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/lit/ - Literature

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10483409 No.10483409 [Reply] [Original]

>“I don’t do a lot of reading because don’t like spending that much time in someone else’s imagination. Flann O’Brien and James Joyce would be my two favourite writers. I love The Third Policeman and At Swim Two Birds. I love Kevin Barry’s work too.

"I don’t do a lot of reading because don’t like spending that much time in someone else’s imagination." - What did he mean by this?


>> No.10483521

"I don't do a lot of reading because I'm kind of a gobshite and can't even get through this 5 minute interview without making myself out to be an awful tit"

>> No.10483527

Why would I care what a soy abuser that looks like a lost member of 21 pilots thinks anything?

>> No.10483537

it's pretty difficult not to spend time in other people's imaginations. do you think he listens to music other people write, or watches tv, or plays video games, or has conversations, or watches movies, or looks at billboards, or observes architecture, or eats food based on recipes other people designed? i wonder why reading gets special treatment

>> No.10483600

The Rubberbandits are the Russell Brand of Essex. Someone with a slightly above average education goes on the telly and makes ever so rude comedy jokes while *ALSO* using big words and talking about social issues and everyone reacts like he's fucking Zisek.

What he means is that he finds reading boring and difficult.

>> No.10483793

Nietzsche had a similar stance when it came to binge reading philosophy. It produces confusion, and clarity of thinking can be better stimulated by quietness, loneliness and great paciente. You're silencing your "self" if you make reading an obligation, constantly engaging in other minds when not for study and, more importantly, self study.

>> No.10483821
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>> No.10484854

literally who

>> No.10484895

Whhhooo gggives a shit mate? Ya retarded? There's plenty of other social media networks for the kind of socialising you're looking for. Get fucked mate.

>> No.10485205

>"I find it mental that the debate about mental health isn't healthy at all in this coo-ntry..."


>"We've got young kids, four-deen, feif-teen, who're on drwgs..."


>"As a white male I have absolutely no place, no place at all, to even complain about a single ting in life because frankly I have it easy"

*audience stands as one and yell their praises*

>"You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to castrate meself, that's right, cut me balls and thingy off to show these capitalist globalist neo-liberal patriarchs that I won't be a pawn in their game"

*audience rushes on-stage and carries him out to a larger crowd waiting outside*

>> No.10485275

OP what the fuck is your problem by the way?

I see you are using the same image, with the same filename, as this post on /pol/


Are you retarded?

>> No.10485549





>> No.10485554

I love that this cunt had to use his dead 2007 era republic of telly personality to foist his shit writing on the general public. Also stop posting him please you're only giving him more attention, propagating his autism only leads to more of it.

>> No.10485641

Ever notice how he goes on about who we can't trust the government and this and that, yet he always hides his face from his fans and followers with the bag, and ever drops the Blindboy image for talk show interviews and that? What's that about? definitely something unpleasant boiling beneath the surface there. I'd say he uses it as a front to distance himself from all the despicable crap he does.

>> No.10485650

I'd say you are really, truly a weirdo who posts shit like:


Take your meds my man.

>> No.10485690

Yeah no, the conclusion I've been forced to arrive at about this guy is that he's sadly got something going on in his head or in his personal life that he's super not proud of, so he uses the mask and the blindboy image to create a barrier between himself and the clown, so he can get get away with justify all kinds of shit as being part of his gas cuntist philosophy. It's only a matter of time before this all comes to be public knowledge, and I'll take no pleasure in seeing him suffer, but there definitely needs to be some bit of intervention here so we get this boy on the road to recovery. As it stands, he's more of a threat to himself and the general public then he'd probably like to believe.

>> No.10485700

He got BTFO by him on twitter and he’s really upset about it.


>> No.10485724

What links are those? For this board?

>> No.10485726
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"Don't worry folks...he'll get the help he needs.."

