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10486843 No.10486843 [Reply] [Original]

who is the lefitst version of pic related

>> No.10486859

Zizek obv

>> No.10486861
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>> No.10486872

no i mean accelerationist leftists, not the version of him on the left in terms of cultural niche

>> No.10486887

Nick Land is the leftist version of Nick Land. check out his essay on Kant. Initially the dude looked to trannies and 3rd world immigration as the pathway to full meltdown, then something happened: he may hav4e pussied out, or maybe is banking on Peter Thiel and Mencius Moldbug, they might be planning something, who knows?

>> No.10487038

yeah but theres a specific guy people refer to, i just cant remember his name

>> No.10487044

Zizek isn't a Deleuzian you retards

>> No.10487049

You should be able to find it. I've found articles on them. I remember one headline: degrowth and accelerationism strange bedfellows. Not sure if that one includes names.

>> No.10487110


Laboria Cuboniks

Nick Land's wife who is a fem/acc

>> No.10487115

his wife is a vanilla leftist

>> No.10487127

Mark Zuckerburg.

>> No.10487131

>who knows?
We do? he did enough drugs that he met a fucking undead Lich god thing and tapped into the Necronomicon.

I'm not even joking.

>> No.10487623

What the fuck is nick land's wife the person behind xenofeminism?

>> No.10487631

Zizek is a crypto-accelerationist

>> No.10487648
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>Zizek is a crypto-accelerationist
>his literal direct advice to Syriza was to make modest feasible demands to the EU

>> No.10487660

OP wasn't specific at all you cunt

>> No.10487834

>then something happened


>> No.10487852

Is being a Marxist Lacanian really all that different tho? You've bought into so many levels of bullshit to arrive at either.

>> No.10487862
File: 70 KB, 620x350, 6801030E-9223-4FCD-9CBC-E763D9E1483E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy

>> No.10487877
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and Moldbug, Thiel and Musk are friends irl. There's only a thin line between Elon 'le reddit man' Musk and Nick Land in his era of meth driven delirium. Somewhere along the way, we became numb to the destructive, psychotic nature of civilisation, Land deserves credit, if only for reminding us of the chaos that underlies the fragile pretence of normalcy.

>> No.10487901


>> No.10487912

I wonder how she reconciles his twitter with her views. Or maybe she's not even aware of his twitter?

>> No.10488449

If you love Nick Land at all, go here and vote in the poll to add him to the /lit/ roster AT ONCE, GOGOGO!


>> No.10488468

She's married to fucking Nick Land, I'm hazing a guess she has a high amount of tolerance

>> No.10488717

Peter Thiel looks like one of those psychic-vampires Alex Jones warned me about

>> No.10489146

Has Moldbug ever commented on Land's elaboration of his work?

>> No.10490101


>> No.10490107
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>> No.10490109
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>> No.10490110

ah, of course!

>> No.10490115

>accelerationist leftists
does this even compute

>> No.10490118

I know plenty. They're fucking annoying and think they're ahead of the curb. Accelerationism - as far as I know - is about using capitalism against itself... like allowing more crashes to happen, etc.

>> No.10490121
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Why did it take me so long to find this gold mine of an article?

>> No.10490984

The Venus Project guy, he's ded.
There's that Joseph guy

>> No.10491131

Mark Fisher?

He has sadly been deleted from this timeline.

>> No.10491220


>> No.10491383

>IQ fetishist marries a jew and worships jews
no surprise here

>> No.10491410


Accelerationism is not about using Capital if you go by Land; quite on the contrary, it involves realizing Capital is an emergent effect of societies (giving it a capital C to stand it out as an individual property in itself), and it has its own drive, and all we can do is hopelessly accelerate towards that drive, like the conscious brain who voluntarily kills its own cells because it gives a rush of dopamine if it takes more drugs.

>> No.10491747

Why can't Nick be considered Leftist?

>> No.10491782

>Why can't Nick be considered Leftist?

He's very much against central planning.

>> No.10491999

Which goes against leftist how?

>> No.10492003
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>> No.10492014
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>> No.10492021
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>Somewhere along the way, we became numb to the destructive, psychotic nature of civilisation, Land deserves credit, if only for reminding us of the chaos that underlies the fragile pretence of normalcy.

>> No.10492022


Left-wing solutions typically involve decisions being made by some central body.

