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/lit/ - Literature

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10426915 No.10426915 [Reply] [Original]

Post your literary wish list.

>> No.10426922

i literally wish for one of those measuring cup sets with tea spoon measurements, table spoon, deciliter and so on. feel really unsure when i'm baking so i need one of those.

>> No.10426928

You guys know most paperbacks are under 20 bucks, right? Like seriously just stop spending so much money on weed ffs.

>> No.10426977

In denmark they cost about 30/40 bucks new - but i go to school for free.

>> No.10426983

Collected works Evan Dara, obviously.

>> No.10427000

Santa, could I please have a kindle oasis? Thanks m8

>> No.10427032
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These trips, also pic related in hard cover

>> No.10427044

a literary gf

>> No.10427048

I’m almost sure my sister is going to gift me The Brothers Karamazov

I’m not from Denmark but I can relate

>> No.10427053

Get the ThriftBooks app, get almost any book for under four dollars, free shipping. I spent way too much money on books before I found this.

>> No.10427674

Plato Complete works

>> No.10428248

Emerson's journals. Been looking at the LOA editions.

>> No.10428257

Is there a hardcover? I just got this edition and I know it's gonna fall apart in a couple years.

>> No.10428401

Bill Hopkins Divine and the Decay

>> No.10428471

I don't wish for anything because I know I won't get any gifts and too poor to buy something myself.
Embrace cynism.

>> No.10428504

>Decline of the West hardcover
>really expensive Secret Teachings of All Ages with the engravings that goes for hundreds of dollars
>Junger's complete works
>Kierkegaard's complete works in hardcover
>N's complete works in hardcover
>Joyce's complete works in hardcover
>Heidegger's complete works, including essays in hardcover
>Illiad and Odyssey with original Greek attached, translated by someone competent in hardcover
>The original woodblocks for the Blue Cliff record that Yuanwu burned
>The manuscripts recovered form the Nag Hammadi library
>Manly Hall's alchemical manuscript collection
>the Vatican Archives, the whole thing
>Leatherbound KJ bible in old english
>Illustrated, hardcover Book of Urizen and Marriage of Heaven and Hell, Tiriel etc
>hardcover Redwall collection for my children to read
>Don Quixote hardcover
>Zhuangzi, hardcover, competent translation, w/original Chinese attached
>Daodejing scrolls, regardless if I can read them
>complete Nikayas in original sanskrit
>complete Upanishads, Vedas and Vedic epics in hardcover with analogue Sanskrit accompanying them
>book of Matthew, John and Revelation in original Greek
>Paradise Lost hardcover, with illustrations
>complete works of Han-shan w/Chinese attached
>all of Red Pine and the Cleary brothers' translations
>Mein Kampf original runs, hardcover and also adequately translated companion
>Tractatus Logico Philosophicus, original run manuscripts
>The Ethics in Latin hardcover
>to see what was burned by the Christfags and Muzzies in Alexandria
>Gilgamesh in original Sumerian tablet form
>translations of the ancient Turkic scripts they keep finding and other West and Central Asian PIE and proto-european tablets, engravings etc
>Book of the Dead tablets with perfect translations
>Accurate translation book for ancient Egyptian
>Crowley's complete works in hardcover
>Dante original manuscripts for the The Divine Comedy
>Meditations in Latin
>Hesse's diary
>uncensored Goebell's diary
>Freud's notes and diary
>classified OSS reports on Hitler's whereabouts post-war
>CIA archives about the aliens
if anyone wants to do this for me i'd be eternally grateful in every incarnation form here on out.