>> No.10485730


>> No.10486144

It's an admission of cowardice. Somehow who respected themselves on any real level would never say something so pathetic for fear of being laughed aftwards, even if it were true. They'd make up some bullshit like "Ahh you know, I was addicted to Flann o Brien and Kevin Barry growing up, and I love a bitta Dan Brown aswell" or something to that effect, and just leave it at that. To admit that you don't give a fuck about the medium of storytelling in that way, is to admit that (at this point in time) you don't see yourself as contributing anything worthwhile to it. You're just pissing around, killing time. It doesn't matter that Russell Brand or whoever else said something nice on the cover, the point is, you yourself are still shucking off the responsibility of taking yourself seriously. You're just waiting to hear what others are saying and then using that as your defense to assure yourself that what you're doing is indeed good, even if you don't inwardly feel like it's as good as it (or you) actually could be.

Instead, he's going "Ah well, you know, I'm basically kind of a loser who'll probably never do something genuinely exciting, because to do so would be take on too much responsibility, and giving you a half-baked answer saves me the trouble of ever having to worry about things like self-actualization, and knowing how far I might actually have gone, and how much of a difference I might have made, if there was something hanging between my legs other than two sceartaín's and a half melted freeze pop, mr. interviewer, sir!

I know this because it's a feeling I can relate well enough to myself, having brushed aside a lot of my responsibilities for most of my life. Sadly, life, as I've discovered, and the apparent powers that be seem to have other plans for me regardless of what I'd have liked to have done with myself.( probably spent the days lazying around playing Doom and eating too many salt n' vinegar taytos until I grew old and died of heartfailure or wankers cramp)

P.S. It doesn't matter a damn how many fucking podcasts, or music videos, or tweets, or decorative cakes you put out emphasizing the importance of the individual over the collective, or how much pseudo psychology you try to dispense in my direction in a crude attempt to try and tear me down. It's all fueled by the same underlying problem, one that lies exclusively on your shoulders Blindboy - That you decided to attack me, ignore me and then make life as difficult for me as you possibly could, because you were afraid that working with me would mean assuming a level of responsibility you weren't ready for.

>> No.10486426

He's dyslexic and Irish.

>> No.10486959

Well, it definitely speaks to some morbid underlying problem he has anyone. I assume it's a rejection of responsibility, and the stubborness and ego of wanting to exercise your own right to threat some like shit for your own sad amusement, even if you manage to make yourself into a huge hyprocrit, and look a completely mad, and evil fuckhole in the process.

>> No.10486970

FOr any irish guys and gals in the thread, I'm an Irishguy myself who's currently working on a cartoon for the youtubes. I've also been struggling with mental health issues of my own over the past number of years that have finally been dealt with with the aid of a few weeks therapy. I've also been on the recieving end of a fuckton of dogs ugly abuse from the rubberbandits online, and intend to go public with my experiences with them providing my show takes off and gets some recognition. Get ready for some hyprocrit exposition the likes of which you've never seen before.

>> No.10487096

I'll believe it when these hopeless eyes see it

>> No.10487106

Who the fuck is blindboy?

>> No.10487144

sorry I should say over a months therapy, okay not a tremendous amount, but honestly made a huge difference.

>> No.10487296

lads we need to make a comfy /eirelit/ and leave these fags behind I love you guys

>> No.10487304

lol how did he hurt you

>> No.10487336

>Flann O’Brien and James Joyce would be my two favourite writers
I hope he gets stuck at a table between Tommy Tiernan and David Norris. Not only can they sense pseuds, they'd grill him on them like they believed him.

>> No.10487576

Broke into my parents old bedroom while they were gone out to dinner and robbed three months worth of soy products, and then gave 83 bed-ridden grandfather the most obnoxiously self-righteous speech you've ever heard on the dangers of living in the era of social media. What does he do then? Fucks off back under the floorboards with scrawny, imbecile of friend, never to be seen again. Stupid cunt.

>> No.10487582

Being outed as a pseud doesn't seem to falter him at all. There's an old interview between him and Brendan O connor bouncing around somewhere, where O Connor cuts him off pretty quickly before the bullshit is given a chance to seep out, He has no shame. He doesn't care about superiors giving him a hard time, he just revels in his own stupidity like a true fuck up.

