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/lit/ - Literature

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10462167 No.10462167 [Reply] [Original]

The anti-post-modernism on this board is particularly ironic because collaborative communities like 4chan (especially lit) are themselves as forms inherently tied to post-modern philosophy in structure. It'd be like arguing against sound on the radio.

>> No.10462186

It doesn't mean those opinions aren't valid here, but the lack of perspective when posting an on image board, a technology that only recently developed, and arguing that trends that started years ago are like destroying the fabric of life when really we're going through a technological revolution of which 4chan is an apparent harbinger of what's to come shows a lack of perspective.

>> No.10462244

Most of the anti post-mordernism is a recent gift from /pol/eddit crossboarders who parrot everything their e-daddy jordan peterson says.

>> No.10462248

its even more ironic once you realize the people railing against the 'post-modernists' dont even understand that the 'post-modernists' are critiquing the current condition, not defending it. then you realize life isnt worth living and you hope for an injury to the brain thatll knock your IQ down to a simple and pleasant retardation.

>> No.10462252

it's ironic because youtube is bullying us for once.

>> No.10462265

You could look at 4chan as an object of study if you really feel this way instead of being sad about that which it is revealing

>> No.10462270

It's honestly a problem. These people are so disruptive. You mention a book and they always bring it back to some Zionists conspiracy theory. It's just so one noted and frankly annoying at this point.

Also I rage a little whenever I see "not an argument" as a response.

>> No.10462286

Get out you JIDF, thread sliding, cucked soybuggoy.

>> No.10462294

This post is exactly what OP is talking about. This anonymous speaker just used a flurry on in-jokes to argue against this position. Maybe the anon was aware of this but that only strengthens the irony.

>> No.10462309

post modernists just complain

like a communist that institutes communism, then complains bout communism and try to avoid blame for their creation

die nigger

crossposting is a meme. normal people turned /pol/ because illegal immigrants become cops and shoot girls to death and dont get punished

fuck you

>> No.10462318

>there's no such thing as objective truth, justice, common decency, or morality.
>but you have to be nice to ethnic minorities and the transgendered

>> No.10462322

t. Lets his wife get pounded by strong, muscular black men with big, fat, meaty cocks.

>> No.10462324
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Behold, the professional victims!

>> No.10462325

Yeah like there's no complaining all over /pol/

like a white person who inherits a white world order and then complains because it's not fulfilling.

Normal people are terrified of /pol/ because it's abhorrent. Your anecdote has no power here.

>> No.10462326


/pol/tards don't actually know what postmodernism is but it's fancier to use "I'm wary of these bloody postmodernists" than "I hate these gay niggers"

>> No.10462327

Wow sick. Thanks for contributing such eloquent thoughts into this discussion. You totally didn't prove the previous posts about /pol/tards right at all.

>> No.10462330

Sauce on this SAG?

>> No.10462331

I don't but if I did I'd still be happier than you.

>> No.10462348

are you more afraid of pol, or more afraid o immigrants?

if you are not afraid of niggers, I suggest you move to somalia rather than you bringing them here and forcing ME to pay for them.

you FORCING me here is the problem. normal people are pol. you created this

>> No.10462356

>I don't
But I'm sure you fantasize about your wife's tight, pink pussy being stretched out by thick, throbbing, black meat after she goes home with another man and calls you later that night to tell you to not wait up for her, her arousal apparent and her moans barely held back as he keeps pounding away at her deepest points, filling her up in ways you never could. The faint sound of sex coming over the phone and abruptly cut off by her hanging up before you go to the bedroom to jack off.

>> No.10462363
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This is bait but you should fuck off anyway. Ironic /pol/posting is still /pol/posting.

>> No.10462368

the 56% meme is the only practical response to /pol/posters, god bless /int/

>> No.10462369

But what does this have to do with post modernism?

This is our complaint. You bring up irrelevant shit about immigrants and your hurt feelings and then call us fags because you don't understand the conversation.

>> No.10462370

That's a pretty specific scenario, get some help, senpai

>> No.10462371

I know lots of immigrants who are great, only a few pol types who are leading sad meaningless lives. But my anecdotal experience proves nothing, I guess.

you are thinking about this fantasy a lot more than anyone else

>> No.10462373

it is rational and clear

niggers are coming here, killing people, and creating a budget crisis

no one is stopping YOU from having all that in somalia. please leave

YOU are stopping ME from living in a safe place though

>> No.10462375

>being terrified of an irrelevant internet forum

Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

>> No.10462377

In all fairness this is creative writing on a literature board.

