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10482400 No.10482400 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books about human sexuality?

>> No.10482404

A Billion Wicked Thoughts maybe

>> No.10482405

The Eye

>> No.10482407

Definitely not my diary, desu

>> No.10482416
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>> No.10482421

I don’t understand; I took that pic vertically (on my iPhone and it appears straight up in my garlary), but when I post it, it’s horizontal. /Lit help.

>> No.10482425


>> No.10482429

4chan wipes EXIF data now because too many idiots got doxxed by not doing it themselves.

>> No.10482441
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the only answer:

>> No.10482488

Thanks anon, looking for more books like this
maybe I'm a brainlet but I can't find it and I've never heard of it

>> No.10482489
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>> No.10482492

Ah, nevermind, it's a nabokov novel

>> No.10482530


>> No.10482539
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>> No.10482589

what with the use of 'fucked' instead of 'made love to'? thats vulgar

>> No.10482621

Fuck off sean

>> No.10482665

I'm skimming this and i found a neat quote regarding woman's power in the sexual relationship, the power to be a desirable object
and unattainable:

“on the one hand woman is reduced to the lowest stage of humiliation, while on the other hand she dominates.
Just like the Jews: as they pay us back for their oppression by financial domination, so it is with women. 'Ah, you want us to be traders only— all right, as traders we will dominate you!’ say the Jews.
'Ah, you want us to be merely objects of sensuality— all right, as objects of sensuality we will enslave you. ’”

>> No.10482732

Haven’t read it yet but I’ve heard that Sex at Dawn is good.

>> No.10482739
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>> No.10482742

any recommendations on (breaking) loyalty?

>> No.10482760

More good quotes I'm finding:

>This is nihilism, or this is truth. He has to push in past boundaries. There is the outline of a body, distinct, separate, its integrity an illusion, a tragic deception, because unseen there is a slit between the legs, and he has to push into it. There is never a real privacy of the body that can coexist with intercourse: with being entered. The vagina itself is muscled and the muscles have to be pushed apart. The thrusting is persistent invasion. She is opened up, split down the center. She is occupied--physically, internally, in her privacy. ... There is no analogue anywhere among subordinated groups of people to this experience of being made for intercourse: for penetration, entry, occupation. There is no analogue in occupied countries or in dominated races or in imprisoned dissidents or in colonialized cultures or in the submission of children to adults or in the atrocities that have marked the twentieth century ranging from Auschwitz to the Gulag. There is nothing exactly the same, and this is not because the political invasion and significance of intercourse is banal up against these other hierarchies and brutalities. Intercourse is a particular reality for women as an inferior class; and it has, in it, as part of it, violation of boundaries, taking over, occupation, destruction of privacy, all of which are construed to be normal and also fundamental to continuing human existence. There is nothing that happens to any other civilly inferior people that is the same in its meaning and in its effect even when those people are forced into sexual availability, heterosexual or homosexual; while the subject people, for instance, may be forced to have intercourse with those who dominate them, the God who does not exist did not make human existence, broadly speaking, dependent on their compliance. The political meaning of intercourse for women is the fundamental question of feminism and freedom: can an occupied people--physically occupied inside, internally invaded--be free; can those with a metaphysically compromised privacy have self-determination; can those without a biologically based physical integrity have self-respect?

I recommend you don't.

>> No.10482767


> There is no analogue in occupied countries or in dominated races or in imprisoned dissidents or in colonialized cultures or in the submission of children to adults or in the atrocities that have marked the twentieth century ranging from Auschwitz to the Gulag

This bitch fucking lost it. Guess that's what being a whore does to you..

>> No.10482822

Seriously? You can't see an analog between the feelings america had after the events of Pearl Harbor and rape? Like a part of you was used and worse?
Imagine that, but instead of the vague idea of a national wound it's an actual wound. On your physical body. And some gross dude who doesn't give a shit about you just squirted his juices into that wound. Rape sucks. Even date rape and rapes where consent was blurry.

>> No.10482926

>human sexuality
Posts young white cis couple

>> No.10482958

what are some good books about lizard sexuality?

>> No.10483144

Thank me later

>> No.10483160

Brother Sade

>> No.10483246

John Paul II's Theology of the Body

>> No.10483253



>> No.10483339

giovanni's room

>> No.10483484

Tbhh I still can't think of trannies as people, I view them as evil militant pink haired blobs who are out to debase society and impose pozzed su totalitarianism

>> No.10483642

Are there any preferably non-religious books defending monogamy? All I see are the "monogamy is shit"/"monogamy I dead"/"monogamy is a lie" type of books.

