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10480312 No.10480312 [Reply] [Original]

Look to the Future Edition:
>What is your best-case SFF future?
>What SFF world would you like to inhabit?
>What is you favorite SFF aesthetic?



NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:

Previous Threads:

>> No.10480334

The other day, an anon mentioned wanting a story based on (up-to-date) evolutionary computing/machine learning stuff, and I'm kinda interested in trying to write at least something short like that. Trying to decide between something far-future, maybe with an AI "protagonist" and few humans, or something that's closer to magical realism, where those things are being used to understand some initially-Lovecraftian threat. Any thoughts on which of those sounds more immediately interesting to you?

>> No.10480348

sanderfag a hack

>> No.10480378

>It's like "Matt" except with only one T so it's also like a door-Mat XDDD

Yeah, no, terrible cringe-inducing character names are drop-worthy, I also refuse to read Lilith Saint Crow because it is the single dumbest pen-name I have ever witnessed in my life. So stupid a pen-name, in fact, that it actually manages to tell me everything I need to know about the content of such an author's work, thus making irrelevant even an attempt to read the first page.

>> No.10480505
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I finished Gene Wolfe's The Fifth Head Of Cerberus (1972), a collection of three novellas about life on twin planets after human colonisation - planets whose mysterious shapeshifting native race provides much of the impetus for Wolfe's writing about human nature and memory.

The first novella is a comparatively straight forward New Wave SF told in the form of a childhood memoir by a murderer raised in a whore house ran by a Dr Moreau-esque proprietor. It's the strongest story in the collection with an intriguing narrator and curious minor characters, namely a robotic tutor.

The second novella is tonal shift, a more oblique and spiritual tale about the native alien cultures, pre-human contact. I didn't enjoy this one as much, but there are some intriguing biblical and Greek suggestions around The Shadow Children, and the story could be a rewarding re-read.

In a third novella, an officer reads the prison writings and research of an anthropologist who has recently returned from an expedition to native alien lands, and whose precise identity becomes increasingly unclear. Like the first novella it's another piece about human nature with an unreliable narrator - but this is told in a more fragmented way, with shifts of perspective and chronology, and with a more keenly felt protagonist.

I read these after BOTNS and it's interesting to see some of the subject matters from that book in here, in a more compact form and in a New Wave SF medium. This compares very favourably with what PKD, Le Guin and Silverberg were writing in the 1970s, so deserves two thumbs up, and four out of five dinosaurs overall. The first novella deserves five dinosaurs in its own right, but the second is more of a 3/5 story, while the last is a strong 4/5.

>> No.10480529
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What are some Sci-fi that play up the industrial aesthetic? Most modern sci-fi leans towards the Star Trek look of everything being an Ipod with holoscreens and clean, white walls that make it look incredibly sterile. I really like the purely functional, blue collar aesthetic of things like the original Alien film, but it seems to be pretty rare.

>> No.10480534

Webnovels are novels too

>> No.10480541

I'm gonna be doing a lot of driving soon as a delivery guy for GrubHub and need a lot of audiobooks as I'm gonna be working through 80 hours of this stuff a month.

Anyone got some good suggestions for audiobooks with good narrators? or good narrators I can look up and just listen to what they've done?

>> No.10480554

Man you are just doubling down on that autism. Have you ever held a conversation with another human being that didn't end in awkward silence? I'm guessing no.

>> No.10480568
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>> No.10480570

This is tough, because many written novels really don't play up any sort of "visual" aesthetic at all. I'm absolutely certain that a modern reader doesn't have the same thing in mind at all as someone from the 1950s when reading Starship Troopers or PKD.

I'd recommend Heinlein, who tended to glorify the everyday American blue collar worker somewhat. Try his juveniles (especially Have Space Suit, Will Travel), The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, and the short stories The Roads Must Roll and Waldo.

I haven't read them, but you can check out James Blish's "Cities in Flight"

If you want something pretty modern, there's Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars Trilogy about human settlement and terraforming on Mars. It's rather more "industrial" than his more recent 2312.

>> No.10480574
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>> No.10480608
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What is a good book/series focused on knights?
Fantasy elements like dragons, monsters and magic are preferred of course but more than anything I want to read something with knights in armor doing chivalrous shit.

>> No.10480637

If you want the real shit, Le Morte d'Arthur and The Song of Roland, Don Quixote, and maybe The Faerie Queen. Beowulf is sort of a proto-knight. This is beyond "dinosaur" into "trilobite" territory though.

The Once And Future King is a modern (20th century) telling of Le Morte d'Arthur. Read it.

The Wizard Knight by Gene Wolfe is probably the best modern "knight book". Like most of Wolfe's novels there are additional layers of meaning beyond the adventure story.

I'll put in a good word for The Green Knight's Squire by John C. Wright as well; the protagonist wears armor and goes around the modern world slaying fantasy monsters with a sword. It strikes a pretty good balance between silliness and seriousness. The author and protagonist are unironically Catholic though so if that bothers you don't read it.

>> No.10480644

Who is this?

>> No.10480652

Thank you friend, that looks like a very solid list.

>The author and protagonist are unironically Catholic though so if that bothers you don't read it.

Not at all, I grew up in a Catholic environment and even though I no longer go to church or anything I don't mind religious elements on what I read.

>> No.10480657

Russian trans woman

>> No.10480742

>What is your best-case SFF future?
Obviously the one pictured in the OP.
>What SFF world would you like to inhabit?
I'd like to live on Luna from Heinleins Moon is a Harsh Mistress.
>What is you favorite SFF aesthetic?
Dying World/BotNS type shenanigans.

>> No.10480776
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I just finished reading Solaris, what an emotional ride, I actually had to post-pone reading it before going to bed a few times because the thought of it haunted my sleep.
Also read Hard to be a God before that, good recommendations.

Other things I read: Roadside Picnic, War of the Worlds, Farenheit 451, Martian Chronicles, H2G2, Cthulu Mythos, The Shadow over Innsmouth, also the whole Witcher series and some more on pic related.

Any other recommendation?
Also, any good nazi SF other than The Man in the High Castle?

>> No.10480815

>For you patrician side:

Read Book of the New Sun. It's not a meme, it's that good.

The Illustrated Man by Bradbury
The Dying Earth and Demon Princes (both by Jack Vance)
Awake in the Night Land by John C. Wright (and the original Night Land if you're brave, might be tough if you're ESL),
The Cyberiad by Lem
The End of Eternity by Asimov
Clark Ashton Smith if you liked Lovecraft.

>For Witcher-level shit
Chronicles of Amber by Roger Zelazny
The Black Company by Glen Cook
The First Law by Joe Abercrombie
Monster Hunter International by Larry Correia
The Legend of Drizzt by R.A. Salvatore

>> No.10480821
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The Expanse.

