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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 42 KB, 512x512, angela nagle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10451822 No.10451822 [Reply] [Original]

itt: right wing authors

>> No.10451830

Why make such an idiotic thread?

>> No.10451834

I'm actually curious about this.

>> No.10451882

Curious people don't make shit threads on /lit/, desu.

>> No.10452159

/lit/'s "Can the sub-Normie Speak?" perhaps best demonstrates 4chan's concern for the processes whereby internet culture studies ironically reinscribe, co-opt, and rehearse neo-colonial imperatives of political domination, economic exploitation, and cultural erasure. In other words, is the internet cultural critic unknowingly complicit in the task of imperialism? Is "internet culture" a specifically first-world, normie, privileged, academic, institutionalized discourse that classifies and surveys the internet memes in the same measure as the actual modes of internet meme dominance it seeks to dismantle? According to /lit/, internet culture studies must encourage that "internet culture intellectuals learn that their privilege is their loss."

>> No.10452173

Kantbot's critique of Nagle was quite bad. I haven't found a real substantial critique of Nagle.

Her book is a wake-up call.

>> No.10452191
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Also rate her underlining technique

>> No.10452193

for /pol/ maybe
considering the size of 4chan's user base and the diversity of interests that can be shared and explored across the various boards, nagle's critique is extremely narrow-and-yet-unfocused given the generalized pronouncements she makes about 'us' and our supposedly collective attitudes about women etc.

>> No.10452197
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>I haven't found a real substantial critique of Nagle.

Have you read this?


>> No.10452204

>Kantbot's critique of Nagle was quite bad

that shit was so disappointing

it read like generic mgtow shit

>> No.10452215

>One sentence, in the opening paragraph of chapter three, manages to stretch across fourteen lines of text without so much as a single semicolon.
>How even a small, Marxist, publishing house let all of this slide is beyond me.
>small, Marxist, publishing house
man if u goan nitpick about people not properly employing punctuation, u better damn well be triple-proof-reading ur own work

>> No.10452233
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>> No.10452239
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>> No.10453827

Are you surprised? Kantbot is a pseud and poser

>> No.10453851


>> No.10453878

> Also rate her underlining technique

Weak, vulnerable and suffering.

>> No.10453886
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>> No.10454060

I sympathize with her because she is a die hard child of liberalism trying to grasp at a rejection of her core ideals. She predictably fails diagnosing a kind of dropout culture of losers of neoliberalism and her only solution democratic socialism. It’s sad really. I wish she could or would do better because the subject matter is relevant.

Prescribing Sandersism for the malady of a lack of belonging/connection to something real or eternal is so, so pathetic.

>> No.10454097
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>> No.10454125

Anybody who mostly posts on twitter is a pseud and poser. If he wrote more longform essays instead of shitposting maybe he could be taken seriously.

>> No.10454165

She didn’t bother with the /pol/ reading list that’s for sure.

>> No.10454191

Angela, my potato-faced Irish beauty.

>> No.10454212


Underrated post

>> No.10454220

All Russian writers that fled to the west
Tom Wolfe
Probably O'Connor
Probably Pynchon and Wallace, just for the lulz

>> No.10454265

I really do not understand the backlash to Nagle. She seems to have acknowledged the problems that have produced the more visible part of the alt-right - namely the complications of sexual freedom, multiculturalism etc. True, she frames these quite often as problems of frustrated masculinity (which is reductive but not altogether untrue) and doesn't explore wider historical forces, but at least she is a leftist who is willing to look at these original problems, rather than insist that they are, in fact, not problems and needn't be dealt with (like the majority of liberal-left thinkers).

True, she doesn't delve into the nrx or accelerationist right (which are alt-right, even if their desperation to be cutting-edge prevents them from identifying as such) but they are basically just a mutation of the original MGTOW, anti-sjw, etc. groups which she does address

>> No.10454288

adolf hitler is one of the more celebrated right wing authors considering how accessible mein kampf is

>> No.10454291

Basically, what this guy said is the best critique of Nagle

>> No.10454297

I would agree with that anon, but I don't think her attempt justifies a huge backlash. What, if not democratic socialism, is the leftist antidote? It can never be u/acc or any other kind of ridiculous meltdown ideology because it will not win the working class. Also, Sanders is SocDem, not DemSoc

>> No.10454339

They pretty clearly don't have the answers. Not like it matters though because their whole political apparatus is being taken over by "natural conservatives" who are using them for gibs.

