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/lit/ - Literature

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10463582 No.10463582[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are bookish women like?

>> No.10463593

non existent

>> No.10463598

With a penis.

>> No.10463601

Lacking in life experiences and informed by social media and chick lit that there is a war against them so they're also really defensive and easily upset.

>> No.10463605

They exist but typically only read shallow novels or female empowerment manifestos behind the thin facade of a poorly written romance story
Some deviate from the norm, the /idealgf/ is able to comprehend and discuss literature, but even so most can’t or don’t care to wrap their head around the more complex of problems

>> No.10463606


They only read Harry Potter or ASOIAF or at least claim too because of the movies or TV show.

>> No.10463609


>> No.10463610

Just as shallow as normal girls, just more intelligent and quiet.

>> No.10463613

Intellectually speaking, traps are on the same level of women

>> No.10463617

yeah i agree.
not always
idk if they're even quiet at all.

>gf is phd student for english lit.

>> No.10463621

Women reading starter pack:

>Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
>On the Road
>The Great Gatsby
>Haruki Murakami
>Wuthering Heights
>Jane Austen
>A Little Life
>The Alchemist

>> No.10463622

Sheltered, conservative, unfashionable, earnest, loving, usually having acne.

>> No.10463623

>idk if they're even quiet at all
Go hang around with girls who don't care about literature and tell me which group (IN GENERAL) is lauder

>> No.10463627

Or at least freckles

>> No.10463631


p much this in my experience. even women i know who have master's degrees in lit don't get much enjoyment out of reading / analyzing the canon. they read A TON but it's all pure entertainment kind of stuff, and if they want something "heavy" or "philosophical" they'll grab something like life of pi or the kite runner. some of them like hemingway.

this could just be the women i know, also. there are almost certainly women out there who enjoy serious lit.

>> No.10463632

You think she spends enough time outside for her freckles to show?

>> No.10463634


>> No.10463635
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>> No.10463636

In nature, retard

>> No.10463638

Hey, I'm talking about women who read serious lit. You all asked about bookish women? I don't think you can consider a person bookish by reading sci-fi and YA... those are books but that doesn't mean they're literate

>> No.10463689

Well the whole theme of this thread has become describing "what women read", implying they all read trash and have a certain type of personality. Which rings true considering about 60-80 percent of college educated women read quite regularly but all they read is trash like the things mentioned in this thread. Its quite infuriating. I was over at my bros house and his gf left a book behind and it was obviously some stupid waste of paper and though she has a minor in philosophy I probably could make myself look (be?) more knowledable with my wikipedia/meme knowledge + about half of plato's dialogues I read 3 years ago but didnt even get to the republic like a basic pleb idiot.

>> No.10463694

Either histrionic or autistic

>> No.10463713


>> No.10463714


>> No.10463718

sounds like the alt-right

>> No.10463727

Sounds like the alt-left

>> No.10463729

Yeah the alt-right and women are about on equal footing desu

>> No.10463746
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>Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.10463772


>> No.10463856

ITT: Incels and autists complain.

The two most prominant in my life right now are:

1) A girl I used to date, who has consumed most of Shakespeare, Marlow, Middleton, and Jonson. Otherwise, she adores Chaucer, Milton, and the Anglos of their ilk. Other interests include opera, art criticism, Arthurian legends (canon-only), and the theory of aesthetics post-Kant. We exchange poems on a regular basis now; most recently, she had sent me works by the Beats, Frost, Whitman, and Rilke.
She works as an editor and a craftswoman by trade. She is introverted, good-hearted, highly empathetic, and has a penchant for silliness.

2) A girl I met at swing dancing. She loves reading through maximalism (Eugenides, Steinbeck, David Mitchell, DFW.etc), and tends to go through the corpus of an author if she enjoys one of their books. She also has a semi-specialization in Anglo-Renaissance literature, modernism, post-modernism, and any aspect of the history of sex and sexuality. Our relationship consists of swing dancing, and getting tea to talk about literature and the like.
She works as a fitness trainer; she's also a boxer and a burlesque dancer. She is introverted, jovial, endearingly awkward, and a sexual deviant.

