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10435750 No.10435750[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I subtlety criticize the jews in my novel?

>> No.10435764

be from the night nineteenth century or before

I imagine you could make some greedy character with a big nose and curly hair without specifying his ethnicity too

>> No.10435766

Just create a fictional cult like religion that seeks to subvert Western Civilization for their own interests

>> No.10435768

Two words:

Polemical monologues

>> No.10435771

dunno what the word night is doing there

>> No.10435777

My modern novel, that is based in (((miami))). Has evil drug lords and businessmen with names like (((greenberg))) and (((Levison))).

if your character is mentally ill and unhinged, you might want to flat out call out the jew

>> No.10435805

Portray specific people (like Netanyahu or whoever, I don't know) with specifics of what they've done wrong, rather than make a blanket caricature that's easy to dismiss. Basically the exact opposite of le rubbing hands cartoon.

>> No.10435814

just make the character highly highly intelligent. people will know what you mean

>> No.10435823

First, kill yourself

>> No.10435886
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Either bait or serious retardation. Take this shit back to /pol/ no one wants to read your novel here

>> No.10436099

>some greedy character with a big nose and curly hair
Too obvious.

>> No.10436109

Write it in the form of Star Trek fan fiction about those wrinkle-forehead shecklgruber aliens they have. Or that flying slave dealer in Star Wars.

>> No.10436115
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The time has come to be as overt as they are with it, brethren.

>> No.10436136


>Highly intelligent.
>rapes kids
>is racists and tribalistic
>can't understand morality beyond muh schizophrenia makes morality relative.

oy vey

>> No.10436138

Fuck off, jew.

>> No.10436156

I feel like Tom Wolfe and houellebecq have done this

>> No.10436165

Fuck off, Hans

>> No.10436241

Describe their actions first, their tactics, then eventually describe the physical features. But don't dare call out the Jew explicity, or you'll get blasted by the thought police.

>> No.10436256
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What do you hate about Jews?
Is it greed? Nepotism? Ethnocentrism? Militancy? Conspiracies? Manipulation? Degeneracy? Bigotry?

Why not criticize those things independent of Jews? Could it be that you're.... exactly what you hate about them?

No. That would be too simple.

>> No.10436260

Antisemitism is very much alive even in "liberal" media, Anon


Remember when Dobby shucked, jived, and called harry "massa"

>> No.10436261

Criticize the Muzzies instead, and do it blatantly. If the Jews are indeed a problem, we can look into that once the more immediate threat of Islam is dealt with.

>> No.10436265

Criticize their values themselves like hedonism, comfort, money and so on

>> No.10436267

>What do you hate about Jews?
I don't have the right to criticize them.

>> No.10436273

like Mein Kampf and Goebbels’ speeches and Alex Jones rants?

>> No.10436277
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>paradoxical statement
Would you still hate them if you were "allowed" (ridiculous game you're playing, here) to criticize (((dem)))

>> No.10436282

Lol. How are muslims a threat exactly? They mostly chimp out among themselves. Most muslim violence is done to other muslims and immigrants. Without the Jews and their war mogering we wouldn't have these shit skins around in the first place. Muslims are fucking weak and low test too. All you need is a community and a family, which you should have anyway, and muslims or Islam can't harm you in any way.

>> No.10436285
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Wew @ the jewish projection in this post.

>> No.10436290

It's the jews who are lobbying for the muslims to be let in, chum. They must be dealt with first.

>> No.10436292

4chan is literally just a bunch of jews that hate jews
>lurk anonymously in shadows
>conspire against everyone else
>make political power plays
>high-risk international finance (/biz/)
>ethnocentric militant right-wing pseudo nation (/pol/ is just israel online)

>> No.10436294

Depends. I just don't like the fact that I don't have the right to say anything about them.

I want to be able to criticize those I don't agree with.

>> No.10436299

wew at never being able to answer an honest inquiry
I'm not jewish, but the idea that I am is always necessary to the 4chins narrative. You guys are so unable to exhibit empathy that someone defending someone else can only be imagined as a tribalist action by you. Why would I, a gentile, think antisemitism is disgusting?

For the same reason all forms of hatred are disgusting.

But that's too reasonable. No way could I hold you to that standard.

>> No.10436309
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You better delete this post right NOW!1!!

>> No.10436311

You have been culturally judaized. When you come out defending them using their tactics and terminology it's natural for one to assume you're a jew, and to think of you an even more pathetic character when you claim you're not one. That only means you're at the farthest end of the brainwashed spectrum. Not good, bud, something I'd work on if I were you.

