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File: 2.54 MB, 5436x4348, 2014-2016 lists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10465694 No.10465694 [Reply] [Original]

Since nobody else is doing it, here's a link. Vote on 5 books and optionally best meme.


I'll spend my New Years Eve collating responses and dealing with tiebreakers. Please don't vote for Milk and Honey.

>> No.10465697

>Please don't vote for Milk and Honey.
Now everyone's going to vote for it

>> No.10465700
File: 1.34 MB, 1500x3500, 2017top100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frogposter is back at it
we have a 2017 chart already give it up.

>> No.10465704

o i am laffin

>> No.10465714

>that chart
This nigga serious hahaha who made this

>> No.10465717

>Please don't vote for Milk and Honey
Don't say that, just erase any series of votes including it or "culture of critique" before counting

>> No.10465720

you need to go back to r/books friend

>> No.10465722



>> No.10465728

Moby-Dick is boring, I don't understand what you guys like so much about it.

>> No.10465729

Can anything even come close to touching you-LEE-sus??!?!?

>> No.10465737

We get it anon

>> No.10465738
File: 186 KB, 1242x567, IMG_3177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Reddit called you fucks out.

I am capable of filtering meme votes. I'll do something special for them.

> implying I care that much

>> No.10465740

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.10465741

Fake chart.

>> No.10465742

>browses reddit
>posts on reddit
>takes a screenshot of his reddit comment
>posts said reddit screenshot on 4chan

amazing faggotry anon

>> No.10465745

this, if you just let it happen you'll easily filter out most of the shitposting

>> No.10465748

I think that guy was one of us

>> No.10465751

>14 posts
>7 unique posters

>> No.10465758

>datamining thread
seriously hope you guys don't fall for this
enjoy have your gmail accounts added to marketing lists

sage and report

>> No.10465767

It doesn't even have Gravity's Memebow. Dreadful chart

>> No.10465774
File: 11 KB, 544x86, Screenshot_2017-12-30 11.21.08_kUocm5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> what is reverse image search
Jesus Christ, it's like you cunts aren't even trying. At least use that bait chart with Les Mis near the top.

I'm not mad about the bumps.

I left google login off. I'm gonna have to filter out samefags just to protect you Stallmanite cucks.

>> No.10465777

It's at #6. I mean it's still an absolute joke of a chart but it's there

>> No.10465783

>all fiction
bad survey

>> No.10465784

are you blind anon

>> No.10465790

What if I samefag not to push a /pol/eddit meme but to get my waifus book on here

>> No.10465791
File: 260 KB, 593x635, 1500093877696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I am blind

>> No.10465792

Same boring memes as every year.

>> No.10465793

kek this frogposter is back

for all you newfags:
frogposter is mad his favorite meme books didnt get on the 2017 list so he keeps trying to make a new poll every 1 - 2 months (check the archives) but he arbitrarily removes votes and adds books he likes/takes off what he doesnt like
he is especially triggered by murakami books and female authors/rupi kaur and spergs out whenever a vote contains something like that

>> No.10465797

OP is a /pol9k/ frogposter anon, he will only keep the REDPILLED books on the final list
but he usually spergs out and deletes his threads after a while only to come back in a couple of months

>> No.10465804

Thread started with 8 posts and 7 unique posters. Draw your own conclusions.

I'm positive Google is the only one that gets account data when their polls are used. If you actually do use gmail in the first place you're not giving Google anything it doesn't already have by answering online polls with the account.

>> No.10465807

>I'm positive Google is the only one that gets account data when their polls are used. If you actually do use gmail in the first place you're not giving Google anything it doesn't already have by answering online polls with the account.

wrong. advertising clients of google have a distinct set of tools to help with marketing/data analytics/etc. they get all info (emails, ip, browser info, etc.), or can request it and google will give it to them.

>> No.10465808

give up and gb2discord already
it's not like anyone will ever believe your chart was real now

>> No.10465814

Good. Only serious votes should count.

>> No.10465816

I voted. Wanna get rid of that discord trash.

>> No.10465818

Daily reminder OP is a discord false flagger trying to recruit for his /sekritclub/. ignore discord threads, report discord threads, sage discord threads.

>> No.10465826

>advertising clients of google
That's what I meant by "Google". Anons making polls don't get access to that data.

