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10435743 No.10435743 [Reply] [Original]

Is Dune good or just a meme?

>> No.10435748


>> No.10435760
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You make an interesting statement.

>> No.10436027

It is. It's pretty boring until the Harkonens attack and after that it really picks up. /lit/ likes to shit on it because Reddit worships it and because so many people here think only reading really dry, uninteresting litfic makes them superior.

>> No.10436053

While the part after Harkonen attack is by far the best, I found the early exposition to be quite good.
It's the last quarter of the book that let me down. Things are described way too fast and the plot is only advanced by characters making a succession of decisions retarded enough to unsuspend disbelief.

>> No.10436078

The literary style of the writer is shit. The action can be good but there are long passages where you are reading a transcript of the thought process of major characters as they cogitate their situation. If you wanna read a space prince thinking about his life for 3 pages then go for it.

>> No.10436087

underwhelmed by the abrupt ending, I still liked it though.

>> No.10436488

>/lit/ likes to shit on it because Reddit worships it

please, tell us what your favorite books are, and then i'll claim that Reddit loves them and you won't be allowed to like them any more.

>> No.10436492
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>underwhelmed by the abrupt ending,

you didn't know there more more books in the series?

>> No.10436551

this "meme" shit is stupid as a standard of judgment, maybe if you were a little lees stupid you would realize the term has sense for shit made after the meme concept, but applying it to things before it is plain stupid, read it, don´t be a fucking faggot, it´s not the fucking bible, if you don´t like it fucking drop it, be a fucking man.
Also when you put good and meme in a continuum you are implying is bad, maybe if you just could ask for opinions trying to evade that stupid word...
fuck you pal, fuck you and all the people who reduce literature to this fucking shit.

>> No.10436569

Ulysses, Infinite Jest, Gravity's Rainbow and Das Kapital

>> No.10436575

I can't tell who's baiting who but if you're comparing it to the rest of science fiction its one of the better stories. A step above space opera but not as good as Canticle for Liebowitz or Hyperion.

>> No.10436613

I read the first three, each progressively worse than the one before. Absolutely no will no read God Emprah even though its supposedly a good one. Dune Universe is dull and retarded.

>> No.10436732

It's a pretty good book if you can handle Herbert's strictly whatever tier prose. I'd say the first two books are essentials if you're a fantasy reader. In fact I'd say that LOTR and the first two Dune books basically invalidate/make redundant most other reading in fantasy.

You can reconstruct basically every modern fantasy setting from those two and a reasonable knowledge of Hellenic mythology. Basically all Norse and Judaic mythology that filters up into modern fantasy comes through Tolkien's work, and the way Herbert builds not only cultures (which is Tolkien's world building focus) but also economic, political and even ecological systems has strongly influenced both science fiction as well as many fantasy settings.


the last quarter of the book is complete nonsense if you don't also read messiah to finish Paul's arc. II is basically an epilogue to the first book and doesn't stand on its own whatsoever. They really should be bound together. I/II and III/IV should be read together as the arcs of Paul and Leto II's characters.

>> No.10437402


reddit: the novel

> Infinite Jest,

reddit: the novel part 2

> Gravity's Rainbow

reddit 2: the redditing

> and Das Kapital

Reddit for Dummies

>> No.10437475

Beat me to it

>> No.10437556

Please never post again if you're going to compare tolkien to this genre trash

>> No.10437567

It has amazing concepts, but the plot is weak. There are few passages that will be memorable but the overall message is. Don't read anything after God Emperor, at that point it becomes generic.

>> No.10437653

>getting this mad over a word
I just wanted to know if the praise for the books was justified and not a m e m e

>> No.10437675

If you're a genre reader, do give it a try.
But if you read literature for breakfast, then beware that you will very likely get disappointed.

>> No.10437678


>> No.10437686

>It has amazing concepts
All of them derivative. Like pretty much all genre fiction.

>> No.10437690

This is the correct opinion

>> No.10437707

everything is derivative, senpai

>> No.10437718

I have this impression that people who harp on "genre fiction" at every opportunity don't actually read very much, though they want everyone to think they do

>> No.10437737

I don't want you to think that I read a lot, and I don't want you to think that a book with an mc named Atreides (aka look at me I started with the greeks and I'm not subtle about it) who wants to take a throne is is groundbreaking at any level. I've read both this and Dune Messiah. It's not better than grrm's books in the sense that both of these authors threw everything they managed to recall from history books - no matter the period - on the wall and wrote about whatever stuck. At least Dune isn't as much of a slog and has less purple prose, but it's definitely written for teenagers all the same. If you're an sff fan you can't really avoid it, but that doesn't mean that it's good.

>> No.10437751

you could always... i don't know, read the damn things yourself. worst case scenario, if you move your lips while reading, it might take three to six months out of your life. what else were you going to do with that time? master Dance Dance Revolution?

>> No.10437752

The problem with sff is that more often than not the authors have archetypes instead of characters (either because that sells, like in the early 90's and before you had to write a LotR clone if you wanted to get published, or because they're nerds who can't get their characters to express themselves realistically while still being bound by the forces/laws of their "worlds".) and instead focus on memes. How often have you read that X books has great worldbuilding? How often is that sufficient? How often is it a retelling of history with pointy ears and monstrous villains, just to make the heroes' job easier and remorseless?

>> No.10437886

I fucking hate this piece of shit. I tried to read it but few chapters in and i already enranged at how much i need to suspend my disbelive.
Same thing abot ber prince, but to a lesser degree, but in that book, plot advances at snail pace.

>> No.10438204
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Mary Sue white boy is amazing at everything and saves the world: the book

>> No.10438694

Does it actually mention skin colour?

>> No.10439019

I vaguely remember a description of Leto's skin which made me think of the 56% Richard Nixon skin for some reason.

>> No.10439161

I thought the world was really interesting but the writing, characters, and plot are godawful. After every line of dialogue Herbert thinks it's a good idea to write how the other character physically reacts or what they think about that dialogue. It's exhausting and amateur.

Paul is the type of boring and overpowered main character I expect from YA novels. Everyone in-universe sucks him off so hard as the chosen one of two separate prophecies, a prodigy in mental capacities and physical skill, and charismatic religious/political leader. I guess I expected Paul to learn humility from the Freemen and desert instead of both of those things bending over backwards to suit him. I can appreciate the influence of Dune but by itself it's garbage.

>> No.10439848

>Dru and boring until the harkkonens attack

I never understood this complaint, the first 250~ pages before shit hits the fan are my favorite part of the book.

>> No.10439864

the majority of /lit/ posters call Tolkien genre trash too.

its literally the EXACT opposite of that.

>> No.10439872

This, I loved the book but my one complaint about it was that all the good characters are literally fucking perfect.
>Leto is a wise caring leader who never shows fault
>Jessica is a kind, perceptive mother and a great fighter among many other things
>Paul is Gary Sue and everyone jerks him off 24/7. I don't think he fails at anything in the entire book
>Gurney is wise, brave, etc etc etc
>Stilgar is wise, brave, loyal etc etc etc

>> No.10439899

People love the world building and mystery more than the characters.

>> No.10439905

What's good about the God Emperor?

>> No.10440151

Dennis Villenueve would actually be right for this movie if he uses creative license. All his movies have very flawed characters, like Sicario for example in which the main protag has her movie hijacked in the third act.

>> No.10440165

This, Villeneuve has been on a hotstreak recently

>> No.10440341

In the same vain
>Baron Harkonnen is a fat, slave-owning, gay, pedophile

>> No.10440486
