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File: 52 KB, 329x499, C0A658DF-37F2-4FE2-BFE3-8FBEEAD9CE6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10493146 No.10493146[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So who has this in their preorder?

>> No.10493153

this guy

>> No.10494929


>> No.10494934

By the time it hits, all the juicy stuff will be known

>> No.10494939

It'll be funny seeing Trump go full damage control.

>> No.10494948

Never going to happen you fucking retard. The point of the Trump presidency is a giant middle finger to everyone in America and you. You especially. Fuck you for voting against him. Fuck you for voting for him

>> No.10494955

been out of orbit for a while
give me a quick run down of all the juicy stuff about trump et al that is commonly known

>> No.10494956

The book version of a lefty /pol/ infographic.

It figures that /lit/ of all places would be interested in reading a book full of lies and half-truths. Why bother reading it if everything you read has more than a 80% chance of being wrong? Seriously this criticism has been made against Wolff for his entire career its not like it just started with this book.

>> No.10494964
File: 162 KB, 768x1024, Hillary What happen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its gonna be good as "What Happened"?

>> No.10494966

wtf is with people not using manners, I'm not your assistant you dumb shit, look it up if you want to know

>> No.10494974

>Why bother reading it if everything you read has more than a 80% chance of being wrong?
it's a fiction board

>> No.10494976

What's funny about the Trump presidency is because the media focuses on the negative aspects, he calls it fake news, treats them with contempt, and lies and fucks around with them all the more so he can point at what they report and say 'see?'

>> No.10494979

You're a dolt if you think that is actually from Hillary's Damage Control: My Diary.

>> No.10494981

holy shit is that actually in the book

>> No.10494982
File: 1.76 MB, 480x270, Wj0NeVD[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d.d..d..d..damage control

"Well, now that collusion with Russia is proving to be a total hoax and the only collusion is with Hillary Clinton and the FBI/Russia, the Fake News Media (Mainstream) and this phony new book are hitting out at every new front imaginable. They should try winning an election. Sad!"

>> No.10494989

>Steve Bannon says Donald Trump Jr. will 'crack like an egg' under Russia investigation pressure

>> No.10494999

a false non fiction book is completely different than a fiction book. fiction is neither true or false

>> No.10495009
File: 605 KB, 1398x1398, (((michael_wolff))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some faggot jew with a history of inventing quotes said that Steve Bannon said that Donald Trump Jr. will 'crack like an egg' under Russia investigation pressure

>> No.10495014


>> No.10495017

Why bother trying to stop publication ?

>> No.10495031

why not? that is what libel laws are for

>> No.10495032

>he thinks things can be true in a world where rampant miscommunication on all levels is its very infrastructure

>> No.10495034

Fuck Richard Spencer, I hope his boyfriend beats him on the regular

>> No.10495036

>It figures that /lit/ of all places would be interested in reading a book full of lies and half-truths.
It's not out, how do you know it's 'full of lies' if you haven't read it?

>> No.10495043

Because excerpts have already been released from the book.

>> No.10495046

Because its a 'bunch of lies by a nobody'

>> No.10495053

who are you quoting? also libel laws apply to lies so what is your point? and obviously they are not a nobody, it is getting massive attention

>> No.10495054

>Trump says something is full of lies
>I believe Trump!

>> No.10495062

straw man. I know that trump lies a lot and nothing in my post suggested I believe what he says

>> No.10495068

My point is if its lies, why would you want to stop it, who'd care? Well yeah Trump would.
>something is critical of me
>its wrong, lies, etc

How do you stand up for him at this point

>> No.10495074

Trump has the money and lawyers to show that the book contains libel. He also seems to enjoy suing people. I think that we will know if the book contains falsehoods in due time.

>> No.10495075

Because noting bad about Trump can be true

>> No.10495081

They have no proof that Trump himself was working with muh Russia so they have to slander him by calling him a retard. It basically feeds into the mainstream narrative that Trump is some grand Russian crime kingpin who's also somehow a mongoloid who can't spell his own name.

>> No.10495084

>I think that we will know if the book contains falsehoods in due time
I wouldn't be so sure. We are after all still carrying on both the Russia investigation and the email scandal.

>> No.10495085

>My point is if its lies, why would you want to stop it, who'd care? Well yeah Trump would.
that is literally the point of libel laws how dense are you?