>> No.10462379

post modernists only complain. they pretend they hate the order and political situation they created. just like communists

>> No.10462381

>n-no y-you're the cuck!

>> No.10462383


>> No.10462396

Again, a classic reversal that only proves the thesis of OP and shields this anon from actual confrontation with ideology. This is how these /pol/ people work on /lit/. Thinking that large swaths of humanity aren't good enough for your standards isn't an opinion that benefits anyone.

>> No.10462399

You're right. It's the communists and post modernists that created the neo-liberal, capitalist, free-range society that is creating mass unemployment for blue collar workers and extreme wealth for 1% of the population. You clearly are an intelligent person.

Also is what you're doing different from complaining? Or are you dishing out red pills and we are too dumb to comprehend your message?

>> No.10462406

I know lots of immigrants who hate Jewish people as much as anyone from /pol/. It's a Muslim thing. A lot of immigrants are dumb, ignorant, uneducated scoundrels who have social views that would deeply offend the average liberal. I mean these are the people who rape female aid workers.

>> No.10462408

obscure french philosophers no-one reads created the current political situation well at least its a better explanation than "the j-j-jews did it"

>> No.10462411

the only thing I'm complaining about is street violence and immigration. niggers and spics did that

I am poor but I don't care

you nigger communists claim you don't think money is important, but funny thing, you all hve more money than me and cant stop complaining about all them money you'd like to have

>> No.10462418

Lol. Well put my friend.

>> No.10462428

White people made the black people and Hispanics impoverished. Impoverished people commit more crime, and the cops admit they are biased. The only thing I'm complaining about is that white men completely run western governments in favor of white men and somehow you complain about the way things are without a hint of self-awareness.

I am broke too dude stop making excuses.

>> No.10462432

that's not an argument against immigrants. Hill billies do the same thing but you don't see me saying that the appalachian people are abhorrent.

>> No.10462433

Why don't you do something about instead of shit posting on a board about books?

Is it because you're too much of a fag to do anything?

>> No.10462435

Post more cuckold fantasy shit, I was jerking off to it

>> No.10462440

rich black people commit more murder per capita than the poorest caucasians

check the UCR (universal crime report) from the FBI. unlike other crimes, murder cannot be underreported.

I'll say it one more time. YOU like niggers? YOU move to nigeria. you arent going to. because you are afraid

you stupid nigger. I bet you've never even left the country or speak a different language. I speak four and my family comes from a country poorer than merican niggers and ther is NO CRIME. NONE


>> No.10462448

What country do you come from with no crime? Lmao, you are so blind. Your statistics only show that people like you want more black people locked up. White people get manslaughter, black people are assumed to be murderers because of the bias you freely admit.

>> No.10462456

>rich black people commit more murder per capita than the poorest caucasians
I lived in a place with a ~zero percent crime rate, with lots of rich white people, no black people, and everyone there had been to prison for white collar crime at some point. Still, it was nice to not have police.

>> No.10462460

I'm a cuck and I anti pomo post.

>> No.10462461

get fucked you stupid nigger

people in my country literally starved to death 20 years ago

I've been all over the globe and poverty does not cause crime. most poor contries are safer than african merican cities

you best figure it out soon. you force me to have guns shoved in my kids face by niggers and you're gonna get hanged.

YOU like niggers? YOU move to africa

if you force other people to have their kids get killed by niggers you are going to get killed, painfully

>> No.10462463

And did any kids smoke weed in that neighborhood? Obviously yes, but black kids go to jaiil for it when white kids get to walk. This is well documented.

>> No.10462467

There are no black kids to get caught nor police to catch them. You want to smoke weed and drive on the roads with no speed limit in the middle of the night and fall off a cliff, more power to you.

>> No.10462469

Only people who have shoved guns in my face are white men. Been hanging out with people of all colors and my life is good. Your anecdotal life experience is nothing compared to easily searchable crime/poverty indexes.

>> No.10462477

I'll say it one more time

YOU have the choice to live around niggers

you take the choice to NOT live around niggers from me, you are going to die

very simple. take my choice to be safe from me, you DIE

>> No.10462481

>>/pol/ actually believes weed is bad.

The rate at which police patrol black neighborhoods, ignore white crime, and assume guilt is what causes black imprisonment. Your post admits this.