Both are delights to hang out with, and converse with, even if they don't know the classics or the philosophical canon. Both are great listeners, and are intelligent enough to follow, keep pace, and remember whatever ever I say about Classics or Phil.

The comments in this thread are dreadful. You guys have to go out there more often, and hang out with better people.

>> No.10463862

Bugman detected.

>> No.10464004

Reminder to people in this thread that women can easily make similar criticisms about the shallowness of men's lit consumption. So much posturing and one-upmanship about who's better at LARPing as an intellectual

>> No.10464033

>Buck is female starter pack
>Miller isn't

>> No.10464082

>Reminder to people in this thread that women can easily make similar criticisms about the shallowness of men's lit consumption.
Not really. Most men don't read at all. The ones that do will have somewhat better taste. There aren't hordes of men out there buying the equivalent of 50 Shades of Grey.

>> No.10464088

the best

>> No.10464089

>House of Leaves
>The Brothers Karamazov
>Catcher in the Rye
He is right.

>> No.10464090


>> No.10464096

Does anyone else hate these circular wire frames on Koreans? They look like pretentious fuckwits imo.

>> No.10464102

I once had an affair with a girl who studied french literature, I'll be damned if it was not bliss...

>> No.10464104

All Koreans look like retards

>> No.10464106


>There aren't hordes of men out there buying the equivalent of 50 Shades of Grey.

>what is Ready Player One
>what is A Song of Ice and Fire
>what is literally every fantasy book written post-Tolkien
>what is 95% of science fiction novels

>> No.10464110

Those are redditors, not people

>> No.10464130

I have yet to meet a woman (other than my high school teacher) who actually reads good books. Most of them see reading as an entertainment medium, like watching TV, so anything beyond Harry Potter, romance, or whatever is popular at the moment is non-existent for them. I'm not trying to put them in a bad light, it's just that I've been extremely unlucky in finding a woman who shares my preferences (i.e. reading for the sake of intellectual enrichment). Though I'm slowly getting my gf into philosophy.
That's just my experience tho.

>> No.10464140

t. takeshi

>> No.10464149

Most anons have an immutable philosophy of women for being mommas boys. My gf of five years loves Lucian and Arendt among others, makes cute animal comics and loves anal. To be deprived of such experiences would probably make me hateful too. Also I think many anons play it safe and go for crazy girls because they are easier to bed.

>> No.10464153

Who is this nemes nomed

>> No.10464182

I was talking about the subset of men who read.
In my experience the number of men and women who have a genuine interest in literature is the same, but the "shallow" reasons for reading are different for each gender. Many women read to become part of a community, while many men read in an attempt to demonstrate (to themselves or others) that they are more well-read/worldly/intellectual than a real or imagined community (basically, reading things that they believe will show that they're of a higher status). So the women will read the same books as the community they'd like to be a part of, while men will try to find obscure books that they think will give them cred. But the level of interest and enjoyment is similarly shallow.

There are definitely hordes of men out there who are really proud of themselves for reading Bukowski and think it makes them an intellectual.

As an aside, I'm not sure people who read 50 shades even think of it as lit, everyone knows it's erotica. Murakami would be a better example.

>> No.10464185

Toxic and anxiety ridden.

>> No.10464372

i know one, she's into me
just bragging

>> No.10464383

Like most women, they hit a hard brick wall.

t. Dating a bookish woman who fails at following elementary discourse with the slightest arousal of emotions

>> No.10464450

What are bookish men like?

>> No.10464503

they just tend to be more shy nd more patient. they're not smarter than average

>> No.10464509

>My gf of five years loves Lucian and Arendt among others, makes cute animal comics and loves anal. To be deprived of such experiences would probably make me hateful too.

true and heterosexual

>> No.10464516

wtf i'm the male equivalent of the swing dancing girl

>> No.10464564
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generally more introverted than your average girl... easier to please, harder to court

>> No.10464569

Does taking it ass make her strong and independent like Arendt was?

>> No.10464580

We're horrible. Emotionally crippled, sexually impotent, or both. How long have you been here?

