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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 221 KB, 769x768, Rupi_Kaur_reading_from_her_book_milk_and_honey_in_Vancouver_-_2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10492494 No.10492494 [Reply] [Original]

The Ginsberg of our generation.

>> No.10492599

Always point your pinky when you read a pretty poem. That's what Ginsberg taught us.

>> No.10492608

It's shit like this book that sometimes make me think /pol/ was right and women were a mistake

>> No.10492609

a talentless hack who owes fame to ethnic nepotism? at least Rupi isn't a literal Paedo.

>> No.10492616

Well Ginsberg is a trash poet, so the comparison makes some sense.

>> No.10492624

when will she join NAMBLA?

>> No.10492626

Ok, we hear your Epic alt right opinions, now stop raiding /lit/ and go back to your containment board you freaks

>> No.10492633
File: 161 KB, 597x577, BAS_203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truly, that is a 21st century pedophile.

>> No.10492635

Fuck off, fag, Ginsberg isn't even the most talented of the Beats.

>> No.10492640

>when you literally cannot argue your opinion and must deflect

>> No.10492645

reminder the alt-right is a red herring. nobody is supposed be taking dejected white males seriously. when there are serious concerns, they're to be twisted around into childish autism and laughed at.

>> No.10492664

>when you literally can't handle a discussion which doesn't directly involve you're political "faction" so you pretend to be the opposition and act like a retard for attention

>> No.10492672

I'd let her drink my urine right from the faucet

>> No.10492683

Name something serious which doesn't involve white males

>> No.10492700

I think internet identity politics discourse made me psychotic, it's like those rats that get conditioned to subject themselves to constant electric shocks. Me mom is a Mexican from the Valley, my dad an Irish-German mutt from West Texas. My self has been eroded to the limits of nullity, inside rages confusion and an aimless sense of agression I could see myself becoming a Manson cultist.

>> No.10492707
File: 48 KB, 550x550, 1514323430127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people complaining about dejected white males is what made the alt-right in the first place. people like you are the reason trump got elected. thanks, fucker

>> No.10492716

You guys are falling for a dumbass who just wants to poison the well for people who actually like Ginsberg. He's falseposting anti-pol for some reason. Some people just like to see a discussion, linked hand to hand, fall into a bunch of pigshit antisemitism debate.

>> No.10492723

Is all that tape on her arms to keep poop from shooting out of her veins until she gets back to India next?

>> No.10492724

Racial coordination favors an athletic and sophomoric approach to intellectualism. Being black, I'm afforded both of these luxuries and I do not take them. Licentious, liberal laws leave me with less to learn, against listless appropriation, in studies I neither care or share commonality for.

>> No.10492726

I'm >>10492664 and ginsberg was a mediocre paedo that got popular off of being an edgy faggot. He was friendly with a nazi and with Nambla.
the guy is a great example of what's wrong with gay men


>> No.10492820
File: 366 KB, 841x535, Screen Shot 2017-08-15 at 9.49.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the systematic rape, abuse and indoctrination of children that is being carried out by the politically correct lgbt community under the cover of political correctness and victimhood?

>> No.10492824

Isn't that the lady that owns the local gas station?

>> No.10492839

that's /pol/talk

>> No.10492870
File: 156 KB, 500x628, teenvogue-sexual-healthidentity-video-shows-toddlers-understand-consent-onsent-_ra-25384915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by this point it is obvious to any even moderately reasonable person that faggots rape children, Queer Theory is like pizzagate but real, it's not the first time that happens either:
>The Sexual Revolution and Children
>How the Left Took Things Too Far
>Germany's left has its own tales of abuse. One of the goals of the German 1968 movement was the sexual liberation of children. For some, this meant overcoming all sexual inhibitions, creating a climate in which even pedophilia was considered progressive.

>> No.10492887

>like pizzagate
>but real
Bud you peeped Tony Podesta's art collection?

>> No.10492901

To anons who haven't gotten into Ginsberg yet, check out Howl. It's good. This board gets weirdly insecure about Ginsberg

>> No.10492904

He's just promoted because he's jewish and part of the homosexual victim group, also he was a degenerate paedo, but you can't say that because it ain't PC

>> No.10492915

Who hurt you?

>> No.10492921
File: 40 KB, 480x360, 1512146452151[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a young poet named Kaur,
Whose poems were exceptionally poor,
But with some luck
She'll make a quick buck
And hopefully won’t write any more

>> No.10492927

Women weren't a mistake; the sexual liberation was a mistake. What we thought would be this great, sex filled life for men turned out to be this all powerful corrupting force. Women used to be kind, gentle, intelligent, and useful. Now, they eclipse men in their uselessness. The end of civilization won't be far off, now.

>> No.10492929

ginsberg, as a poet, isn't fantastic...but there's no need to be a dick

>> No.10492936

he's promoted because "howl" completely and utterly captured the zeitgeist of young, "alternative" america in the mid 20th century.

>> No.10492950

Harsh but fair,
As a poet,
It's not quite there.
But "Where is there?",
You ask from behind your mask.
I don't care.