>> No.10488394

Great reply

>> No.10488409

I swear half this board are Irish sometimes

>> No.10488417
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>tfw I read this as "Dave Chalmers"

>> No.10489610

>P.S. It doesn't matter a damn how many fucking podcasts, or music videos, or tweets, or decorative cakes you put out emphasizing the importance of the individual over the collective, or how much pseudo psychology you try to dispense in my direction in a crude attempt to try and tear me down. It's all fueled by the same underlying problem, one that lies exclusively on your shoulders Blindboy - That you decided to attack me, ignore me and then make life as difficult for me as you possibly could, because you were afraid that working with me would mean assuming a level of responsibility you weren't ready for.

>> No.10490265

He looks like one of the flowerpot men with that hat and bag mask

>> No.10490318

+exists in another's culture, uses technology, engages in traditions, etc.

>> No.10490524

He literally wakes up every morning and does his best to avoid any and all contact with the outside world. ''Variety is the spice of life'' is a phrase he's never been acqaunted with. He just does his best all day to avoid contact with the fruits of other people imaginative thought. The bag is kinda like a cheap version of a Hasmat suit. Probably not talented enough to afford else. You'd have to wonder what the women of Ireland will make of his anti-feminist carry on.

>> No.10491505
File: 196 KB, 1500x1000, blindboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My generation can't afford houses.
My generation can't afford to have children.
My generation are either leaving the country or jumping in rivers.
My generation are developing into a pile of fat, hypocritical limerick knackers.
My generation are preeching the virtues of maintaining good mental health, then cyber-bulling their fans online.
My generation are shit-posting newbs on reddit.
My generation don't like spending that much time in some else's imagination.

That's my generation, man...


>> No.10491805

''My generation would rather spend their time masturbating to Drawn Together and porn inspired by it, rather than helping out someone with mental health issues'' would probably be more accurate.

>> No.10492017

I'll tell you one thing he'll never do though, despite his best efforts, and this much is absolutely certain; Stop me from enjoying way more creative success than he'll ever know. As if maintaining the number one spot on the irish podcast charts for literally any lenght of time at all was a worthwhile achievement. Especially when you've already got in excess of a couple of hundred thousand twitter followers starting out.

>> No.10492049
File: 485 KB, 525x777, 151165430013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Rubberbandits are an Irish comedy hip-hop duo from Limerick city

>> No.10492095

I tell you, tis times like this I'm thankful my parents aren't a pair of dosey losers who did a piss poor job of raising me...ha? I mean I'd be in an awful Dave Chambers of a way altogether llike.

>> No.10492130

Nigga,you just got Dave Chambers~
It's kind of a new phrase they're breakin' out at the moment to signify a tremendous loss of potential. If you look it up in the dictionary you just see a picture of David trying to conceal his visage with a tesco bag..

>> No.10492136

he's probably just lazy, but i can see where he's coming from a bit. i often choose daydreaming over movies, books, tv, etc. not always, but when you're inside your head all the time, it can become as much a form of entertainment as anything else.

>> No.10492148

Yea, for some reason I literally cannot read fiction anymore. I don't care about other people's stories, I have my own. The only thing I read now is non-fiction desu.

>> No.10492186
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>> No.10492189

You have no idea how bad it gets...


>> No.10492289
File: 28 KB, 800x414, Absolut_Fringe_Festival_Rubberbandits_1380x715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does your man have the shirt off all the time because he think it's funny, because the other guy thinks it's funny and keeps telling him to leave it off, or because he likes having it off as often as possible?

Because whatever the case, it doesn't really do much more than inspire feelings of grave disappointment considering his apparent age.

