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10447764 No.10447764 [Reply] [Original]

What preliminary reading do
I need to have done to understand Foucault, and which one of his works do I read first?

>> No.10447770

just read discipline and punish like generations before you and shut the fuck up

>> No.10447788

If you have to ask, don't.

Seriously, everyday fags come here and say what they have to read in order to understand x author. Truth is it is never about understanding or not understanding it in its entirety, you'll understand some of it and in some given way, always. Sure we can all talk of influences and responses, etc. this can be a good thread. But I think this hides the most important point that is to read whatever author with an open mind and with the thought in mind that you won't understand it.

>> No.10447795

Nietzsche, Heidegger, Saussere, Lacan
Meme book, Archeology of Knowledge is his masterwork, History of Sexuality close runner up

>> No.10447805

Shut up you stupid fucking pseud bitch. What if he wants works to reference later if he finds the content interesting in Foucault.
God you are fucking insufferable, do not speak without thinking again

>> No.10447826

Gary Gutting's Archaeology of Scientific Reason

>> No.10447832

That's exactly what I want OP to do. To just grab a fucking Foucault book and read it. And certain things will go over his head, certain things will call for other references, but then he will already know what they are and he can ask us here with a less vague question.

>> No.10447835


>> No.10447840

Or maybe you can stop being a insufferable faggot and respect the board culture

>> No.10447846

not that guy but this board's "culture" does not deserve to be respected at all

>> No.10447859

uh actually pseud brainlet david foster wallace julius evola joyce pynchon caveman wojack start with the greeks /pol/tard booktuber zizek sniff

>> No.10447861

Yeah maybe fuck off to reddit then if you don't like it. You're as bad as Spics voting democrat after leaving their Socialist shitholes

>> No.10447868

It's nice when you're point gets proven for you.

>> No.10447869

Das Kapital

>> No.10447887
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>It's nice when you're point gets proven for you.

The irony

>> No.10448327

actually Order of Things and History of Madness are his best
AoK is mostly useful within the context of his oeuvre

>> No.10448349

Foucault looks like he's trying to be a hip uncle in this photo.

>> No.10448803

Basically >>10447770

Foucault takes cues from Nietzsche and Bentham, but you don't need them to understand Foucault. When Foucault does use an idea from another thinker, he explains it clearly before using it. No outside material required.

>> No.10448836

No he fucking doesn't.

>This is why modem thought is doomed, at every level, to its great preoccupation with recurrence, to its concern with recommencement, to that strange, stationary anxiety which forces upon it the duty of repeating repetition. Thus from Hegel to Marx and Spengler we find the developing theme of a thought which, by the movement in which it is accomplished - totality attained, violent recovery at the extreme point of poverty, solar decline - curves over upon itself, illuminates its own plenitude, brings its circle to completion, recognizes itself in all the strange figures of its odyssey, and accepts its disappearance into that same ocean from which it sprang; in opposition to this return, which, even though it is not happy, is perfect, we find the experience of Holderlin, Nietzsche, and Heidegger, in which the return is posited only in the extreme recession of the origin - in that region where the gods have turned away, where the desert is increasing, where the techne has established the dominion of its will; so that what we are concerned with here is neither a completion nor a curve, but rather that ceaseless rending open which frees the origin in exactly that degree to which it recedes; the extreme is therefore what is nearest.

>> No.10448860

Focault is extremely accessible just please don’t become a lunatic pedo bugchaser schizo like him and Deleuze. They’re geniuses but should’ve been killed much eariler than they died, they harmed a lot of people and refused to use their minds for anything worth while. A lot like Freud and Hegel you just have to grit your teeth and take what they give out while arming yourself against the latent psychic pathogens in all their work

>> No.10449111

lol get rekt normie, we're coming for all dat teen (boy)pussy

>> No.10449128
File: 49 KB, 310x475, 80370[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, if anything, is all you should read.

>> No.10449132

The fuck is with that cover

>> No.10450836

Which book is this quote taken from?