>> No.10483656 [DELETED] 


>> No.10483720

Unironically this. Dworkin was pretty nutty, but could still be insightful and thought-provoking. She asked questions you might've never asked and though you're are unlikely to come to identical conclusions, you're still indebted to her for making you think. Also she was actually right about some things. Good book.

>> No.10483724

my nigga

>> No.10483732

Have you ever seen a picture of Andrea Dworkin? Reading her opinions about sex would be like reading a quadriplegic's opinions about running.

>> No.10483899

Shut up man you don't even know what its about.

>> No.10483947

I miss the good old days

>> No.10484044
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bonk by mary roach

>> No.10484087

Like many members of the women’s liberation movement,
Dworkin started out as an antiwar activist and found her way to
feminism when she became disillusioned with the men of the
New Left. She wrote about the experience in Mercy, a book of
“fiction” about a girl named Andrea, who, like Dworkin, was
from Camden, New Jersey, and was molested at around 9,
protested the war, and was jailed and sexually assaulted in a
New York City prison. “I went to the peace office and instead
of typing letters for the peace boys I wrote to newspapers saying
I had been hurt and it was bad and not all right and because
I didn’t know sophisticated words I used the words I
knew and they were very shocked to death; and the peace boys
were in the office and I refused to type a letter for one of them
because I was doing this and he read my letter out loud to
everyone in the room over my shoulder and they all laughed at
me, and I had spelled America with a 'k’ because I knew I was
in Kafka’s world, not Jefferson’s, and I knew Amerika was the
real country I lived in. ” (In some of her books, Dworkin’s writing
echoes with the influence of the Beats. Allen Ginsberg was
an early mentor who later became a nemesis of Dworkin’s because
she despised his sexual pursuit of underage boys. )

>> No.10484097

Unironically evopsych books. They have the best explanations for both vanilla preferences and also what on some kinks are based. They help you get in the right mindset

>> No.10484113

i didn't know her, read some of the pdf; looked her up -- her mere aspect unironically destroys the book entirely

>> No.10484128

Comparing Pearl Harbor to rape is just about the stupidest thing I think I've ever heard.

Raping in a National sense would be like taking Hawaii and turning it into a Japanese colony, and even that's not a great comparison, because the truth is there's not really a good comparison to make.

>> No.10484134
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wtf I hate normal people too

>> No.10484142
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We’re supposed to know that you don’t take it seriously — you don’t live as you speak. What I revere about Dworkin is that she never realized that. Dworkin is hated so intensely simply because she accepted first-wave feminism fully. She blurted naively the implications of that ideology. And that appalled and embarrassed millions of smoother women, who liked the cool, fashionable tune feminism gave their bitching but had never had any intention of letting it get in the way of their romantic career plans.

When she came of age, feminists like Steinem were speaking in the rhetoric of third-world national-liberation movements. Their case was simple and unassailable: women were oppressed, the biggest and most deeply, ubiquitously abused ‘minority’ on the planet. It was a view so simple that an intellect as subhuman as Yoko Ono was capable of absorbing it and translating it into “Woman is the nigger of the world.”

The difference is that Yoko would never have dreamed of letting her revelation get in the way of her relationship with that mangy meal ticket of hers, John. He was the reason she was able to get her 20-minute yodels on wax, baby. No way was she going to ditch him. Being the ultimate groupie, trading sex (let’s just move right along rather than get into what “sex” meant for John and Yoko) for money and fame had nothing to do with that line about women as niggers.

But there were people like me who’d been raised all wrong, who didn’t know any better, who actually believed that Steinem’s essays, which we had to read in our Norton Anthology, implied a code of conduct. And above all, that meant that man/woman mixing was going to come to a grinding halt. It was, according to the national-liberation model, fraternizing with the enemy. People were garroted for that kind of thing in places like Algeria, and Frantz Fanon had told us all how glorious it was that revolutionary piano wire was used to enforce this Spartan revolutionary separatism.

>> No.10484146

Just think, she still has probably had more sex than the overwhelming majority of users on this board. I love it

>> No.10484216

Goin Down in Pussy Town, Harukami.

>> No.10484247

thats interesting

>> No.10485114


>> No.10485164

Portnoy's Complaint

>> No.10485865

Om sättet att tillhopa gå - Carl von Linne

>> No.10485888

I have Come as You Are on my readings list.
If anyone does this >>10484097, check out David M. Buss.

>> No.10485896

Tropic of Cancer of course