>> No.10454344
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>> No.10454375

I wonder what she thinks about leftypol

>> No.10454392

>it will not win the working class
Nothing will until they stop treating it as the enemy deserving only ridicule and pain, and making sure as many of them as humanly possible vote republican.

I'm happy I'm not in charge of this idiocy, otherwise I'd have to calmly explain people paid to show powerpoints to students why accusing others of wearing fedoras on social media may not persuade them to vote for our guys.

captcha: third avenue

>> No.10454404

>Marxists are now called right-wing
Wow it's like I'm in an anarchist forum.

>> No.10454410

the old guy from the zero books podcast will fight you IRL if you keep spewing shit

>> No.10454413
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You are.

>> No.10454418
File: 106 KB, 960x728, 18739971_10155321891544522_4393027636966316618_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>autistic underlining
i guess it makes perfect sense, also shitty five pointed star

>> No.10454431

As a working class white lad, one of things that's surprising is how much you get shit on from the left. You always expect the right to have a go and liberals to infantilize, but the amount lefties will mock and ridicule you for literally anything is incredible. You can literally watch their faces light up with excitement when they find something to go after, especially the women.

>> No.10454438
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The only thing worse than centrist neoliberals are people who think a socialist revolotion can happen without violence and appropriated state mechanisms to make possible the economic transition. It's honestly embarrassing how none of these people have any idea what dire conditions and threats actual revolutionaries have to deal with. I've stopped recommending Marxist theory and instead just tell them to read a good history of the USSR.

>> No.10454465

I am that anon. The left used to be an anti capitalist movement which advocated often a world not mediated purely by exchange economics. No more. Now they settle for inclusive capitalism. The (relevant) left has no grand revolutionary vision. The alt right doesn’t buy what the left is selling anymore and rightly so.

>> No.10454481

This, but unironically

>> No.10454484
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>> No.10454489
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it is a really bitter, vindictive, paranoid, and naracisstic ideology

>> No.10454493

There's nothing new about reformists and succdems betraying the communist goals. A lot of people now are acting as if "the left" has become exclusively liberalism for the rest of time, but this is obviously bullshit. When anti-capitalist movements do arise, as they inevitably will as we go further and further beyond post-90s triumphalism, it will become clear what an actual leftist movement looks like. Reformists have been cancer since the early 20th century.

>> No.10454507

I can easily imagine myself the Hillary Clinton of some other timeline, personally screaming at a room half full of teachers and teaching assistants:


and despair as they tilt their heads in confusion, and I struggle to find that one string of signifiers that would make them get it, and stop interpreting those behaviors as heroic, let alone helpful, and finally start discouraging them in and out of class. But as I said, I'm glad I don't have to suffer any of this.

>> No.10454520

anon, its over. Communism was tried, it failed, and now its corpse is paraded around by mentally retarded upper middle class faggots who do nothing but cry about what victims they are and the only remedy is for them to get free money. Also, fuck white people.

>> No.10454558
File: 656 KB, 1575x1555, lefty-empiricalmarxism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still repeating Fukuyamaist nonsense after 2008
You need to read some contemporary economic analysis and get with the times. Neoclassical economics is thoroughly discredited for anyone with a brain.

>> No.10454584

>muh books
do you not realize how retarded you are when you cheer on this "inevitable" downfall of capitalism while also praising an already dead system like marxism anon? Its done.

>> No.10454600

pretty sure that's bait, his image is mostly random books thrown together

>> No.10454602

Hmmmm interesting post.

>> No.10454603

Because you're such an absolute authority to pronounce the death of Marxism, lmao. You probably don't know jack shit about socialist history or the content of the Marxist critique of political economy, like everyone else on this shitty board. It's a bunch of edgy reactionary LARPing for alienated kids.

>> No.10454634

not a lolbert but none of you are familiar with Marxist economics or political theory and you’re all clearly posturing, lower level brainlets who can’t vanquish a bunch of 18 year olds

>> No.10454638

The first row is absolutely worth reading, it's a collection of modern economists, researchers and computer scientists who take Marx's predictions, such as LTV and falling rates of profit, really seriously and give them empirical backing. The other rows are more for people who want to really delve into computional economic planning, it's not a requirement.
The one book you should read is Towards A New Socialism, it's been making a lot of waves on leftist board and such, it's very accessible and makes a realistic argument for non-market production and allocation of goods.

