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10426360 No.10426360 [Reply] [Original]

What languages are you currently learning, Anon?
Do you have any thoughts so far?

>> No.10426371

Go to int

>> No.10426372

Japanese. Shit's hard, but it's worth it to read "the master"'s original prose.

>> No.10426381


Wish I could study more

>> No.10426651

My own
But getting deeper

>> No.10426655

Just finished wheelock's Latin

>> No.10426692


I'm learning Japanese to be able to read Murakami as intended.

>> No.10426709

This, but want to read actually good Japanese lit like Kawabata and manga.

>> No.10426739

How 2 gather motivation to actually study regularly?

>> No.10426772

This please, it's like the only problem of learning a language in the modern age.

>> No.10426784

Have a set time to do it every day. Turn off all distractions and focus for an hour or two. I do it in the morning before work because sometimes after work I am tired and just want to relax. Don't waste your highest energy and creativity on a company that treats you like trash.

>> No.10426812

Chinese. Hard to motivate myself though.

>> No.10428018

Could a french anon help me with french media? Like suggest me good french bands and movies, along with french websites.

>> No.10428135


A list like this would give you a good education in French cinema.

>> No.10428178

I pased from B2 to C2 in French just by watching youtube videos and reading twitter and newspapers. Passed a certain level it will be more efficient to do this than studying

>> No.10428207

German, Swedish, Spanish, Danish, Russian
I don't feel like I'm really "learning" russian because I'm just associating the cyrillic words I recognize with meanings without reading them aloud and truly understanding cyrillic

>> No.10428280

Learning Spanish. Anything I can read to make my Spanish better?

>> No.10428285

immerse yourself. that means stop coming to 4ch and go to that spanish imageboard instead

>> No.10428309

How long until B2? And then, how long until C2?
Also, what's your native?

>> No.10428333

Trying to learn French and German at the same time. Easier than I thought

>> No.10428370

Btw, same question as >>10428018 but for German. I've been listening to Udo Jürgens and marching songs. I'm also reading kraut chans once in a while. Tbh I'm more interested in German than French right now, I want to read Goethe and Grimm. Nothing specific I'd like to do with French as of now

>> No.10428425

>shits on murakami
>reads manga

>> No.10428430

stromae, indila, carla bruni, bigflo & oli

read charles baudillard in original french. read les miserables in english to get you a feel for the history of france while reading a pretty awesome classic.

>> No.10428518

>Not learning Japanese to read Mishima and secretly indulge in all sorts of weebshit media
Get it together guys.

>> No.10428529

Trying to learn sanskrit to read śastra. The others on my list are german, french, attic greek, russian, arabic.

I don't even know why if i don't like talking to people. And i'm not interested in reading other than philosophy or religious text

>> No.10428543
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I randomly stumbled onto this edition of the parallel translation of Metamorphoses:
which has a very useful section for "intended" order of words which really helps to grasp the grammar quicker. Anyone knows similar books for latin study?

>> No.10428686

>>10428285 this
Or Delibes, Mendoza, El beso de la mujer araña by Manuel Puig.

>> No.10428741

Several years at teenage pace to get to B2 level.
3-4 years to get from B2 to C2, so actually faster. I have to say that it takes some study to learn formal/professional style, because obviously you dont find that on twitter. But having written a pair of resumes and some emails it was done

>> No.10429976

Pick a language you actually want to learn. I spent years in school learning French, and later on when I decided to do it on my own time I found it to be a chore. Plus french people are generally assholes.

Decided to leave it be and picked up German instead. Despite it being a more difficult language to learn I was more motivated because I had a greater interest in the people and culture and literature than I did before.

>> No.10430156

What is the best way to learn german grammar?

>> No.10430296
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I'm taking Nip classes and am learning French on my own. Desu I'm not making as much progress on either as I'd like to, but that's a matter of me being a lazy piece of shit.
In the long run, I'd also like to be able to reach fluency in Korean and Esperanto. I also know a fair amount of Russian and Dutch, but need to go over the material again sometime.