Excerpts from the book have already proven to be lies so its not like this is just speculation at this point.

Obviously people who believe in the lies are going to thing badly of him for wanting to stop the publication of more lies. That doesn't mean he shouldn't use the libel laws to his advantage.

>> No.10495092

So you judge the entire book from some excerpts, the veracity of which hasn't been fully determined? That's weak, anon

>> No.10495097

Why bring libel laws into it when Trump doesn't even know what's in the book

>> No.10495102

>waaah they are criticising my daddy

Full on damage control mode for /pol/ tonight

>> No.10495106

Because the excerpts from the book have already proven to be libelous, so even if the rest of the book is true (which it most likely won't be) that's enough to use libel laws against.

>> No.10495108

Where do they come from, what kind of person is Team Trump?

Vid of author


>> No.10495109

>So you judge the entire book from some excerpts
Have you heard of inferential statistics? Its not absurd to guess that the sample of stuff from the book is representative of the whole book. Even if its not its his reaction is still appropriate because quantity of lies is not the most important thing in those cases.

See above.

>> No.10495112

What are the lies? I'm not being a smartass. I'm just curious. I haven't paid attention to his presidency at all.

>> No.10495121

Come on, my point is Trump hates it 'cause it's most likely true.
The staffers refer to him as a child. What's he going to do ask them and what are they going to say?
Proven to libelous, give me a break

>> No.10495125

They're not presenting any legitimate criticisms (of which there are plenty to be presented) but it's just full of shit like "Trump can't read" or "Trump's an idiot who did this as a joke" so the book gets attention from morons who are convinced by the media that Trump is basically the Anti-Christ who can do no right

>> No.10495131

Off the top of my head. Claims that Trump did not want to win and was scared when he won the election. Claims that one of the top members of his administration knew nothing of immigration laws and used the internet to search for info. Claims that Ivanka agreed to run for president before Don Jr.

>> No.10495136

I really don't understand how a conservative could support this man. He is a spit in the face of all conservative ideals and principles

>> No.10495139

And my point is that the guy who wrote the book has a record of pulling quotes out his ass for his entire career so half the stuff in the book probably isn't true anyway which means it's just libel to get shekels from desperate anti-Trumpers

>> No.10495142
File: 92 KB, 376x585, sorry anon mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people don't respect me irl so I assume I'm also being disrespected by anon
take it easy bro, just thought you could give a few sentences comprising your thoughts on the matter - maybe 3-5 mins of effort if you don't autistically make a big deal of checking and rechecking your writing.
here's an e-handjob for your pain and suffering

>> No.10495143

If you look at what he actually did in his term it was the most successful years for conservatives in a long time. Just because he verbally spits in the face of those ideals doesn't mean he's not actually doing those things in office

>> No.10495147


>> No.10495153

it was right the first time anon

>> No.10495156

Because he's the shiny distraction while the actual conservatives carry out their agenda.

>> No.10495157

Only liberals and losers have ideals or principles.

>> No.10495161

When someone says 'do this for me' to you, you're happy to go do it? I don't 'cause I'm not a bitch

>> No.10495164

None of those sound too far-fetched to me, though they do sound difficult to confirm or deny.
Did you see his reaction on election night and the day after? And all the talk of how "nobody knew it was this hard, folks?" The idea that he only wanted to nearly win in order to build his brand and possibly kick off something like Trump TV seems plausible.
Because of what, a terribly planned tax bill? The damage he's done by installing people like Betsy Devos and just degrading the position of the presidency in every possible shameful way he can outweighs that by a long shot.

>> No.10495167

I don't know the author's past but the book wouldn't have got the attention it had if relentless fact checkers in the media had sniffed lies. They very rarely screw up 'cause it makes them look stupid

>> No.10495187

he hasn't even been president for 1 year yet. that's all I meant

yeah the lies are gaining a lot of traction because they "seem" like they could be true. just because they seem like they could be true to some people doesn't mean they are. not to mention the fact that the top aid actually worked on immigration policy for years so of course he knew about it.

and lol at you thinking the tax bill is all he's done that conservatives like. he has appointed tons of conservative judges and one to the supreme court, he has done a lot of deregulation, he has cut spending, he has pushed forward on projects reps loved but dems hated for environmental reasons, etc

>> No.10495213

>still no download

>> No.10495230

On what basis do you assume they're lies? What evidence do you have to judge either way?

