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/lit/ - Literature

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10468007 No.10468007[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does /lit/ seem to hate STEMfags so much? I understand that going to college for computers instead of literature would probably be less interesting BUT I don't see anything wrong with the subsequent career path. Why wouldn't you want to work on computer stuff as a job, similar to mechanics working on cars, and then read and enrich yourself in free time? Technology is omnipresent now and there's much more careers to be had there than in teaching philosophy to college freshman that don't care.

tl;dr convince me why I shouldn't go to school for CompSci

>> No.10468008

You should.

t. EE grad

>> No.10468018

compsci is like the sociology of STEM
don't do it retard

>> No.10468036

I don't really hate STEM, is usually a few oafs STEMfags that go around "ye will get no money!!! Xd" the ones who spread tha hatred. I think going to STEM just for the sake of money is dumb, I know people that with sociology mayors live middle upper class lifes. Is all about the contacts.
The last time I got an uber the driver was an engi.

>> No.10468042
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What might I do instead? Basically my point is that I want to just read books and stuff for my own enjoyment and do something with computers for a career because I'm too autistic for anything else

>> No.10468071

>Why wouldn't you want to work on computer stuff as a job, similar to mechanics working on cars, and then read and enrich yourself in free time?

Because computers and cars are boring. Once I learned to build my on computers I lost all interest in anything related to it. I have never felt exited about how "wow that car is nice bro" or about how the engine sounds. As longs as it works is fine.
But hey man if you like it thats fine, no need to come to the literature boards to make an non-literature thread about it.

>> No.10468074

we had comp. engineering at my uni as an offshoot from comp sci. or combine it with a math minor and go the security route

>> No.10468281

Well I jumped ship from architecture school to mech eng. Although the archi students were huge pretentious lefty artsy fartsy fags with no substance, the idiots in engineering managed to be somehow more annoying. Maybe I'm just retarded and can't deal with people but that's my experience. Hate for the stemfags is justified.

>> No.10468348
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>tfw STEM fag
>tfw ywn find a qt /lit/ engineer friend who you can mock brainlets, discuss maths and lit and drink beer with
>tfw ywn have any friends, actually

>> No.10468350

>Maybe I'm just retarded and can't deal with people but that's my experience.
Nah, Engineering fags are really annoying. The most nice people I met in STEM are from Geology and Chemistry department.

>> No.10468365

Computer engineer here, don't do it
I wish I went to the conservatory instead

>> No.10468369

Mechanics hate working on their own cars. Auto detailers most often get grey cars because they don't show dirt for similar reasons. Don't make your hobby your job.

>> No.10468396

I don't hate STEM, because I am a grad student (genetics). I think there are some problems in the culture, some bad paradigms, some unfair biases, but by and large my colleagues are well-balanced, down to earth folks. On average, they're better-read than most people outside academia.

>> No.10468672
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bumpan for more input

>> No.10468679

I agree, it's a really good book.

>> No.10468701

Knowledge is a dangerous thing and the world and the human condition within that world are disproportionately fragile compared to what a few thousand or million overzealous retards with uncertain knowledge and overcertain convictions can do to them. To someone with a philosophical or metaphysical sensibility for how difficult certainty really is to come by, or any knowledge of the history of science, STEMfags look like a bull in a china shop.

It's not that they are wrong on a few key things, it's that they have the conceptual sophistication of a child and there isn't even any way to teach them anything. They are so far gone down a path of stupidity, paved with incorrect axioms and getting wronger with every step, that helping them would require deprogramming their entire worldview from the ground up. And they don't even want to be deprogrammed, because, also like children, they're filled with enthusiasm to apply their broken ideas to reality, and those broken ideas are incidentally very effective at generating self-referential and circular feedback, that is, proving themselves "correct" as a foregone conclusion.

If STEMfags were just flat wrong about one or two things, the instinct would be to correct them. The problem is that they're tangled heaps of wrongness, who also want to destroy the entire planet. I don't disagree with them ideologically because that would imply they have an ideology. They are just the useful idiots of a few diseased and long debunked ways of visualizing the universe, views that perpetuate themselves like a virus by preying on the intellectually weak and lazy. Scientism is an historic bloc that reproduces itself so that it can reproduce itself, and brings all its debunked and dangerous epistemes along for the ride.

>> No.10468767

Is this pasta or are you just that retarded?