>> No.10462485
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I refuse to believe that this thread is anything but a performance

>> No.10462487

>anon gets shot by nigger
>fascist state reports headline as "local black man commits suicide"
we know the truth, bro, you're really white, the CIA just dyed you black to discredit you. we won't let them get away with it, don't worry, brosef.

>> No.10462488

I live with a black person and I have a job I love ( in publishing, with colored people), friends I love, family I love, in no threat of danger. I'm good dude. Seriously. Only mugging I experienced was by a white guy.

>> No.10462492

I thought you said you were poor?

>> No.10462494

Is it bad to love this meme as an American?

>> No.10462508

>ignore white crime
i did say literally all the rich white people had been to prison and moved somewhere that has no legal enforcement to speak of, and few laws to enforce besides.
police didn't ignore their crimes in other places that have police, and so they moved away from the police.
i'm just saying rich black people could do that too if they committed white collar crimes, just there were no poor or rich black people at all there, just lots of white white collar criminals.

weed isn't bad, and speed limits are pretty dumb, especially because if you're going to crash into some shit you want to go through it and not mangle yourself in it. what's your problem with a place where you can smoke yourself into fiery oblivion off a cliff if you're a rich white person? i think on many levels you'd like knowing it exists.
the worst part was the knowledge if any of your neighbors get your mail, your identity has a 50/50 chance of being the fall guy, and everyone was retired. retired people are awful at any age.

>> No.10462512
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>nucking figgers

>> No.10462513


>> No.10462525

Go back to your /pol/ circlejerk you delusional child.

>> No.10462532

I'm right though. you leftists claim not to care about money, but all you do is complain that you don't have enough money and blame every problem on the planet on not enough money

you people are psychopaths

>> No.10462536

has anyone is this thread claimed to not care about money?

I'd abolish money if I was ruler of the world, but you didn't ask.

This thread is about the irony of internalized contradictions and you are an efficient machine for that.

>> No.10462540

>you leftists claim not to care about money, but all you do is complain that you don't have enough money and blame every problem on the planet on not enough money

epic analysis

>> No.10462550
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>> No.10462551

You're deluded, ignorant, uneducated, and don't read.

Please get the fuck off my board.

>> No.10462570

just curious but what would you replace money with? isn't money the best way to form a standard of material value for free trade?

>> No.10462587
File: 237 KB, 750x1000, raf,750x1000,075,t,101010_01c5ca27c6.u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well then I mean it's like okay but listen bloody damn here bucko

>> No.10462596

I would replace money with data, the way it is already trending. Money works the best for now but in the future, I believe we can do better.

>> No.10462597

I'm not on your board

I'm in your country, I'm at your highest universities, speaking your language better than you, and you can probably barely do precalc, and I'm more racist than your "rednecks" but I'm less racist than you. I speak four languages fluently and like more people than you, some of them literally have killed millions of my people

but I'm ignorant because no matter if I speak a hundred languages I hate niggers. you love niggers and it is your sole badge of honor, so you defend it viciously

absolutely pathetic

go ahead, try to get rid of me. vote against trump. the dems arent going to kick me out.

I'm going to bring my entire family over, and they're not going to put up ith your bullshit

>> No.10462601

I think the fact that you hate black people is your sole badge? It's the only thing you talk about. Your plans are meaningless.

>> No.10462602
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This is pathetic

>> No.10462604

what in actual hell are you even talking about

>> No.10462606

well, i've just woken up, but it seems the french are moving to america to join in their mutual hatred of africa. it looks to be a good day.

>> No.10462616

The fact that this thread descended into the repetition of /pol/ nonsense proves OP point. Post-modernism threatens existing world orders and /pol/ people are immediately drawn to argue for outdated and disgusting world orders. The inherent contradictions of these positions while on an internet that is the outcome of extreme wealth that they are the beneficiaries of while still hating themselves to hate others is so painfully made obvious by the /pol/ guy and his friends.

>> No.10462620

I'm not too keen on cryptocurrency if thats what you mean, can the data be used for anything?

>> No.10462631

man, i just told you i just woke up, say words to me like coffee and marmalade

>> No.10462652

>implying 4chan isn't cancer

>> No.10462655

Nice rationalisation

I wonder if /pol could be summed up as a performance

>> No.10462670

Maybe you should read the protocols of the learned elders of zion and get woke you soycuck

>> No.10462678

all you fags can do is compare real life things to theater, interpretive dance, and having your anus gaped by aids carriers


>> No.10462687

>and having your anus gaped by aids carriers
I see you're projecting