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10448951 No.10448951 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you buy books instead of just going to the library? Is it to show off?

>> No.10448954

>lmao why have a girlfriend when you can just bang hookers? Is it just to show off?

>> No.10448955

I like books i like owning them

>> No.10448956

Sometimes if you don't have access to a particularly large library, it's hard to get the books you want.
It's nice to be able to annotate books, fold pages to keep your page, not have to worry as much about losing or damaging them since they're your own property.
Sometimes it's nicer to have as much time as you want to read a book, and leisure to re-read it as much as you want, or check something in it at any moment you want, whereas in most libraries, you can renew a book and usually have it for a month or so, but not permanently.

>> No.10448959

because library doesn't have every book i want
nor every edition
also i take way longer than the max renewal period to read sometimes, esp when i check out 30+ books


>> No.10448964

Yeah but what about when you buy a book and you hate it or stop reading it halfway through. You could've found out it wasn't for you without spending any money. I only buy books AFTER I've read them through the library and know I want to have them to refer to or read again.

>> No.10448986

also marking up books in pencil

nobody has time to erase, and i use a lot of post its depending and itsvery strenuous to take off the postits afterwards. lol!

>> No.10448987

i take really bad care of books i read. cracking the spine, bending the corners of cover/pages, general wear and tear from carrying it in bags, etc. if i get it from the library i gotta be extremely careful

>> No.10449037


>> No.10449064

I only read books that I know I want on my shelf in the first place.

>> No.10449113

I don't buy books. I pirate them or (very occasionally borrow them from the library).
The only books I own are those that I have been given or those I've bought with book vouchers I've won/been given.

99℅ of people but books because they think it makes them look smart.

>> No.10449698

To support the industry.

>> No.10449895

yes. people like to fill their book shelves off to people who visit to say "look at how smart I am!" in the same way hunters hand the heads of deer on their walls to show off what a great hunter they are. Anyone who disagrees with this is lying and we all know it.

>> No.10449921

Because my local library sucks so bad it isn't funny anymore. They don't even have homers odyssee. Can you imagine the degeneracy?

>> No.10450154

This, and more specifically to support the authors I like.

>> No.10450172

Because libraries are unethical, frogscum.

>> No.10450415

Read Umberto Eco on why he cultivates a personal library.

>> No.10450656

Kinda, I honestly just feel really satisfied looking at my growing collection of books I have read.

>> No.10450683

That analogy doesn't work

>> No.10450684

I do both. There's just some books I'd like to own.

>> No.10450702

>Reading something that another person's hands have touched

>> No.10450743
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yes, knowledge should only be distributed to those with the means to afford it

peasants should roll around in shit and make us more money

eh comrade

>> No.10450750


>> No.10450759

>libraries are unethical
Hahahahahaha. This is why I love this website. Unintentional comedy created by unintending comedians.

>> No.10450860

The local libraries are too small. Not a single work of rigorous secondary literarature on the shelves. Usually shit translations of the classics. The only contemporary lit they have is Nicholas Sparks type stuff, and they never have contemporary academic philosophy or academic science journals. There's just nothing there worth reading. It's only valuable for book club moms, children, and as a polling center for local elections.

>> No.10450870

Past them off to my off spring in hopes they don’t become uncultured swines.

>> No.10450878

So my options are (1) Move to a college town, to make use of university libraries, or (2) Buy books. Uprooting my family just for a library is silly. So I buy books.

>> No.10450886


>> No.10451843

Because I am a capitalist. Personal property for all and public property for the people who have no sense to value and take care of things.

>> No.10451868

I hate public institutions and would not be inclined to return the books. I also like having personal property as BASED nigger objectivist 17 yr old points out here >>10451843

>> No.10451888

In other words, the reading of them isn't important.

>> No.10451897

I read books alone in my room for the aesthetic. Having them on my shelf is just extra, or it would be if I had any friends to show them to.

>> No.10452113

Don't need to cut a tree to just show the world how narcissistic i am. I go to the library

>> No.10452121

wtf i love 2018 lit

>> No.10453411

mah nigga

>> No.10453414

No, my time is important, so I mostly only read books that have been established as important.

>> No.10453488

Because my life is empty and I buy things to fill the void.
I spend like $1-4 per book though so it's not that expensive, idk if I could ever pay full price for a book desu.
I'd probably have a panic attack.

>> No.10453516


>> No.10453655

Who would I "show off" to?

>> No.10453657

You sound like a massive faggot

>> No.10453666


you think we need libraries for that?

people can find whatever they may have the inclination to search for on the internet

>> No.10453667

They end up on the bottom shelves and eventually get donated to charity.

>> No.10453694

Same for me.

>> No.10453696

You guys are being ironic, r-right? You’re not actually twitter/reddit/tumblr basic bitch niggers, r-right?

>> No.10453733

i'm sorry that you feel that way anon, I hate myself a lot so don't you worry about needing to hate me.

>> No.10453914

My library has a shit collection. In fact, I either pirate or buy books, and when I buy books I donate them to the library after I'm done with them because having a bookshelf to show off your ego is consumerist basic bitch shit. Aint no room in my pad for a bookshelf of dead trees.

>> No.10454044

I only buy from charity shops, so I'm doing my bit for starving orphans. Also my local library isn't that big and I'm sort of addicted.

>> No.10454315
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Why do you care about what I do?

>> No.10454333

I pirate books and read them on my kindle and then buy hardcovers if I liked them.