>> No.10468862

at least half of us are in STEM

its just that scienceniggers (who probably have no formal education in STEM anyways) tend to come here and give us their retarded opinions on literature and philosophy and shit

>> No.10468864


This, but unironically

>> No.10468872

If you think you'd like to do stem then do stem, it's easier to switch from stem to humanities then the other direction.

>> No.10468887


'STEM' isn't about education, it's about job training and career. A STEM graduate does not have an education but mistakenly believes that he does.

Education for the sake of education is an entirely different thing, and involves the study of grammar, rhetoric, logic, literature and history.

>> No.10468900
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I'm in STEM, 99% of us are insufferable even when it comes to science, just take a look at /sci/.

>> No.10468905

>he thinks he's educated
>he hasn't studied pure mathematics

>> No.10468925

I don't like STEMfags on this board because 99% of the time literature is wasted on them. Most of them see literature through a utilitarian lens and if they can't "get something out of it" they don't see the point. Invariably what they "get out" of literature has to be something of material or immediate value. Most of them do not even like fiction and merely see it as a means to an end.

Basically STEMfags are perpetually trapped in their own experience. Anything that does not in some way connect back to their limited view of reality is deemed irrelevant.

>> No.10468945

I personally hate stem kids because in my own experience, all the one step I know are some variation of:

>lmfao you didn’t major in stem?? Not smart enough or do you just not like money?
>meanwhile they scrape by with Bs and Cs while studying 10 hours every day
>brags about $60k starting and $100k mid career salaries

Again, just the ones I know are very short sighted and willing to do mundane work/study for long hours because they think sixty grand is good.

I’m just a lowly economics major though

>> No.10468949

I studied English literature in college, graduated with a BA in English and Creative Writing. I work as a computer programmer now. STEMfags vastly overrate how difficult their fields are, imo. If you are capable of analytical reasoning and are self-motivated you can easily master the requirements of most STEM jobs.

>> No.10468968

h-how do i make friends in college im a junior and only have two and I’m their only friends as well

>> No.10468981

I'm equally interested in "humanities" and "sciences"/STEM, and I always have been. It's perfectly possible to be passionate about both things.
They're not enemies! Anyone who tries to make it seem that they are is selling people a load of shit.

>> No.10468994

They themselves are not. But the fag sperg redditors in either camp are enemies. Why does no one just worry about themselves desu

>> No.10469031

I'm in STEM but I wish I was studying literature

>> No.10469038

I'm STEMfag and I have to admit that I find my mates totally annoying. They are basically reddit tier. They just follow the concepts promoved by mass media and they unironically believe that they are destroying the prevailing order in the process. Technological progress, liberalism, atheism, scientism are like holy concepts to them. They never question their assumptions and however they shit on christian zealots for the same reason.

"fucking christians, I fucking love science xD, star wars is the best film ever made xdd, nerd power"

>> No.10469056
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pic related

>> No.10469062

A practical choice for working and middle class people.

>> No.10469065
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imo, Technical progress is satanic and computer programmers are witches who will get their due when the Revolution comes. STEMfags are servile technocapital cultists who actively relish debasing humanity and making the world a shittier place, to the wall with them all I say

>> No.10469073

you are both wrong. Computer science is much more interesting degree than any humanities. Programming is satisfying and opportunities are exciting, also theory of computing and formal logic WILL help you in life and in appreciating literature at higher level than "muh feelz". Study CompSci, read in free time
economics is trash tho, no wonder why you feel inferior

>> No.10469114

see >>10468900

>> No.10469128

See this is that arrogant perspective people hate. You assume that because you do something involving technology it magically gives you amazing analytical skills and reading comprehension. It doesn't though. In fact CompSci majors are notoriously bad at both reading and writing in my experience.

>> No.10469138

If you are genuinely asking 4chan for advice in education and subsequent career paths, you clearly are not ready for post-secondary education.

>> No.10469145

You’re a true alpha male lmfao

>> No.10469148

>The last time I got an uber the driver was an engi.
Like you said, dude was def in it for the money. After work he probably drove uber for extra dough

>> No.10469149
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tfw didn't study and got a 156, 155, 5.5

>> No.10469150

>I'm in STEM, 99% of us are insufferable even when it comes to science, just take a look at /sci/.
When I think of my peers, I do not think of /sci/. Perhaps you shouldn't either.

>> No.10469165

Unironically those were my exact scores and I didn’t study. I’m also an agricultural science major :-)

>> No.10469180

godspeed, bro. English/Finance here.