>> No.10480824

Either of those premises sound extremely interesting to me.

>> No.10480839

If you liked War of the Worlds I'd also recommend Wells stories The Time Machine, The Island of Doctor Moreau and The Invisible Man.

>> No.10480846

Thanks, I'll get The Illustrated Man and The Dying Earth for now.
Kind of interested in Clark Ashton Smith but I don't know where to start.

Forgot to mention that I read all of these, it's been a while.
Thanks anyway.

>> No.10481012

>Lilith Saint Crow
Dante Valentine was great though. Women gets her cunny fuck by a demon.

>> No.10481023

Trysmoon saga
Wild waste series
Daniel black
Night Angel Trilogy (graphic audio)
library at mount char

>> No.10481031

Metro 2033 and hull zero three

>> No.10481038

Warbreaker is kinda meh. Read about 2/10 of it and just don't wanna continue.

>> No.10481042
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I wanna try making pic related again guys.
List the type of books you want to read (like milf, harem, gri, milf fan, etc) and I will scour the books I read to make a list.
There will be at least one book in each section (might have duplicates...)
just reply to me with what you want and I will put gother something.

>> No.10481048


>> No.10481057

Mortal Engines is trash.

>> No.10481074

Hopefully Jackson feels an obligation to redeem himself after the Hobbit movies.

>> No.10481089

It was good when I was under 18 and therefore the target audience.

>> No.10481201

That logo is terrible but the trailer is great. Have not read the book(s), looking forward to the movie.

>> No.10481260
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Which Culture Series should I start with? Do I need to go in order?

>> No.10481265

new dylan moran is sober and horrible.

>> No.10481275

>Roadside Picnic
Read Hard to be a God, same authors. Kind of depressing.

>> No.10481280

I tried reading in whichever order I happened to pick them up in, didn't work out.
Tried reading from the beginning, didn't work out. Looked it up and some people were saying you should start with Player of Games, so I read that.
Meh, not gonna read more.

>> No.10481282
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I saw him in Montreal early last year, he wasn't so bad

>> No.10481302

not as good as he was. now he seems the unwilling but broken father, before he seemed the maniacal actor. eh.

>> No.10481317
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What's up with this thread's hate for Denna?

>> No.10481334
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Whores are filthy creatures and should be culled, anon. She isn't even a decent or intriguing character in-story.

>> No.10481343

There's literally no reason to stretch an quite annoying plot point (Denna being a prostitute/in a abusive relationship/whatever her problem will turn out to be) for more than 2000 pages.

>> No.10481353 [DELETED] 

True. The real plot point behind it is that he master is someone keeping tabs on Kvothe through Denna. Presumably Cinder (Ferule).

Remember when Denna was high and thus spoke truth she otherwise wouldn't? She mainly said that she's was beaten but also that "noticing things about Kvothe is her job".

>> No.10481366

True. The real plot point behind it is that her master is someone keeping tabs on Kvothe through Denna. Presumably Cinder (Ferule).

Remember when Denna was high and thus spoke truths she otherwise wouldn't? She mainly said that she was beaten but also that "noticing things about Kvothe is her job".

>> No.10481606

Consider Phlebas is a good entry point. Not really sure what this guy means>>10481280 when he says it "didn't work out". It's not as if the books follow the same story or anything, but whatever works or doesn't work him is fine.

Excession is the true best novel in the series.

>> No.10481618

What I mean by "didn't work out" is that I didn't like it. I started with "Look to Windward" and thought I had missed out on some big chunks of the story that would make me care about what was happening. Then I read Consider Phlebas and it had some good bits sprinkled throughout but nothing I really cared for. After Player of Games I'm convinced the series isn't for me.

>> No.10481627

That's fair enough, but you know they aren't supposed to be all interlinked, right? It's not one big story. In fact the most crossover between books you ever really get is one character appears in two of them.

>> No.10481634

>but you know they aren't supposed to be all interlinked, right?
Yes, that's why I started reading in random order. I just thought the first book would make the setting come off as more interesting to hook the reader after I was disappointed by Look to Windward, and it didn't. This doesn't relate to my lack of enjoyment though, the books just didn't grasp me much.

>> No.10481865



>> No.10481886

I feel like I'm starting to get a little burnt out from reading to many 800 page tomes, what are some shorter but great SFF stories? 200-300 pages preferably.

wtf I love Twilight now

>> No.10481893

>some popular things aren't good
Wow, really makes you think.

>> No.10481906
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I pity the Japanese for being forced to translate this purple yiddery.

>> No.10481908

Based Mikey-boy. Cucks get so fucking butthurt over him it's hilarious.

>> No.10481925

>"Welcome, to The A Jurassic Park!"
fucking dropped, he can't write for shit

>> No.10481974

>something that's closer to magical realism, where those things are being used to understand some initially-Lovecraftian threat

>> No.10482002

i am looKING for someONE with BALLS to recommend me someTHING sciencCEFIction that i haven't read BEfore with BIG BIG BIG SPACEships

>> No.10482005

I agree with >>10481974, sounds very cool if done right. Am I right in thinking you mean some kind of completely unprecedented (and possibly magical/incredibly advanced) incident is occurring and they're field testing AIs by getting them to come up with solutions? If so then absolutely that sounds great, but you have to be careful or you'll fall into the old trope of trying to write characters smarter than you are.

>> No.10482008

>big big big spaceships
Dune, 40K, Culture novels, Xeelee

>> No.10482012

bEEn there dONe that

>> No.10482046

I'd like some present day cyberpunk/techno-thriller featuring cutting-edge high-tech from 20 minutes in the future and third world country backward ruthlessness
something similar to a William Gibson Black Mirror script about Mexican drug cartels
or Sicario vs Breaking Bad and stealth drones
or a present day Doc Savage written by Bret Easton Ellis or something

>> No.10482077

Did you faggots block/filter my image? Is that why there are no responses?

>> No.10482096
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okay, what about >>10482046 then?
or at least anything sf featuring a pornstar?

>> No.10482112

why is sf so prude?

>> No.10482115

>Sicario vs Breaking Bad and stealth drones
Could be cool assuming you're talking about the early seasons of BB, the later seasons holy fuck how did they fuck it up so bad?
Also, what you're describing is arguably not scifi. Maybe push it to 20-30 years in the future instead.

>> No.10482209


>> No.10482240

I kind of like what Gibson did since Pattern Recognition
the atmosphere feels like some present day sci-fi, except his stories are usually underwhelming
I'd like something believable and kind of hard-sf but not in an autistic nerdy way
more like oldschool James Bond with a pheromone induced light mind-control/blackmail plot
and mobile phones
and internet
maybe the occasional jetpack or laser prototype is ok but not casual FTL travel or kungfu robots

>> No.10482300

I just finished The stormlight archives. It was literally anime and the archives themselves are mentioned maybe twice. Interesting world, but I hated it. I found silly some of the quirks, like the hand thing and writing, drawing and studying being women stuff except if you are a servant of god.

