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File: 141 KB, 511x683, michel_houellebecq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10464260 No.10464260 [Reply] [Original]

>I kissed her softly on the lips, and said, ‘There is no Israel for me.’

That was a kick in the teeth.

>> No.10464329

Are you French? I guess it applies to most of the West.

>> No.10464340

Is talking about a literal Israel, or is he talking about a Homeland for himself?

I can't tell if this is pol race baiting, or actually something about lit.

>> No.10464346
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the latter but why commentate bro baka

>> No.10464351

No, I'm English, but you're right, any native of Western Europe would understand immediately what he means.

Not sure what you're getting at here. He's not talking about a literal Isreal, no.

>> No.10464356

The phrase intrigued me and I wasn't sure if it was a joke or not. I'm actually interested in reading atomized (I think that's the name) after I get my other books done and this line has me more interested.

>> No.10464361

>he can't translate back into french

>> No.10464370
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>coming back from America
>airports staffed by Blacks
>shops staffed by Muslims
>menial labor done by Browns
>mfw everything's going to be like America

This quote is from Submission, his latest, considering what I've read him say about Islam it was very generous. Atomized is also good. Recommend him generally.

>> No.10464943

After reading this book I'm eagerly looking forward to the final triumph of Islam over the west. Under the current system I'm destined to be a miserable genetic dead end. Under an Islamic regime I've got a chance to land myself a harem of poorly educated pubescent qt's! And here I thought Houellebecq was bigot.

(Law enforcement, please note the obvious sarcasm of the shitpost)

>> No.10465012

>(Law enforcement, please note the obvious sarcasm of the shitpost)
But law enforcement is on your side brother!

>> No.10465027

>muh boogieman

read a book

>> No.10465213
File: 65 KB, 400x388, 1483239256870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for me, there's no israel

>> No.10465218
File: 98 KB, 500x479, Iranian nuclear pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for me, there's no israel

>> No.10465233

¡Ay Atollah!

>> No.10465326

So, is he shitting on right-wingers in particular, or really just anyone with strong political beliefs?
The impression I got from the book was that Houellebecq feels the two real poles on the political spectrum are passion and indifference (as opposed to say, conservatism and liberalism).

>> No.10465361

He goes on in one passage about the nationalist right reviving a corpse, I believe the passage is here >>10464361 somewhere in the article. So it is not just passion, since there is is a difference between the nationalism of Péguy and that of current right wingers, that I think have something to do with the nation for which one is nationalistic for. A living one or a dead one. I don't know.

>> No.10465364

Underrated. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.10465391

I'm impressed the creator of this fine pepe put that much detail into the Iranian flag, kudos

>> No.10467106

Are there really people out there who rejoice at having their only home taken away from them and being made a stateless nomad?

>> No.10467455

Haven't you read the book.

He is just not going with her to the actual Israel. The girl he was fucking is a jew.

>> No.10467468


Lost. What /ourgoblin/'s work is it?

>> No.10467577


He's actually saying that the tradition values (family, religion etc.) of France (and Europe) are gone and the only that's left is decadence in the form of the protagonist, who is basicly one the Last Men (see Zarathustra).

So there are only two parties left who want to embrace traditional values: FN wants the original french values and the Muslims Fraternity the Islamic values.

He's saying that the current rightwingers are trying to revive a corpse just like >>10465361
said. But the only thing that comes next needs to be something new, so that France and Europe can evolve to the next stage of "civilisation".

>> No.10467601

WHats his relationship to the french right? I'd imagine he'd be the darling of intellectuals in the Nouvelle Droite and pessimist nationalists but I've not seen anything written about it

>> No.10467657

I'm starting to understand what he meant by "orphaned by love" and I don't like it

>> No.10467666

>you haven't read every book?!?!

>> No.10467793

That's not what Houellebecq is saying at all.
At most that would be a forced interpretation of the main character, who doesn't even really believe that but merely surfs on what appears as the rising party.

He has few direct relations with the right or the left. The very idea of competition bothers him and his first three books largely revolve around this. He also doesn't like sand people and their religion. And is against representative government. That's about it.
In terms of French party politics, he believes in a strictly class distinction, with roughly four classes voting for the big four candidates of the 2017 election (who all got roughly 20%) in the order Mélanchon->Le Pen->Macron->Fillon.

>> No.10467832

But that is why I'm calling him one of the Last Men. The Last Men don't have ideals, visions or ambition. The only thing they seek is comfort and that is why they are responsible for "destroying" the civilization they are living in. The Protagonist is exactly like that. He doesn't really care that much and in the end he just goes with it and converts to Islam.

>> No.10467893

I agree, the other post seemed to imply this was Houllebecq's own view rather than the character.

>> No.10468439

He likes Rene Guenon. Benoist and assorted pagans in Submission got roasted because of infighting with TradCaths. Basically Guenon's vision won in the end.

>> No.10469525

>What I think, fundamentally, is that you can’t do anything about major societal changes. It may be regrettable that the family unit is disappearing. You could argue that it increases human suffering. But regrettable or not, there’s nothing we can do. That’s the difference between me and a reactionary. I don’t have any interest in turning back the clock because I don’t believe it can be done. You can only observe and describe. I’ve always liked Balzac’s very insulting statement that the only purpose of the novel is to show the disasters produced by the changing of values. He’s exaggerating in an amusing way. But that’s what I do: I show the disasters produced by the liberalization of values.

>> No.10469644

>Jews deserve a state because they're Jews

>> No.10470025
File: 176 KB, 465x358, carjul2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'To deserve' is meaningless, we took it; like king David, like Judah Maccabee did before, so did we.

>> No.10470035


>> No.10470101

>he gets to have a thicc milf wife who can cook good and a 15 year old wife to fuck while he's waiting for his food and he doesn't have to stop drinking even, meanwhile order is restored and society is improved.

what's not to love?