>> No.10495266

He spent a year and a half of his life and millions of his own dollars travelling the country giving hundreds of speeches throughout that time and defeated ~20 other candidates who all wanted the same job. In no universe is it plausible that he did not want to win.

>> No.10495282

see >>10494979

>> No.10495284

If you look it up he was into the post run fame, brand opportunities etc, he probably started wanting to win then lost interest

>> No.10495301

>If you look it up he was into the post run fame, brand opportunities etc
how about provide a citation instead of resting your post on such a big claim without providing any reason to believe it

>> No.10495324

all you have to do is google those words in 'news' also 'even if i lose i win'

>> No.10495350

the only article I see of that points back to this very same book we're talking about.

>> No.10495351

You only have to look up Brexit to know what people who had a potential loss planned out way better than they had a win. Like Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage who both banked on Brexit failing, letting them stay around as near martyred champions of the people who stood against evil Brussels. Instead they won and neither wanted to actually deal with the result; Boris Johnson absolutely didn't want to go near leadership, and Nigel Farage fucking retired right after his party's only real victory.

>> No.10495364

>As the campaign came to an end, Trump himself was sanguine. His ultimate goal, after all, had never been to win. “I can be the most famous man in the world,” he had told his aide Sam Nunberg at the outset of the race. His longtime friend Roger Ailes, the former head of Fox News, liked to say that if you want a career in television, first run for president. Now Trump, encouraged by Ailes, was floating rumors about a Trump network. It was a great future. He would come out of this campaign, Trump assured Ailes, with a far more powerful brand and untold opportunities.

“This is bigger than I ever dreamed of,” he told Ailes a week before the election. “I don’t think about losing, because it isn’t losing. We’ve totally won.”


>> No.10495365

>Nigel Farage fucking retired right after his party's only real victory.
because the whole point of the party was to leave the eu you dumbass. It was called the uk independence party because their whole shtick was to leave the eu

Also, even if some other group of people had a plan for what do if they lost that says nothing about Trump. What you're basically saying is this.

>X did not intend to win
>therefore Y did not want to win

>> No.10495373

Okay it's clear I'm talking to an idiot. That article is the same one I was talking about. All of that is just from that book.

>> No.10495375

..Oh yeah I see what you're saying, we'll have to wait and see if it's real but it sounds that he might have said it, put on a brave face, and thought differently. Trump is all about winning after all

>> No.10495378

why pay for this crap
just donwloaded the epub for LULz

>> No.10495382

Nigel Farage immediately excused himself of any kind of responsibility for Brexit because he knew it could potentially fuck the country for a good while, same with Johnson. They both refused responsibility for it, and had no interest in actually leading the country through a transition they had been preaching for ages. Like a revolution led by a group of intellectuals who suddenly drop everything and run off to Malta when the former regime's finally deposed; who's left to clean up their shit? A short-sighted military junta perhaps, or someone like May who didn't actually *want* Brexit to begin with?

>> No.10495398

Stepping down from leader of the party is not refusing responsibility for it. As leader of the party he could not in anyway lead the country through that transition because his party never had that kind of power. Same applies to Johnson. Also, like I said in my last post even if what you're saying here was true it says nothing about Trump.

>> No.10495402

So the Trump presidency is some twisted form of nihilistic wish fulfillment for cowards who are too afraid to suicide? Knew it.

>> No.10495409

Nigel literally came to the US with Trump to talk about how he helped make brexit happen how is he in anyway trying to avoid responsibility?

>> No.10495416

You're confusing responsibility with culpability.

>> No.10495428

And you're confusing Nigel with Trump.

>> No.10495431

I'm not the person you have been talking to.

>> No.10495437

*cums on your belly*

you might not be that person, but you are my little twink

>> No.10495445

Has anyone actually read this book? Is it out yet? I'm curious if it's just tabloid shit or anything decent, and judging by the cover it looks like the former.

Also Trump is a monumental retard for trying to stop this book from being published, but I guess that's not news to anyone. He Streisand Effected it up to the Amazon best seller list.