>> No.10454643
File: 102 KB, 1080x1303, Tywin & Fam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why the emphasis should be on ending discrimination and bigotry, not on becoming a victim of it.

There will be no class consciousness until
1) The proletariat stops splitting along lines of identity. This is how the bourgeoisie keeps us fighting each other and capitalizing off of our identities.
2) The lumpenproletariat must become the proletariat. It needs to be educated in matters of class politics, and motivated to stay that way until society is leveled out
3) Traditional hierarchies need to be replaced with concentric circles of mutual accountability and direct democracy, according to need and expertise. Your "boss" isn't "better" than you just because his job is more rare. He is just the central node of a network topology of human actors. He should be accountable to every other node his is connected to and vice-versa.
4) The bourgeoisie has to realize that class consciousness will in the long run be better for them as well. Instead of keeping the proles smashed, slammed, stupid as fuck, they should want a flat concentric circle of mutual accountability and constant upward mobility for everyone, with no recessions or periods of political strife

>> No.10454653

>ending discrimination
no i won’t accept lessers as my equals

>> No.10454676
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Ask what made them lesser, what keeps them lesser, and whether they would remain lesser if you assisted them in becoming your equals.

Should you refuse: You are a cancer to the body of Adam Kadmon. God's son, the collective human, and inheritor of the stars.

>> No.10454679

It may be premature but I tend to believe that the left as a revolutionary anti capitalist movement is deceased. Right anti liberalism of the /pol/ and jihadi variety are sadly more viable than any sort of leftist revolutionism. The reformists won. They killed the black panthers and made free breakfast an ameliorative government program. The revolution has been recuperated.

>> No.10454689
File: 463 KB, 590x586, savage dprk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The revolution has been commodified, brotha

buy our socialist reddit t shirts

and our socialist reddit inbred toadline bulldogs, SMASHED, SLAMMED, just like the proles

>> No.10454691

>what made them lesser
their evil souls and evil lands
>would they remain lesser if i assisted them
they’d be temporarily empowered over me and endowed with resources they would spoil and abuse
>you are a cancer to Adam Kadmon should you refuse
you can’t use my ancestors cult to harm me you faggot
>collective human
uh huh
>inheritor to the stars
sounds like new age faggotry and not kabbalah

>> No.10454712
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I was getting satirical towards the end just to fuck with you

It's cool that you're actually into Kabbalah and shit.

Keep it up my man.
Vote for me.
I know what's good for you.

>> No.10454808

You don't have to be a marxist to realize that neoclassical economics is a joke

>> No.10454832

how is he at all right wing

>> No.10454841
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>> No.10454866

Autocratic socialist.

>> No.10454870

>Anon actually makes a list of right-wing writers
>everybody ignores it and it's just focused on some autists discussing meme ideologies that will never be subscribed by the majority of population
The state of /lit/

>> No.10454881

>Ask what made them lesser, what keeps them lesser, and whether they would remain lesser if you assisted them in becoming your equals.
DNA cannot be changed by politics

>> No.10454892

Hating racially diverse cities is not the same thing as being right wing.

>> No.10454896

Most authors up until the 20th Century would be classified as right wing or literal HITLERS according to modern leftist intelligentzia.

>> No.10454908
File: 255 KB, 319x317, 1494611462889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genetic engineering exists. It's funded by states and businesses alike. We're getting better at it every day, and the decision to support it is a political one.

You're not as superior as you imagine yourself.


>> No.10454920

the leftards will be the first ones screaming 'unethical' if someone tried to tinker with DNA to bring the negro hordes to at least average IQs or take the aggro out of arab subhumans
this is completly unrealistic but what do you expect from cultural marxist fuckwits

>> No.10454926

There may be right wing writers but there's no such thing as a right wing author. To be an author you must have some sense of artistic integrity that people like Tom Clancy just doesn't have.

>> No.10454928

Just another layer of perversion. Amazing what hoops people will jump through trying to rationalize their bullshit.

>> No.10454935

I think we are all superior to people who go around fucking with genetics like that.

Just because you could eventually effect some great change in how a creature looks, performs, or some other aspect doesn’t mean that you should. It will get you nowhere, and is the very reason I do not like the idea of GMOs.