>> No.10493041

>a genuinely good comparison on lit
honestly, i never thought i'd see the day

>> No.10493047

Ginsberg was far better than she ever will be. Do you really see any of her poems going into anthologies?

Ginsberg's notable poems: Howl, Kaddish, A Supermarket in California, America, Sunflower Sutra. All very good poems.

>> No.10493050

so it's politically correct rubbish. degenerate kike hippies like Ginsburg have been destroying America since the 50s: the commies, all kikes Dylan a kike, the 60s radicals, pretty much all kikes, who later got cushy jobs in kike academia and spawned millions of brain dead sjws.

>> No.10493053

ad hominem, when the fuck did /lit/ stop quoting the poems they shit on?

>> No.10493057

No. You dumb faggot. I don't give a flying fuck if you think you're the second coming of Ginsberg and that he's a part of your very soul. Ginsberg is fucking garbage. Scratch that. He's worse than garbage. He's the type of garbage that you have to clean up off hot black top during a summer heat wave after your dog had diarrhea after getting into some take out mexican from the corner strip mall.

Ginsberg did, does, and forever will fucking suck. No antisemitism. Not /pol/. Fuck Ginsberg and fuck you. Fuck you especially for thinking I should hold my opinion or I should give a flying fuck worrying about what anyone else thinks about Ginsberg.

Get the fuck off /lit/ you fucking illiterate hack, faggot.

>> No.10493115
File: 38 KB, 480x322, gay communist gun club.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the politically correct lgbt community under the cover of political correctness and victimhood?
>using "politically correct" as an epithet.
>using it twice.
>Speciously referencing some secret cabal of gay-agenda insurgents.
>not realizing the amount of discussion that actually occurs at the academic level.
Is that an Alex Jones website?
You may be retarded. What's the context there? Did the child not find it and put it on himself?
Your kind is those who seized into apoplexy at the sound of a reversed Led Zeppelin album.

>> No.10493125

>Get the fuck off /lit/ you fucking illiterate hack, faggot.
I legit can't tell the shitposts from the schizoposts.

>> No.10493131

Good post. Ginsberg still fucking sucks and so do you.

>> No.10493147
File: 45 KB, 615x410, Pride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Speciously referencing some secret cabal of gay-agenda insurgents.
>not realising the amount of discussion that actually occurs at the academic level.

those academics are credentialed insurgents and leftist social engineers with six figure salaries. if we don't stop them, they will normalise pedophilia! Queer Theory studies are like secular seminaries, dedicated to training the next generation of America's SJW priesthood. Homosexuality has become a religion, now you have homo rainbows even at google and McDonalds, proof there is an economic motive to this. Most 'gays' are in fact politically correct numales who practice homosexuality purely out of 'virtue signalling' reasons.

>> No.10493157


>> No.10493158

We are all schizos here

>> No.10493162

for you

>> No.10493170

>howl was politically correct rubbish


it was just rubbish, you spacker

>> No.10493193

>Most 'gays' are in fact politically correct numales who practice homosexuality purely out of 'virtue signalling' reasons.

thats not true. I know a coal-miner, who does mma in his spare time and hangs out with the lads at the pub, he's an illiterate total poofter. He says there's loads of alpha guys working manual labour jobs who are bent. He tried to tell me about the shenanigans he used to gt up to with his buddies on the building sites whilst he worked as a joiner, but i had to get him to stop as it was making me want to vomit

>> No.10493211

>thats not true.
yes it is
>I know a coal-miner,
no you don't
>who does mma in his spare time and hangs out with the lads at the pub,
>he's an illiterate total poofter.
i like the illiterate addition
>He says there's loads of alpha guys working manual labour jobs who are bent.
more bullshit
>He tried to tell me about the shenanigans he used to gt up to with his buddies on the building sites whilst he worked as a joiner,
>but i had to get him to stop as it was making me want to vomit
your lies made me

>> No.10493212

I have studied 'the community' enough to realise these ''people'' are politically correct bluehairs, these freaks don't want equality, they want Cultural Marxism.

>> No.10493221

no Howl is actually great you fucking heathen

>> No.10493225

getting pounded isn't studying desu

>> No.10493259

this, fuck you OP
fuck you

>> No.10493271

lol people tell me all the time that I only like long dead white men's stuff and even I sorta like ginsberg, you're just a pseud OP deal with it

>> No.10493280

Nice blog, faggot. Ginsberg still fucking sucks so do you.

>> No.10493293
File: 51 KB, 375x411, IMG_1613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this a blog you retarded pompous motherfucker, you're not in for the beauty merely for the prestige of old people you middlebrow pseudo fuck

>> No.10493294
File: 512 KB, 733x623, Screen Shot 2017-12-16 at 5.10.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah, so diverse and progressive.

>> No.10493300

Get bqck to me when she writes a poem as good as Howl or Kaddish.

>> No.10493303
File: 79 KB, 1078x750, 150917-chips-editorial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doritos: now with Cultural Marxism.

>> No.10493316

Zdravstvuyte, fellow /r/communism comrade! Luxury gay space communism! Communism will win! Seize the memes of production! Dank communist memes! Upvoted!

