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/lit/ - Literature

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10453110 No.10453110 [Reply] [Original]

The best sources to get free e-books, pdf or epub, fuck-a-kindle.

>> No.10453123


>> No.10453139

>not exclusively reading books which are in the public domain

never gonna make it

>> No.10453143

Normally do, but I've got to get my hands on sum Philip K. Dick boi

>> No.10453144


>> No.10453200


>> No.10453236
File: 187 KB, 758x631, 1484933261989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How might one go about downloading public domain kindle books from Gutenberg without jailbreaking a kindle?

>> No.10453243

fuck, your dumb anon
i hope your just bait

>> No.10453250
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My kindle hasn't arrived yet pls no bully. If its easy I'll feel dumb.

>> No.10453264

Every public tracker has an 20GB torrent called “books”, which has everything you’ll need.

Install Calibre and it works over USB as easily as iTunes used to with music. You can also set up email, and it’s not that bad.

>> No.10453268

I forgot to add that it’s ok to ask questions, >>10453243 is just a cunt.

>> No.10453286
File: 104 KB, 1100x516, 1497610238030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks kind anon. My package tracker has it coming on Thursday so I'll be sure to check out Calibre for USB downloads and transfers.

>> No.10453308

Just remember that the Kindle’s native format is .mobi, but most downloads are .epub. Calibre can fix them, but you’ll want a mobi download over an epub. Luckily it’s not like rips vary that much by quality, so almost anything older than 3-5 years will be easy to find with tpb.

>> No.10453627

Is it possible to add covers to mobi files myself? Most of the books that I've downloaded don't have covers.

>> No.10453632

Calibre does everything you need.

>> No.10453743

Okay, through Calibre I discovered that the covers just don't show up for books that I put on my Kindle outside of downloading from Amazon. Not sure why that would be.

>> No.10453750

Right click>edit metadata>download data and covers

>> No.10453764

Did that. The covers show up on Calibre, but not on my Kindle.

>> No.10453769

...did you put them on the kindle before or after you got the covers?

>> No.10453773

I did it when they were on, and then tried removing them and doing it and then putting them back on. So, both.

>> No.10453775


>> No.10453776
File: 986 KB, 500x270, Abracadabra.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as there's a thread up about stealing books, would anyone here happen to know where I could get a copy of The Prestige for free? Most of the torrents I find are for the movie and the one time I found a torrent of the book, it had no seeds.

>> No.10453780

Okay, I somehow got it to work this time.

>> No.10453783

Good deal.

>> No.10453784

Thanks for the help.

>> No.10453788


It's really as simple as that

>> No.10453795

No problem, bud. Happy reading.
libgen has it.
That's a spooky looking site. You can email books to your kindle and it'll convert them for you.

>> No.10453805

>connecting your kindle to the internet
>giving away your email address to some random website
Thanks. I actually found it after I saw the post above mine. I don't use /lit/ much, so I didn't even know about that website. I usually just torrent my books.

>> No.10453873

Best place to get the entire works of Plato and Aristotle?

>> No.10453898

The answer to any question like this is probably libgen. I'd also recommend something to bypass the Aristotle. It's absolutely invaluable information but there are better ways than millennia old lecture notes. Even a decent HOP would probably work.

>> No.10453931

Gutenberg has kindle files on the site.
Convert the file again after adding the cover.