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File: 21 KB, 402x350, bertrand-russell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10478788 No.10478788 [Reply] [Original]

Brainlet Russell.

>> No.10478795

Did this nigga come up with a single original idea that wasn't just taken from someone else

>> No.10478797


>> No.10478807

russell's paradox, his most important idea

>> No.10478838

Seriously? Its a kindergarten tier riddle

>> No.10478880

maybe study the history of mathematics someday

>> No.10478893

Yeah, Gödel's findings are among the greatest if not the greatest mathematical discovery in the 20th century. That's not a joke.

>> No.10478896

God, no.

>> No.10478902

Dude nobody lives long enough for that shit

>> No.10479155

neck yourself pleb

>> No.10479219

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Russell The Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story the Logicians would tell you. It’s a Continental legend. Russell was a Master of the Logicians, so powerful and so wise he could use Logic to derive Mathematical Truths… He had such a knowledge of Logic that he could even prove the naivety of Frege's set theory. Logic is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught Godel everything he knew (through Moritz Schlick), then Godel killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from naive mathematical constructions, but not himself.

>> No.10479233

Wittgenstein should have been his apprentice
7/10 for effort

>> No.10479240

Say something of substance or gtfo

>> No.10479241

I thought about it, but Wittgenstein doesn't kill him.

>> No.10479251

In that case Wittgenstein has to be Anakin

>> No.10479254

defending this bullshit thread.

how about you gtfo

>> No.10479285

seriously who invented this "HURR Russell was dumb he sux XDDDD" bullshit?

>> No.10479305

Is it possible to learn this power?

>> No.10479311


>> No.10479319


>> No.10479335

When people realized he was a hack that took credit for the work of other men and got away with it because it was politically convenient for English academia to play along. Meanwhile any earnest individual thoughts he had were either pathetically simple or outright ludicrous

>> No.10479927


>> No.10479998

Wittgenstein killed his ability to do serious philosophy

>> No.10480036

Why does Bertrand Russell get so much hate compared to like Mill or Carnap??

>> No.10480055

Because they were at least competent at their stupid projects

>> No.10480063

Mill is the furthest thing from competant desu

At least Russell had his work on logic math and denoting

>> No.10480066

The dude gets shat on disproportionately because he had some crappy social and political views and shat out a dodgy history of philosophy to pay the bills.

You will almost never see people taking apart his views on analytic philosophy

>> No.10480071
File: 10 KB, 300x243, Wittgenstein2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will almost never see people taking apart his views on analytic philosophy

>> No.10480129

Exactly my point, only an image almost certainly based off of anecodotes about the russel and Wittgenstein relationship.

>> No.10480149

he did fuck him up in the Tractatus (Russell didn't even realize this)

The Russell-bashing here was kind of funny but it got ridiculous when people here who know next to nothing about him that go around acting like he was the worst thing to happen to western thought

>> No.10480155

Wittgenstein getting Russell to write an intro to his Tractatus is like getting a judge to sign the warrant for his own arrest

>> No.10480157

It's so funny how Russell didn't get any of it and thought that Wittgenstein was just regurgitating his ideas in a fancy form

>> No.10480163

I wish I was there when Deleuze and Guattari tried to defend Anti-Oedipus to Lacan's face

>> No.10480164

I think he's just better known due to the "russell's teapot" line found in the nu-atheist movement

>> No.10480170

Except that came after he gave up doing serious philosophy

>> No.10480172

I didn’t mean to say that he didn’t it’s only that these criticisms aren’t discussed here outside of memes and anecdotes

>> No.10480178

I'm convinced that 99% of the people here who bring up Wittgenstein haven't actually read him

>> No.10480191

how do I find out more about this encounter

>> No.10480195

I'm trying to find a source on it. Apparently Lacan almost got physically violent when he realized what the point of it was

>> No.10481316

I know I haven't

>> No.10481733

I have

>> No.10481761

Lacan was a real nigga

>> No.10481798
File: 155 KB, 500x502, popshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi redd*t

>> No.10481805

He (?) didn't publish an article in buzzfeed to influence a political issue, he just made an anonimous post to mock a famous philosopher.

>> No.10481824


>> No.10481839
File: 10 KB, 179x219, fart_fetishist_extraordinaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I am physically unable to talk about real world issues without correlating it to advanced level "scholar" media because I'm so disconnected from reality that I need to use scholarly culture as a motivator to care about anything.

>This is what academia wants.

>Please buy Finnegans Wake