>> No.10492308

who the fuck is this degenerate and why should I give a fuck

>> No.10492333

He's desperate to signal to other morally superior young Irish folk, like Liam Hogan, they love fellatiating each other with bad news

>> No.10492340

A celebrated artiste and wordsmith to rival Yeats himself, endorsed by the likes of Russel Brand (so you know he's good)

>> No.10492353

Look at that fat pig body on boatclub. What an oinker. Those man-tits are bursting through at the seams.

>> No.10492403

It’s a little unsatisfying but the verb form is fellate.

>> No.10492420

more like boatblob I'd say

>> No.10493033

Wtf happened here

>> No.10493062

"When we read, another person thinks for us: we merely repeat his mental process. It is the same as the pupil, in learning to write, following with his pen the lines that have been pencilled by the teacher. Accordingly, in reading, the work of thinking is, for the greater part, done for us. This is why we are consciously relieved when we turn to reading after being occupied with our own thoughts. But, in reading, our head is, however, really only the arena of some one else’s thoughts. And so it happens that the person who reads a great deal — that is to say, almost the whole day, and recreates himself by spending the intervals in thoughtless diversion, gradually loses the ability to think for himself; just as a man who is always riding at last forgets how to walk. Such, however, is the case with many men of learning: they have read themselves stupid. For to read in every spare moment, and to read constantly, is more paralysing to the mind than constant manual work, which, at any rate, allows one to follow one’s own thoughts. Just as a spring, through the continual pressure of a foreign body, at last loses its elasticity, so does the mind if it has another person’s thoughts continually forced upon it."


>> No.10493145

"I don’t like spending that much time in someone else’s imagination." - Dave Chambers

>> No.10493252


What he reminds me of, right, is there was this one guy I went to secondary school with years ago, he was one of the tossers who dropped out after jr. cert to learn out to fix toilets or whatever, and could not stop acting like a complete twat at all times. But where this guy hadn't a hope outside of manual labour, Blindbags has just enough going on upstairs to be able to record a bitta music and make a bitta noise, but you can still sense the obnoxious shit head who thinks waay too highly of himself a mile away. Notice how nothing he says in this interview is even remotely funny.

>> No.10493273

It's incredible listening to him. I don't how exactly you get to a point where you're convinced enough of yourself to go ahead and and come out with this stuff and still honestly think you're being funny or otherwise clever. The whole thing is just "lol I mentioned arse children, HA, Michael Collins has an immaculate. I'm getting away with mad banter here lads!"0

>> No.10493402

The fact he feels the need to wear the bag all the time (even when he's on talk shows like the Late Late where literally every other comedian makes appearances in and outside of the various characters they play, like Patt Shortt for example) is an excuse to not have to be a recognizable face in the eyes of the public, so that he can keep doing the edgelord routine as an act. The bag is his get out of jail free card to say and do whatever he wants without having to worry about the potential consequences of being recognized in public as someone with a deeply unloveable exterior. Like, you couldn't say half the things that Blindboy says in his 'comedy' without looking like a proper nut, so this makes it so he can stay hidden. He then feeds off the attention he gets from getting laughs like any comedian, but the thing is, the edgier than though shit has barely any staying power as he does it, because he's simply not very good at it. The fellow behind the mask then has to balance his day-to-day living and connecting with people on a meaningful level, with the times of the day where he has to bag-up and say the saltiest shit that crosses his mind, which obviously isn't a very clever approach for long term sustainability when you also lump in the fact that he's decided to get really political too. The whole act is a mess. That's why they're old manager dropped them and said as much before doing so, that they needed to change their act. It's amazing how adamant he is at trying to convince himself that what he's doing is actually worth pushing on with.


He puts out things like this to try to convince people that this is the one and only reason he wears the bag, when of course, the first lightbulb that goes off in the heads of anyone with a bit of common sense says "No wait, I think you're bullshitting us, otherwise why you need to explain it to us in a podcast wherein you are literally the only fucking one speaking, and nobody directly asked you the question, you just decided to fill us in case our minds would wander where you don't want them going..."

