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10462711 No.10462711 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of pic related? Just read the first chapter, the author sure does love to swear.

>> No.10462718

Do MRA-flavored self-help books get more discussion here than literary fiction?

>> No.10463202

Self help books are a waste of money. You're better off reading stoic or budhhist literature.

>> No.10463211

The only self-help authors worth reading are Tolle and Burkeman. I wouldn't classify the stoics as self-help only, so I'm not gonna count them among those ranks


>> No.10463229

being educated by the internet, the book

>> No.10464919

The first step 'of not giving a fuck' is to not buy shitty self help books.

>> No.10464939

Is OP's book "MRA" or are you just looking for a thread to unleash your autistic spergy baggage in?

>> No.10464978

Shoo shoo, shill

>> No.10464991


Why read this, when you can read Aurelius

>> No.10464996

Every day with this shit? Do your viral marketing somewhere else, shill.

>> No.10465000


Can you give me a TL;DR?

>> No.10465889

What positive thing did I say about this book you mongloid. How am I shilling?

>> No.10465926

dont, give a FUCK

>> No.10466595

>implying I didn't download the epub

OP the book is just repackage self help shit with le edgy tone. Perfect for moms and normies. This book and an instapot will be the best gift for your mom just saying.

>> No.10467387

>wasting precious kb for this shit

>> No.10467528

The supple fart of Nora giving a fuck

>> No.10467636

this guy presents a bunch of skills and coping mechanisms for the man against the world at large

you can easily find these things online
without all the cusswords

look up dialectical behavior therapy.
Its just a bunch of cuss words plastered on what we know about "radical acceptance".

All these self-help gurus are basically taking what your therapist says, except they package it for the masses versus working with the individual.

seriousy looking into cognitive behavior therapy , existential therapy, and dialectical behavior therapy then read this book and any of the Tony Robbin pulp and you realize that these people are trying to cheat you out of your cash while your therapist bills your insurance.

>> No.10467991

I mean what can you say? He doesn't give a F*CK!!!?!?!?!!!

>> No.10468020

That's all of self help in a nutshell, basic philosophy and therapy techniques wrapped around multiple layers of marketing.

And it always sells, hell look at all the self help millionaires walking around.

>> No.10468352

I am curious now can you go a little bit more into detail with that?

>> No.10468484

>dude profanity lmao
Reddit: The Book

>> No.10468607

ITT: worthless nerds/virgins that refuse some amusing "help" and forever stay at the bottom of the barrel

>> No.10469218

>book about not giving a fuck
>censors the word fuck in the title

>> No.10469239

he gives a f*ck about sales, obviously.

>> No.10469979

Saw a girl reading this on the train beside me, should have I approached her?

>> No.10470004

I was really shy as a kid because I always always so stressed out. After I read about "the subtle art of not giving a fuck" I became much more outgoing and started to enjoy life more.

>> No.10470033

I was in an airport and saw like ten variations of this book like:
>The French Art of Not Giving a F*ck
>The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
>The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck by Sarah Knight
>Get Your Sh*t Together by Sarah Knight
and so on. Pretty odd in the open opportunism and mimicry.

>> No.10470045


>> No.10470070

Or you can not read quasi-cuckworks and just go straight to the Bible

>> No.10470080

Nah, it was written by the guy that wrote the PUA book Models but this sophomore effort has achieved mainstream success.

it's nuts, I went to see him speak expecting to see the local PUA scene, it was all normies, majority women.

>> No.10470115
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holy fuck my sisters got me this for christmas I consider it absolute trash. Cannot believe there is a thread for this. Starts off explaining bukowski as someone you should emulate. Could not have judged a book by it's cover with more accuracy then I did this one.

>> No.10470191

My GF has this book, I honestly don't know how it was even published, or why people buy it. One of these days I'm going to write a book myself. This one is an example that you can write about nothing for nobody and it will sell.

>> No.10470202


>> No.10471047


>> No.10471062


>> No.10471073

self-help is not always bad.
Specially when it is disguised manipulation advice

>> No.10471084

btw, Macchiavelli can be seen as self-help.
The first book ever written was a self-help book: Ptahhotep's Advices.

>> No.10472007


Self-help books are dumbed down and simplified takes on some applied philosophy. They sell well and if they work for some people I guess that's fine. I don't think they should have exposure on this board though.

>> No.10472040

Fuck off shill.

>> No.10472250

Include me in the screencap

>> No.10472572
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top kek

>> No.10472581
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"People who don't give a fuck don't write books about not giving a fuck. People who read them always will."

>> No.10472608
File: 1.46 MB, 3840x2160, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10472612

apparently he gives enough fucks to censor the word fuck. nice freedom u got there ameridumbs