>> No.10464592

t. proud normie

>> No.10464608
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so where do you meet /lit/ girls? can you just chat them up while they're reading in the book store?

i'm kind of socially inept, but i'm relatively attractive

>> No.10464625
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>> No.10464633

I'm aware, it was a rhetorical question

>> No.10464652

Surprisingly accurate

>> No.10464664

>everything I don't like is pretentious

>> No.10464675

Awful in bed. All the ones I've been with just lie there, dead-fish.

>> No.10464677

Why do you even come here?

>> No.10464682

I browse here while getting albums off /mu/ sharethreads at work

>> No.10464683

>just more intelligent and quiet.
then they're less shallow, dumbass

>> No.10464694

he's larping desu, anyone can get an image from facebook or a dating site... if he's not, he's that weird but strangely social person everyone hates to be around but still finds a way to force himself into the group

>> No.10464695

But why here? Why not stay on /mu/?

>> No.10464700
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Women instinctively fornicate that way, kiddo.

>> No.10464705
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>Chad has already monopolized book QTs

>> No.10464711


>> No.10464731

Grew up poor so I've been /lit/ irl from a young age, the memes and shitposting are more nuanced and interesting here. I never really post besides responding to reddit tier hivemind threads like this one.

>> No.10464733

That's a relief. I was getting pretty jealous for a minute there!

>> No.10464736

Stay cuckmad

>> No.10464741

You are all screaming about what isn't "literature". What is proper literature, heh?

>> No.10464745
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>I never really post besides responding to reddit tier hivemind threads like this one
>like this one

>> No.10464755

t. butthurt larper

it has nothing to do with jealously, it's trying to get into the mind of someone who comes here to brag, when it's a running male theme that they're socially awkward and haven't had many successful relationships, let alone with a dreamy feminine intellectual girl... it's pathetic regardless of authenticity

>> No.10464765

>/lit/ irl
>never really post besides responding to reddit tier hivemind bait threads

You really are an exemplary /lit/poster

>> No.10464772

Only woman I've ever known who read more 'adult' literature was a rich 25-year old russian I dated when I was 19-20. She was very calm and collected, didn't feel the need to talk every single second. Also very warm and kind.

>> No.10464790

Mostly rich, mostly ugly. Sometimes really pretty.

>> No.10464799

I get that it's a running 4chan theme yes, but you better realize it's also pathetic to think that anything that isn't women hate could only possibly be bait. Btw ive only had one successful relationship-- I didn't insinuate plural at all. I see how it could be bragging yes, but again goddamn. Guess I understand for some it hurts that my post is real.

>> No.10464831

>t. never had his dick ridden
If your gf doesn't straddle you on a regular basis, it's time to get a new one.

>> No.10464837

This is the real list:
>One Hundred Years of Solitude
>The Great Gatsby
>The Bell Jar
>One (1) novel from a Brontë sister or Jane Austen, rated it 5 stars on Goodreads/says it's a favorite novel but hasn't read any others like it
>First three Harry Potter books
>One novel by Ngozi Something

>> No.10464852


Young men who do not attempt to date young women near or going to university

You guys are just losing a bare bones numbers game. No one reads, period. Even less read good literature. And then half of those on paper are women.

No matter how you look at it, you were always destined to not find this person you are looking for. Your passion for this ideal is what drives your poor perspective.

You need to get a fucking grip

That aside, my last girlfriend read everything related to middle-english she could get her hands on and thats what she specialized in at university. I personally dont care much for that part of English literature so I learned a lot from her since I enjoy linguistics.

>> No.10464856

This, unironically.

>> No.10464874

I was with you initially, "but goddamn" indeed. The more you post, the more I think you're baiting or a fool. If you were romantically secure, you wouldn't desire to brag about it here.

>> No.10464878


Just after I post this, this will be the 20th thread I have hidden on /lit/ right now.

What happened to this place? Crossboarding ressentiment faggots has always been a problem, but why is it so much more prevalent now? Is it because the non-faggots that frequent this board are too busy enjoying the holidays with families and loved ones?

>> No.10464891

>Unsolicitedly sperging out about politics, dooming the thread to be inevitably derailed
Fuck off retard

>> No.10464898

This pretty much.