>> No.10493538

God this generation is such a waste of flesh.
>BOHOOOO I don't read because reading pierces my weak soul what if I stop being ME? ME is very important!
Fucking idiots i see your corpses hanging and it's wonderful

>> No.10494699

What did he do to you OP

>> No.10494866

I read a bit of his book in Easons and it pained me, it's in the bargain bin now

>> No.10495083

Used to have mental health issues, tried tweeting at them again and again (I'm also relatively unsociable but was going through a particularly weak, unsocial phase here) I basically was reaching out to them because I know they were big into the mental health rigamorale inbetween playing playstation and trying to figure my life out, but they kept trolling me via their twitter. Some of it was really fucked considering his public persona..

>> No.10495126

He basically has zero integrity and the whole 'using humour to prod' thing takes precedence over actually having compassion for people as he likes to preech.

>> No.10495189

Post the tweets if you're telling the truth.

>> No.10495192

Also he's dedicated a significant amount of his time to trolling exclusively me, because to him subversive humour literally seems to mean waiting for someone to have a stance or opinion on anything, and then saying something contrary to that ideal. Waiting in front of twitter to accompish this end is totally par for the course by Blindbugger standards.

>> No.10495215

I tried it before on reddit and most folks seems to think it was all in my head so I'm not doing it again. basically it was whole lot of him "subtely" mocking me by saying things on his twitter page contrary to what I was saying...

I'll give you one example of a really sad thing he did. He tweeted something to the effect of "Why do people always call us comedians? We just write music that happens to be funny sometimes!.."

To which I replied..

"Especially since one of the really cool things about the rubberbandits is that there's clearly a very serious side to them (an obvious reference to the fact that he's so deeply involved in the political debates and mental health advocacy).

As soon as I gave my reply, he then tweeted

"Flash back to however many years ago when somebody from 2FM asked us to name our favourite songs of 20XX and we couldn't remember 'em so we made 'em all up and changes the names! teeheehee!!"

He pulled that kinda thing a few times, but most of it was just him stalking my twitter and facebook page and then tweeting things on his own page that were intended to get my goat. The thing is, it would have been one thing if he was just teasing me, but this was during a time where I was genuinely going through a really inhibited patch (it stems from being bullied years ago in school essentially, I wont go into it) so he was basically incessantly baiting, teasing and targetting someone who had actual mental health issues over and over again on and off for a period of about 8 months, until I finally snapped out of it and got the help I needed. The way I feel now, I can't imagine ever falling into such a trap.

>> No.10495224

I think you have mental issues matey, get help

>> No.10495225

and again, I can easily appreciate how light-hearted and harmless that sounds, and how you could never imagine being actually insulted by it, but if you got a taste of the frame of mind I was in at the time, and saw how impaired I was, you'd realize the shittyness of it.

>> No.10495235


>> No.10495255

It's a Schopenhauer quote that he have stolen.

«Reading is merely a surrogate for thinking for yourself; it means letting someone else direct your thoughts.»

>> No.10495256

Here's that tweet: https://twitter.com/Rubberbandits/status/820048258328383489

But I don't understand why you feel persecuted here. How does their tweeting that relate to you at all?

>> No.10495262

I already said why.

>> No.10495264

Is this you?


>> No.10495270

Yes but your explanation does not make sense.

>they tweet something
>you respond
>they tweet something totally unrelated
>you sperg out and post shit threads on /lit/ every day

>> No.10495275

another example, he implied I was like this dude.

It's hard to explain, but it was just a whole lot of him observing me and then pondering what he could say to ridicule based on what little he knew about me from my online persona, and it got weirder and darker as time went on. Don'lt worry you'll be hearing all about it one of the days anyway. Tis only a matter of time, laddie.

>> No.10495292

He has tweeted about Twilight Zone several times, and it looks like that episode is his favorite:


What's your point? Honestly my man please seek help from a mental health professional.

>> No.10495300

You're in deep shit, David. Make no mistake.