>> No.10492108

Antonio Negri is considered an accelerationist. He's a Deleuzian and his writing partner (?) Michael Hardt translated Deleuze into English. In fact Zizek even criticizes Toni Negri's accelerationism.

>> No.10492153
File: 78 KB, 500x650, timbo slice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Timothy Morton

>> No.10492171

>using the left/right dichotomy for philosophers like Land

>> No.10492172

because his views are far-right albeit idiosyncratic

>> No.10492239

>Timothy Morton
ecofag and Björk fan
but still better than Grimes

>> No.10492299

Yes, but he has a certain inhumanity that reminds me of Land.

>> No.10492371

>left = trannies and thirdworlders
The Russian Revolution was a mistake.

>> No.10492441

can seriously no one answer this man's question, im also curious and have seen specific names thrown about before

>> No.10494174


>> No.10494181

It begs the question, would a "trannies against thirdworlders" movement be left or right?

>> No.10494182

>looking at pictures of authors instead of reading their work

>> No.10494185
File: 103 KB, 885x584, nazis_cholos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right. The right isn't fundamentally against brown, so much as it is against brown people not being in their own countries.

>> No.10494322

Ha, Peter Joseph, forgot he exists. Just checked his Twitter, he's still banging on about the same old nonsense.

>> No.10494430

This isn't true right..?
I can't imagine Land is capable of maintaining personal relationships

>> No.10494984


I'm starting to think the white nationalists are actually becoming a problem.

>> No.10495028
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>Zizek is a crypto-accelerationist
>promotes Trump, the reactionary candidate, instead of Hilary, the accelerationist candidate
yeah, that makes no sense

>> No.10495065
File: 1.04 MB, 1000x492, 1488572127807-alexhicks-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu Alex Jones does a good introduction to Nick Land

>> No.10495272

what does this guy believe in then apart from eggs?

>> No.10495285

neoliberalism is not a path of acceleration, my friend.

>> No.10495303

He supported Trump because it meant the most change. Hillary is more of the same.

>> No.10495336

how is neoliberalism, international markets, regime building and dissolving national borders not the path of accelerating global capitalist dynamics? hating brown people and strong borders accelerates nothing, it's a knee-jerk reaction going back to a previous status

>He supported Trump because it meant the most change. Hillary is more of the same.
how are strong borders more change than dissolving borders and exploding the labor market with people from all over the globe

>> No.10495363

yeah he seems a little like he doesnt believe himself

>> No.10495386

Please my friend disregard any education you received in the United States of America.

>> No.10495415

memes aside, and even if there are different leftist theories, they pretty much amount to "people magically getting together" or they don't scale when there's more that 5 people around

you can say whatever you want of fucking commies but at least they tried something that was implementable in the real world, even if what they implemented was fucking hell

anarchism always turns into a whirlwind of purity tests that lead nowhere, not even hell

>> No.10495418


>> No.10495436

These retards think "neoliberalism" means idpol. Trump is himself one of the most neoliberal cunts to ever grace this earth, so much that even Kissinger, neoliberalism's main goblin, came out of whatever pit of hell he inhabits to greet the bastard on 4 years of unrestricted destruction of human life.

>> No.10495493

the issue is that democracy & neoliberalism is not a good or efficient way to organize power. to embrace populism is to accelerate the system's flaws into a point of collapse. stability is bad. unorthodox and novel possibilities ought to be explored.
not "most neoliberal", but essentially true.
1) state capitalism isn't inherently bad.
2) most attempts at communism have been sabotaged by CIA.
3) anarchism is a plague
4) argument of "communism doesn't work in real life" is misunderstanding the entire point of the conversation and a terrible misreading of marx.

>> No.10495522

what flaws does populism accelerate? seriously does any one of you actually know what accelerationism means or what are capitalist dynamics?

acceleration doesn't mean "right wing" necessarily, current corporate interests happen to align with the open borders leftist policy

>> No.10495586

if you don't think democracy is flawed, then why the hell don't you decry accelerationism as evil?

democracy's flaw is essentially the tragedy of the commons. i will pick whats good for me while fucking over everyone else. prisoner's dilemma ect. capitalism works by the exact same dynamic. consolidation of capital at the cost of values ect. the capital+ always comes at the cost of liquidating some non-capital resource (eg. human values).

of course. I believe u/acc is the ""correct"" path. For now though, r/acc has correctly identified Islam as one of Deleuze's hyperfascist black holes, and action has to be taken against it. I read both contemporary and old Land like I would read Machiavelli.