>> No.10436315

This shitty planet is itself a criticism of jews, so just write your story in the real 21st century world and you're fine.

>> No.10436320

expose them

>> No.10436324

I'm an Arab, I'd be a cuck if I didn't.

>> No.10436326


>> No.10436329
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You can say whatever you want about them. You seem angry that others are allowed to react by calling you a bigot and ceasing communication with you. Little do you know you're allowed to do the same thing to them if they cross your lines.

Right wing cries of "I'm not allowed to say X" are manifestations of disingenuous crocodile tears.

It's not that you're not allowed to say X, it's that people are going to say Y and the possibility of Y getting said keeps you silent, because you don't have a Z ready to refute Y, just more whining that you're "not allowed," and maybe the good old accusation that I must be whatever it is you hate so much.

Dunno where you live, but there are entire groups in the USA that have openly criticized jews for years, and are even protected by the ACLU (the ACLU protected richard spencer recently, and was roundly criticized for it. Hmm. criticism, I guess that means they weren't ALLOWED... no, obviously they were)

I come here every week and I get called kike, cuck, nigger, faggot. I get told I will be hung on the day of the rope. I get told I deserve to get raped. I get told to go back to ribbit even though I've been posting on 4chan since '05 and don't care for ribbit. That's all fine. Free speech doesn't hurt my feelings. Words don't bother me. The sentiments and ideology behind them do, though. Words alone seem to bother the people that respond with death threats and absurd pejoratives. Accusations that I must be a kike if I don't hate them.

Absurd logic that doesn't begin to poke holes in anything other than my faith in humanity.

>> No.10436330

You and your jewish cousins have to go back.

>> No.10436332

only if you suck me off first

>> No.10436334


>> No.10436336
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>if I don't exhibit bigotry my race-brothers w-w-w-ill get mad at me and call me a c-c-cuck! Nothing could be worse!

You have nothing to lose but your chains

>> No.10436351
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>their tactics
You mean holding people to the same standards I hold myself too? Criticizing BEHAVIOR instead of BACKGROUND?

This is the core of your logic:
"Greed, nepotism, and hatred" are "Jewish."

This is the core of my logic:
"Greed, nepotism, and hatred" are abstract behaviors anyone and everyone are capable of.

Who sounds more reasonable? Even IF it were you, what do you want us to do with that information? Hate Jews? Seems like a waste of energy to me.

>> No.10436359

I don't live in the USA.

But since you're talking about it, take a look at what happened to Mel Gibson and Gary Oldman. Basically, you can criticize the jews as long as you don't do it in public.

>> No.10436360

The massive influx of Muslims in Europe and more recently in Canada has lead to a spike in rape and terrorism. To my knowledge, most victims of these attacks in Europe and Canada are white locals, in fact some Canadians had even been killed in terrorist attacks in London and in Spain. Muslims follow a religion that, the more devout they are, the more willing to resort to violence they are or at least to defend it. 50% of Muslims think that homosexuality should be illegal in London, and something like 95-100% of them think it's unacceptable, they do not conform to our values, they come to the west to try and make US conform to THEIR values. Those Muslims who love the west as we do, who cherish western values, they are so moderate as to barely even be Muslims anymore, and they are in the minority.

The Jews suffer under the Muslims as well, anti-Semitism is at a higher point than perhaps in decades due to all the Muslims coming in who hate Jews. As for Jewish war mongering, elaborate. I've heard of it before but I've yet to see proof of it. Muslims and Islam kill, harass, and sexually assault people (and children) on a very regular basis.

Why would Jews lobby to welcome people who hate their guts and want them dead? I get it, you think that the Jews conspire to destroy whiteness and the west even though they're getting incredibly rich here and have much of their family here. I don't agree with it, but I understand that that's likely your view, but why be SO adamant about destroying the west/whiteness by inviting people who would be just as much a threat, if not even more-so, to themselves than the whites they supposedly hate? I'm not seeing the logic here, and the Jews are known to be extremely clever people even though they're sadly largely leftists. Explain to me your views, connect the dots for me to better understand. I, personally, have accepted Islam and a large amount of Muslims to be counter to our western culture and values, but I see the Jews as a boon to our civilization, they're certainly making some awesome entertainment with Hollywood and have utilized their intelligence to create some of the greatest brands on the planet, providing loads of goods and services to us.