>> No.10495631

>I remember being [in school at] seven years of age and it was before we had our first confession. I was acting the maggot in class, and the teacher who was a nun, got a clean jam jar, filled it full of water, put it up at the top of the class, and then said “this is Blindboy’s soul” and got a load of dirt from a pot and started throwing it in there. And I had to look at my dirty soul in a jam jar. She said that’s going to be clean next week when you talk to that man in the box, a stranger. My dad was pure socialist, he was a trade unionist, didn’t believe in religion. Luckily when I went home, my dad would say to me “that’s bullshit, don’t mind that stuff”. It’s a very odd thing to do to a child. I wouldn’t do that to a child, tell them something mad like that.

Probably a more interesting quote from him

I actually think the two of us are a lot alike really, Dave, but the impression I get is that you're far more damning than I'm willing to be. You must have had a harder time than I did from the teachers in primary school considering the bizarre lenghts you're apparently willing to go to just to put me down. Better to prove them wrong, than right though. I mean if they're still kicking around you've got a great chance to sock it to 'em by doing the right thing now, you know? Proving 'em right by acting despicable when you've be given a golden opportunity to turn the tables is just silly.

>> No.10495641

hard to believe that even back then, the teacher's used to call him Blindboy.

>> No.10495654

Also I did seek help as I already mentioned and my therapist didn't approve of the bandits and reckoned that Blindboy's public image is indicative of some odd underlying stuff. It's actually really sad when you think that my therapist was able to pinpoint that, but the likes Niall Breslin and Brian Higgins and the rest of the Pieta House crowd take no notice of it, and continue to use him as a poster boy for mental health. Bressie is right. The mental health services in this country really are in a bad way.

>> No.10495660

Sounds like you're suffering from some sort of paranoia. There's no reason he'd single you out for making cryptic bullying comments about.

>> No.10495704

There is, I'm working on comedic cartoon and you're an Irish comedian who's carved out a bit of a niche as the voice of his generation, who would potentially see that as a threat and act out unfavourably as a result. The thing is, I'm not interested in competition here, only co-operation as I think nothing but good things could come from it. In anycase, I'm certainly not interested in seeing some make a disgrace of themselves in the eyes of the Irish public for no good reason.

>> No.10495720

I'm not Irish, mate. Best of luck to you.

>> No.10495806

Cheers, bruv. Didjaree doo, Kangaroos, wallabies, shrimp on the barbie~

>> No.10495824

m8, if you can't get over him, you might have to marry him and that's legal here now. just because you're obsessed with him doesn't mean everyone else has to be. i'd prefer to find out what happened to the blizzard of odd than rep of telly tbph, and they're both still >>>/tv/

>> No.10496030

Here lad, you're a bit tapped in the head it seems. Don't like the rubberbandits socialist bollocks and hate how they're held up on a pedestal by young Ireland but you just come across as paranoid and obsessed.

>> No.10496326

Not at all. The level of vitriol and obsession stems purely from the fact that they caused that much a problem for me over an extended period of time. Once I've finished outing them as hypocrits and seen justice done this will all blow over like last weeks storm.

>> No.10496343

you're the only reason it's this week's storm. they're literally who's on /lit/ and you're the reason why they're mentioned at all. you look like you're advertising for them.

>> No.10496394

Maybe if you call venting about rampant hypocrisy and shithead behaviour advertising. That's not the kind of advertising I'd want hurled in my direction if my public persona was as self-righteous as Blindboy's. That's the kind of stuff that get's people talking. Once I've gone public with it, they'll be doing more than just talking about it though.

>> No.10496405

I'm going to start writing to RTE about renewed interest in their act if you keep bumping your shitty off topic thread about nobodies.

>> No.10496433

1. I was replying to the previous posted, which isn't bumping.

2. No amount of letters sent to RTE could possibly overwhelm the fact that almost a full year of my life was all but wasted because Dave Chambers was too busy acting the maggot on his twitter account to engage me in conversation and help pull me out of the rut in.