The solution to overpopulation is temperance because of God

>> No.10454943

Gr8 b8 m8 8/8

>> No.10454966

>There's no such thing as life without bloodshed. I think the notion that the species can be improved in some way, that everyone could live in harmony, is a really dangerous idea. Those who are afflicted with this notion are the first ones to give up their souls, their freedom. Your desire that it be that way will enslave you and make your life vacuous.
Source: http://www.nytimes.com/books/98/05/17/specials/mccarthy-venom.html

>> No.10454978

No mention of Ernst Jünger? In Storms of Steel and On the Marble Cliffs are great books all by themselves.

>> No.10455868

one thing i'm never quite able to understand is how do you expect to "educate" people whose main interests are jordans, iphones and binge-tv on super tedious shit like "class politics"? the same people who are practically raised on pop music with lyrics that are 90% about accumulating money and spending it on luxurious goods?

>> No.10455878

Most people don't enjoy reading big words.

Yes, big words.

Now go smell more of your own farts.

>> No.10455952


Blow me, he was right wing.

>> No.10455960

>Probably Pynchon and Wallace, just for the lulz
Golden Age Pynchon was a socially progressive individualist with anarchist leanings. He was wary of any mass movement and felt exceedingly guilty about the brief reactionary phase of his late adolescence. A good chunk of time in his introduction to Slow Learner is spent flagellating himself for the crimes of his youth

Modern "Bleeding Edge" Pynchon is a semi-reluctant lackey for managerial liberalism and not conservative in any sense whatsoever. Though he is still more conscious of liberalism's failures than most in his social circle, he is ultimately a Jon Stewart-watching boomer.

Wallace was literally a card-carrying Communist who voted for Reagan as an accelerationist, but eventually he became too timid and cynical to commit to any particular ideology. Like Pynchon, he retreated to liberalism

>> No.10455964

What I don’t understand is how if the infrastructure (ie material conditions, methods of production) have primacy in determining the development of a society, how changing some people’s minds is going to create any sort of meaningful, fundamental social change. Thinking face emoji.

>> No.10455979

obvious b8, but people like celine, ezra pound, and knut hamsun had far more artistic integrity, not to mention courage, than any leftist author probably ever. these are people who faced actual persecution for their beliefs, whereas it takes zero courage to regurgitate the fashionable views of the literary establishment and receive nothing but accolades and unending praise. ezra pound died in an institution because of his beliefs. hamsun was charged with treason. celine never recanted even when nazi hunters were a thing (joachim peiper was gunned down in france).

>> No.10455998

bullshit. i guarantee you have a superficial understanding of right/left:


>> No.10456017
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>Wallace was literally a card-carrying Communist who voted for Reagan as an accelerationist

>> No.10456031

>ezra pound died in an institution because of his beliefs
lol you've never read anything about him you racist pseud retard. He died in a hospital because of his organs, not because of his erroneous beliefs which he recanted. Him not understand how society and economics work had nothing to do with death

>> No.10456041

>Not an argument. you're just strawmanning "leftards" in advance
And what can you do to stop it? It's amazing that you guys are willing to let Capitalism do anything to marginalize minorities but as soon as you're the one about to be marginalized by the technocratic Capitalist elite you squeal "perversion perversion perversion."
Again. Suggest a course of action. Stop parroting ideological right wing talking points. That just amounts to airing your insecurities. It doesn't actually result in anything.
>Just because you could eventually effect some great change in how a creature looks, performs, or some other aspect doesn’t mean that you should. It will get you nowhere, and is the very reason I do not like the idea of GMOs.

I'm responding to people who are like "my race is superior"
and I'm like "but what if genetic engineering."
and they're like "no, subhumans are not allowed to benefit from technology, only me."

>because of God

"My ideology is already justified just read my one book solution to everything."

Already did, thanks

>> No.10456049


>> No.10456065

He was a member of CPUSA

>> No.10456094

Literally the only source for half of the claims of Wallace's sudden embracing of left-wing politics are from a literal who new yorker writer who failed to make last months rent.

Shits becoming the new "Jewish friend of a antisemite reveals said antisemite recanted his antisemitism."