>> No.10430386

Learned Esperanto, am now trying to learn Spanish.

>> No.10432028

I'm learning spanish with my native being portuguese, it's kinda boring really, already know the pronunciation and majority of the words by the languages similarities.

>> No.10432097

Currently learning russian, but I want to take a small survey since I am starting to have doubts wether I am a retard or not.
Anons who have done the same, how much did you struggle with learning the vocabulary?
I can't for the love of sweet baby jesus learn any new words. I forget them 10 seconds after reviewing them.

>> No.10432102

>learned a fake language
>now time to learn a real one
you are a smart nigger aren’t you?

>> No.10432167

>I'm learning Japanese to be able to read Murakami as intended.
You don't need Japanese to do that. In fact you don't need half of your brain to read Murakami.

>> No.10432267

You could watch Werner Herzog movies with german subtitles, his early experimental stuff, it's enjoyable.

>> No.10432284

Get the basics set right, then pick the rest up while learning the language, be curious and learn how to search for grammar rules. Would help greatly to have a german friend to at least name the grammar rule for you to search for. A really helpful site is: http://mein-deutschbuch.de/

>> No.10432308
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On a side note LOLWeebs, why learn the nation of a dying country that NEEDS about 5+ Million immigrants when you can learn BIG SUPERPOWER CHINA

>> No.10432365

Fuck off Xiaoping I'm not learning mandarin.

>> No.10432453

Not even trolling, at least mandarin would be a worthwhile addition to the resume

>> No.10432516

I'm going to learn Chinese after Japanese, but after seeing that anon complaining about working with chinamen I'm thinking twice about it. On a side note I've yet to seen a chink/sinoboo who doesn't mention Chinese while degrading Japanese. Kinda sad desu

>> No.10432548


not the guy you responded to but brilliant, why didn't I think of this

also for the uninitiated, if you haven't checked out this blog, it might be the best literary one out there. some insane polygon - English isn't even his first language - writes about classic novels from other languages not yet translated into English in order to get them more publicity in the hopes he will catalyse their being translated into English. really great stuff. the guy single-handedly convinced me to start learning Spanish after I master French with one of his reviews.


>> No.10432570

use anki

>> No.10432598

both arguments are made by historically illiterate people

both languages have merit and neither are liable to pay dividends to a foreigner

>> No.10432601

Do whatever you can everyday, even if it’s only five minutes

>> No.10432610

What resources are you using? Memrise is good for longterm memory because it has you review the words right before you forget them

>> No.10432647

People unironically learning German should kill themselves.
t. German

>> No.10433684

Yes I am using memrise. More specifically the Top 10,000 Words course.

>> No.10433687

Know: English, Spanish, Dutch, Ancient Egyptian, Old Englih
Learning: Latin, Chinese

Kind of hard.

>> No.10434080


>> No.10434721

Kind of unrelated, but my mom is learning spanish and I’m going to make a booklet of spanish poems for her as a christmas gift. I’m clueless about spanish poetry though, any reccomendations of what I could include?
Bonus points if they’re about birds.

>> No.10434814


>he's so cucked he hates his own language

>> No.10435042
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>ancient egyptian
>old english

>> No.10435044

Germans hate speaking German, it's true. I lived in Germany for a while, and none of them ever wanted to speak German as soon as they learned I speak English. Stop being so embarrassed of yourselves. Your linguistic cuckoldry hurts my soul, and I'm not even German.

>> No.10435047

Why learn Latin and Ancient Greek?

I just have a special interest in those example works of literature; Egyptian sounds amazing and Old English is more poetic

>> No.10435062


Finished first semester of mandarin at school. Surprised my Chinese coworker yesterday who was repeatedly saying beautiful, I said"漂亮". she say HOW YOU KNOW PIAOLIANG?

because china #1 of course i know piaoliang

>> No.10435365

there's this thing called "fun" people tend to indulge in. I don't get it either.