Why waste your time writing letters to RTE when you can sit back and watch comfortably as "impassioned" statements he's made in the past like this one here are all suddenly being used against him: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/c9/29/0b/c9290bac3fa23251749ddc080bdb1738--keynote-speakers-ticket.jpg

>> No.10496434

Cheese and onion taytos or nothing at all, man.

I don't know what that P.S is about there but I enjoy your constructive cynicism. Keep up the good work.

>> No.10496442

>1. I was replying to the previous posted, which isn't bumping.
MODS pls ban this new fag shitposter until he learns how to operate 4chan

>> No.10496501

Jesus, it's like you feel nothing at all. They'll be hearing every grim and gory detail of it Dave. Don't worry, the right people will be thinking a lot less of you alright. You seem pretty stupid, so I'm guessing it'll take anywhere from up to a full year or two before the guilt finally catches up with you and you fully appreciate how much of a problem you were, and easily you could have been the biggest help in the world. Back to your preparing your next speech there on the importance of having love and compassion for your fellow man, you complete and utter joke.

>> No.10496506

> I enjoy your constructive cynicism. Keep up the good work.

I fucking know you do, sure you wouldn't have a book deal or a podcast if it wasn't for me calling you out on your own bullshit on here anyway. I hope you're enjoying yourself.

>> No.10497216

Show proof of the tweets and not the ones above which prove nattin

>> No.10497253

Are you seriously blaming somebody else for wasting a year of your life? Your actions are your responsibility not some lad with a bag over his head. Jeeeesus christ.

>> No.10497694

Not when you're in need of therapy, as a result of the particular kinds of mental health issues I had, and when the person you're reaching out to is a mental health activist with, is it a master in psychology? In that case, the person in question is absolutely in large part to blame for their misconduct. They should know better, son~

>> No.10497731

I bet you're actually fucking Blindboy.

>> No.10497750

No, I doubt anyone's fucking Blindboy, he's too much of a gross despicable cunt. They certainly won't want to after they've found out how much of an active role he played in trying to sabotage the creative success of someone who's cartoon was some good 'ol pro-feminist qualities in it. You can be certain he's seen the thread and posted in it though.

>> No.10497819

Post your cartoon or at least a tweet of yours where blindboy overtly makes funof yis

>> No.10497877

I'll be uploading it to youtube when it's finished, and then you'll hear the whole story. It was ongoing thing where every single time I tweeted at them he'd snap back with retarded little retort. It's imperative to realize that the reason he was able to keep me down for as long as he was is because I had used to bullied in school years ago, and I was wafting through this lifeless, powerless phase, and he was aware of it, but instead of being nice he just kept putting me down at every turn, until, after literally months passed, I snapped out of my own funk long enough to go see a therapist (something I talked about for years). The way I am now is unrecongizable from the way I was this time last year. I had no capacity to defend myself at all. One thing I remember is that after I admitted to being so upset by what he'd done that I broke down in tears, I explained to him that the reason I was tweeting to him so much was because I was just looking for a bit of banter and wasn't just doing it for superficial reason, like to be seen talking to someone famous, he tweeted something to the effect of..

"Whoa, the hardest cunt in the bar just came up to me and shook my hand for introducing him to feminism! He had tears in his eyes and everything!"

(the cartoon Im working on has feminist qualities in it, and he knew this at the time). Another time he said something like

"Remember now, Harrison Ford was a carpenter until he was 32!!"

Implying that I was just desperate to be famous. He got a lot mileage out of implying that I was just doing it because i was desperate to be famous. After asking if anyone liked the Twlight Zone, I said I did, and he then he shot back at me with, "Oh me too, this is my fav episode here"..


So basically, it was this ongoing thing of me hopelessly lurched over the laptop wondering what the fuck I should with myself, and feeling kinda off, and then tweeting at them because I enjoyed their music, only for the whole thing to just divulage into petty insults.

>> No.10497904

I see. Id like to see your video once its made and after it I think you're best to leave all this behind you for good.

>> No.10497907


Fred Renard is an alocholic mess who desperately tries to get his big break, and ends up throwing himself in front of a car. I'm tryna think of more stuff he did now...