>> No.10469197

I just assumed the gre was like the ACT which I also didn’t prepare for. It was easier tbqh. Standardized tests really show you how retarded the average person is

>> No.10469208

it really was. The math is high school stuff, which by the second section I had remembered. After getting out of my test I looked at the writing samples from ETS and my god.

>> No.10469223

Yeah you and I are way smarter than everyone else
Heh... see you on the other boards kid

>> No.10469263

The true redpill is that 90% of jobs will be nothing more than slavery. Do something you enjoy, and live simply in a small town to be self reliable. Get into permaculture, in a couple years you'll no longer need to buy food, plus it isn't as work intensive as regular farms. You'll have free time to do what you love and raise kids

>> No.10469268
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Ouch. I can't think of a single thing to refute this. You pretty much articulated everything that I feel but have never taken the time to write out. Maybe I really shouldn't get into STEM.

>> No.10469277

Reminds me of the movie Paterson. Tfw in too deep to live simply

>> No.10469283

maybe, but if you write a program and and you make mistake it wont work. Even worse if you write code at the exam, cant compile, cant check if it work. You must think what you do. Go to english degree, shit out whatever fancy word about fashionable subject, bam, you are certified barista with thesis on joyce, or another english-speaking hack, you condescending, anglo-phille, americunt faggot. I bet you dont know shit about european literature, or poetry, you just parrot whatever /lit/ says, trying to impress girls by namedropping joyce or plato, even if your knowledge about them is shallow at best. You fucking cunt, soulless idiot, i bet i am much more eloquent and well-read than you. I know 3 languages i read every day, i lift, i write alghorithms in C++. You do nothing of it, you just read memes and fill your empty head with worthless alt-right, "red-pill" garbage. You little bitch

>> No.10469294
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This is it, this is exactly why they piss me off so much.

>> No.10469308

He's right you know

>> No.10469314

Hello plebbit

Please leave

>> No.10469317

>convince me why I shouldn't go to school for CompSci
Because CompSci is a massive joke to everyone. It's not even science to STEM, and unimportant monkey work to Humanities. I've yet to meet anyone in CompSci that wasn't either an autistic sperg who was too retarded to become a mathematics major or some complete pussy who never made a real decision in their life so they just fell into CompSci as the logical degree for other indecisive spineless losers.

>> No.10469333
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Never go full retard, anon.

>> No.10469341

>Engineering degree --> philosophy degree
I made the 180° switch

>> No.10469349

The upside of a compsci degree is the large number of job openings for people who can program. A lot of STEM degrees don't result in guaranteed employment anymore.

>> No.10469351

From employment to unemployment?

>> No.10469363

Honestly this is all I'm concerned about. I don't want to go through the rigmarole of college just in hopes that maybe I'll get a job afterwards.

>> No.10469368

Stop making excuses.

>> No.10469371

The fields might be completely appart but when it comes to employment it actually goes full curcle.
I am back at the top of the circle of salary and employment.

>> No.10469590

Sociology is an extremely important science and abandoning it to the leftists has been another blunder for idiotic conservatives, who all deserve to get waterboarded for their intellectual sloth.

>> No.10469596

>Computer science is much more interesting degree than any humanities.

>> No.10469639
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>can't get good job without degree and contacts
>can't get contacts without degree
>interested in literature and philosophy but dont want to make it my job
>STEM sucks, evidently

What in the world should I go to college for then??

>> No.10469650

And then English major strugle with Calc I while engenieering majors pass their humanities electives with the tips of their dicks. But hey at least the former got educated lol

>> No.10469672
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take the red pill

it wasnt sloth

>> No.10469685


Something you're already good at

>> No.10469694

What job should I do if I'm good at reading

>> No.10469705


Proofreader, editor, analyst

>> No.10469713

I have a masters in materials science and work as an engineer making big money. I read as a hobby.
It's OK to take care of both your physical and mental needs.

>> No.10469720

No, it really was sloth, conservatives basically abandoned the social sciences in favor of "objective" disciplines like economics and business shit. When was the last great sociology book written by a conservative? I hate the kikes as much as you man, but we must be a little more intellectual with our anti-semitism.

>> No.10469728

Now, I won't say comp-sci is an inherently bad field or major, but if you are considering majoring in it right now, know that you will have to deal with some of the worst people. A lot of them will be retarded faggots with no social skills who believe they are more intelligent than you; a lot of them will be the type just in the field because it is booming right now and they want money, i.e., soulless uninteresting cunts with no passion for anything. Some of them will be okay. All of the people I've met in CS classes who have been tolerable have not been CS majors.