>> No.10435409

Is your German any good? Most people hate talking to someone who can't speak very well and will by default speak in the language that makes communication easier. If you go to the Netherlands is quite hard to get people to speak Dutch because everyone English is so good.

>> No.10435838

>Japanese prose.

Kek. Chink Languages are garbage tier for expressing profundity and richness of thought/idea compares to English or European languages.

>> No.10435845

Edith Piaf you cock. She’s actually really good too. Also Mireille Matthieu for similar style. She was a qt in her prime.

>> No.10435855


>> No.10435859

Germany is a literal shit hole. German people are massive assholes. Learn French or Italian. If you’re intelligent, try Russian.

>> No.10435883

learning any non european language is likely to be useless for almost everyone.

that is not to confirm negative chinese stereotypes. but unless you have a very specific use for it, you're going to fail

>> No.10435909

Learning german to read literature and philosophy, not to talk to germans lol

>> No.10436015


Get a gf or bf who speaks the language

>> No.10436023

How hard is Korean compared to those other languages of yours?

>> No.10436091

in order of difficulty for a native english speaker it should be

>> No.10436220
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>not full of assholes

>> No.10436531

fuck, I'm Polish and I much prefer speaking German to English, even though I suck at it. It just has much easier pronunciation. English pronunciation is fucking awkward, no wonder there's so many varieties of it.

>> No.10436695

>Egyptian sounds amazing

That's cool, man. Did you learn Coptic with the Greek script?

>> No.10436714

Actually, I learned hieroglyphics first. I'm currently working on the Coptic the traditional way

>> No.10436725

Impressive. Aren't there two ways of reading a hieroglyph and it's a major pain in the ass? Are you at grad or post-grad level?

>> No.10436746

You're partially correct.

The Egyptian's wisely grouped the hieroglyphs together as to not confuse the reader. Recto-verso, being the most common way of reading the script, usually holds certain symbols in order.

It's a lot of knowing patterns, the determatives, and the myths

Also; I'm self taught. I don't go out often

>> No.10437557
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Guy living in Japan who reads Japanese at a high level here. Currently reading Killing Commendatore, about 200 pages to go (It's like 1,000 pages).

I can tell you that you are not really missing much by reading Murakami only in translation, to be real honest. I don't get much of different feeling at all with the Japanese. It's still neat and enjoyable and I will never read a Japanese author in English at this point, but it's not a radically different experience, particularly as Memeakami is concerned.

That said there is a character in 'Commendatore' who speaks strangely and I am very intrigued to see how they will speak in the English version. The way of speaking can't really be translated smoothly into English. I'll definitely flip though the English one to check when it drops.

Mishima is quite difficult when it comes to description. The page will be littered with furigana and we're talking a grown up book. Actions and dialogue aren't too bad usually but descriptions holy shit.

I've been thinking about trying Russian for literary purposes. Not sure if I should though. I've heard Dutch is easy to learn for English speakers but I don't really have any reason to do it.

So you have good command of Japanese and can speak on this from a position of authority, correct?

>> No.10437749

What is the best language for lit purposes after English? French?

>> No.10437754

Russian for nearly 2 years now. I've only really learned to read as I'm autistic and people on italki are very needy. I would have advanced much faster had I actually spoken to people, but well, it was just a project to fill the free time I had when I was unemployed. I'm doing pretty well, I can read essentially any blog post or day to day communication as easily as english. I have to lean heavily on a dictionary for harder things though.

Have recently also taken up Latin, which I'm advancing through pretty fast. It's quite easy having come from Russian, as the cases (except ablative) are all intuitive to me now, and an English speaker can intuit a fair bit of the words anyway. Hoping to crack at Bellico gallico sometime around march/feb

>> No.10437755 [DELETED] 

Catalan. It's fucking badass but confusing as shit.

>> No.10437782

latin or greek

>> No.10437825

Spanish. Read Don Quijote in the original languaje. After that, there are better books than that; read anything from Quevedo (although you need a deep comprehension of the languaje to undersand it).