>> No.10456105

The fact that there's been any backlash against her shows that the whole "Dirtbag Left" thing is just marketing. Most of the left is as insufferably bourgeois and puritanical as ever. What exactly is their grievance anyway? That she made some errors? That wouldn't explain the moral hatred and accusations of far right sympathy. That she tried to understand the Alt-Right? That she was insufficiently finger-wagging and hysterical about /pol/-style racism/trolling/etc.? The closest thing I've heard to a coherent argument is that some people dislike that she seems to have tacitly acknowledged that "hypergamy" exists (I mean it's pretty self-evident that women are choosier than men in regard to mates, not that this is some sort of social problem) and that she suggested that certain aspects #MeToo culture might result in witchhunts and possibly the death of romance which is more or less obvious if you think about uncritically any and all sexual assault accusations are treated, as well as things like enthusiastic consent, which would strip all sexual encounters of any possible eroticism.

I remember hearing her allude to this in a podcast. She said something to the effect that a lot of people seem to be offended that she seems to have uttered some "unleftwing thoughts". I think this gets at the heart of things. To an extent, it's possible to criticize the left from the left (like saying idpol undermines class struggle), and even this faces significant backlash and is unlikely to really get anywhere. But just saying, "Well, that's stupid, things don't work like that," isn't acceptable for some reason. In addition to moral copping and puritanism, a huge problem with the left seems to also be its inability to accept any self-criticism. If something is identified as left and is adopted by a large enough group of people, you just can't think anything else without being regarded as a crypto-fascist. It's insane.

>> No.10456115
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>> No.10456117

Hi Joshi.

>> No.10456120


>aggro out of arab subhumans

Whereas Europeans, the only true whites (americans are mutts), have been living peacefully with each other non-stop for millennia.

>> No.10456149

>you were wrong about one biographical detail so the rest of your point is invalid

who cares how he died, you insecure hair-splitting retard? the point is he was charged with treason and institutionalized due to being unfit to stand trial. st. elizabeths was a psychiatric institution. he spent over a decade there. compare this to writers who supported stalin, mao, etc.

>> No.10456157

In a capitalist system dark savages aren’t going to be investing in gene therapy. The only way this is possible on a large scale is through government interference in the market. They do the same thing now by importing third world peasants and enslaving the natives to educate and feed their children. Gene therapy would only ensure a better quality product.

What we need is a return to aristocracy. A group put in charge that would cull the defective stock instead of enabling them.

>> No.10456159

Corncob is right desu

>> No.10456162

>have been living peacefully with each other non-stop for millennia.
dude what lol, European nations have been fighting each other since the holy roman empire.

>> No.10456221

If they had that mechanism of self reflection and observation they wouldn’t be leftists to begin with.

>> No.10456251

>right wing authors
Most of the dino authors like Poul Anderson, John "I'm playing devil's advocate honest" Campbell, de Camp, Heinlein, Price, Pournelle, Niven, Vance, etc.

>> No.10456647

The perception (how true it is is another matter) is that the white working class is socially conservative (and in the US staunchly supported economic conservatism since Reagan). Without that contemporary American left-right politics would be a straightforward class matter.

>> No.10456714

right wing libertarian

>> No.10456722

Gravity's Rainbow was more left than right, though very bleak and pessimistic.

>> No.10456739

>literally a commie

>> No.10456762

Nagle's book is not really about 4chan or the alt-right. It's more about how the left has failed to engage alienated young men.

>> No.10456797
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If you care about economic justice more than trigger warnings and gender neutral bathrooms then congratulations, you're an evil reactionary and probably a white male as well.

>> No.10457150

>You probably don't know jack shit about socialist history or the content of the Marxist critique of political economy
youre projecting. Either way, neither of these things changes the fact that marxism was tried and it failed horribly. time to grow up anon

>> No.10457623

>Nagle's book is not really about 4chan or the alt-right. It's more about how the left has failed to engage alienated young men.

You are correct, but did Nagle understand that that's what she was doing?

>> No.10457903

she shoudn't have claimed the book was really about the "alt-right" so much as such if she wanted alt-right people to like her as that is clearly getting the genealogy wrong... but the point was to get people's attention with the title and in the minds of most /pol/ counts as altright. so the criticism is just nitpicky bullshit

>> No.10458141

easy to say when your family has a dollar of wealth for every dime that a black family has.

"identity politics" runs adjacent to class struggle. the black working class, for instance, has essentially become a permanent mudsill for corporate interests to plunder with glee, precisely because not even white liberals can work up the effort to give a shit about them. miraculously, your brain can expand to include more things than just class and income.

>> No.10458154

Read this and cease your ignorance:

>> No.10458221

Is there anything that the left can do to really engage with them. Their actions and ideological paradigms come off as quite hostile.