>Conservatives complain about degenerates, christian values, and resort to tribalism to justify their hatred of brown people with unamerican values
>They elect the most degenerate unchristian candidate ever who sold out America to the Russians
Its not supposed to make sense. It's 12d chess ;^)

>> No.10495459

I'm reading it right now. If I find anything in the first few pages that seems worth typing out, I'll post it here.

>> No.10495461

>He Streisand Effected it up to the Amazon best seller list.
It was number 1 before Trump ever talked about it.

>> No.10495478
File: 176 KB, 1614x750, authorsnote1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the authors note from the beginning

>> No.10495485
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>> No.10495489

Why are you minorities so aggressive?

>> No.10495494

>Many of the accounts of what has happened in the Trump White House are in conflict with one another; many, in Trumpian fashion, are baldly untrue. those conflicts, and that looseness with the truth, if not with reality itself, are an elemental thread of the book.
really makes you think

>> No.10495499

None of us are anything other than what we feel. I don't think of you as a little bitch, for whatever it's worth

>> No.10495509

50 pages in. It's a quick read but it doesn't feel very credible. There isn't really a way to know how much of it is 100% true and that triggers me.

>> No.10495514

I think you're a little bitch

>> No.10495518

When will this meme die? Johnson became secreatry of state after the referendum, he was a mayor before. Farage was the leader of a party with 1 (ONE) seat in the House of Commons.

>> No.10495524

why haven't you posted the dl link yet anon?

>> No.10495529
File: 139 KB, 1561x474, dinner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this might be the dinner they were talking about in the news, that people questioned how Wolff knew about it but it turned out he hosted the dinner.

>> No.10495530

Trump didn't expect to become the president, most of his advisors think he's incompetent and slowly losing his mind, Ivanka aspires to be the first female president and he gets a kick out of sleeping with his friends' wives.

>> No.10495536

Hard to know if its entirely true but that detail would be difficult to make up

>> No.10495541

There is a more than 0% chance that Donald Trump once paid russian hookers to piss on a bed in Moscow that Obama once slept in.

Frog posters and retards will try to tell you otherwise, but they're lying to save face.

>> No.10495542

oh boy I didn't know there were still people who believed that. god help you anon

>> No.10495545
File: 253 KB, 645x773, daddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kno it not true because daddy trump says so and so does fox news

>> No.10495547

yes yes anon everyone who disagrees with you just watches fox news. the world is black and white and you're on the side of good :)

>> No.10495549

just found it on slsk, uploading

>> No.10495564
File: 186 KB, 1537x631, embassy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US Embassy in Jerusalem on page 5.

>> No.10495574

got a download link for kindle users right here


>> No.10495578
File: 8 KB, 316x202, enough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw people posts about this shit while Bolano rots in his grave

>> No.10495582

Bannon on Trump/Russia and China, early January 2017

>> No.10495615

>collusion with Russia is proving to be a total hoax and the only collusion is with Hillary Clinton and the FBI/Russia
citation needed bigboi

>> No.10495622
File: 73 KB, 1522x269, bannonrussiaandchina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic, i'm an idiot

>> No.10495645

China won't become nazi 'cause they haven't been fucked over. I think they like slyly taking over the world without firing a shot - like Sun tzu recommended

>> No.10495664

Was Bannon's master plan to deter China from becoming hypernationalist by running the US into the ground with a hypernationalist administration?


>> No.10495831
File: 2.91 MB, 267x212, 1513016829450.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nazi Germany
>in 1929 to 1930

>> No.10495841

You're a retard

>> No.10495849

Regardless it will be come truth once people read it. Whatever lies about trump are told will become as good as reality and canonical and so it will be important reading. Quite ironic concerning his administrations rhetoric on 'alternative facts'.

>> No.10495854

I hate this affected style of journalistic writing so much. I don't even like Trump but bullshit just oozes from all of this faggot's literary dramatizing on both a sentence level, and in the level of presenting anecdotes, rumors, and stories a lot of which are mostly anonymously sourced as if they were objective fact. This is more like a sensationalist game of Telephone than objective reporting.

>> No.10495894

>Quite ironic concerning his administrations rhetoric on 'alternative facts'.
Alternative facts was literally only said once by Kellyanne Conway in an off the cuff remark. Why do you people latch on to that so much when no one defended that phrase or used that phrase again in the administration after her?