>> No.10437964

German, have been focusing on listening, noticing patterns etc. Studying a bit of proper grammar daily. It seems quite easy so far, all I have to do really is learn vocabulary. I've heard some people sperg about articles, genders etc., but it doesn't seem that hard really. I want to read some German authors as soon as possible, but both because of difficulty and interest I'll probably start with folklore, such as Brüder Grimm. I wonder how long until I can tackle Goethe

>> No.10438005

Can I ask you what you are using as far as books or other resources. What is a good beginner German book?

>> No.10438065

Why? Don't you want to be deployed to China to live among insectoid streetshitters?

>> No.10438082

Check out La Haine for film. It’s great, though the French is very “slangy.”

For books, I’m almost finished with Gide’s La Stmphonie Pastorale, and I’m loving it. Lots of cool ideas about philosophy, theology, human nature, and love. Also, the French is simple enough for an intermediate/low advanced learner to get through without too much aid from a dictionary. As for music, my favorite francophone band is probably Les Cowboys Fringants (quebecois folk-rock), but I also like Charles Aznavour and Jacque Brel.

>> No.10438089

Cable6 dot net is a 4chan-like French website. Unfortunately, it’s more scarcely populated than /po/. You would be better served by just frequenting the /fr/ threads on /int/ (if American, they are most active from the morning until around 2 or 3 pm). For an online dictionary, always use Larousse. It’s definitely the best, and it has encyclopedia entries as well.

>> No.10438121

Do any anons know any Latin language music or movies or such? I know about The Passion of Christ and Sebastiane, is there anything else?

>> No.10438170


Is Sebastiane that gay porno?

>> No.10438207

Mein Neger.

>> No.10438254
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>> No.10438258

definitely on the spectrum

>> No.10438267

>because china #1
Ok we get it Lee Xiao Zhingbing

>> No.10438268

I read simplified German newspapers from /int/ sticky and passively listen to German TV on Kodi

>> No.10438278
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>> No.10438280

I think there's no actual sodomy shoen on screen but yeah the whole thing is 200% gay.

>> No.10438370

I've been reading news and kraut chans to get used to the "flow" of German, as well as using Duolingo and some other apps on my phone(DeutschLernen and Memrise). I'm not properly following a book because I don't have time to do so right now, but based on recommendations I got pdfs for the following grammar books:
An Essential Grammar - Bruce Donaldson
Modern German Grammar, a practical guide - Dodd, Eckhard-Black, Klapper and Whittle

When I have the time to do so I'll read the same subject on all of them at the same time, hopefully it accelerates learning. For now I've been learning some stuff from the wiki on German grammar for an intro to the subject. Browse the kraut chans and you'll eventually get some links to news sites.

>> No.10438385
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>> No.10438397
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This made me want to learn hungarian

>> No.10438857

I'm interested in learning Russian and Chinese, but I'd like to learn to play the recorder first.

>> No.10438886


>> No.10439370

What do you respond when someone says that learning another language (excluding spanish and english) will have zero practical bonuses?

Just feels like a waste of time honestly.

>> No.10439392

it can be true. it can be false. the correlate is precisely related to your interests, job, and propensity to go outside

I think many of the people suggesting it also believe there is no benefit to learning finance

I'd generally call them idiots, but for them, learning finance or a language is probably not likely to benefit htem at all. so they are correct.

>> No.10439850

As an American guy with a college degree, is there any desirable country where learning their language would let me get a job and live there?

>> No.10439877

The only languages you need are latin, ancient greek and russian.

>> No.10439913

Do you fart sniffers actually study Latin and Ancient Greek?

>> No.10440143

any good dansk resources for a beginner? I'm going with duolingo and a few places from the /int/ wiki and reading some shit on wikipedia.

>> No.10440243

Korean. I'm proficient in Hebrew as well but I need to brush up. Also been working on Aramaic since it's similar to Hebrew.

