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10435759 No.10435759 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ , whats a good philosophy podcast to listen to?

>> No.10435769

I like the Jocko podcast because he reads to me and calls me a pussy in a masculine musky tone

>> No.10435772

Don't listen to podcasts, listen to lectures

archive.org has Hubert Dreyfus' lectures for free

TTC has some good ones mixed with some bad ones

Yale has the history of literary theory which is a good intro to a lot of continental philosophy

>> No.10435784
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>> No.10435955

Very Bad Wizards
The Partially Examined Life

>> No.10435993

partially examined life
history of philosophy without any gaps for islamic philosophy (adams is a blazing faggot)
in our time

>> No.10435998

chapo trap house :^)

>> No.10436002

I would not recommend Very Bad Wizards. Tamler in particular is a moron. Some Partially Examined Life episodes are good, as are some from the Stanford "Entitled Opinions" podcast.

>> No.10436024

cum town is hilarious, and i love how mullen didnt even finish highschool and he is still able to argue articulately

>> No.10436079

I liked Philosophize This as an introduction to philosophy

>> No.10436083

cum town
the weekly sweat

>> No.10436100

Its you lucky day, anon. Now i will give you a really hardcore advice on philosophy. If you really want to philosophize, live life from many angles. Most ancient Grerk philosophers lived hardships, and done manual jobs for much time. Sophocles was a warrior at battle of Marathon. Diogenes lived in a carboard home of today. etc.

>> No.10436114

aeschylus fought at marathon, also neither of them was a philosopher

OP I recommend you "History of Philosophy without any Gaps"

>> No.10436151

I suppose Ascending the Tower on socialmatter.net sometimes touches on philosophical issues from a reactionary perspective, if that's your thing.

>> No.10436155

the bible

>> No.10436176


he's an amazing reader though. him reading those samurai books is amazing.

>> No.10436181

The Dick Show

>> No.10436182

>I would not recommend Very Bad Wizards. Tamler in particular is a moron.
They're both dumb cunts and those 'beats' are cringeworthy as hell

>> No.10436192

Cum Town


>> No.10436196

>if that's your thing.
It isn't (I attended a good university and have had sex with six different women)

>> No.10436203

unironically sam harris. he's a good host with interest guests and knows how to ask a concise question.

>> No.10436226

>he is still able to argue articulately
He is articulate but he's more aggressive than convincing. Listen to the episode where he calls Slav an idiot for saying a mean and an average are the same thing, and then with great confidence gives a hilariously inaccurate definition

>> No.10436229

*Stav, lol

>> No.10436244

I hate the first rec but the next two are the only podcasts I listen to period.

>> No.10436248

The /lit/ philosophy project has a few recommended podcasts and youtube channels
>Rick Roderick
>Bryan Magee
>Gregory B. Sadler
>Partially Examined life

The only one I'm familiar with is the youtube channel of Greg Sadler, who has posted tremendous amounts of videos on philosophy, many of which are aimed at people with little prior knowledge. He seems like he knows his shit, but I'm a philosophy novice myself so I wouldn't really know.

>> No.10436298

None. Instead of dedicating 1-2 hours of free time to these podcasts, use this time to do an activity that lets you think for yourself. Fill the rest of the time with reading, going out, socializing, doing whatever you want.

>> No.10436301

>adams is a blazing faggot
what did he mean by this

>> No.10436462

That's a good bit.

>> No.10436786

Chapo Trap House

>> No.10436816
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>these jews and beta leftists listening to shows called "trap house" and "cum town"

Fucking pathetic. The only answer here is Kulturkampf.

>> No.10436837

terrible take
chapo trap house is legitimately awful, but cumtown is implicitly right wing, explicitly racist podcastkino

>> No.10436847

So they talk about the jewish problem?

>> No.10436876

seconding this, I read the greeks and then read the more modern philosophers I found interesting from listening to this podcast

>> No.10436887
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nick mullen does a better jew voice than anyone on trs

>> No.10436949
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2 Jews and a soyboy, the one on the left actually had a Jewish grandpa who was an American citizen during WW2 but worked for soviet intelligence

>> No.10436953


>> No.10436982

There really isn't a better Leftist podcast that CTH. And it's not like people listen to it for much more than laughs. The DnD Pizzagate episode is kino.