What's next on my anime sff list? Preferably with equal length or more (I got lot's of free time) and with more RI, not G.

Bitch's got a crooked nose. Also she's a slut.

>> No.10482307

The ending is pretty satisfying tho, but if you really want to drop it then The Emperor's Soul or The Final Empire might be more to your liking.

>> No.10482312

Daniel Suarez does a lot of that style of stuff. The Daemon books are about a AI/pseudo-AI setting up a darknet to destroy the world's old power structures. Kill Decision is about terrorists using swarms of drones to attack the US.

>> No.10482329

>anime sff
The Traveler's Gate Trilogy if you haven't read it already.

>> No.10482351

>goodreads review
>Simply put, this book is awesome! This isn't your garden variety multiple POV epic fantasy novel.
>It's like Pokemon meets THE NAME OF THE WIND meets THE WAY OF SHADOWS
Well, convinced me. top kek, I hope it's not too bad, you're not sending me to my doom are you?

>> No.10482361

I've never managed to finish even 1 (one) book by this guy. It starts slow, for one, and you push through it. And when it starts getting interesting, boom, he changes POV and slows it down again. It's like he's daring me, "how long can you take this before you drop my book??".

>> No.10482384

It's probably the most unabashed anime fantasy you'll find. If that's what you are into then you'll love it.

>> No.10482446

JCW, Count to the Eschaton

>> No.10482460

>war is brewing in the megastructure's tubes
>not looking good for humanity
>magic cube from a human star empire finds the protagonists
>nope nope nope much too stimulating
>blow magic cube on rescuing the dissidents because your emergency services suck
>no secrets of the megastructure for you

>> No.10482461

thanks anon
I'll look into that
thanks anon
I'll avoid this guy

>> No.10482469

"quirks" weren't any sillier than plenty of real life examples, or do you think safe hands are somehow worse than shit like binding feet or burkas?

>> No.10482479

Gardens of the Moon was good right up the ending chapters. Then it turned into Wacky Races or something. Fucking disappointed.

>> No.10482491
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>tfw forgot about Stormlight Archives for a few months, then when I thought about it, it turns out book 3 is already out

Headed to the bookstore right now

>> No.10482516

>Interesting world
It really isn't. It's superficially wierd to be sure, but there's nothing interesting underneath it. The only intriguing mystery in the whole fucking Cosmere he's setup is Hoid and the Shattering in general. I can't think of anything else that I'm looking forward to know more about. Honestly, I think Sanderson's biggest fault is that he's too eager to show his work, combined with an inability to foreshadow efficiently. We already know what Kaladin et. al. will be able to do when they reach their highest Oaths. We know how his magic system works. We know how they'll attain the shard plates. We already know what the fuck Odium is. It's just a question about watching everything unfold. Or at least it seems that way. Again, I wouldn't be surprised at all if he surprises us, but again, there doesn't seem to be much more to it. Because he doesn't foreshadow. He doesn't bait the reader with unsolved mysteries. He does the opposite. He just just exposes everything directly, through the letters and book excerpts inbetween chapters for example. So I'm not especially eager to read the next book.

Take the newest Star Wars movie for example. People are complaining because there's no hook for the next movie. The previous one had Ray's parents, who Snoke was, what Luke was going to tell Rey on that island. All of that. So no surprise, a lot of people went to watch The Last Jedi. The next one, though, has nothing of that. It could go anywhere. But the flipside of that is that people have zero commitment to go watch it. Because there's nothing there they're looking forward to see answered and explained.

>> No.10482519

where my /malazan/ bros at

>> No.10482538

What did you think, if you've finished the first book?

>> No.10482569

I thought the last third of GotM was when it actually got good. Im on Deadhouse Gates now

>> No.10482587

Felt like it turned into GoT near the end. The world building was amazing, I thought the way everything just had to fall into place that way was dumb and predictable. Exactly what I was not hoping for.
Same here with just starting Deadhouse

>> No.10482605

>or do you think safe hands are somehow worse than shit like binding feet or burkas?
Yes. We don't wear only the left shoe. Although burkas are stupid, they aren't just stupid, they are oppressive, and the reason for them is clear as water. But it's okay, it's not such a big deal, I think it's stupid but it falls under my suspension of disbelief.

>> No.10482612


Link a couple of good ones to prove it

>> No.10482616

how was the witcher series? i read the last wish but i was thinking about picking up the trilogy.

>> No.10482618

Recommend me a good fantasy book. One that has good worldbuilding but doesn't waste half the book with just descriptions of it.

>> No.10482624

Started reading the Vorkosigan saga last month. Thought Shards of Honor was kinda hokey at first but it got a lot better around the time when the war ends and Cordelia tries to drown a psychologist in a fish tank. Barrayar was really good.

>> No.10482628

Malazan. I'm this guy
Even though it gets dumb near the end, up to that point it's pretty great, and at least it shows promise for the next books.

>> No.10482638

alright /sffg/ i hate to ask this cause it probably gets asked every thread but which series would you recommend i read after i finish book of the new sun?

>stormlight archives
>wheel of time

ive already read lotr

>> No.10482650


>> No.10482655

only wearing a left shoe would make more sense than feet binding since that effectively ruins both feet. Safe Hands doesn't really effect them that much, specifically the working class who just wear a glove on it, point is different cultures have different taboos for different reasons

>> No.10482660


>> No.10482673

For all its others faults, Wheel of Time has among the best if not the best world building in the whole genre. Excepting LotR.

>> No.10482683

Age of Myth - Legends of the first empire series by Michael J. Sullivan.

It is a 6 book series, first book was out last year, next book is due end of this month with the rest to follow shortly after each other.

The first book is on 440 pages, second one is 500 something pages and the rest of the books are going to be around the same.

>> No.10482695

>waiting for series to be completed
Never again

>> No.10482705

Sullivan's pretty good in general, his Riyeria books have one of my favorite odd couple protagonists of all time, and they usually sell the in three books volumes so the length is good

>> No.10482707

>Wolfe not even on the list
Maybe they don't count him as sci-fi

>> No.10482710


Wearing only one shoe at all times sounds pretty stupid but I remember reading that light infantry skirmishers in classical/Hellenistic Greece used to wear only one shoe in combat for some reason. Of course some troop types went into battle entirely barefoot and others always wore "boots" (more of a knee-high strapped sandal over felt socks), so it was tied to perceived tactical requirements not cultural reasons

>> No.10482720

Non of them really compare to BotNS. If you have not read Dying Earth by Vance (and enjoyed BotNS) I recommend you read it instead.