>> No.10493322

>likes Ginsberg
>hasn't killed himself
Ginsberg still fucking sucks and so do you.

>> No.10493327

Look man the only rape in this post is of that poor photo by whatever hack photoshopped it.

>> No.10493333

gays don't 'have sex' they virtue signal. I have gotten used to blatant, politically correct displays of gay 'sex', because they don't really register as sex but as a mere annoyance, a politically correct display of diversity and progress. would you consider the burger king kids from the 90s as something 'sexual'?

>> No.10493336

I mean i don't really have to defend my point as it's universally accepted and you're just being a piece of shit with no actual taste for art, but I just want to say you genuinely sound like you discovered 4chan two weeks ago

>> No.10493351

at least the gods made her lack of worth facially obvious

>> No.10493360

>i don't have to defend my point because it's universally accepted
>you have no taste for art
Jesus. Every day I thank the Lord I don't have to go through life being this blatantly fucking stupid. Let me ask you something. Are you able put your pants on without help? Be honest.

>> No.10493368

>gays don't 'have sex' they virtue signal.
pure projection

>> No.10493382

im smarter than you

>> No.10493389

sure ya are, kiddo. sure ya are.

>> No.10493403
File: 69 KB, 547x305, Screen Shot 2018-01-04 at 10.16.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are a bluehaired upper middle class white kid who got a 40k queer studies degrees, a ticket to the sjw sodomite moloch priesthood which by the way also controls the music industry. If you want a deal with cash money, you gotta let birdman fuck you in the ass. The homo sickness controls hollywood, ie. Kevin Spacey. Watch this, you can't ignore the solid proof that's out there


>> No.10493427
File: 742 KB, 1174x640, 1513548766567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would fuck her so tenderly in the most passionate sex marathon she would ever experience (at least until the next time we have such physically divine union haha)
I almost purchased a collection of her poems just so I could be that much closer to Rupi. Like if I see her image and pleasure myself to her words it would form a spiritual bridge, a karmic link of energy that would bring us closer to the inevitable, innumerable sexual intertwinings. Does anyone understand what I feel?

>> No.10493438

you're sick

>> No.10493482

hey, at least i'm not the one raping little children dude

>> No.10493486


/pol/ is always right. When are you going to understand?

>> No.10493537

Yeah, you're just fantasizing about it on anonymous image forums

>> No.10493541

the fuck has that got to do with marcuse etc?

>> No.10493548

lgbtwtfs are incapable of rational argument, they can only screech BIGOT! and THOUGHTCRIME! THOUGHTCRIME!

>> No.10493553

Kaddish wasn't too bad I guess.
Ginsberg's real talent lay in promoting the work of his beatnik buddies.

If it wasn't for ginsberg we wouldn't have burroughs, and he should be commended for that.

Kaur contributes nothing to literature

>> No.10493579

>Ginsberg's real talent lay in promoting the work of his beatnik buddies.
jewish/homo nepotism confirmed. As a hetero goy, there is no way you are making it in the industry

>> No.10493594

Keroac wasn't a fag. that was just propoganda used by the fbi to try and undermine his influence on the youth

>> No.10493621

Wow, really? Is there an article or something about this?

>> No.10493643

On the Road includes several sections where he talks about threatening queers with a revolver and how he was viscerally disgusted when Neal Cassidy fucked a homosexual so he could drive his car

>> No.10493697

She's like Ginsberg if Ginsberg had taken bleach rather than LSD.

>> No.10493927

virtue signal

>> No.10493936

the worst thing about fags is they don't actually like raping children like old fashioned pervs do, to them it's virtue signalling, a chore they engage in in smugly order to score social brownie points for 'queering the gender binary' or whatnot, these freaks are truly beyond redemption imo

>> No.10493939

Have you read any of his later novels? Do you think it was a coincidence that he was such good friends with Burroughs and Ginsberg? Do you think it was a coincidence that in real life he treated women like ersatz mothers rather than forming meaningful relationships with them?

>> No.10493981

you haven't debunked the birdman video.

>> No.10494014
File: 94 KB, 679x768, David.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cultural Marxism.
Okay, for real you guys, stop putting me on. Are you or are you not Ben Shapiro?

>> No.10494030

You're mistaking my ridicule of you for an endorsement of the things that you're pissing yourself about. You're addicted to the catharsis of outrage.

>> No.10494055
File: 75 KB, 750x595, outback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most 'gays' are in fact politically correct numales who practice homosexuality purely out of 'virtue signalling' reasons.
t. doesn't know a single gay person.

>> No.10494063

This is antithetical to Marxism which is opposed to the commodification of identity.

>> No.10494097
File: 229 KB, 542x536, Screen Shot 2018-01-05 at 1.18.56 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG nooo, WTF is this?!? NOO STOP THEM , NOOO WTFwtfwtf AHHHgfjjhddasdfgkjhjkl these people are sick GOD NO STOP THEM nooo


>> No.10494153

Its literally "From each according to his ability"

>> No.10494162

the fuck has that got to do with economic materialism?

>> No.10494302

> opposed to the commodification of identity.

identity is petit bourgeois

>> No.10494338

That's a five horned Oni