>> No.10436364

I can quote fringe extremists too

"Once I really am in power, my first and foremost task will be the annihilation of the Jews. As soon as I have the power to do so, I will have gallows built in rows—at the Marienplatz in Munich, for example—as many as traffic allows. Then the Jews will be hanged indiscriminately, and they will remain hanging until they stink; they will hang there as long as the principles of hygiene permit. As soon as they have been untied, the next batch will be strung up, and so on down the line, until the last Jew in Munich has been exterminated. Other cities will follow suit, precisely in this fashion, until all Germany has been completely cleansed of Jews."

Look at what hitler said!
I guess all germanics must be exactly like hitler!
yuk yuk yuk

It's almost like your logic is a flawed sweeping generalization

>> No.10436369
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What happened to Mel Gibson?
Still rich
Still making movies
dating a 27 year old

What happened to gary oldman?

You make my exact point. The pussy liberal press called them bigots, they were roundly shamed by their more liberal peers and... that's it! Nothing else happened to them. The Jewish gestapo didn't show up to gas them

>> No.10436372

Gaddis, Pynchon and DeLillo have already buried the hedonistic, money and image obsessed society without being anti semitic. There's not much you can say that they haven't, and they're not dumb enough to believe that a jewish conspiracy is at the heart of this nightmarish world

>> No.10436374

Gorilla Expressions Could Point to the Origins of Human Laughter. ... Gorillas use the open mouth, no teeth smile during playtime to show that they have no intention of biting. (Scientists call this the "play face.")

>> No.10436378
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>> No.10436379

>standards I hold myself too

Some people are just not smart enough to grasp the JQ, regardless of the "standards" they believe they have. It requires a lot of independent study.

>Hate Jews?

What people are attempting to tell you is that jews hate you, but you're going to have to take some initiative if you expect to understand why and how that hatred manifests itself.

>> No.10436386

>Why would Jews lobby to welcome people who hate their guts and want them dead?
Both groups are semites, genetic cousins, and their contemporary spat is over Israel. Jews and arabs have historically gotten along fine together and jews let the arabs into Spain back in the day too, just as they're doing in the rest of the west today.

>> No.10436387

>Hollywood should "get over" Mel Gibson's antisemitic comments of 2006 because everyone has said similar things in their private moments, Gary Oldman has told Playboy magazine.

>In a wide-ranging interview, the Oscar-nominated star of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy cited "political correctness" when asked to comment on Gibson's predicament, and said people should "take a fucking joke".

>Added Oldman: "I don't know about Mel. He got drunk and said a few things, but we've all said those things. We're all fucking hypocrites. That's what I think about it. The policeman who arrested him has never used the word 'nigger' or 'that fucking Jew'? I'm being brutally honest here. It's the hypocrisy of it that drives me crazy."

The guy who wrote this article must be such a sterile abstraction of a human personality.

>> No.10436402
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> u must not be smart like me, otherwise you'd be an antisemite

>all jews hate you anon, even da unborn ones
>even the women
>even the children
>even the nonpracticing
>why aren't you generalizing an entire demographic of people and applying negative qualities to them without speaking to them as individuals

What do you want me to do with all your enlightening information next time I see a jewish person.

Do you even have a practical course of action I should take as a person. No, you just want people to hate Jews indiscriminately, and without considering them as individuals. Why? because you're a stupid bigot. It would be just as stupid if I did that with white people, or anyone else.

but I don't hate you for it
just stop being so gullible. Your hate does you no favors and solves no problems.

>> No.10436413

>Jews and Arabs have historically gotten along fine together
>Jews let the Arabs into Spain over a thousand years ago
This makes literally no sense, and as best I can tell goes against reality. There's no way that truly devout Muslims could be 'cousins' to Jews because the Quran is filled with passage after passage telling Muslims 'not to take Jews as allies', 'do not trust Jews', 'Jew's tongues are like snakes', and such nonsense as that. Really, I dare say Hitler was very favourable of the Quran and many of its positions on the Jews.

>> No.10436437

>you just want people to hate Jews indiscriminately
No, I want you to get it through your thick skull that jews hate *you* but that you are currently too stupid to connect the dots, even with the internet right in front of you, which likely means you're even stupider than I'm assuming you are.

>> No.10436443

>There's no way that truly devout Muslims could be 'cousins' to Jews because the Quran
Non sequitur, but they are still genetic cousins, they are both semites.

>> No.10436448

Only if you're a baby that was recently circumcised with delicious baby penis blood to suck.