>> No.10482723

He has finished writting it, there is an aurthors note at the benning of the book which you can read here: http://amazingstoriesmag.com/2016/06/excerpt-age-myth-book-1-legends-first-empire-michael-j-sullivan/

He basically takes the piss out of GRRM and does everything write what GRRM has done wrong.

>> No.10482740


How the hell is this supposed to be pronounced

>> No.10482741

Why is a mentally ill man in a dress fond of science fiction? Is he hoping for advances in sex change technology or something? The ability to swap out chromosomes?

>> No.10482745

Rye eera if I remember the audiobook correctly

>> No.10482751

From the author himself

>> No.10482763

I'm half way through Age of Myth at the moment and I like the way he builds the characters. The way hew writes the banter between two of the main characters Raithe and Malcome cracks me up.

>> No.10482769
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>> No.10482787

what did he mean by this

>> No.10482793

Dorcas isn't exactly that obscure a name

>> No.10482795
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Carrot is a big boy. For a dwarf.

>> No.10482811

The Last Wish and Sword of Destiny are fun reads, rest of the series isn't worth your time trust me on that.

>> No.10482818
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Give me suggestions on what to read after my current book, nerds.

>> No.10482821


>> No.10482833

Go to goodreads and look at the new releases or choice awards section faggot.

>> No.10482838

Player of Games by Iain M Banks

>> No.10482846

>how to get absolutely terrible recommendations

>> No.10482857

>I only read books released 40-50byears ago

>> No.10482880
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>choice awards for sf&f
>Fantastic Beasts and Artemis
>a movie script and a book that most people that voted for it admit is shit after actually reading it

>> No.10482906
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I don't think I'm big into Culture. I tried reading Consider Pheibas and didn't understand much of what was going on. I skimmed through the synopsis' of some of the other Culture books recommended often and wasn't too interested in their plots.
Appreciate the rec, though.

>> No.10482909

Go into a used bookstore and just buy an armful of paperbacks written before about 1990.

>> No.10482917

It's written by awkward dorks.

>> No.10482927
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Any /lit/'s read this one yet? (pic related)
>I think I picked it up while searching for Moorcock.
It reads like apologetic post-war literature. All told I haven't got very far yet.

>> No.10482949

phlebas is one of the weakest books in the series though
the reason I recommend PoG is because that's a great novel while Phlebas is mediocre

>> No.10482952

The Broken Sword.

>> No.10482957

This is what happens when authors actually follow through on explaining every fucking detail in plain language while ensuring the plot is a 100% deterministic, perfect-information set piece because autists don't like ambiguity or being surprised.

>> No.10482977

Looking to get into sci-fi/fantasy, seems everyone is reccomending book of the new sun, what does it do well with that everyone seems to be pushing it?

>> No.10483065
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Maybe another day then, anon.

Anon wasn't even honest about multiple portions of his critique. Shitposters gonna shitpost

>> No.10483112

The complexity of the story and quality of the prose makes it stand out in a genre where most works are written for teenagers (or immature adults) and language is seldom a priority.

Also it have the uncanny quality of fitting literally any description, so no matter what you ask for it's a good recommendation.

>> No.10483124

>>I think I picked it up while searching for Moorcock.
Who are you quoting? Is it good? Post-war apologetic makes it seem like it's not. I'd hate to read about characters crying all the time about oh the terrible war crimes and genocides that happened. Real life has enough of that, don't need to also get it in books.

>> No.10483148

>The Broken Sword.
>Thor has broken the sword Tyrfing so that it cannot strike at the roots of Yggdrasil, the tree that binds together earth, heaven and hell. But now the mighty sword is needed again to save the elves in their war against the trolls, and only Scafloc, a human child kidnapped and raised by the elves [...]
I even like some standard fantasy, but only ironically. Like, if the elves are rape-sluts. Otherwise I think I've had enough of them, unless they are genetically engineered or a byproduct of failed exoplanet colonization after millennia of stressed evolution.

>> No.10483158

Okay cool thanks! I’m excited to pick it up

>> No.10483174

Is there a fantasy book that, halfway through, turns out to be a holodeck-style simulation in an SF environment?

>> No.10483175

Any good fantasy of scifi books with some good romance

>> No.10483183
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That reminds me of Neoquest II rip in peace

>> No.10483204

nope scifi is written by and for virgins so you won't find that

>> No.10483230
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I pity anyone who reads translations.

Pic related

>> No.10483263

Is that the Vestal from Darkest Dungeon's backstory?

>> No.10483469
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>> No.10483490

That's the direction I'm thinking. Not sure if it would be aliens or fantasy creatures or what, but I'll think about it.

>> No.10483543
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so /sffg/ I've finally decided to take your advice and scaled down my story. I'm not ready for something big yet. Not when I've had to struggle so hard against something small

problem is, now my next story is basically just the first one recycled
>kid goes off to learn magic after their mom dies, strung along and manipulated by their magical bastard of a father who they never knew growing up all the while being in complete denial that anything magical is going on even as they're using magic themselves

the worst part is, the hero and sidekick are literally the exact same characters across both stories, the only difference being that their roles are swapped

not sure what I'm supposed to do now...

with that pic? Kingdom of the Crescent Moon

>> No.10483545
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>T-Pratch was CIA this whole time

>> No.10483551

>Anon wasn't even honest about multiple portions of his critique
How do you figure?

>> No.10483560


The first and best advice I can give you as an aspiring writer is that "they" is not a singular pronoun, and you should spit in the face of anyone who tells you different.

>> No.10483572

there is any book that will help me get pussy?

>> No.10483576


>> No.10483579

Contemporary usage dictates grammar m8, not the other way round. (Unless you're French.)

>> No.10483585

english doesn't have a pronoun for that

>> No.10483609


Is "ain't" grammatically correct? What about confused usage of is/are? What about using the wrong there/their/they're or whether/weather? At what point must order be imposed upon the whims of the illiterate?

>> No.10483627

Quantum thief was great, but what about the sequels?

>> No.10483643

can you either answer the actual question or fuck off? This is a scifi/fantasy thread not a grammarthread

>> No.10483646

he fucks his mother and sister in this

>> No.10483648

Perhaps if we renamed the thread to /autism/ both subjects would fit in

>> No.10483670

All /lit/ threads are autism threads

>> No.10483689

Cosmerefag read library at mount char, night Angel Trilogy and house of blades
As a fellow Sandersonfag I recommend these three.