>> No.10440254

Korea. Depends on what you do, but I know English teachers are needed.

>> No.10441176

Not really what I meant, you don't need to know Korean to be an English teacher in Korea.

>> No.10441242

I've been learning chinese for a while now and am going to study at a chinese University to get more fluent. I can already have convos in Mandarin about topics like food, politics, society, etc. but have a hard time using chinese to talk about Confucianist and daoist influences on society or classics I might have read in English like water margin or red chamber.

Does anyone have advice for chinese movies, tv, audio (podcasts, music, or audiobooks) that are more conversational and "slangy" in tone? I know the essentials but it would be nice to be able to communicate well with college students more informally. I'm at the point I just need to grind away and spend more of my day trying to understand putonghua. Maybe then I can pull in a non-rainy chinese gf

>> No.10441273

you aren't going to learn if you don't have a gf. this is just a fact.

you can try dl'ing the (09?) version of sanguoshi. it is good.

chinese has a dearth of media bc of the censorship. I think the result is more good than bad, but if you are looking for engaging content it ight be harder

>> No.10441540

I have learned German as a young kid by watching cartoons on my own because our TV had the channels installed on it, and I never touched it again. I am learning it again (or maybe just trying to strenghten it), and I don't exactly know what kind of learning technique is challenging enough but not too hard.

Basically, I can understand 99% of spoken language when I watch TV (I am currently watching the synchronized version of Friends without subtitles, and apart from the god-afwul translation of the context of the jokes I am getting everything), I can also understand a lot of written text, but I can't connect three sentences without stuttering...
Yeah - I almost never use it when I speak.
Danke fur jeder Hilfe.

Apart from that is it a good technique to learn Spanish going through duolingo, and then googling for certain words on spanish dict and going thorugh their sencentce examples to solidify the knowledge.

Also, where can I start learning spanish?

>> No.10441542

>Also, where can I start learning spanish?
This should be where can I start learning Japanese. sorry

>> No.10442661

is there a daily natty limit to how much you can study a language?

>> No.10442777

I traying to learn french and italian, i love those fucking lenguage

>> No.10442828

Я yчy pyccкий язык yжe дeвять мecяцeв :^)

>> No.10443003

>not more of a shithole than Germany

>> No.10443019

Who cares? The people who say shit like that are often the same ones spending hours watching brainless TV or movies every night with no intellectual benefit at all.

If you enjoy it, it's not a waste of time. Those people just can't understand that for some, studying is fun.

>> No.10443111

Not anything atm (other than practising my English and German by shitposting), but I plan on improving my French soon. I'm starting a bachelor's degree in foreign languages (German + ???) next year.

>> No.10443133

I'm learning english while I shitpost on this board. Any advice to improve my skills?

>> No.10443143
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Shitpost more.

>> No.10443153

Yes. Give that the whole fucking globe speaks English find a skype partner and voicechat. Best thing you can do if you're fluent, also read for vocabulary.

>> No.10443589

/djt/ on /jp/ or /int/ has a good guide

>> No.10443643

German,Hungarian and Turkish.

>> No.10443649

turkish. dear god. are you trying to get beheaded

>> No.10443665

Why? I think it would benefit me more where i live.

>> No.10443679

greece? poland?

dear god

>> No.10443691

>these posts

>> No.10443712

>learning turkish
embarassing. you sound like a middle office state bureaucrat that derives the entirety of his value from his office.

there is nearly 0 free market value to turkish

and before you call me some sort of evil capitalist you said "it'll benefit me"

yeah? because of the government. only.

>> No.10443722

I'm not the guy you were talking to earlier retard
I was commenting on your tone
myself personally I'm learning japanese, french and classical arabic purely because they interest me

>> No.10444339

3-4 hours

>> No.10444357

German for reading is very good

>> No.10444413

We have a /lang/ thread there with resources included

>> No.10444743

>start learning Japanese

It's pretty hard to avoid the Genki books. They are a bit dry, not always the most natural in terms of the language used in the conversations and very much skimp on kanji but they are the standard and serviceable. Just study the grammar pages and learn the vocabulary lists and study the conversations. Skip the activities, they're designed for classroom use and are boring.

