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/lit/ - Literature

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>> No.10479213

Interested to see the results. Hope they are plentiful and varied.

>> No.10479216

always nice to see reddit and discordfags posting shit no one cares about. Keep up the good work!

>> No.10479256

where are the results?

>> No.10479294

You obviously care so much about it that this upsets you, you fucking faggot.

>> No.10479304

he can't recover from this.

>> No.10479306


>> No.10479324

he cares about the post containing the thing he doesn't care about, that's all

>> No.10479371

I like the idea of these lists, but I wonder if we have even elected 100 books so far.
Maybe it just feels more prestigious, but the idea of a top 100 list of books for this board containing a bottom couple of rows with books that have only 2-4 votes seems to play against the idea of a list of "top books". But that's probably just my hang up with the idea, and not really a fault with the list. That could be where a lot of the coolest books live on the list, now that I think about it.

>> No.10479677

So far everything in the top 100 has at least three votes, and there‘s 23 hours left. I’m not expecting more than 10 books in any one tiebreaker.

>> No.10479687

Looks like it’s actually at least four now.

>> No.10479948

This isn't unusual, 2016 had 5 votes per book on the bottom rows

>> No.10479962

ah, good to know!

>> No.10479967

is this supposed to be be best books we read that came out in 2017? or just best period? because i aint read shit that came out last year

>> No.10479974

your favorite books, as of 2017

>> No.10480017

>Winnie the Pooh in second place

is this a meme or did a lot of people on /lit/ read this as kids

>> No.10480024

it has been spammed. not legit.

>> No.10480040

>book 1,2,3,4,5 are separate tallies

the fuck?

>> No.10480048

don't vote for the same book 5 times.

>> No.10480052

2 thing to remember OP or whoever is making the chart:

1.Include the vote counts at the bottom as to verify the chart's credibility
2.make a watermarked “sample” version to check for errors before releasing the final version

>> No.10480093
File: 2.32 MB, 2474x6437, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the sample I’ve been using for formatting. I’ll set up the email to autoreply with vote collection link and the files used in formatting.

Reminder that voting closes in 20 hrs. It’s around 400 votes/300 good ones, so I’m pretty sure we’ve fallen in users from last year(as evidenced by the lack of a actual discussion these days).

>> No.10480103

Make sure covers are the same size.

>> No.10480112

They’re the same height, but some are different aspect ratios. The same happened to the other ones.

>> No.10480114

i think that is fine, their original aspect ratio is better to preserve.

>> No.10480151

books we read in 2017 or that came out in 2017?

or just best books?

OP I feel your laissez-faire attitude to your post left a LOT to be desired. I can only hope you learn from what was a pretty serious error.

>> No.10480168

>lazy critic misses answer to his own question because he doesn't bother to read the thread
wow can't believe it

>> No.10480187

Anon trying to use french loanwords you don't understand just makes you look dumb, don't do it

>> No.10480212
File: 1.22 MB, 1252x1927, proust_845p94oa_v1_cover_copy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a suggestion: you should go with first editions, or cleaner covers, whether they're in another language or not, considering you have the author and book in text already; older editions usually have clean covers which makes the chart look cleaner, and those modern covers don't look good except by themselves, likely due to marketing.

>> No.10480279

>Lolita with glasses better than Lolita with legs
Even Nabokov admits it was a hack job in comparison

>> No.10480346

>41 hits on Bible

I find this so strange

>> No.10480355

slightly off topic but there's lots of references to 'London Pepe' in the best meme bit.

I haven't been on /lit/ long...what is this?

>> No.10480371

cover page =/= cover

>> No.10480375

I think just less people voted because of the controversy over this particular poll.

>> No.10480383
File: 3.46 MB, 1820x4348, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m just going for the one I like the most individually. I’m open for suggestions tho. If you want to suggest covers, feel free to put a link in the “covers go here” sheet at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QVUneg8EeFVZMEuEYfR8NYou_et6DUoRnjQDijoJe7c/edit?usp=sharing

I think it’s more recognisable, and I’ve had just as many people agree as disagree so far. If this thread has a clear opinion I’ll change it.

>> No.10480386

it was really the fake 2017 poll that took it out of everyone

>> No.10480478

That's how many votes the older polls had after a week. If anything this one is swollen with spam.

>> No.10480480

It was an /r9k/ loser (or someone pretending to be one) who would post every sunday about how pathetic he was living in london. he would use a pepe. The far superior counter meme was Oxford posting, where someone posted about how great his life was at oxford.

>> No.10480543

1. memoir anon
2. london frogposter
3. oxfordfag
don't @ me

>> No.10480576

So far the memes with at least two votes are:
Bugs 62
Infinite Jest 14
Peterson 11
Diary 10
Milk and Honey 10
Culture of Critique 8
The Tiger 6
/pol/ 6
greeks 5
Ready Player One 5
Cat Person 4
london 3
Rupi Kaur 3
bible 3
Thoth 2
jezebel 2

I'm very disappointed in the lack of Oxford anon. He was the true hero of 2017.

>> No.10480584

Looks warm and comfy

>> No.10480594

he lasted less than a week, it would have been easy to miss him desu

>> No.10480643

Wbo was Oxford Anon?

>> No.10480661
File: 84 KB, 799x595, camfam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a huge pleb

>> No.10480759


>> No.10480841

I think people vote for the books they want to see on /lit/’s top 100 rather than their actual faves to be honest desu

>> No.10480977

Reminder that the poll’s closing in 12 hours. I would’ve run it longer, but it’s barely a 2017 poll as is.

>> No.10481346

Your unique responses sheet still has duplicates (233)

>> No.10482103

that 2018 thread isn't you?

>> No.10482370

>no lolita
prob the /lit/cord faggots again

>> No.10482652

>yes lolita
literally /tv/-tier

>> No.10482776

me too

>> No.10482915

Put your working out in that covers go here sheet.

No. I’m calling this one 2017, and I’ll get started on a 2k18 one at a better time next year.

>> No.10483472

just voted phew

>> No.10483488

Shut the form. It’ll take me about half an hour to prep the tiebreakers.

>> No.10483808

is everyone hyped?

>> No.10483820

I just got banned from reddit and I'm super hyped.

>> No.10483849

im hyped 2 see the truth of 2017

>> No.10483917
File: 1.14 MB, 1000x1588, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably worth making sure I post >>10483778 here.