>> No.10483703
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1080, Morgoth vs Fingolfin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did Tolkien make Morgoth so OP? He alone was more powerful than Manwe and the rest of the Valar combined and by my reckoning the second most powerful thing in existence after Iluvitar himself. Beyond that, he had a whole army of balrogs and dragons including Ancalagon the Black who was so massive his wings would black out the sky for miles around, and also Sauron as an apprentice.

Also, why didn't the Valar take care of Sauron? He was much less powerful than Morgoth and would not have been a match for most Vala and even some Maia.

>> No.10483706

It's not everyone. It's 5 dedicated shitposters (or just the original one) who post it to everh request for a recommendation. I think they are trying to make people hate the book.

>> No.10483713

Catgirl pussy?

>> No.10483719
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>> No.10483759

wait wat
if so i will read i love icnest

>> No.10483767

Good contemporary SF--does it exist? Obviously, being contemporary, there will have been less time for the works to reach their proper audiences and for a critical consensus to form as to their merits, but what I'm really asking is: has anyone ITT read some SF published in the last ten years or so that they've really liked?

I've read tons of stuff from the 60s to 80s but I my knowledge about contemporary authors is really shallow. I did enjoy Moxyland by Lauren Beukes and Void Star by Zachary Mason (which felt like a more up-to-date William Gibson novel). I also thought the ideas in Annihilation were good, even if the writing was just "okay" tier.

>> No.10483770

Morgoth was the most "powerful" but he losed to another vala, forgot his name, but he is a blonde viking bodybuilder, he even was chained.
Some would argue it was because he had expended his essence but we dont know.
About sauron i believe its a case of letting the music flow, letting the the sons of illuvatar fight against the evil, after all if illuvatar wanted he could simply wish even morgoth out of existence.

>> No.10483771

I've seen The Three Body Problem recced here, but also read a review about how shitty it is towards women. Is it worth reading if I don't know chinese?

>> No.10483773

nigga its in english

>> No.10483780

I think that that anon means "is it still good in translation?"

>> No.10483782

this is what I meant. I've read some Xianxia, but the translations are usually pretty garbage.

>> No.10483831

Tulkas chained Morgoth.

>> No.10483841

best french fantasy novel?

>> No.10484038
File: 2.18 MB, 1536x2327, NanoshockCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You haven’t lived until you’ve fisted a nun under the cheap light of a neon Jesus. With the material of her full-coverage habit shoved to her waist, back plastered to the gritty wall and vivid color streaking her sweaty, flushed face – goddamn, it’s an experience. Her filthy lips wrapped around words I think are forbidden in the usual Catholic vernacular.

well that's quite the opening paragraph.

>> No.10484114
File: 325 KB, 382x417, cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you juggle several books or do you focus completely on something until you finish it, /sffg/?
I try to focus but I'm a fucking spaz and I usually end up alternating between about 3 books.

>> No.10484135

I only juggle if I'm reading a long series and need a break.

>> No.10484145

can you guys recommend some novels/series that are available in a properly formatted and free ebook?

>> No.10484162

is pic related in the sillmarilion? i get chills everytime i see it

>> No.10484171

Knights of Dark Renown by David Gemmell

>> No.10484265

>standard fantasy
This is pre-Tolkien. The elves are Faerie. They live in England. The trolls are from Finland. The humans are Vikings settling in Britain. An elf-king likes the look of their newborn so he skips off to his castle, rapes the troll in his basement, uses magic to grow the child fast, goes back to the Vikings and swaps it. This is the first chapter.

The elves are rape-sluts, their women embrace the trolls when their castle is taken then mock their prowess when the men come back and they turn on their conquerors.

>> No.10484270

>tfw just read hyperion cantos and fall of hyperion
now what ;_;

>> No.10484276

>new york times bestseller
even mean anything anymore?

>> No.10484287

It means about as much as a Grammy or a Hugo award. That being not much at all.

>> No.10484291

Beyond cringe.

>> No.10484292

That's not true. Having won a Hugo award after 2007 is a great indicator that you shouldn't read it.

>> No.10484293

And contemporary usage says singular "they" is extremely confusing aside from a few isolated cases.

>> No.10484296

Anathem is excellent.

>> No.10484311

>still this upset you didn't win a glorified popularity contest

>> No.10484328

If she's making creative swears then write creative swears. Annoying beyond belief when the only words they know are f-bomb f-bomb f-bomb and "teehee it was very salty you should have been there"

>> No.10484330

>still upset people found out it had turned into a cliquey popularity contest

>> No.10484411

>those blurbs
>praising edginess for the sake of edginess

>> No.10484415

I finished the Blindsight meme, it was okay. I just started Echopraxia, tenth of the way in i still have no idea what the fuck am i reading. What should i expect? Should i dropt it right now?

>> No.10484418


Is this /creative writing general/?

>> No.10484476


>> No.10484501

3BP's translation is of professional quality, it's not in the same league as shitty xianxia
fan translations. You don't need to learn fucking Chinese to read it, and you should read it, because 3BP is a good book.

As far as "shitty towards women", the majority of right-thinking young people in the West appear to be actually incapable of processing their thoughts in terms of anything other than hand-me-down critical theory. You should, seriously, ignore any criticism of a work on these "merits" if you ever want to be anything but a thought-policed drone.

Having read 3BP, I think I know exactly what those "feminist" criticisms say, and let me tell you: every single one of them is the result of a coddled, provincial, stunted mind with no understanding whatsoever of history, or of foreign cultures or language, or of storytelling. Like I said, ignore them and read the book.

>> No.10484721

you sound like that guy said TBP was the greatest book of the millennium and made him "witness the death of the west."

>> No.10484831


>> No.10484842

>>What is your best-case SFF future?
The world of Kim Stanley Robinsons novel NYC 2140
>>What SFF world would you like to inhabit?
Revelation Space
>>What is you favorite SFF aesthetic?
Planetary Romance

>> No.10484850

Babylon 5 tv series
Earths ships are low tech and follow Newtonian physics and have zero gravity unless they rotate
Other more advanced aliens do whatever they want

Revelation Space
Hard SF rigorously applied
N.O. FTL, only 'lighthuggers' that approach the speed of light, star crossings take decades. Hypernauts live for centuries due to the time dilation.

>> No.10484855

Duarte did nothing wrong, Laconia stronk.

>> No.10484856

who made this list? most of it is trash

>> No.10484876

Why the fuck would you want to live in the Revelation space world? What a terrible choice.

>> No.10484930

> Echopraxia
It's easy read compared to Blindsight.

>> No.10484937

The charts in the OP have some issues (mostly a matter of taste) but the red charts are straight garbage.

>> No.10484968

Is The Red Knight really that bad?
The premise sounds like it would make for a fun, if a bit shallow read.

>> No.10484970

The translation is great. It's done in collaboration with the author so nothing important should be lost in translation.