Oh yeah, at point, I tried showing him this:

It's a video about Chris Langan the smartest man in the world. I tweeted something like

"Hey this guy's really interesting, he believes he's proven the existence of god, and the soul and the afterlife and everything. Pretty mad"

Then he tweets an old Eminem song straight away after and goes:

"This will always be a classic, back when he was still a christ botherer..."

I just remembered another one. At point I tweeted to Stefanie Preissner (the creator Can't cope, Won't Cope) something like..

"Is there a special way you can go about pitching a show to RTE?"

and he immediately goes

"I once pitched a show to RTE that was like a VR game, but all you're doing is just sittin' around masturbating"...

Then if I asked him for help, he'd just ignore me. Comic genius. Some shit like that. Most of the things he said where painfully unfunny.

>> No.10499567

Howya lads. Just done reading this!

>> No.10499705

That episode ends with him being hit accidentally by a car though.

>> No.10499707

Dave, what's the 4/11?

YEah but his desperation at trying to win it big is what causes it has I seem to remember.

>> No.10500091

I can hardly believe how much of a huge Drawn Together fan he is, he should probably be writing for the show himself..


>> No.10500726 [DELETED] 

You know something lads, I went to bed sad last night thinking about the fact that people like this are actually allowed to go around making speeches and appearances on television talking arse waffle about important causes and all that.

But you know something, when I woke up this morning and had a real think about it, I came a to certain proud realization; Dave Chambers isn't an idiot, or a bad guy, he's a complete retard, and retarded people do strange, trivial things all the time. What right have we to laugh and point at, or even make fun of Dave? As far as I'm concerned, he's just another one of god's children, and deserves to made to feel like special as much as anyone of 'em.

Good man yourself, Dave boy. Don't let these liars and cowards get you down. You give your impassioned speech on the dangers of using your ipod on the bus or whatever it is that makes you happy bah!

Don't you adn bob give up on your dream of not meaning anything at all just yet!

>> No.10500810

If it makes you feel any better, no-one outside of Ireland knows or cares about him

So that's most of the world

>> No.10501156


>> No.10501171

top kek

>> No.10501192
File: 66 KB, 420x599, William_Butler_Yeats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~ The Second Coming ~

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

>> No.10501202

is that you pseudboi

>> No.10501227

Poetry is such good medium

>> No.10501739

Do you hear me Dave, you can't run, I'm watching

>> No.10501750

You need help feen

>> No.10501758

You need to careen into a spiral of deserved self loathing

>> No.10501759

>some limerick sham speaking corkonian
mortification tbvh

>> No.10501772

What do you expected with the affected portrayal of the Limerick lumpenproletariat, which betrays his own hopelessly bourgeois background and deep seated disgust at the lower classes. Plus the whole rootless millenial globalised suburban hip hop thing

>> No.10501791

to be honest with you, i expected this thread to be deleted days ago.

i would have to think about you or some limerick head to expect anything of you, and apparently i think about 4chan's jannies more than that, and so have greater expectations of them.

expecting anything from limerick except being cold and stabbed seems fruitless, now that i am thinking about it.

>> No.10501801

It's too late Dave, I've already uploaded the trailer. Prepare to be exposed

>> No.10501804

I keep this thread alive you gowl.

It's been all me

>> No.10501807

No you haven't

>> No.10501816

Who has less integrity, you or Russel Brand?

>> No.10501821

Show the video then. Leave Brand out of this.

>> No.10501822

>implying i'm from limerick
fuck off it's not my fault you're born in a shit enough place to live with limerick people

>> No.10501827

Nothing wrong with Limerick bai

>> No.10501833

1) it's limerick
2) it earned it's nickname
3) it's not cork
cop on, even leitrim's better and there's still no proof it exists

>> No.10501837

How can we when he's on the cover of your book (so we just know it's gotta be good)

>> No.10501839

Post the video

>> No.10501851


Fucking Russel Brand, which one is bigger fraud

>> No.10501868

Horse outside