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/lit/ - Literature

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10437573 No.10437573 [Reply] [Original]

So now we just hand out Hugo Awards for diversity? This book fucking sucked and it was like it was written by a middle schooler.

>> No.10437582

>Every Age Must Come To An End
suits you right

>> No.10437592

Do you have any bad excerpts to share? I was thinking of getting this.

Standards for SFF awards don't seem to be very high, but there's some good stuff.

>> No.10437610

>transgender meme writer lost
There's a simpler explanation, the people awarding the Hugos pick the book they liked best but they have literally no taste whatsoever. Any time a genuinely good book win (it actually happen a couple of times each decade) it's pure chance.

>> No.10437612

It's Social Justice token characters: the book.

Of the main and leading characters, there is a homosexual, transexual, and bisexual. All of them a "black" in the context of this novel. The only white guy is a bad-guy who breaks a little girls hand as he is telling her a story.

There are several sex scenes written into the book, where the homo is forced to have sex with women against his will, and also the main character, the homo, and the bisexual (who is a BBC giant) all live together for three years as a 3 person couple fucking each other, where the giganigga fucks the other two and they get off on being cuckholded. They're all raising a child together that lives in the same shack as them btw.

Lots of Mary Sue type superpowers. Weirdly communistic societies. The only cool characters which are humanoid living statues barely get any writing, and a lot of the "creative" fantasy places are pretty unimaginative.

Be prepared to be lectured on why slavery is bad, why hurting the Earth is bad, and why little wyte wymen should have had their ancestors breed with strong brown men. So much shoe horning of muh diversity muh representation muh sexuality that the story and plot suffers.

Just look at the author's twitter. That's going to be my new metric to find out if a contemporary writer is cancer.

>> No.10437630

>the homo is forced to have sex with women against his will

The rest sound like utter shit.

>> No.10437631
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How does it feel to never be able to enjoy anything?

>> No.10437644

Ok, now that you sperged out with that /r/eddit post, can you go either back there or in your containment thread? There's one dedicated to trash like this.

>> No.10437647
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>Defending the absolute state of postmodern fiction

>> No.10437649

>tries to send sff trash in the sffg
>apparently this is a post-post modern action
OP, when you fuck off, take this maggot with you.

>> No.10437661 [DELETED] 

It's post modern because it's taking all of the garbage taught in college humanities and shoving it into fantasy/science fiction, a genre dominated by white men of straightforward thinking.

>Haha but dude that isn't real post-modernism I am so intelligent

shut the fuck up, its the spawn of it

>> No.10437669

Nut on my face

>> No.10437670

Are you some kind of ESL mongrel? All genre fiction trash has "ideas" or whatever you want to call them that are derived from aspects of the real world. This doesn't make it post modern or anything; it makes it genre fiction trash with a neoliberal twist. My point is that this trash doesn't belong here, and that there's a fucking thread for it. You also don't belong here, but you're too much of a fucking newfag cunt to know it. Fuck yourself.

>> No.10437676

Look, champ, you can't get mad at people on a lit board for checking you on your fucking arbitrary definition of a field of literature. It makes your critique meaningless when your insult is [X] is bad and this book is [X], but I'll be damned if you want me to have a reasonable definition of [X]!