>a review about how shitty it is towards women
Some women are treated shitty and some women behave shitty but it's not a general trend in the book and in no way paints the author as some kind of misogynist. Honestly I'd say the women in the book are extremely well written, there are many women and they're all deep and complex characters with their own thoughts and motivations.

>> No.10484983

I usually alternate between a main book and reading short stories for when I feel like something else. Currently I have a Lovecraft collection as a kind of side book.

>> No.10484996

>Three Body Problem by Cixin Liu
>Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie
Not bad.
>The City & the City by China Miéville
Not bad either.
>The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
A children book but as long as you're aware of that it's not bad.

>> No.10485140

The first two are great, the rest had their moments but I read them mostly for the background before playing the games.

Worth reading if you liked the games, I'd say.

>> No.10485180

Dunno I especially liked the quirks. Wasn't taht profound but it felt good to get reminded how deep can random silly stuff integrate into culture and perception. And chances are there is a legit explanation for it. For example Alethi being extremely war centered and wisdom of the way of the kings being seen as something bizarre/cowardice to them is explained by the thrill which in turn is explained by a powerful spren which in turn is explained by the coming of Odium (pretty sure).

I agree but there are definitely some surprises left, like what exactly will happen to dalinar, how exactly will kaladin be special with all his wind denial and the like though big picture stuff definitely seems sorta boring.

>> No.10485259

Surface Detail was kind of ok

>> No.10485261

Just imagine the possibilities!

>> No.10485263

It's just like one of my Japanese animes!

>> No.10485269

i'm with you

>> No.10485289


>> No.10485320

>As a lover of cyborg heroes (half man, half machine, all yum), I would definitely also recommend Laurann Dohner's Burning Up Flint, Eve Langlais' C791 and Mina Carter's Price!

>> No.10485328

The Silver Metal Lover

>> No.10485339

>Not sure if it would be aliens or fantasy creatures or what
keep it that way desu
overexplanation is boring

>> No.10485343


>> No.10485350

also interested in this

>> No.10485354

rekt lol

>> No.10485356

another rec maybe?

>> No.10485374

I wouldn't go that far but I get where he was coming from.

>> No.10485411

>>10480312 (OP)
>>What is your best-case SFF future?
Star Trek TOS, The Culture
>>What SFF world would you like to inhabit?
the Cowboy Bebop solar system set in the Culture universe, and i'd go visit Solaris on holiday
>>What is you favorite SFF aesthetic?
Star Wars, Barsoom, The Drowned World, Secret of Mana, 2001, UFO, Mad Max, Gunnm

>> No.10485487

What ARE some examples of creative swearing in english? I've seen it done in Korean and Chinese, but it never quite felt right in the translations.

>> No.10485519

eat your dead, cumguzzling thundercunt twatwaffle douchekazoo drizzling fucknugget gerbilfucker

>> No.10485601
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>> No.10485716

at trash pile

>> No.10485720

This shit? No Practical Guide?


>> No.10485727

I'm looking for horror comedies. magical realism or urban fantasy preferred.
yes, like john dies at the end

Any ideas?

>> No.10485742

haven't read it, how is it?

>> No.10485743

Pretty good. Give it a try.

>> No.10485790
File: 68 KB, 617x621, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is your best-case SFF future?
Human Instrumentality
>What SFF world would you like to inhabit?
Comfy times on Gallifrey looking over a planet in the Time Academy if I could get in and cosplaying as the Faction Paradox. The crapsack world in The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch if I could get an audience with said titular character. The Culture also seems bretty comfy.
>What is you favorite SFF aesthetic?

>> No.10485797

>le ebin backtoreddit.jpg meme ;D loloolo
how original

>> No.10485811
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Will it be good?

>> No.10485824
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>> No.10485829


>Strugatsky material in here

Try Snail on the Slope

>> No.10485833

>making up words and world building isn't the most fun a guy can have without whipping his dick out

Booo! You harlot!

>> No.10485835
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>> No.10485859
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Jaworski - Gagner la Guerre
Acclaimed for its prose and its GRI content, hated by prude womyn. Also written in the first person.

>> No.10485967

Redpill me on Red Rising, is it worth reading?

>> No.10485980


>> No.10486007

>What is your best-case SFF future?
The one described by Isaac Arthur's Science and Futurism series, with fusion power.
>What SFF world would you like to inhabit?
The Culture novels.
>What is you favorite SFF aesthetic?
I really liked the aesthetic of Dune.

>> No.10486196


Company Town by Madeline Ashby

>> No.10486262

>create huge world
>half the plot is tsundere drama

>> No.10486425

>be reading The Invisible Man by H.G Wells
>the main character is running around naked in london getting in all kinds of trouble
>tfw I realize that this is my fetisch

>> No.10486473

Hellom I'm looking for a horror book that involves occultism and ritualis (possibly cults etc). It would be also cool if it were a bit older (or very accurate) Thank you.

>> No.10486477

Yes, and it is one of the greatest moments in Tolkien's writing.

>> No.10486480

NO Idea but I agree it gives me fuckin chills

>> No.10486486
File: 181 KB, 2501x675, gangstagangsta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And again.

>> No.10486491

If you like YA go for it

>> No.10486534

Ravage (Ashes, Ashes )
La Planète des Singes (Planet of the Apes)
Babylon Babies

>> No.10486548

4chan GSV when?

>> No.10486554

General Systems Vehicle Anon Always Delivers

>> No.10486555

It's alright

Dude's a chinaman though so all the characters come off as soulless antpeople just like him. Good background and setting though

>> No.10486565

Why do so many agents for fantasy want drafts with from nonwhite cultures or with nonwhite characters?

>> No.10486631

like blue or green characters?

>> No.10486680
File: 56 KB, 537x540, Cosmere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean Crescent Moon Kingdom stories? I couldn't find anything for "Kingdom of the Crescent Moon".

>library at mount char
Seems very cheesy but I'll grab it.
>Night Angel trilogy
Read it years ago.
>House of Blades
>generic MC is the chosen one and has no powers plot
I'll pass.

Thanks for the suggestions guys.

>> No.10486745
File: 19 KB, 158x272, ArmorOriginalCover.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading armour
>opens with badass bug-fighting starship troopers-esc slaying of evil ants
>for like the other 50% of the book it's this dull pirate plotline about some shitty backwater planet and it's boring inhabitants

when the fuck does the bug fighting resume? does it resume?

>> No.10486772

There's a plot line where a female character lacks the conviction of her male counterparts, but it's more character rather than gender driven. It's linked to a greater commentary on the authoritarianism vs liberalism which the novel does very well. I'd say read it, it's kickass and really unlike anything else.