Get Genki I and II and work though them.

For a more lively supplement to Genki, get "Japanese the Manga Way." This is a great beginner book. It uses example sentences pulled from a manga panel to teach each grammar point. Language use is a lot more natural and honest than Genki. My only small complaints about it are its use of Romaji throughout and it's a bit overly explainy. The author does this weird thing where he gives you two translations of each sentence, one that is an often wonky sounding more literal translation and then a natural translation. The wonky one is generally not necessary or helpful.

Start learning kanji immediately. Most Japanese schools/classes and beginner resources heavily de-emphasize kanji.

I have heard good things about WaniKani. Never tried it myself as I was already too advanced with kanji by the time it came out for it to be worth it for me.

>> No.10444770

Same guy here.

For kanji I cannot recommend this book enough if you can get your hands on it. It's probably not available outside Japan though.

tinyurl dot com slash y7ownoj6

The book lists the kanji in order of their use starting with the most common. It lists important information for each kanji including whether it's Joyo, what year of elementary school it's taught in if it's an elementary school kanji, JLPT level, Kanji Kentei Level, and whether it's just a kanji used in names.

The common meme is learning the Joyo Kanji list. While you should eventually, do not think in these terms when you are a beginner.

The kanji learned in elementary school (which is about 1/2 the Joyo list) account for more than 90% of all kanji used in newspaper. If you learn this 1000 something kanji you will be 90% of the way there. The other 1000 is 10% of the puzzle.

>> No.10444924

There is the kodansha's kanji learner's course, which is a similar book but in english
It's good and I'm pretty sure the pdf is on the /djt/ resources spreadsheet

>> No.10445008
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Here is a shot I took of the inside of the book I linked. It's not fully bilingual, but at least the vocabulary are which is the most important thing. That they also manage to pack in three example sentences per kanji.

>> No.10445017
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yeah they're pretty similar

>> No.10445159

Oh by the way for any Japanese beginners. Someone I know recently asked me about Tofugu's e-textbook and if I ever tried it when I was starting out. I did actually. Tofugu are the same guys who made WaniKani which I guess is fantastic but like I said I don't know. The Textfugu e-book is a nice effort but leaves quite a bit to be desired in retrospect, imho.

I didn't like how it did kanji, and seemed contradictory in a sense. Basically, the author says that you should not worry about writing and stroke order which I actually agree with, but he decides to present kanji by stroke order, starting with the simplest stroke order instead of focusing on rate of use. This is to aid his method of really emphasizing radicals and mnemonics which I just never found super necessary for me. Radicals are useful to know mainly to help you discern a characters meaning and distinguish it more easily from other very similar characters, but I never needed mnemonic stuff to get the meaning down.

The author is also not a native speaker and/or qualified Japanese educator or professor. He made some rookie mistakes. One thing I remember is how he never taught the construction ないです.

Tofugu are now creating a successor to Textfugu called EtoEto, so I'll probably check it out if they have advanced materials given what I've heard about WaniKani.

Tae Kim's Guide is also a popular option for beginners. I looked at it a little when I was a beginner, it seemed alright and I learned some stuff, but I have heard it criticized. I don't know.

>> No.10445285


>> No.10445309

There seems to be a lot of good resources there but if you're a beginner I would still recommend simply working through Genki I and II and Japanese the Manga Way. For kanji just go here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ky%C5%8Diku_kanji

Do between 3-5 a day, and you'll be done in a little less than a year, and that means 90% of the way there with kanji in less than a year.

Most straightforward beginner path imho.

>> No.10445336

And what to learn how to speak english, I'm ok at understanding written texts but listening and answering is very different, any tips for learning english as a second language?

>> No.10445350

immerse yourself
for other languages it's more difficult, but english is easy to immerse yourself in

>> No.10445668

Is this your personal limit? I was wondering if there is a point of diminishing returns when it comes to studying a language.