>> No.10437014

Second for The Partially Examined Life.

>> No.10437055

>There really isn't a better Leftist podcast that CTH.
what is cumtown

>> No.10437059

yeah the Nick guy is a cowardly faggot who basically hides behind being ironic and apolitical but is actually a regime puppet and promotes Jewish conspiracy thinking and sucks of the W0ke left-right bond that’s formed on places like twitter where tankies and fascists hide from their own beliefs with humor and socializing. He’s great he called the victims of the holocaust pedophiles and he looks like a sociopath who’d run over your dog. I like people who shill for him, they’re good people and they don’t at all hide behind being IMPLICIT because they’re nebbish ugly cowards who would never have the balls to stand by their own beliefs

>> No.10437060
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>a regime puppet

>> No.10437070

Word on Fire

>> No.10437077

>twitter where tankies and fascists hide from their own beliefs with humor and socializing.
have you considered that frogtwitter would just genuinely prefer to engage in humor and socializing over being serious and gay all the time

>> No.10437097

PEL is good because its got great books boys

>> No.10437100

that's homophobic though.

>> No.10437110

yup. guess what the regime is?
>faux-levity and incuriosity
yeah that seems to be your thing anon, you all seem to enjoy socializing like highschool socialites and getting sucked off by idiots and adulating your corporate fascist mascot. Its really astounding how blind a few of you are to what he’d doing right now.

Also the posturing like you and the others care about poor people or whytes while you enable drug overdoses, insider trading, deregulation of banking and the environment, increasing oil production and coal mining, building factories in the heartland to rape our rivers and forests a little more. but that’s ok ECOFASCISM is just a fashion trend. You’re chic nihilists remember? Cute, witty and always have a come back for the pudgy, bugman journo class and their schizo boomer-babby liberal pets.

What are you going to do when your job is automated? How are you going to have a family? where will you run when every major city’s air is like Beijing and Dear Leader had left a Reaganesque trail of economic-financial-environmental destruction for WHYTE people? HBD is anti-whyte, you know that, yeah? you think that the CRISPR is for you and your friends and your progeny? Go back to your dm group and suckle at the teat of dopamine highs and then go watch your fucking netflix series you utter coward.

>> No.10437115
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Rationally Speaking is pretty good

>> No.10437121

mind if i send this text in its entirety to kantbot

>> No.10437127

>netflix series
what are you talking about you schizoid

>> No.10437128

yeah go for it, i was talking about you and the other frogs not him and crypt.

>> No.10437131

herr crypto normalfag strikes again

>> No.10437137

How is Kantbot any better? Just another insincere frogtwitter NRx-er

>> No.10437146

pal i wiped clean & stopped using my twitter a while ago, i'm a techno-commercalist in the tradition of moldbug or nozickian near-utopia voluntaryism & i both couldn't give less of a shit about da whites or pior ppl & consider myself above both the chapo people and frogtwitter leave me a lone lad :^)

>> No.10437157

hi dsa
>i'm a techno-commercalist in the tradition of moldbug or nozickian near-utopia voluntaryism
wew lad

>> No.10437172

>What are you going to do when your job is automated? How are you going to have a family? where will you run when every major city’s air is like Beijing and Dear Leader had left a Reaganesque trail of economic-financial-environmental destruction for WHYTE people? HBD is anti-whyte, you know that, yeah? you think that the CRISPR is for you and your friends and your progeny? Go back to your dm group and suckle at the teat of dopamine highs and then go watch your fucking netflix series you utter coward.
this is dumb, i guess its supposed to be a potshot at the post-austrian NRx omni-directional twitter irony crowd but the assessment of capitalism or fascist corporatism or whatever frogtwitter politics r being ragged on is, like, clintonite liberal-tier

i wonder how long his response to it will be

>> No.10437174

i hope his response is rlly long & serious and owns me

>> No.10437184

but wait why is there a Goldman Sachs and Exxon agent in the executive branch again? why were the biggest campaign contributors all people who are either zio-bankster connected or evil rayp the earth real estate fags? why is building a militarized wall and funding the dhs and border patrol a good thing? why is total mobilization good? why is coal mining and american factories a good thing?