>> No.10458231

it's an intractable "you started it first" situation. hostility from leftists begets hostility from the alienated. hostility from the alienated makes even more leftists pissed off, which makes them hostile too. etc.

it's now impossible to independently try to reach out, because any time an individual on the left tries to be conciliatory, they're shut down with examples of other leftists being dickish, and vice versa.

that, and being online all the time can imbue in a person some certain terrible habits, among them desensitization, pettiness, cynicism, etc. the most extreme examples, of course, being 12 year old twitch streamers and youtubers who scream racial obscenities over FNAF and start community drama.

>> No.10458746

>any time an individual on the left tries to be conciliatory

>> No.10458776

Aryan mystic prince

>> No.10458806
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>> No.10458814

Why posting only to berate?

>> No.10458830

No anon, you are the cunt!
>>and then anon was Tumblr

>> No.10458836

Right-wing how?

Dont get me wrong I loved Disquiet but there seems to be absolutely no suggestion of rightism in it whatsoever, there is however a lot of implicit suggestion of mommy issues and wanting to be comforted

>> No.10458852

Jesus fucking christ what a tedious windbag. I expected better but no it's just him vomiting a terminology thesaurus.

>> No.10458862

He described himself as a nationalist, conservative and monarchist.

>> No.10458865

for the left there is only one way : ever further into degeneracy, perversion and self annihilation. That's why they are secretly glad that the negro and arab hordes will eventually rape, kill and obliberate all of them.

>> No.10458893

what does the cs stuff have to do with marxism?

>> No.10458941

>to class struggle
No such thing.
An european worker in a british factory in the early 20th century had no interests in common with indian Pariahs, African exploited farmsmen, South american mestizos, middle eastern dhimmi or even just irish farmers in the same time period. Just like now you have no interests in common with the refugees that are flooding europe.

>> No.10458954

somewhat OT : does anyone else assume that the proportion of female posters on /lit is higher than on, say /g or /pol ?

>> No.10459176

It must be. Either that or the leftists are men shitposting.

>> No.10459270

Welp, I guess Clinton is one in each and every timeline, then.

captcha: through stop

>> No.10459285


>> No.10459296


It would certainly make sense, but then again, what is 2 times 0?

>> No.10459319

Women post on 4chan in a few ways.

The vast majority post only on /b/ and/or /soc/. They are teenage girls who heard it's a cool website full of edgy people. They don't understand the site, and will often "be a 4channer" for 5 years while never venturing out of /b/ or making many posts, aside from occasional camwhoring or occasional "I don't have a boyfriend and I'm not necessarily looking to date but I guess I'll let 50 guys add me on Skype on /soc/ because I'm lonely" moments.

A smaller proportion actually do use the site meaningfully, and post, but they do it exclusively on demi-social boards like /r9k/, or on boards with very high Reddit/Facebook indexes like /co/, /mu/, /fit/, or /ck/, because they can't handle the banter and they don't have neckbeard hobbies (or have hobbies deeply enough) such that they could post on the really masculine hobby oriented boards.

A slightly smaller number post on boards like /lit/, but they either mainly lurk, or they get annoyed and leave fairly quickly after whining that everyone's mean and they can't thought police anyone.

A vanishingly small, exception-that-proves-the-rule number of girls actively browse or post on boards without doing it for attention (like tripfagging as "Deathleaper's Fangirl btw I'm a girl" or something like that).

/lit/ has a relatively small number of women from the penultimate group, but they tend to stick around only for a short while, never quite fit in or enjoy bantz atmosphere, get mad at some tongue-in-cheek thread while they're on their period, and leave in a huff. There are a very small number of girls from the last group, but they also tend not to use the board like a running chatroom like a lot of the male regular users do, lurking or visiting occasionally.

tldr It actually has a surprisingly small number of female posters.

t. girl

>> No.10459328

yes because this board is worse than /pol/ and /g/ and a sure fire way to decrease the quality of a board is to have more equal gender distribution (see boards like /b/, /soc/, /mu/ and /fa/, which are some of the worst boards on this website and have much more equal gender distributions)

thats not to say that women posters bring the quality of a board down, more that a board culture which is hospitable to women was probably terrible to begin with