>> No.10445747
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Bэл дaн, мaй caн :]

>> No.10445817

I think that’s a limit for studying in general. Especially because studying should be spaced out 3-4 hours occurs over 8-12 hours

>> No.10446662


Thank you for devoting time to write all of that up! I will check everything, especially the link you posted, and the books (if I can find them on torrent sites)

>> No.10448441

motivation is a temporary once in a while boost

discipline is the one true way

>> No.10448453

How to chose among the gorilion number of dialects?

>> No.10448550
File: 123 KB, 399x750, E9E07A4E-1E97-4230-B0D2-CF7632900FAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German and Russian. Also trying to fix my Latin and use it more, as it’s getting really fucking rusty, sucks knowing that you’re getting worse at a language bc you’ve neglected it for so long man, feelsbad.jpg

>> No.10449082

I've been looking for this image a long time ago, God bless you Anon and Merry Christmas

>> No.10449169

is that supposed to be easier

>> No.10450381

If you're still checking this post: finding Russian vocab difficult to learn is, I think, very natural. I study ab initio Russian at a very very prestigious, so in theory I'm surrounded by people who are the best possible candidates for learning a new language and are incredibly smart. One guy in my class knows 8 languages. But we ALL find Russian vocab hard. It leaves your head instantly, and all looks the same. Our tutor says it will get easier with time, so I guess just stick with it.

You are probably not a retard

>> No.10450385

**a very prestigious university

>> No.10451155

Which major relevant languages (not like an obscure African language) have the hardest pronunciation fpr an English speaker and which have the easiest?

>> No.10451161

Polish I've heard is pretty difficult

>> No.10451342

Well you can consider English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Arabic and probably Chinese relevant and useful nowadays, out of those I would guess Chinese or any other chink flavor of the month language

>> No.10451366

For Pronunciation
Hardest - Probably tonal languages such as Cantonese or Vietnamese
Easiest - Probably Italian or Spanish - everything is pronounced as it is spelt once you know the rules, French German and Dutch all have (it seems like) more phonetically new sounds.

>> No.10452257

i've heard that HSK level 6 covers quite abit of the classics so that might be a good starting point

what resources have you been using to learn chinese so far?

>> No.10452267

How do you guys not get psychotically lonely and retreat to whatever will distract your mind for dear life every time you try to study something you don't know

>> No.10452464

Trying to learn german, I'm baby tier, trying to get to a somewhat acceptable level, I own like a hundred german books and I think it's time I started reading them. Wanna use media to expose myself to the language and do some passive learning for when I'm not studying. Any recommended movies, music and series?

>> No.10452846

Irish, Finnish, and French
Kill me

>> No.10453324

Japanese pronunciation is very easy for a native English speaker. There are only five vowels and virtually all the sounds except the tapped R are in English. Of course it's not to say that you will ever sound like a native Japanese but basically unlike say, Chinese, where you may very well not be understood based on shitty pronunciation and intonation alone, thats generally not a problem with Japanese.

>> No.10453386


>> No.10453391

You can find movies, music yourself with a bit of googling, what I do recommend is a book, German for reading by Sandberg

>> No.10454959

I'm assuming you're irish then? I am too, got a very solid foundation of irish in primary, never touched it again unti lmy 20s but I find it's extremely easy for me to learn. Got a 70 ish inb my leaving cert french just by listening in french too. Finnish tho, fuck man good luck.

>> No.10455159

What is there to read in Finnish besides the Kalevala and The Unknown Soldier?

>> No.10455210

Spanish. I started learning it last November and can read it now even though I have to look up a lot of words. I'm on Part 4 of 2666, so a little over a third of the way through. I'm not translating in my head anymore, and my accent isn't too awful. I speak slowly as fuck, though, and can understand about a third to half of spoken Spanish, so I need to work on that the most.

>> No.10455280

I'm learning georgian, it's p cool