>> No.10486841

It's reactionary propaganda trash. Probably funded by CIA$$$

>> No.10486857

A) non-western fantasy settings are in fashion right now
B) the fantasy genre badly needs an infusion of originality and this is one way to get it

>> No.10486917

African cyberpunk/fantasy would kick ass imho

>> No.10486932

Afro-futurism is a thing, apparently
I've not read any, but I'm a bit of an Africaphile so I'm open to the idea of it.

>> No.10486997

You should check out Moxyland, it's cyberpunk set in South Africa.

>> No.10487043

Totally not /lit/ but if you like the sound of that and experimental hiphop, Clipping did an afrocentric scifi concept album called Splendor and Misery. Way less accessible than Deltron 3030's take on it but much heavier on the afrocentrism.

>> No.10487077
File: 53 KB, 313x500, 51wl2cDL9aL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is with all the anime books these days?
This book is filled with a 6 year old loli who looks like 14, that battles robots in space with a big bunker buster gun.
It's also filled with fox girls and cat girls.

>> No.10487093

have you read Necrotech anon?

>> No.10487103

>spend all my formative years watching anime and not developing my imagination
>time comes to go to college and learn to be an adult
>man you know what i know how to do? i know how to put words together. i can write books and i won't even have to have a boss!
that's pretty much it

>> No.10487135

Anyone got any art work of the weapon Vodalus and co use when they meet Severian again in the last book? It's called a Luvicee I think.

>> No.10487150

Hi fellas, I know this is a long shot but does anyone have an epub/torrent of the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series by Michelle Waver? It was a series I loved as a kid but since then I've somehow lost. It's nowhere near the quality of the rest of the fiction on here but help a nostalgic pleb out pls.

>> No.10487164

I don't remember Vodalus using a weapon. Do you mean the one Agia used?

>> No.10487216


That's the one, it was during the chapter where he and Severian reunited.

>> No.10487291

Really enjoyed Luna: New Moon, took me about a year to get into it properly because of other books but it was a fun read.

Felt it was very obvious where it was going but it was interesting along the way and gets points for being one of the few multiple POV books that I didn't find annoying.

>> No.10487300
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Is this true?
Will it be GoT or Legend of the Seeker in style?
I hope for GoT, shorter seasons with long episodes and a more serious tone.

>> No.10487302

Red Rising is fantastic
The sequel is a bit eh
The third book is a great finale but it drags on too long

>> No.10487311

I really liked Red Sister which surprised me because I didn't really like his other work (he clearly got better as he went on but I think the work always sucked too much to redeem it)

>> No.10487321

First two Vorkosigan books, especially Barrayar

>> No.10487331

Does it work as a standalone?

>> No.10487347

It has a single book story that ends definitively but it's really the start of the trilogy's plot

(IMO the problem with Golden Son was how it timeskipped and kinda bungled the advancement of that overall plot)

>> No.10487348

this is so true it's sickening

>> No.10487349

>>House of Blades
>>generic MC is the chosen one and has no powers plot
>I'll pass.
It's even more anime than Sanderson's books though. Don't worry with the blurb.

>> No.10487355

I love the irony of the sanderson autist finding something too generic

>> No.10487393

I don't remember the name, but it was just some poisoned claws on a bar that runs across the palm. I imagine something like reverse brass knuckles, and then add some tiny needles (hooked down, towards the wrist.)

>> No.10487448

i just browse whatever i can find until i'm hooked by something nice

>> No.10487509

is it really YA stone age fantasy?

>> No.10487557

Very soon. It's mostly just a framing device.
What's the matter, don't like Johnny Depp? His first scene is murdering a dwarf for his drugs and ripping an alien's eyes out with his teeth!

>> No.10487559

Her name is Michelle Paver lad, that'll help looking for it

Yeah it fucking rules too, there's an outright drug trip in the second book

>> No.10487570

is mistborn really worth getting in or its a meme

>> No.10487583

Even if you don't like the sequels the first book stands on its own pretty well

It's the only one from the wave of 'deconstructionist' fantasy that I actually like

>> No.10487640

sanderson is normie trash

>> No.10487701

Personally, I didn't like it. I found it too stiff, the world too bland and the characters boring.

>> No.10487738

Because the author has the mental ago of a horny 12 year old /a/ inhabitant. His other series is a litrpg harem erotica series with fox girls and cat girls.

>> No.10487753

I see this term sometimes
What does it mean

>> No.10487813

Basically books with a lot of gaming / RPG / MMO elements in them. Often with the MC coming the from real world and ending up inside a gaming world.

>> No.10487884


Locke Lamora isn't really an anti-hero.

>> No.10488057

>See you, frog poster

>> No.10488084

Stealing a quote from elsewhere:
>LitRPG is stories where the main character is just a average person playing the author's idea of the perfect MMO, and the author graphically narrates every sword strike as the player farms rats in a tavern basement and breaks rocks for ore. Basically imagine Ready Player One but written by Reddit/TV Tropes and it's about World of Warcraft combined with a early access survival game instead of 80s references. It's Sword Art Online but even more pathetic.

>> No.10488100

Are the Conan the Barbarian books good?

>> No.10488109

Is the Expanse series by James SA Corey good?

>> No.10488137

Is book of the new sun good?

>> No.10488141



they're campy good but not good good

>> No.10488148

I was that anon. Your second idea sounds more original. The A.I. could perhaps develop fear, for instance, which could screw with its mission objective, you could leave that (whether it developed fear or not) ambiguous to other characters. It's quite a fertile theme.

>> No.10488213

Only by Howard; yes. They're some of the greatest fantasy stories you'll ever read. Pre-Tolkien and pre-PC. Even by today's standards those stories still feel fresh and original because Howard was one of a kind.

>> No.10488225

>PC fantasy
Afraid not. I do agree that more originality would be nice, but simply changing the setting and races doesn't equal originality.

>> No.10488325

I am cautiously optimistic. I think that the originality of genre fiction is artificially constrained by the demands of agents and publishers in the first place (whose business model depends on repeating past successes), and industry wide change occurs slowly anyway, so any truly novel ideas that have been let through the door by the current vogue for non-Western fantasy still need some time to break out from the conventional fantasy formulas that editors and, for that matter, readers, still want to see.

>> No.10488355

I'm thinking that an interesting way to take it would be to come up with some way for the protagonists to fool the threat using a GAN. Maybe the threat is itself some kind of AI? Something like the Vex from Destiny, hopefully written a bit better.

>> No.10488404

>filled with fox girls and cat girls.
>harem erotica series with fox girls and cat girls.
*ears twitches*

>> No.10488432

What is he then?don't give me soul stuffing sorcerer
I dropped the series when no hands comes back with liquid metal hands fuck book 4.

>> No.10488900

Because that's what publishers are looking for actively right now to cash in on the diversity craze. If your author is "diverse" you have an easier chance of selling them to a publisher, hence agents are now also looking for diverse authors.