>> No.10437191

wow his response was rlly long & serious and owned you, who would've guessed

>> No.10437193

i'm not a trump supporter! i want everybody to separate into their own near-utopias in a minarchical meta-utopia system of voluntary relationships maximizing self interest and pleasure, look up as&u you maga CHUD!

>> No.10437198

jfc you’re not even sapient
that’s not possible, and its also not what will happen in the near future. so would you like to explain what it is the regime is doing that’s not an accelerated version of Obama and Bush and Clinton’s policies? How are tax cuts and building new factories and missiles and oil fields and fracking fields different from Obama’s welfare capitalist idiocy? Seems like just an alternate path to arrive at the same fetid, noxious, prison cell.

>> No.10437200

le rothbard quotation about how liberty is bound to happen bc its correct

otherwise i dont know, yeah dumbass we get it, all presidents once in power obfuscate their campaigns populist undertones or calls for real change and do the bidding of capital, holy shit what a brave take about political economy marx

>> No.10437201

How can you not love this

>> No.10437205

trump will RAISE THULE

>> No.10437211

being aloof and perpetually ironic is just the logical conclusion to all politics and philosophy

>> No.10437215

reminds me of some self-ironic weird poem that was like a cross between the dark enlightenment and rupi kuar

omni-directional, recursive irony obfuscates contradictions
semantic autocracy
fractal snark-death
you and i can banter, block, dox
among the data-ruins

>> No.10437216

that is one fantastic abdication of responsibility. you’re not even curious as to what’s happening? you just want to hide in the bossom of pleasure and self-regard. disappointing
yes its very cute to LARP in front of dead-eyed cattle people, they both did great impressions of enlightened knowers for the camera
being aloof inside a killing field ditch is the logical conclusion of cynicism, that’s what’s going to happen. the whole race giggling about the inside joke of existence while techne smears us against the pavement

>> No.10437227

For reference, this is @KANTBOT20K, the "burn the books" guy is @Logo_Daedalus

>> No.10437228

buddy my time-preference only goes as far as i'm alive. if the ~capitalist crisis~ or ~contradictions pilling up~ come to light after i kick the bucket then u better epistemologically justify why i ought 2 give a shit using my own arthur demsondist hedonistic egoist internal logic against me

>> No.10437234

oh ok, well go enjoy that endowment from the ancestas with you and yours. Im sure the world will stay comfy long enough for you to tell some great jokes and have a laugh at the expense of the moralists. Mortgaging the whole species’ future by being inactive and wasting your intellectual inheritance is noble and highly individuated of you.

>> No.10437241

i was put on this earth for the sole task of checking @dril's feed but never adding him to my following because that'd make me too similar to a chapo trap house ironycel

>> No.10437249

hoppe's capitalist wheel of civilization only spins so far baybee, im enjoying the one life i got fuck the trees look up social matter google jacobite search unqualified reservations

>> No.10437251

a zinger from the dead soul

>> No.10437265

getting a lot of weird humanist civilization-in-its-own-right vibes from ur tirade, despooke it a little huh

>> No.10437268

Cum Town

>> No.10437289


>> No.10437295

Theology: Word on Fire
Philosophy: Partially Examined Life, although I heard they completely misrepresented Ayn Rand so not sure about them since I prefer nonpartisan podcasts
Language: Grammar Girl, Språkteigen
STEM: Element Economics, Technically Speaking

Looking for podcasts on literature (ancient, medieval, or obscure), music (focused on either classical or the obscure) and current events (centrist, nonpartisan).

>> No.10437309
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>Word on fire
My nigga

>> No.10437311

why isn't there a /pd/ for podcasts where would you even discuss them otherwise generally

>> No.10437315

/pd/- Podcasts and Radio

>> No.10437331

Because then you'd just have another version of /tv/

>> No.10437351

they made bant. there's a niche to be filled. we also ought to have a /www/ for new media, web culture & e celebs. there's no definitive place on this site or really anywhere on an english imageboard, and yet we still have all the anime jp hobby shit as an antiquity from the sites origin

>> No.10437358

& imagine the chapo trap house thread-long /pol/ vs anti/pol/ proxy political argument flame wars. we need this

>> No.10437364

Philosophize This

>> No.10437420


>> No.10437425

keck! reactionaries owned le epic style

>> No.10437823

None of them.