>> No.10464909

they like homo slash

>> No.10464912

This is one of the most autistic things I've ever read on this board. Sorry dude, girls still aren't gonna fuck you for coming up with schizoid badly written character profiles to own the pissbabies.

>> No.10464914
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>reading is gaining popularity
how is this a bad thing? being an avid reader is a turn-on to anyone, it's a comfy and rewarding hobby... and due to the influx and the nature of 4chan, you'll see some playful off-posting and general increase in shitposts... that's -ok-

>> No.10464924

My friend's sister almost exclusively reads non fiction.

>> No.10464931

Do you even go outside and socials frequently? That sure is call the kettle black.

>> No.10464944

>One Hundred Years of Solitude
Why is this considered a women's book?

>> No.10465008

I guess because, of the books considered "top literature", often included in top 100 lista etc., it is one of the easiest to read, a well told story with simple writing.
Maybe being one of the few "fantastic" novels in said lists also helps.

>> No.10465024
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why are women obsessed with being female so much so that is all they read or write about?

>> No.10465029

this desu senpai

>> No.10465030


>> No.10465037
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simmer down roastie

>> No.10465038

My guess would be pretty similar to bookish men, intellectually speaking. People who claim women can't be bookish are probably thinking of the thots who post pictures of genre fiction and YA on instagram for attention, and yeah women do that more often than men but it's important to note that pseuds take many different shapes and forms. I have the same amount of scorn for those women as I do for men who worship Jordan Peterson.
So, to answer your question, none of us will ever know because none of us will EVER have girlfriends.

>> No.10465044

I'm male

>> No.10465049

nice try stacy
get the fuck out

>> No.10465055
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>> No.10465064

it's not true for all, especially in terms of what they read but I take that the ones that do, it is the lack of female perspective for the longest time in history.
Like we literally know nothing about what Greek or Roman women thought about the world. How they experienced it. Only Mostly what their husbands or male associates wrote about them.
I don't think it is them obsessing over being females as much as just making sure they write from a female perspective or with the female reader in mind.
Believe it or not, most of the books written were written only with the male reader in mind or addressed to him. Just saying. This may change as time goes on and some of them get it out of their system. Just let it go.

>> No.10465065

>because none of us will EVER have girlfriends

Why does it have to be this way, friend?

>> No.10465071

i highly disagree with this observation, sure there's lit that satisfies a niche demographic of women that appeal to victim hood and wanting to feel better about their situation through the exaggeration of the female condition, but take a look at good reads top 2017, as voted by the community


very diverse themes and plots, characters and settings

>> No.10465072

they have read and understood nietzsche and know you would not share a valuable union (there is something wrong with their genitals and they know marriage to be better not lesser than its sum) and would probably ball you out for not knowing maud gonne said as much to yeats, and, sadly, proved herself right. get a tidy normie who can cook and work 30 hrs/week.

>> No.10465083

shy, leftist, arrogant

>> No.10465087

>Person asks for examples to support a claim like anyone who isn't brain dead and has at least a 1st grade level of debate skills,
>you bitch about it ironically like an sjw tumblrite. Actually no, even they would have given some type of response followed up with the usual hate speech. This is gold.

>> No.10465092
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why did you have to show me that, anon

>> No.10465094

As terrible as this whole thread is, there is some truth to the notion that a lot of women read trash. At l the same time, most men don't read at all. I'd say that the proportion of men and women who read real literature/philosophy is about equal.

>> No.10465099
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Whom are you quoting?

>> No.10465100

Anon, if you look at his response, you will realize that our efforts were actually futile. He has no interest in discussing the matter. He was just looking for a similar minded anon to reaffirm his beliefs.

>> No.10465108

Sure, but many men are working class and would like to spend time with their families after a long, difficult day of working in the coal mine rather than read. Women literally have no excuse. All they do is sit at home all day.

>> No.10465111

you seem really upset

>> No.10465116

No, my child. That is where children who cannot offer high levels of discourse without resorting to insults and memes like you belong.
You see, when adults disagree, they eloquently elaborate on their thoughts and explain why they think the thoughts of the other person is in error with logical reasoning. Not with insults and memes.
I'm not going to bitch about it. though I am a bit upset that /lit/ has fallen to this.