>> No.10465845

lol sounds preferable to your discordshit

>> No.10465852

anon is probably a wageslave marketing intern making $8.75 an hour responsible for exploring "new targeting and data collection marketing methods" or whatever corporate lingo people use, and goes around sites like reddit/4chan/tumblr/etc. making shit like this
companies shell out big bucks to acquire new emails with specific demographics (i.e. if you're on 4chan you're likely a male age 16 - 25, likely college educated/in college) and this is a good way to do it

>> No.10465862

>all fiction
>Morrissey Autobiography is an entry

>> No.10465866
File: 96 KB, 924x1756, Screenshot_2017-12-30 11.29.18_uGs4bA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This samefagging is why we're as 37/13. Just to be clear, I've never done this before, I just have free time on New Years.

I will:
-Release the unedited results, as well as one with chain responses like pic related removed.
-Collate books by title/votes, and upload that spreadsheet. I'll do the same for memes.
-This will be done by midnight Jan 1st in Rome.
-I'll then do another poll for tiebreakers.
-Make a pretty chart and upload that.

Feel free to take it through Tor, with lynx, or whatever you FOSS kiddos do these days. I left all the auth off.

I'm at home for the holidays, and I don't have anything planned for NYE. Hiroshimoot is probably more interested in selling your data.

>> No.10465872

marketing guy here

any channel worth advertising on (facebook, instagram, google, and not much else) already has enough audience targeting data. everything they need to know about you they already have. the big consumer data monster is overwhelming but the media wants to keep that under wraps because they make all their money from online advertisers.

>> No.10465881

the sad part is op, you probably had a lot of symapthizers in your "this discord fake poll is dumb" crusade, but you are an absolutely unstable wreck of an individual and you can't resist sperging out so now no one takes your shit seriously

>Just to be clear, I've never done this before,
you know most of us have been here longer than 3 months right?
>Release the unedited results, as well as one with chain responses like pic related removed.
no, you are, just like in past, going to:
remove books you dont like
pretend its the full list
get called out cause you're incompetent at hiding evidence
and then sperg out and delete the thread again.

>> No.10465886

you sound unhinged

>> No.10465891

im also a marketing guy anon there's always a need for more targeting
facebook audiences is still in the 5 - 6 figure range. the CMO wet dream is to get 3 - 4 digit demographic targeting and the corporate fetishization of big data means any and all data is being if you seriously dont realize that most reddit and 4chan threads that remotely tuch on personal/contact info are marketing guys at work then you're delusional or new to the game

>> No.10465897


27 responses in. I can demonstrate that you're wrong. I'd also like to note that >>10465872 appears to be the only new poster in between my responses.

>> No.10465919

Reddit doesn't have a right to speak out when they have objectively shit taste.

>> No.10465934
File: 53 KB, 273x240, 6zdxkzG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread

>> No.10465939

If you'd actually been here long enough to remember that you'd know that deleted threads were discord's fake poll (deleted by their own OP when one of them started leaking)
then later threads from the autist mad about that fake poll (deleted by janitors because they were stacked with porn and chatroom links)

>> No.10465952

Butternut Squash? Yes please!

>> No.10465968

Yeah I don't know what's wrong with those Discord guys (I just learned they exist) but my God are they autistic.

>> No.10465974

Why, OP? Are you some kind of redditurd? These charts don't do anything but decrease board quality.

>> No.10465978

>opening a portal to hell in the promise land

>> No.10466091
File: 131 KB, 538x502, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does all this autism come from?

>> No.10466095

You need to keep voting open longer than tht.

>> No.10466104

Yeah, make it til like next Tues.

>> No.10466125

Pls don't include Milk & Honey as number 1

>> No.10466139

please consider "Ice, by Anna Kavan" everyone.

>> No.10466145

Sure thing, Keely. ;)

>> No.10466148

I expect to see 'The Foundation of Exploration' by Sean Goonan on here.

>> No.10466167

"The Declaration of Independence" as their #49th book LOLMAOOOOO I CANT

>> No.10466180

I don't mind either way. I was just thinking we probably have reasonable traffic over New Years and I didn't want to shit up the board for too long. http://www.strawpoll.me/14724998

I won't.

>> No.10466192
File: 92 KB, 680x1550, Screenshot_2017-12-30 12.53.13_RXwfQX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to be clear, Winnie the Pooh * 5 + Butternut Squash? Yes please! will only be counted once.

>> No.10466223


>> No.10466228

You can delete threads you fucking newfag tourist, why are you trying so hard to force your discord chart?

>> No.10466233

I meant can't.