If you major in English, you'll get a lot of dumb people, a lot of art hoes, and some interesting people, but these will not be the majority.

Personally I am doing math, because I have had an interest in it since childhood. It is also not overrun by revisionists or money-grubbers, and it is still capable of providing me with a well-paying job. I can't recommend it to everyone because it is not easy and you will probably hate it if you aren't naturally interested.

Regarding what you should do: the advice here is cliched because it is good, but follow your interest(s). Don't be stupid about this, and make sure you have a backup plan, but if it works out, and odds are it will if that's what you really want, you will be much happier than you would've been doing something else.

Another point: getting a CS-related job is piss-easy if you have the skills and a degree. This doesn't even have to be a CS degree; in fact, it could be a humanities degree. If you are a reasonably skilled programmer with an English degree, you will have no problem getting a programming job. This is a result of the lack of competent programmers, mostly.

>> No.10469797

The jews have flooded all western universities since the 60s

The STEM push has been a RECENT rebuttal to trend of universities packing classrooms full of liberal arts majors because every nigger and stacyslut can get infinite financial aid from uncle sam and the colleges are cashing in on the gold rush.

As time goes on all of these liberal art monkeys have come out of there with degrees in fields that have a job capacity of half their graduating class which are already held by people much smart and more qualified than they are. Thus the subsequent "hurr durr I cant get a job with my degree I have to do X" then every hillbilly that has never seen the Jews say "hur durr may you fucking twinks should have studied concrete sciences like CODING" and then now we are flooding "Computer Science" with tom bill and jerry. Watch "Computer Science" majors all come to the conclusion that there are no jobs in the next 10 years.

>When was the last great sociology book written by a conservative?
Probably the last time a great sociology book was written.

>> No.10469801

/lit/ really likes to play up how retarded STEM fags are. Where I went, plenty understand that science doesn't hold all the answers, that there are problems with our understanding, that just because something works doesn't mean it is true, etc.

>> No.10469823

Literally contacts. Make tons of fake friends and fake connections and pump them for jobs.

The retards at my school got hired instantly because they knew people while others took several months for worse positions.

>> No.10469840

Let me guess, you didn't realize soft skills were important until it was too late? kek

>> No.10469858
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Your view of this phenomena is too shortsighted and you are making anti-semites look bad. James Burnham and Jacques Ellul are great sociologists who have done fantastic work on society, who aren't traditionally "conservative" although Burnham did become a conservative, he wrote "The Managerial Revolution" (fantastic book read it) after being a Trotskyist or something. Jacques Ellul himself is a necessity for understanding the world (pic VERY related). I don't really know much about STEM, but the Jews are in control because societal conditions favor them. Who hold power in society, and why? What has allowed them to acquire their position? These are important questions sociologists must answer.

>> No.10469869

compsci is more like carpentry than stem

you're a fag. lit is a hobby. you elevate a hobby past its station. some of it is good, some of it is bad. you are stupid fag that failed geometry and hates me because you're an idiot

>> No.10469877

>lit is a hobby.
>this guy posts on the lit board

>> No.10469880

Material sciences actually interest me. Are you still here, anon? Tell me more and what I ought to expect if I go for a 4 year degree.

>> No.10469889

STEM fields would destroy my soul from the mundanity, from interacting with peers whose interests hardly extend beyond installing and uninstalling linux on their home machines and fire juggling, and also from the obvious implication that I'm a cog in some stupid machine. It would kill me, and I imagine the people involved in it have souls that are too dull to realize that it is spiritually demeaning to work in any STEM position that's not for visionaries and geniuses.

>> No.10469890

I am here to indulge a hobby. not to get lectured by a fag about him being smarter than a physicist bc moby dick has profound depth and meaning

those people belong in chippers

>> No.10469902

Don't we have a hobby board?

>> No.10469909


Melville was certainly far more intelligent than a good number of physicists.

>> No.10469965

Subjective sciences (The Humanities) are overwhelmed by those who teach it, the jews/(((jesuits))) took over the universities and thus turned the impressionable masses into post-structuralist confused zombies. They made everything subjective and now the natural swing of things is for society to push towards an equilibrium with objectivity.