>> No.10465136

What the FUCK are you FUCKING TALKING about??? What are bookish women like??? Why is this thread alive??!?!? What is wrong with you?

I work around a lot of women, and have worked around a lot of women in the past. What are you fucking talking about? What is a ‘bookish woman’ most of them read Hunger Games anyway, there are some that might read Marx or Smith or something who knows who cares. They don’t all act the same because they read retard

>> No.10465138

mostly disappointed but yeah, along the same feeling one gets when they are surrounded by wailing, snot nosed, toddlers throwing temper tantrums about not being able to play with the remote.
You can't reason with them and don't have to engage them, but its still really annoying.

>> No.10465149
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>> No.10465163
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>> No.10465192

hey im not sexually impotent

>> No.10465261


There's definitely pressure (in some circles) to be up on the pop feminist meme books by Roxanne Gay and the like. It's absolutely not the only thing women write or read about but fluff feminism is quite popular among college educated girls as a whole (of course there are always exceptions). I consider myself a feminist but I'm so fucking tired of "Bad Feminist"-type books, performative "grrl power", and trashy reality shows/pop music as conspicuously unapologetic "not-guilty pleasure" signifiers of female solidarity. When will it end

>> No.10465287

Like I said, don't worry, it will end eventually. Just let them get it out of their system then even the average women will move on to writing and eventually reading about other things. Sadly if you couldn't tell, for some women this is also a trend to which they are just hopping on.

>> No.10465291

Man, the irony here is just too gold.

>> No.10465306


Why would you read a book when you could tag you and your friends on social media all day?

>> No.10465312

Fat, smelly, and even more insane than usual.

>> No.10465350

Speak for yourself I can summon a raging boner upon sight of a girl. But then again I don't read so...

>> No.10465429

they just pretend to read
women can't read
even the most bookish women with master's degrees are borderline illiterate
they need someone to explain everything to them
they're all moronic

>> No.10465435

t. kissless virginfag

>> No.10465651
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>> No.10465688

Waiting for bookish Chad

>> No.10465716

>The Brothers Karamazov


>> No.10465750

> Men are incapable of controlling sexual desires
> Abandon convictions to try to score
> Men literally kill themselves and fall into deep depression because their self-worth is based entirely on sexual access
> Still delude themselves into believing women are mentally inferior to comfort themselves for being permavirgins

Stay mad kiddo

t. well-adjusted man in a functional relationship

>> No.10465803

Bahahahahhaaha fucking fags

>> No.10465835

There's a woman I know through work that published two books this past year and reads more than anyone I've ever known, but she's not into philosophy and hasn't even read all the classics.
I don't know why anyone thinks bookish women are rare as the publishing industry is majority female now and has been for a while. It's women keeping publishing afloat as well, still spending money on books, old and new.

>> No.10465851
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>Female coworker brings up books
>Ask her what she's read
>Harry Potter
>Hunger Games
She was goofy and awkward. Naive and sheltered. One of those types that's worried about animal rights, but only cares about the cute animals and doesn't realize she probably does more harm to the environment sheltering stray dogs and cats. Also a bit of a butterface, but man did she have a nice ass.

>> No.10465876

I feel like most guys don't read at all, and when they do it's most likely going to be some really trashy fantasy or YA sci fi. Then most girls do actually read but it's most likely going to be the latest big YA series and John Green.

>> No.10465901

By the way, bookish women are like bookish men: bookish.

>> No.10465903

or PUA garbage

>> No.10465920

>Incels and autists complain
Sounds like 4chan.

>> No.10465977

This to the max.

>> No.10466364

>tfw read 4 out of those

Am a girl. Ama

>> No.10466434

Do you post pictures of your tits on anonymous image boards?

>> No.10466462
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Wow, you kids are really lacking in life experience. I'm guessing none of you have ever lived and worked overseas, travelled extensively, or done much other than mope in your basements or attend an American university.
Get out and meet women that aren't fucking memes. I really for sorry for you if these posts really reflective of your views.

>> No.10466465


>> No.10466471

what's this shit, baby's first moody book list?