>> No.10459333

>thats not to say that women posters bring the quality of a board down, more that a board culture which is hospitable to women was probably terrible to begin with

savvy analysis

>> No.10459361

interesting. thanks

>> No.10459364

Move to Newham in the east end

>> No.10459370

I don't think it's "surprisingly" small, but I agree with your description and it can also be applied to non-whites, particularly niggers, which is why 4chan is overwhelmingly white and east asian

>> No.10459371

>stop parroting ideological right wing talking points

>> No.10459377

This thread has realised how glad I am to live in England, by also what a shame it is too.
Also, I hate commie burgers and their effeminate 'muh minorities'

>> No.10459378

>not mention of /cgl/, THE female board

>> No.10459383

>implying you have anything at all in common with Jamal or Mukutukala from Africa who now worships allah in Italy. Why should you care about them? They aren't your people, I doubt they care about you. I certainly know that muhammad down my road doesn't care for the commies as much as the commies care about him

>> No.10459398

Based Kennedi.

>> No.10459410 [DELETED] 

Mannn #9,5 3:3, 43?8,# ?3 5&@5 :!94#

>> No.10459433

Says the faggot espousing socialist beliefs.

>> No.10459462

This. If it wasn't for capitalism there wouldn't be poverty and everyone could dedicate most of their time to do what they want. Sadly, wageslave cunts are too greedy to get that.

>> No.10459547

>If it wasn't for capitalism there wouldn't be poverty
sure in the soviet union everyone lived like shit except for the party members you fucktard

>> No.10459565

No hes COOL!!! s-shut up!
The critique was pretty bad though, he should stick to making nick land and hegel-was-a-rwer jokes and talking about raising thule desu. But on twitter he's cool

>> No.10459827

the utopia is always just a few more murders away, the good thing is that the best way to get rid of revolutionaries is a revolution

>> No.10459840

zizek is a commie just as an axiom that he takes for flavor and style, but it doesn't really follow from anything he writes. he just writes stuff and then adds some grandstanding stuff to it like "we as communists should remain true to the idea of revolution" or similar shit to sound trendy

>> No.10459841
File: 113 KB, 733x227, t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is Autistic Mercury dead, hasn't been a post since early November

>> No.10459862

>It needs to be educated in matters of class politics, and motivated to stay that way until society is leveled out
yes, i'm sure your non-hierarchical, meaningless society will work just fine this time without extreme violence and repression once you have destroyed all organic structures that rule day-to-day life

>> No.10459964

>Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell
>not the purest ideology in almost current year+1
pick one and only one

>> No.10460045

>You are correct, but did Nagle understand that that's what she was doing?
she understood that "being transgressive" doesn't work anymore as a left wing tool, which is the main takeaway from the failure of the online left

>> No.10460048

my favourite video of his is the democracy one where he's arguing that global conflict has decreased as a result of democracy and he lists rwanda as a country with "10,000 or more" deaths

>> No.10460059

computerized bread lines

>> No.10460116

Is that you Angela?

>> No.10460120
File: 93 KB, 638x800, 1482253165807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fucking state of contemporary leftism

it's nice knowing I'll get to keep all of my shekels because you morons are too busy crying over racist halloween costumes to liquidate me as a class

>> No.10460128

put matt christman on this

>> No.10460132

what did matt do

>> No.10460184

Wait, you're not that one /pol/cuck who's always baiting on /trv/ lately about being "progressive" and racist at the same time, are you?

>> No.10460243

this plus Eliot, Pound, Houellebecq, Julian Barnes

>> No.10461141

CGL is weird to me, it is full of girls who dress in gothic lolita but it never gets mentioned

>> No.10462910
File: 45 KB, 313x499, 51oHsTJBWZL._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now in english too

>> No.10463354
File: 91 KB, 945x667, Fernando Pessoa-comunismo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>b-but it-it's in P-Portuguese


>> No.10463378

That's not that right wing

And he spent most of his life living off of hoochie mamas

he's really just an old beat generation basement dweller who churned out some decent books in between pussy hoppin'

>> No.10463469
File: 76 KB, 468x437, 6a00d8341c565553ef01156f6a7840970c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He seems quite HRx to me desu

>> No.10463603

He isn't, few people have actually read his written material which is way more moderate than his appearances on panel shows.

>> No.10463982

zizek's communism is basically just another one of his tics. like sniffing or touching his nose.

>> No.10463987

The greatest of them all, maybe

>> No.10463997

He can be construed as an anarchist or at least anti-authoritarian