That was my argument, the jews are in charge of the universities and are thus in charge of what people think on subjective subjects. (Not intellectual sloth or adeptness of any school of thought) Even in the sciences there is substantial institutional bias against controversial ideas.

>> No.10469969
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Okay but what should I major in though

>> No.10469989

You don't understand my argument, and there is no "natural swing of things" the educational institutions are of major importance and it is intellectual sloth that has allowed liberals free reign with social and cultural critique. Subjectivity isn't that big of a deal I think, since various cultures will be different and their solutions for problems are different. You are stuck in the /pol/ Jew mindset, you must escape, as I have, by reading!

Unironically Sociology, if you are passionate about it. It's a lot less masturbatory than Philosophy.

>> No.10470007
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Based sociological bro

>> No.10470023

Sociology departments are fucking horrible garbage. For the love of God don't major in Sociology unless you know exactly, exactly what it is. You will end up shooting yourself.

It's like going to major in Economics because you like Marxist theories of Economics. Uh, that's not what you're going to be studying. You're going to be reading big chink textbooks about macroeconomics and pseudomath. If you like that, fine, but that's not "economics" as you conceived it. Same with Sociology, almost exactly the same scenario.

>> No.10470024
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You don't seem to understand that I disagree and think you are wrong. Sociology fags are lost. 2deep4me reading!

Look at degrees that you know you can complete and (somewhat) enjoy.
Look at the job markets of such degrees/fields.
Work very hard at whichever you think will be fruitful.
Any degree can work if you are smart enough and work hard enough. Most likely will have to deal with superliberalism in college, it is only getting worse as of right now.
t. stEmfag who studies the humanities on the side, although time limited by work related obligations (I enjoy my degree field and it pays great)

>> No.10470057


>2deep4me reading!


Have you read any serious sociology?

>> No.10470066

I am making fun of you my duderino.
Don't use exclamation marks if you want to be taken seriously kid.

>> No.10470079
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>dumb slut shilling Sam Harris
>real life fedora meme

>> No.10470084


Not the same person

>> No.10470086

I wish I studied math.

>> No.10470114
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I am a PhD candidate in physics and I like /lit/ more than I do /sci/ ; I started with the greeks and made my way during college up to Witty, but wasn't able to properly tackle as much as I'd like to inbetween 20th century and Ancient Greece, let alone newer stuff. I even read pleb stuff like Land's blog (though I did read Fanged Noumena) and Scott Alexander's. Don't care much for fiction, not even sci-fi, but I appreciated what little fiction I have read over the years.

I don't care too much about getting flak from the humanities. Lots of criticism is warranted to begin with, I work with a lot of stuck up assholes and with a lot of ironically-faux-positivists that know Karl Popper by name but are staunchly positivist at heart. And these people are loud too, lots of Kakus and Tysons and Krausses around telling people data interpolation is ontological.

>> No.10470126

he def. has a big case of double-think going on, but nigger...

>> No.10470133

>I am a PhD candidate in physics

Plz find time to read Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty. Check out Merleau-Ponty's lecture notes on Nature (at the College de France). You might like. Also E.A. Burtt, Koyre.

I've always wanted to see a really subtle phenomenologist also be a high-level physicist. I have a suspicion that phenomenological reflexivity would be worth its weight in gold when you're dealing with theoretical and mathematical systems whose metaphysical underpinnings are fluid.

>> No.10470147

>theory of computing and formal logic WILL help you in life and in appreciating literature at higher level than "muh feelz"
There is no higher level you gigantic retard

>> No.10470205

You are a mental midget threatened by the mere suggestion that there are things outside your own existence that matter. That is how stunted you are. You will never know how ugly your personality is from the outside because you are forever unable to move past yourself, you will never understand the contempt and pity other people feel for you when you opine about things beyond your understanding.

>> No.10470262
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t. Brainlet

>> No.10470263

>getting less than 160 on any section
you should have your degree revoked.

>> No.10470405
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why i got cs degree: cause my parents broke and i want money

not fuckin complicated

i basically consider it to be an advanced form of trade school for 1 or more standard deviations above average iq folks

im hoping to get accepted into a good grad program this yr and move into CS research next cause i have career security if i fail from my earlier choices

>> No.10470424

tech worker here, theyre actually just retarded and autistic and the money makes them think that they're smart/competent human beings

>> No.10470466

Calm down Ted

>> No.10470509

why did you drop architecture? im in civil engineering right now but im kind of thinking abotu switching

>> No.10470555
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And that is precisely why getting a degree in literature is a most terrible idea.