>> No.10466537

>All Gooks look like retards

>> No.10466549

Not him, but please. Relent

>> No.10466561

I'm glad I use lit, I can see that some 4chan users are normal fucking people

>> No.10466589
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normalfags get the fuck out.

>> No.10466609
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>know a 9/10 Asian girl who wears glasses, is known as being shy, and is called a bookworm by her friends
>get the chance to talk to her at a cafe one time
>ask her about her favorite books and what she likes to read
>"Well anon, I haven't had the chance to read much lately...But I really like John Green!"

>> No.10466620

this is the social rejects reaction to their own ostracism. sorry anon, 4chan got too popular and now there are normies everywhere!

>> No.10466713
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Made friends with a guy in my game group earlier this year after he said he was a big reader.. he gave me this rec. I was too nice about it apparently. He showed up later having bought me all of the books in the Throne of Glass series. I know he doesn't have a lot of extra cash and they seem to mean a lot to him so I feel like I have to read them now.. but I don't want to encourage him. What to do? My husband is in the game group as well so it's a bit odd.

>> No.10466731

>4chan is filled with normies now

moot, this is your fault

>> No.10466735

he probably wants to plow you

>> No.10466737

how do you figure they're normies? if you're interested in spending a decent deal of your time on a board where you're anon, you're probably not whole, idk

>> No.10466738

They (and you) sound insufferable

>> No.10466751

Some girl gave me a John Green book. Forgot which one--not one of the popular ones that got made into movies

I never read it and she eventually stopped asking about it. It's still in my home library, and I still feel bad about not reading it.

>> No.10466762

Good riddance to your fucking kind loser go get a fucking life

>> No.10466779

Yeah, I would probably feel really guilty. I think I'll just read em super slow so he won't bring me anything new and I can still give him new updates on game nights.

>> No.10466809

this all day. i may be a functional adult in a healthy relationship but day to day i still feel like everyone but my love are living in a different reality than me. the lack of filter on 4chan keeps me sane. the pretense of real life conversation is fucking draining.

>> No.10466827

Jesus, just read it as you normally would and tell him that you don't want to receive more gifts. This isn't difficult.

>> No.10466850

This is surprisingly accurate looking back

>> No.10466873

>wah why can't /lit be like it was three years ago when all that was discussed was Evola and Schopenhauer's 'On Women'

>> No.10466879

The problem is more that I don't want to read them at all but I feel obligated. It wouldn't be difficult if I didn't mind hurting his feelings but he's a sweet kid.

>> No.10466910
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Must've felt bad

>> No.10466937

My gf is sort of bookish, she reads a lot of nonfiction and history plus some genre stuff. She is very introverted but also likes the outdoors and nature, she likes to go out hiking in the woods and stuff alone. Hope that helps.

>> No.10466966

>she likes to go out hiking in the woods and stuff alone
She's fucking other men, anon

>> No.10466968
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>> No.10467026

>and a sexual deviant.
I hate your fucking guts just for this description alone.

>> No.10467039

Anal sex makes me disgusted and I am disgusted by the people who treat it as a normal activity, I want to beat women who practice anal sex, but more impirtantly I want to beat the men who sodomize them. I hate you all, you dreadul faggots will burn in hell for your nonchalant attitude towards your own sexual degradation.

>> No.10467069

I love when I cum all over my husbands cock and then he uses it as lube to slip into my ass and fills me with his cum inside my tight little asshole. I'm so wet just thinking about it!

>> No.10467076

you need to reflect on how your first attempt to bait the above retard was some badly written erotica, from the point of view of the woman

both incredibly poor posts

>> No.10467078
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third-party here, i'd like to say that both of those posts are better than yours

>> No.10467082
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What's the point of anal sex? Isn't the vagina the perfect receptacle of the penis?

The logic for fellatio is different and the mouth serves a different function, but how is the ass different from the vagina when it comes to penetration?

>> No.10467084


>> No.10467087

it's tight as fuck, like your dick is binding to her body, it's a mind-fuck... you think people want to fuck a hole where shit comes out of for nothing? there's a good reason

you'll never understand until you've experienced it

>> No.10467098

keep pointing that finger at random situations and people anon, one day you're going to point at the wrong guy, and they're going to break EVERY BONE. in. your. body.