>> No.10438028

leftist bullshit

>> No.10438055
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the zero books podcast is decent for leftism given the absolute state of leftism in almost current year+1, it's also fun seeing the old guy that presents it trying to meme too

>> No.10438067

>pretend to be edgier than mainstream leftists
>still fall for all the same memes as they do
>strawman everything and laugh at things
there's nothing "philosophical" about it, it's just the same boring leftist tactics as always, just some guys that pretend to are stuck to the leftism of 10 years ago even though they just do it for flavor

>> No.10438139

I didn't know that was Cam, can't say I'm surprised by how weak and sickly he looks

>> No.10438288

>muh orifices

>> No.10438300

"mainstream leftists" aka liberals, my burger friend? they are not leftists, they're the crutch of the right

>> No.10438315

i don't see why we should use the retarded leftist mapping of the political field, the "real leftist" meme is just a political tactic leftists use that doesn't describe shit, it's a subtactic of their general rule of never ever taking responsibility for anything

>> No.10438912


>> No.10438918

Dubs of truth.

>> No.10440522

>The DnD Pizzagate episode is kino.
>Listening to fat manbaby sincerely cry about how he doesn't know what to do in a tabletop rpg.
I think I stopped listening around that episode. They really lost steam after the election.

>> No.10440544

Nice haha

>> No.10440852

Oh shit man, not OP but thanks. I've been looking for a good lecture source since my old one went under.

>> No.10440911

kys yourself

>> No.10440918

/lit/ is the most reddit board on this site its fucking disgusting sometimes

>> No.10441118

>there's nothing "philosophical" about it,
>listen to all these other ones like cum town
>literally just celeb and twitter gossip
Honestly, chapo is a least about the damn politics.

>> No.10441171

Watch Arthur f Holmes lectures on history of philosophy. One of the best series I've watched on YouTube ever.

>> No.10441201

I love listening to this show but it should not be mentioned on lit. They're absolute dumbasses and probably don't know how to read a book.

>> No.10441207

good post

>> No.10441223

I like Zero Squared a lot

>> No.10441240

The gulf in politics between socialists and liberal Democrats is plainly enormous when it comes to economics and foreign policy. Right wingers just talk about a homogeneous "left" because it makes their arguments easier.

>> No.10441246


Philosophy is really gay my dude

Thought you oughta know

>> No.10441248

Cum Town boys are some of the farthest left podcasters, they just make racist jokes

>> No.10441261 [DELETED] 

My future wife recommended Cum Town but I haven't bothered listening to it yet. Now that I see it has /lit/'s approval I may have to check it out.

>> No.10441311

Conservatism Archive

>> No.10441348

contra krugman

>> No.10441354

Partially Examined Life
Thoughtology (especially the latest episode w/ David Benatar was great)
History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps
In Our Time

Disregard the rest

>> No.10441369

well, do you have a better praxis?

>> No.10441382

Wrong. They both are professors and likely much smarter than you.

>> No.10441427

HoPwaG is the best philosophy podcast. PEL is often very good.
For bantz though, Heavy Breather takes the cake. It’s like eeeee eee eeee irl

>> No.10441475

>The gulf in politics between socialists and liberal Democrats is plainly enormous when it comes to economics and foreign policy
that would be true if socialists had any actual economic or foreign policy beyond adhering to their own tradition purity tests and complaining about stuff, but they don't, it's just a negative movement at this point

yes, the zero books podcast is pretty decent, more political than philosophical though

>> No.10441476

>Right wingers just talk about a homogeneous "left" because it makes their arguments easier.
Nah, we lump you in together because you're still jewish puppets m8.

>> No.10441777

They have a massive blindspot in the form of their progressive liberal intuitions that they take for granted to the degree of making all their discussion uninteresting.

>> No.10442565

I dislike podcasts. I prefer to read in silence. Sometimes I just can't listen to podcasts because they just drone on and on

>> No.10442913

>Trump supporters calling anticapitalists Jewish puppets
The joked write themselves