>> No.10470563
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>no reply

>> No.10470578

>somebody who isn't cut for math, the pasta

>> No.10470585

nice masturbatory drivel

>> No.10470588

tfw six figures out of college


>> No.10470625

math is comfier and subsumes compsci, especially so if you minor

>> No.10470631

>implying stem cant read for enjoyment
>implying enjoyment isnt a means to an end
>simultaneously implying enjoyment has no value
you insecure "i just want to be happy" soyfags need therapy

>> No.10470633
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>> No.10470639

t. failed calc 3

>> No.10470655

>before taxes

>> No.10470676



>> No.10470684

Don't bu

>> No.10470686

Stem is mostly medium-smart people
Humanities is mostly abject retards with a few super smart people

>> No.10470695

Wanted to be a math major when I was younger. In HS, I had studied everything I could. In college, I realized I would only be living a boxed life, a plastic man, working for someone else.

It's not fun when you can't have fun. Those who mjor in math and are apt enough to make it into think-tanks are the ones who science is really for, I'm afraid.

That said, I still learn maths and botany in my free time.

>> No.10470708

You managed to say absolutely nothing in this entire post.

>> No.10470710

Don't buy into this OP. Not all STEMfags are retarded like this thread is setting them up to be. Just like how science does not hold the answer to everything, so does not literature or any other field. If you can't appreciate a field for what it does right then you are hindering yourself from learning things and from absorbing wider perspectives. What you can't deny STEMfags of is their practical achievements. Sure you may not like them personally but selling another person the idea that they're all useless over something created by STEMfags/using STEM related subjects is extremely ironic.
The Übermensch is one who sees what STEM gets right, what it gets wrong and what other fields get right and what they get wrong. OP you should go study whatever tickles your fancy. I can't fucking believe that your lack of conviction is to the point where fucking 4chan can convince you not to join a uni course by saying that the course and the people who join the course are useless retards.

>> No.10470728

>being a poorfag and not being able to study whatever you want
Are Americans actually like this

>> No.10470766

No, he got fired and he couldn't get a job in his field, thats what he said

>> No.10470805

>implying one could now want to study compsci

>> No.10470811

God, I really hate with all my soul this STEM vs humanities retardation, but STEMfags itt are incredibly annoying
>hehe I bet u said that cuz u cant into le math heheheh XDDD
Seriously, wtf.
Look at this guy >>10469073
>no, u wrong cuz *my subjective experience*
It would be beautiful
This guy must be false-flagging
You really consider literature just a 'hobby'? Is like you think life is somekind of roleplay videogame or something
Truly grotesque

>> No.10470822

but brainlets in this thread are doing the same! They say that compsci must be boring and everyone is "asocial autist" (nice argument, like reading lit is very sociable nigga) doing it for money, because they itselves are stupid and they cannot understand math!

>> No.10470833

Can you learn to write before posting, please?

>> No.10470835

math + cs major here, average cs majors in no way understand math

>> No.10471699

>go to top 10 uni for comp sci
>make groundbreaking research in field
>contribute to important OSS projects
>apply to everywhere
>"we appreciate your..."
Fuck off senpai.
>go networking event
>tell them I know how to program
>"Do you know Python?"
>"Great we need a Python guy for our shit, I can get you 150k starting, some equity options, and we'll relocate you to SV."
>doesn't even look at resume
>no one's asked for my resume
>dropped out of top 10 uni to go work for some VC funded mess that will likely never make money
>can now work just about anywhere I want
College is a meme. Degrees are a meme. HR and hiring departments are a meme. Life is one big meme.
>>10468701 is not wrong, just super pedantic about getting his point across. Technologists only see technology as a solution to ALL problems, social and otherwise. It's ridiculous how out of touch all of my colleagues are with the world and think throwing more money and technology at a problem will fix it. Take a look at news.ycombinator.com comments section to see the delusion.

>> No.10471706

Also intelligence is overrated, nothing matters, and the people running everything don't give a shit about anything but themselves.

>> No.10471733

Because /lit/ is 99% friendless losers that wank to their own supposed intelligence, intelligence supported by reading the Illiad and Aeneid and being pretentiously self-important with nothing to back it up on a Zanzibar Manatee Fucking Enthusiast Forum.

>> No.10471786
File: 118 KB, 706x703, 1509433488926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Economics major
feels good

>> No.10471806

And she wants something clearly unatainable too. You're both out of luck