>> No.10467100

pretty great in bed stay mad virgin commies

>> No.10467102

Not bait. I love when my husband cums in my ass.

>> No.10467125
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I'm ready daddy

>> No.10467149


>> No.10467155

it would be gods gift on earth if a girl was reading infinite jest or tbk

>> No.10467159
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>> No.10467166

I follow various YA booktubers. Watching them talk about some silly chick lit is how I simulate having a girlfriend.

>> No.10467229

How is the logic regarding fellatio and anal different? Or even regarding a handjob/masturbation for that matter? In all cases you're putting your dick where it has no reproductive purpose but feels good. Different parts of the body have different pleasures.
Vagina - soft and warm
Hand - rapid with friction
Mouth - cold and slippery
Ass - corkscrews around and sucks while being very tight

>> No.10467246


I just don't see the appeal of anal sex.

>> No.10467253

Lol, this is the mental power of sodomites.

>> No.10467258
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I know this women.

>> No.10467262

Fucking kill yourself. I'm completely serious.

>> No.10467278

t. Someone who hasn't had anal
Just wait until one drunken night when you accidentally stuff it up the wrong hole and you'll understand

>> No.10467293

>I love putting my penis where shit comes out of
>t. modern male

>> No.10467295


I haven't had sex yet anon.

And I don't drink.

>> No.10467298


Someone didn't start with the greeks.

>> No.10467299
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mfw all my girlfriend reads are true crime novels.

>> No.10467301

I expel bloodclots and stringy tissue from my pussy every month. Sometimes the blood is a bit old and brown towards the end! That's the really smelly stuff! Discharge is pretty clear for a couple weeks after though!

>> No.10467305


>Thinks being vulgar is being subversive

you're just disgusting

>> No.10467311


It's weird talking to a woman who reads because she has all these surface emotions involved in the reading, while literature isn't really about animating your dumbass mood, but about pointing to deeper layers of reality.

Bookish women exist, but like all women they're bores and they still prefer a non-reading """"confident"""" 6ft5 dude than your 5'10 reading ass.
Seen tons of these girls with bf's that don't even read a book a year.

>> No.10467315 [DELETED] 

After taking a huge load in my ass I have to sit on the toilet and let it all slide out or it's so so smelly by the morning! My asshole feels greasy and stretched for at least half a day after. Sometimes I get a little leakage throughout the day if it was a good night!

>> No.10467316


>while literature isn't really about animating your dumbass mood, but about pointing to deeper layers of reality.

Read Heidegger.

>> No.10467319

>doesn't get that the excessive crudeness was meant to exaggerate how the vagina could be just as disgusting as the asshole
t. brainlet

>> No.10467322

finding a genuinely intelligent stimulating guy that isn't a fucking loser is just as hard as finding a qt with a brain and morals. we all want unicorns.

>> No.10467324
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>trying this hard

>> No.10467332


I wasn't the one who wrote the post that was a reply to. Also, we are talking in general terms, not in specific examples, although that should be obvious to anyone who isn't a brainlet like you.

Lastly, the post doesn't even make sense, given that nothing is more disgusting than shit except vomit, and that the vagina is specifically designed to accomodate the penis.

>> No.10467334
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mfw you continue to date her

>> No.10467342


Oh just shut up.
There's guys out there. You'll just find some quirk about him that you don't like because biology dictates your preferences and not your fucking reading list, thot.

>> No.10467345
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>> No.10467346

All those UTIs girls get, most of em are from feces gettin up in her junk. Don't let your women wear thongs, especially if they shave or wax their pubes.

>> No.10467351
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>> No.10467354

>pol9k ressentiment bait thread
>+200 replies

You could be reading right now :^)

>> No.10467369

This is the exact problem with guys, they don't want the plain girls that they share interests with, attraction comes first and obv that doesn't usually make for anything lasting but hey biology. There are some really interesting and intelligent guys in here that also have serious issues with self esteem and ambition, maybe not great in the looks dept. etc.. but then they want an 8+ high iq Mary Sue. Also I'm married