>> No.10488936

The thing is, people who read genre fiction seem to not mind a lack of originality. In fact you could even say that lack of originality is what makes genre fiction what it is. After all, what is a genre if not a semi-formalized set of cliches? Don't people in this very thread complain bitterly if you deviate too heavily from established norms in their favorite genres? The fact is these unoriginal novels that come out year after year manage to sell many, many copies. How do you explain Brandon Sanderson's success? Sure his "magic systems" and "world building" is original on the surface (in that nobody ever thought of that exact configuration of descriptions before), but the underlying structure is the same old epic fantasy song and dance we've seen for the last 40 years and people lap it up.

And if you think it's an age thing, that it's just the older readers set in their ways and the youth crave new things, then you've forgotten what it's like to be young. The youth don't have taste and don't know what they like. The first series a young person reads is indelibly imprinted onto their psyche as a favorite, no matter how shitty it is. There are people in this thread who feel nostalgia for Eragon simply because it was one of if not the first fantasy book they ever read. There's no other way to explain that except young people simply have no taste and will read anything you put in front of them.

>> No.10488939

It's also just a (misguided business logic) metric for originality. Your book's a lot less likely to be a shit-cheap LOTR (or, more likely, Harry Potter) clone if your story takes place in China, the Middle East, "the streets," or wherever else means it's less likely to rely (probably poorly) on European fairy tales. Fairy tales are interesting, sure, but the market - specifically, Hollywood - is tired of seeing them. The bulk of the "diversity craze" was like 5-10 years ago.

>> No.10488954

A lot of these non-European fantasy settings are just ripped from foreign traditions that are exotic and obscure to the western English speaking audience. They're not really any more original than the series set on "totally not England/France".

>> No.10488962

You ever read Otherland by Tad Williams?

>> No.10488967

>TV series
>not HBO
It's gonna be ultra garbage.

>> No.10489000

You're not wrong, but that's more the fault of the authors than the publishers (or whatever bogeyman is apparently funding the supposed "diversity craze.")

>> No.10489272

I guess killing myself is the only option.

>> No.10489284

I don't blame publishers for chasing the money. It's a rough business, and jumping on unknown authors is always a risk, you have to hedge your bets somehow. They are ultimately in the entertainment business and that means chasing public opinion. And perhaps it's not even about trying to tap new demographics, maybe it's just about trying desperately to avoid controversy so nobody boycotts you. I don't know if you can make blanket statements about the politics of SFF fans in general, but media witchhunts are all too common these days so it's best to just keep your head down and pay lip service to the PC zeitgeist.

>> No.10489297

Although now that I say this, controversy has historically been good business for the publishing industry. Anything that gets people interested in a book is good press.

>> No.10489328

Is it bad to write generic fantasy if I have a non-generic idea

>> No.10489338

>Is it bad to write
At worst you'll be throwing more trash onto the pile
At best you'll stamp out one of the gems we get to read for the first time so infrequently
If your writing is interesting it doesn't need to break much from epic fantasy traditions

>> No.10489366

>tfw the 80 IQ shitskins who are going to inherit all of our countries will completely ignore the literature of our age, and in 120 years will end up defaulting back to the Renaissance as though it weren't a retrograde Romaboo fad

At least they won't have to worry about retards like Marx and Sartre, because nobody will know who they are.

>> No.10489387

Maybe it's better to say "different" than "original"

Giving a story an african setting based on african myth doesn't make it original, but it gives readers an experience they haven't seen before.

It's important even if it isn't original. Ideas don't form from nothing, they need other ideas to build off of. Diversity gives you more ideas to build from

that's the thing though. I don't know if the thing I want to write is interesting. It has a lot of rehashed ideas and unadulterated edge, but it has one interesting bit in the middle and I'm convinced I'd enjoy writing it more

I have another idea that's more interesting and relatable, but it would require me to change a part of my vision that I consider fundamental

>> No.10489401

anon, I wish you wouldn't talk like that

>> No.10489404
File: 140 KB, 400x350, 6eb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The quality of a story's writing has literally nothing to do with its milieu. You could take the most generic "elves orcs and dragons" fantasy setting imaginable, and if you told a good story in it, it would be worth reading.

The story is what matters. People who grow autistic about settings and setting themes and HUU HUU HUUing about Elves are faggots and faggot enablers. You do what you want, the idea that you ought to care what some sniveling retarded kikes on fansites or critic outlets think is retarded. You shouldn't care. Find a story that you want to tell, and tell it in the way you want to tell it, and if it's got elves and dwarves and dragons and magic swords than why the hell not?

You're not accountable to anybody. Do what you want dude. Hail Victory.

>> No.10489417

Is Foundation the best science fiction has to offer? I personally like the stars my destination but nothing has ever felt as magical as that first time reading foundation.

>> No.10489424

that... actually makes me feel better about what I should do


for the record, I'm jewish

I guess publishers see that anime is popular and are willing to let in anything that reminds them of i, even if it only samples the cringiest shit

>> No.10489437


>> No.10489443

post your idea or fuck off and write it
ideas mean nothing
cut the edge bits, tell the story at the point you find ripe, reveal the less tasteful stuff through some exposition
just give readers enough to know what happened, use the reveal of the horror of what did happen to some effect

>> No.10489458
File: 259 KB, 600x1010, 3b748221160c40943d24ec736f7a15fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read a great article a while back about pulp press in the 30s-50s and they did tons of stuff like that. Any sort of controversy meant more sales. If something got banned they'd slap a big "NOT FOR SALE IN NEW YORK STATE" label on the next printing and sell another million copies.

>> No.10489569

Yes and no. Don't powet through them they're pretty repetitive. I liked then fine tho.

>> No.10489629
File: 255 KB, 663x474, US_and_Canadian_Weird_Tales_November_1935_Brundage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image related.

>> No.10489778

>read one sixth of a series at age 13
>use poor recollection to shitpost about it 15 years later on a tatami appraisal forum

>> No.10489815

>"The Wheel of Time" is the metaphorically narrated story of a dark, dystopian world where humans believe to possess immortality but actually secretly murdered by the government. Concerned with the course of events, a government agent Number 42 reaches out to a hacker named Number 84 and clandestinely informs him about the killings. Number 84 creates a secret network to let other citizens know about the danger. When the government finds out about their activities, Number 84 becomes their next target. But when officials come for him, they will see something they have not at all expected.
Nothing to do with Jordan's series. Which is weird, considering that
>The phrases “The Wheel of Time ®” and “The Dragon Reborn ™,” and the snake-wheel symbol, are trademarks of Robert Jordan.

>> No.10489974

Get your ass to the NEW THREAD