>> No.10495907

Rather the general connotation of what that statement represents, 'fake news' etc.

>> No.10495909

>Many of the accounts of what has happened in the Trump White House are in conflict with one another; many, in Trumpian fashion, are baldly untrue. Those conflicts, and that looseness with the truth, if not with reality itself, are an elemental thread of the book. Sometimes I have let the players offer their versions, in turn allowing the reader to judge them. In other instances I have, through a consistency in accounts and through sources I have come to trust, settled on a version of events I believe to be true.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.10495913
File: 127 KB, 650x767, 1515175745545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Defend this Drumpftards

>> No.10495917

It means everyone in the white house is telling their own version of the events of the past year because they're all compulsive liars. Things that could be corroborated by multiple sources are presented as fact and things that could not are printed as is.

>> No.10496004

Funniest thing I've read all month. I'm guessing this isn't actually from the book?

>> No.10496024

>something is critical of me
>said no one ever

>> No.10496039

Wow, our president made the White House into a VIRTUAL zoo

>> No.10496043

Wasn't that rumor started by an anon, who wrote an official looking document that everyone ate up? Or maybe I am remembering it wrong

>> No.10496113

Dude Putin is the grand Russian crime kingpin, Trump is the mongoloid who can't spell his own name. not that hard to follow

>> No.10496132
File: 62 KB, 431x450, 1416348606579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After all, what would motivate a textbook malignant narcissist to spend his money seeking attention and belittling his peers? It's unthinkable! Surely he just really wanted the responsibility that came with it
More fantastic analysis from the reactionary brain trust

>> No.10496137

>saying nothing but sounding punchy

hey a liberal

>> No.10496149

>same with Johnson
Boris Johnson became foreign secretary and is still in that office. He's also still an idiot, but the narrative that he ran away from responsibility is bullshit.

>> No.10496153

Saying nothing but sounding punchy was trump's entire campaign platform.

>> No.10496156

And Farage was never in any real position of responsibility to begin with

>> No.10496167

that's all of politics my guy

>> No.10496178

tell me more about your ENLIGHTENED CENTRISM

>> No.10496185

Oh wow I thought this was a literature board, lol.
Should have known.

>> No.10496228

Cum in my throat

>> No.10496282

Kek. This.

>> No.10496336


Fake News muh ROG all hail the woke natsec state neoliberals are probably the only people more clueless than unironic Trump supporters. The omnipresent russian subversion narrative has structural parallels to nazi antisemitism. Liberal capitalism is not the problem, it's those slavs with their fake news, misleading people away from perfect economic rationality. I can't but find their faith in 'real news' charmingly naive, specially given that the liberal media has spent the last year spinning increasingly implausible yarns about Russian espionage,which are 'just like a spy movie' as we are constantly reminded, instead of going after Trump on economics. Trump is immanent to American capitalism, a sign of systemic collapse. Liberals are unable of presenting a vision of America that goes beyond a rational commerce-warfare machine, hence the need for a subversive Russian bogey which can unite the country in the absence of any positive shared purpose.

>> No.10496379

that’s whatsup based corporate agenda bro. fuck yeah me and my dad getting tax cuts hell YEAH

>> No.10496426

Uk still hasn't left the EU though, why can't he be around until then?

>> No.10496525

he was in no position of power. if he had stayed party leader he would have had no part in the transition so why stay if your job was done?

>> No.10497585
File: 2.55 MB, 1149x1261, Jew toast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kike writes anti-Trump book
>kike media goes nuts hocking it
The day of the oven can't come soon enough.

>> No.10497612

/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but ideally those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Come on janitors, do your fucking job. Man, this board has gone to shit.

>> No.10497623

Go back to r*ddit, you wannabe hall monitor faggot.

>> No.10497645

>The day of the oven can't come soon enough.
are larping fags like yourself gonna kick that off?

>> No.10497654

Is that before or after the day of the rope?

>> No.10497662

I hope.

Concurrent with, ideally.

>> No.10497667

Go back to your containment board you kool-aid drinking mongoloid.

Sage goes in every field.

>> No.10497671

Why they talk like Tom Clancy villains?
>If I told Trump that, he might have the job
These people are not this witty and bantering in real life. I've seen Bannon's interviews

>> No.10497674

it's impossible to have a discussion on pol about politics desu