazenalhacen-100227140026-phpapp01-thumbnail-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ibn al-Haytham

>> No.10504200

Arabs and Jews aren't African

They're S*mitic scum who enslaved and oppressed the Africans.

>> No.10504392

Bait, but still autistic.

>> No.10504521

How is it bait? Arabs and Jews come from the Middle East, they have nothing to do with native African culture.

>> No.10504534


Russia doesn't have the conditions to house an insane amount of parasites.

>> No.10504678

Augustine of Hippo.... DAMMM BRO READ A BOOK JEW