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10486359 No.10486359 [Reply] [Original]

>Home-library tips from Lovecraft

>> No.10486362

Is it true he hated minorities

>> No.10486365
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What would he think about E-readers?

>> No.10486369

He would recognize their practical utility and probably marvel at the ingenuity of the tech, but he was rather conservative and I imagine he'd prefer regular ol books for their feel and aesthetics.

Also those are all good tips. He had a helluva library.

>> No.10486379
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He gives a lot of good recommendations in this essay.


>> No.10486460

Lovecraft is great desu!

>> No.10486472


"When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger."

>> No.10486484

>Everyman's Library

Confirmed /our guy/

>> No.10486528

HPL is thoroughly /ourguy/. He would have posted on /lit/ and /pol/

>> No.10486537



>> No.10486544

The writing style here reminds me of the "avid reader" pasta.

>> No.10486553

Thinking of reading Lovecraft this year, any tips on where to start or what to buy? I see they sell a lot of his works in collection form. Is it good thing to pick up one of these collections?

>> No.10486559

He'd lurk /pol/ but he'd find them too orcish to associate with them

>> No.10486560

Look up the compilation simply called Necronomicon. It has everything you need. If you want more, there's Eldritch Tales compilation. Together they have every single story he wrote, I think.

>> No.10486567

Everyman's Library is a meme.

>> No.10486571

/our meme/

>> No.10486576
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This is how one author ranks them.
I'd read some of these. See if you like them.

>> No.10486578

It is true I just bought one today because I was not bothered to order online, but if I had the choice I would buy a different cloth-bound hardback, because I am sick of memes. At least it's better than Penguin Classics, Modern Library or Oxford paperbacks.

Also, what Lovecraft said about paperbacks is wrong- they're trash.

>> No.10486579

>I would buy a different cloth-bound hardback, because I am sick of memes.

How are they a meme? They're great.


>> No.10486580

If I ever get a cat ill name her niggerman

>> No.10486599

Thanks, will look for it.

>> No.10486779

He'd suck my big ol |B|enis as I have used an ereader to read his works. Then we would sit and laugh as we shared a drink or two whilst sharing cat names

>> No.10486784

>Get books for what's in them
>in a world where archive.org exists

>> No.10486786


>> No.10486825
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I got this from my local Barnes & Noble for $10.

>> No.10486846


You'll note that he speaks of books being at the ready. archive.org is good, but it takes some doing to find what you want. Physical books, on the other hand, can be within arms reach and are easy to page through.

>> No.10486853
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This one and the Knickerbocker collection are both very good. To those who love Lovecraft, get one of them.

>> No.10488565

There's a cat in my neighborhood that I call "N Word."

>> No.10488664

>inherits a sizeable collection of antiquarian books from his grandfather.
>tells others not to focus on collecting nice editions

>> No.10488768

no, he was just trolling. people these days are too stupid to realize this. How do you think he got his hot Jewish wife if he was a racist, sexist, anti-gay, anti-SEMITE?!?!?!?!? Read the facts people!

>> No.10488782

She had to constantly remind him of her Judenry because he wouldn't stop with the anti-jew remarks. He was often fuming mad when she brought her jewish friends over.

>> No.10488796

yeah, fuming mad as a good joke. He was just busting her balls. If anything, she was a Jew supremacist, and he was keeping her and her friends in check with his radical sense of humour.

>> No.10488819

>Also, what Lovecraft said about paperbacks is wrong- they're trash.
Keep in mind this was the time before mass market paperbacks. The flood of trashy paperbacks after WW2 would have made him vomit had he lived beyond that era.

>> No.10489426

This, I imagine he'd post on /sci/, /x/ ,/his/ and possibly /r9k/ as well

>> No.10489586

Can I just take a moment to say that I love the voice Lovecraft writes in? The flow is just perfect with minimal use of convoluted grammar and few unnecessary filler words.

>> No.10489635
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>the part in Shadow out of Time where the narrator talks about publishing his nightmare to failed effect

>> No.10489637

>buy e-reader
>mass pirate fucking everything
>buy physical for textbooks and larger volumes

>> No.10489866

>not shoplifting the e-reader

>> No.10491420

Most people would think this is the most shocking thing he's written. Weird.

>> No.10491519

he would be an /x/poster

>> No.10491523

>one author

Nice try.

Stephen King's list

>> No.10491553

This is Lovecraft's commonplace book. It's filled with ideas for stories that he mostly never got around to, some quite vague, others fairly detailed. Also has quotes copied from other writers, some of which he referenced in completed stories



>99 Salem story—the cottage of an aged witch—wherein after her death are found sundry terrible things.

>108 Educated mulatto seeks to displace personality of white man and occupy his body

tfw Lovecraft had the idea for Get Out over a century before Jordan Peele

>> No.10491565

>>108 Educated mulatto seeks to displace personality of white man and occupy his body
That sounds like it would've been great and extremely racist. It's such a shame he died young.

>> No.10491647


I don't trust Mr. King.

>> No.10491742

just cause they're old doesn't mean they're good editions.

>> No.10491789

>inherit collection
>realize granpa paid 800 dollars for this book you can get in a different edition for like 6$
>warns others not to make mistakes

>> No.10493136


Shocking, ain't it?

>> No.10493143

>Stephen King's list

Opinion discarded.

>> No.10493144

he's right, hardback books are a stupid waste of space that are a hassle to read.

>> No.10493199

Just ctrl f.